34. My heart belongs only to you...

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A long time na, since I updated this story...

How did I forget to update this story .. 😱😱😱😱😱... Short term memory loss I guess....

A very big sorry for coming up very late.. please do forgive me... I don't know, how I missed to update this story... 😞😞😞😞.... May be the votes didn't turned up as I expected, it seems...

My sincere apologies for making you all to wait this much long... I will try to come up the earliest, if the votes too come up soon...


      Happy!!!         Happy!!!

Happy news!!!!

"From the day I met you" has become my 3rd story to cross
4000+ votes after loving husband and Arrogancy Vs attitude....

Thanks to all the constant supporting voting buddies for making it possible to reach this milestone in just
33 chapters....

Hope this continues till the story ends...

No more blah blahs

Lets move to shot. 34:

Abhi and pragya are chit chatting and is planning about the college trip...

   Abhi: Any plans for tomorrow??? How about shopping fuggy ??? Have to buy some cool stuffs... Who knows, I can see my dream girl there or someone may fall for my charms too...

Ouchhhh... 😭😭😭😭.... What's this fuggy... Why did you kick my legs with your heels and why are you punching my stomach, as if I'm your punching bag....

Aahhhh... 😭😭😭😭... Stupid girl... It's paining a lot... Now a days, you are becoming too rude fuggy... This is unfair...

Pragya glares at Abhi and yells to the top of her lungs: Shut up... You idiot... 😬😬😬😬... How dare you ... Thank god that I'm in a good mood today... If not, I would have killed you....

Behave properly Abhi... Remember you are a strict professor and not a heart throb of the college or a flirty guy to flirt and impress the girls... Keep this in your thick headed skull...

Dare to do anything which annoys me, I don't mind to kick you wherever you are, forgetting the fact you are our professor too... Got it... 😠😠😠😠

Abhi: oh my God!!!! Now a days, you are getting too much violent... For heavens sake, remember  I'm your professor and  not your student... You are threatening your professor ... Too bad fuggy.. 

Pragya: No.. I'm not threatening my professor, but I'm warning my best buddy Abhi... Let me see... If you pull up any such stupid students, I won't do anything to you... Rather , I will kill those girls , who tries to eye on you...

Abhi: You are hell adamant to spoil a virgin bachelor's happy life na... 😞😞😞😞... I too wish to have a love life , marry my dream girl and settle in life na sweet heart... Show some mercy on me baby girl... please... Please...

I too want to be loved by a girl madly and possessively and I too have to feel right that there is a girl, who is very crazy on me and can do anything to get me ..

Abhi purposely talks eyeing Pragya with a teasing smirk lingering in his face.... The words of Abhi in turn pricks Pragya's heart, making her eyes to moisten all of a sudden...

Pragya bites her trembling lips and she takes deep breaths to calm herself down, so that she can control her sobs.... Pragya doesn't wish to broke down in front of Abhi and to beg for Abhi's love...

Abhi gasps in shock on seeing Pragya getting saddened all of a sudden and he can clearly see the precious pearls in her eyes , which are hell adamant to come down from those doe shaped, mesmerizing eyes which has pure love on him...

Abhi stammers on seeing Pragya's state and he mentally curses himself for teasing his fuggy too much... He entwins his fingers with Pragya's fingers and looks at her in a apologizing way  and pleading for her mercy...

Abhi: Sorry fuggy... Just I played with you... Don't you know about me... I won't do anything that bothers you... It's a promise from your Abhi.. Please smile na sweety...

That's like my cute, darling fuggy...No more tears sweetie... Alright... Lets go tomorrow for shopping and you are only going to chose what im going to wear... Okay...

Don't glare at me... I'm going to wear that only to please my fuggy... Happy now... Oops.... How did  I forget this matter... I have a big surprise and happy news for you fuggy...

Pragya flutters her eyes and her lip curved to a bright smile, as if Abhi gonna propose his love to her... Her cheeks turns red as Abhi nears her very closer... His hot breath tickles her senses as Abhi's lips came closer to her ears....

Abhi whispers: Fuggy... I know how much you will be worried , as we are going for one week trip na...

Pragya looks at Abhi quizzily: What's there to worry Abhi... You are going to come with us only na...

Abhi: Im not talking about me... I know you will be worried about Bulbul na... So, I got special permission from principal so that Bulbul can also accompany us in our trip...

As she is also a college student's  committee member, it's not hard for me to convince the principal , as I said that I will allocate the responsibilities to all the committee members equally...

As I'm the only professor coming with your batch, the principal too agreed and he also want to do this for you , to appreciate your hardwork... So you no need to worry about that and you can be happy darling...

Pragya doesn't know what to say to Abhi .. Already she is in a big turmoil as how come she gonna face her three idiots Arjun (ajju), Aaliya (honey) and purab (Pooh).... Now adding to her misery, bulbul (pie ) is also joining them...

Pragya sighs as how can she tell Abhi that the four will watch her as a watchdog , if she spends time with abhi and also she is not in a mood to entertain any sentimental dramas created by them, asking for forgiveness....

Pragya's pov:

God... What this stupid abhi has done... I wish to be in peace atleast for a week and spend my time nicely with my abhi... Even I planned to send the three idiots to another batch but this idiot abhi has spoiled everything ...

😱😱😱😱😱.... Im going to have a tough time in this trip for sure... I don't want abhi to know anything that happened between us... How can I tell abhi that Im not in talking terms with bulbul...

Aargh... What am I going to do now... I cant say the matter to abhi as I  don't want to stress him  much... God.... Please save me... Just this two months.... I shouldn't be caught by anyone....

Abhi... I need to tell a lot to you... I want to shout out that I love you very madly rather than you expected... I know you are purposely teasing me sensing what's in my heart na...

Dumbo... Can't he be a man and propose me... What is he waiting for hun???... Wait wait... Is he scared that Iv a puppy love??? But his eyes, his behaviour and his talks are saying a different story to me na...

Whatever... I dont mind... My heart belongs  only to you abhi .. Just two months professor sir.... The last day of my exam is your final d day.... Better say your love to me before that... If you didn't confess your feelings to me, I will kidnap you for sure....

Pragya comes out of her trance as abhi snapped his fingers to brought her back to earth... They chit chat for sometime and drives back to their houses...


The next morning, Abhi wakes up early and quickly dressed up and comes down... Tanu, Nikhil and aaliya are stunned to see abhi early in morning as they all know that abhi won't wake up before lunch on sundays...

Abhi: Good morning guys... What happened??? Why you all are looking at me as if Iv grown horns??? You guys are not dreaming... Im for real only...

😂😂😂😂😂... I know... Im in black dress... Don't have some goofy imaginations as if I will turn as a vampire and all... See I don't have fangs and don't worry my teeth won't grow big and I won't suck your blood guys... Believe me...

Nikhil: Abhi bhai... You are fine na... Nothing wrong in your health na... Shall we go to doctor???

Abhi: What the hell... Im way too fine... Why are you are questioning me like this nikhil???

Nikhil: No bhai... You are up so early and you are cracking jokes too... Wondering are you really my abhi bhai...

Abhi: Kya yaar... I used to wake up early na... Is it wrong or a sin, if I say jokes??? Nikhil you are irritating me too much man...

Tanu interrupts: Sorry jiju... its not like that... Today is sunday na... So only...

Abhi: Iv an important work... So Im up early... If your interrogations are over, can I have my breakfast... Haan by the way Tanu, I will be back for dinner only...

Aaliya: Bhai... Can I... Can I go out today??? My fiance wishes to take me out...

Abhi looks here and there and starts to eat his food without minding aaliya's query too...

Aaliya: Abhi bhai... Im asking you only... whom are you searching... Please tell me na... Can I go????

Abhi: Oh you are asking me... 😂😂😂😂... I thought you are asking nikhil.. Ask nikhil and Tanu, if they are okay you can go... There is no objection from my side... When did I stopped you aaliya????

Aaliya: Bhai still you are angry on me right... Why are you not understanding me bhai??? That pragya is not at all suitable for you.. My dolly is..

Abhi yells: Stop right over there... Not a word more aaliya... I don't want to hear anything... If you all treat me as your brother, stop poking nose in my life..

Im not a small baby... I accept, I did a big mistake in the past... But trust me, I won't repeat the mistake ever again in my life... If you want your brother to have a happy life, stop enforcing your wants and wishes on me...

Nikhil... Tanu... Aaliya... Listen carefully... I know pretty well what Iv do... Iv not interrupted in anyone's life and never enforced my rights as the elder of this family..  Even till this date, I didn't meet Aaliya's fiance too...

I trust you all and I expect you all to trust me too... So, better to stay in your limits...  Make up your minds to welcome my love as your bhabhi... If not too, I won't mind.... But forget that you have a brother...

Abhi gets up without having food too... Tanu, nikhil and aaliya pleads abhi to have food... He walks away angrily picking up his wallet and car keys...

Nikhil: What's this honey??? Why did you start the topic again??? See bhai left angrily without eating too... You are complicating everything honey... Rather than making plans to unite them, you are creating negative thoughts about pragya...

Aaliya: No bhai... You are not understanding what am I upto... Wait n watch... The days are not far... Who knows a miracle can happen in this trip too...

All starts have food discussing what are the things to be done from their side to unite abhi and pragya....


Ajju, pooh, pie and honey are busy buying stuffs for the college trip... Purab is a bit sad  that he has to miss his pie for a whole week and is not showing any interest to buy things... Purab  is looking like a devasted soul and reacting as if someone has snatched his love from him...

Aaliya: what happened pooh??? Why are you sulking like this??? God... Smile atleast man.... You face looks horrible...

Purab: How can I be happy, honey???  Pie won't come with us na... I will miss her surely in this trip....

Bulbul: Aww... My cute pooh... Love you so much... Im so sorry... I forget to tell you all.. yesterday night, Pragya di texted me that Im joining in your batch for the trip as Abhishek sir has thought pragya di will be worried to leave me alone....

Purab: Oh my god!!!! Im so so happy.... Oohoo... For the first time in my life, Im liking that Hitler for doing this great favour for me....

Arjun: A small correction pooh... Abhishek sir done everything only for our dolly's happiness ...

Aaliya: Yes... Im so so happy as bhai is doing such things to make our dolly happy... I told you na guys... No one believed me...  Aaliya mehra never fails in her plans....

Arjun: Of course...  My honey is always the best... 😱😱😱😱😱😱 .. Holy crap... We are trapped and dead today.... Honey.... I think today is the last day of our meeting... Who knows our marriage too can get stopped.... 😞😞😞😞

Aaliya: Why are you blabbering like this ajju... What happened??? Why are you over reacting all of a sudden???

Arjun with a shocked face points his fingers towards a direction... All looks over there and are completely startled to see Abhi entering the same boutique to buy dresses...

They are gasping to get their breaths and are trembling in fear that what will they do if abhi caught them... Arjun holds aaliya's hand possessively and he is not in a mood to be away from her at any cost....

They hides and looks for ways to escape from the boutique without being caught by abhi... They were way too shocked to see pragya too coming along with him... They stealthily looks at what the duo is doing.....

They were stunned to see a very care free abhi who is playing, pranking and teasing pragya... The way they look at each other, the way they show their possessiveness and love while choosing the dresses makes their eyes to well up with happy tears...

Aaliya couldn't control her happiness and squeals all of a sudden making everyone to gasp in shock and all the eyes in the boutique turns their attention towards her.... Arjun hits his head for aaliya's stupidity while purab and bulbul are trembling in fear...


The next day,

Honey, pooh and ajju are gulping their saliva very hard as the goofy grin of their dolly (pragya) brings some negative vibes inside them...

Abhi enters the class with a rigid and stern face and the trio are trembling in fear... They are stunned as abhi asks them to get up...


So what's going to happen next???

Did abhi saw aaliya and arjun, purab and bulbul together????

What is abhi upto????

What is aaliya going to do in the trip to make abhi and pragya to confess each other???


Get ready guys for the masti and entertaining trip....

All your participation is hugely appreciated and Im ready to add your wishes which you all wish to see in the trip....

As usual came up with a long update of 2575+ words...

Not proof read...

Sorry for errors and mistakes...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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