36. All is Love and the Love is you...

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Happy... Happy... Happy news....

Words can't explain my happiness...

It's a wonderful feeling and you all made me to feel that I'm writing something good enough...

Very happy to inform you all that this story "From the day I met you" has won the second prize in Best multi character story in Abhigya Awards 2018....

Thanks to everyone who voted for this story and dedicating this victory to every single reader of this story...

Here is my winning certificate and the winning sticker in my cover...

Thank you once again for all your love and support to me and to my stories.... I hope it continues further too...


Now coming back to our story....

😂😂😂😂😂 Again I did it... Oohoo...

No one guessed what's cooking in my mind...

I wonder why all thought that Pragya will go and sit with her friends all of a sudden... Do you all think Pragya will forgive her friends very easily... She is one thick headed girl....

And coming to Abhi... 😂😂😂...
Again its a wrong guess...

Okay okay... Don't scold me... It's all in the game man... Just chill up and enjoy the show 😉😉😉😉...

So shall we go and  see... Nah nah... Go and read what's going on...

14 more shots to go to wrap up this story .. So, a total of 50 chapters in a whole....


I love my eyes when you look into them... I love my name when you say it... I love my heart when you touch it... I love my life when you are in it...

The best thing I've ever done in my life is that I fell for you and I  am loving you crazily like anything... Its my pleasure that I have given my heart to you...

Meeting you is decided by my good fate... Making friendship with you is the self made good chance... But loving you is the best ever thing which I have done wholeheartedly...


Ajju , honey and pooh are in a biggest trouble as their Hitler professor gave them much works as they have been messing up in the class again and again without their knowledge....

As the class in which they are studying has the most of the college committe members, only their hitler Abhishek sir is accompaying them in the trip...

Its unanimously decided by the administration committee that the professors along with the college committe members have to look after for all the arrangements like food, shelter n other needed things for their travel...

The college administration  takes the responsibility to look after their travel arrangements n other needed stuffs and also for the safety and security needs of all the studnets...

But the three poor souls ajju, pooh and honey are in a big trouble because they are the biggest target for their hitler and he purposely gave all the difficult tasks to  them much to the displeasure of pragya...

Though pragya is against this and begging abhi not to trouble them like this , abhi warns her to stay out of this matter as this punishment is really needed for them to make them to behave properly in the class in near future....


All the students were happily enjoying and dancing in glee and taking up their seats in their respective buses for the trip....  While ajju, pooh and pie are sulking and cursing their Hitler professor for purposely giving them with loads of work to punish them....

Pooh: I hate this hitler professor.... 😬😬😬😬😬.... He is purposely torchuring us... Aahhhhh... Mummyyyy... 😭😭😭😭... My back is paining heavily... Rather than romancing my pie, Im doing all these stupid works....

Aargh.... Im looking no less than a servant... I hate this idiot hitler 😬😬😬😬.... Do hell with him... Iv to teach him a good lesson... How dare he to mess up with this purab khanna... I will take my revenge for sure in this trip.... 😡😡😡😡😡

Purab / pooh in anger and frustration forgets the fact that their hitler professor Abhishek is none other than his bestie aaliya's own brother and arjun's to be brother in law and soon to be husband of their dolly/pragya....

Purab yelps in heavy pain as he is badly hitted by arjun in his head....

Purab: aaaahhhhh...  😭😭😭😭... What the hell... 😬😬😬😬.... You stupid ajju... Why did you banged on my head idiot???

Already Im in pain... You are digging my grave man.... See I don't want to die as a virgin... If I die too, I will come as a ghost and threaten you in your suhagraat..

Remember, you will stay as a virgin all your life as I won't allow you to near honey at any time... But my poor honey...  So sad for her.... Poor soul... 😔😔😔😔

Never mind... My revenge will be fulfilled na... Hoye... Why are you staring at me like this ajju... Look at your love honey..

Arjun: Idiot...  what you have in your dumb head... Is it made up of only clay??? Don't you have any common sense pooh... As a committee member, we have to do all this right.. Don't you know that...

How dare you to talk against Abhishek sir like this pooh... Remember he is not only our professor, he is honey's brother.... Won't she feel bad, if you ill treat her brother like this....

Aaliya: Never mind that Ajju... Im not feeling anything bad... Even Im cursing this stupid brother ... Nah nah... The hitler professor who is hell adamant to torture us... If it's not for our dolly, I would have kicked him black and blue....

For heavens sake remember that he is not my darling brother who loves me unconditionally and can do anything for me.... This man here is only our arrogant and irritating professor... So, its between the students and the professor.... So, Im with you pooh...

Purab: Wow... That's like my honey.... Ajju... Learn something from my darling.... See... She is also supporting me... Lets team up against the Hitler and implement to take our revenge for torturing and troubling us...

Pooh and honey hi-fied irking ajju to the core...

Ajju: You two will never grow up... Idiots.... But hold on to your tongues properly... If our dolly hears all this nonsense talks, she will smash us hardly....

So, shut down your blabbers and do the works before we get any more punishments...


Bulbul enters the bus after checking the food packets have reached or not and she chuckles on seeing the trio sulking and arranging the food items inside the bus... Bulbul bursts out into laughter and  ordered them as if they are her servants...

The teasing of bulbul irks them to the core... Before they got hold of her, she runs off and takes her seat casually... They curses their fate and does their works and takes their respective seats afterwards....

After sometime, pragya enters the bus and sees pooh & pie, ajju & honey are sitting in the last seat leaving a space in the middle for their dolly to join them... Pragya gives a smile and walks towards them..

She stands in the centre and focuses her attention on her targets for the week... Pragya's eyes darkens on seeing abhi's admirers Nivi, shaki, kirtu n jas are stylishly dressed up to impress their professor with all their might...

Pragya fists her hands in fury but takes a deep breath to calm herself down as she doesn't want to create a scene before all... But a teasing smirk escaped on her face as she mentally prepares herself what to do... She walks and  takes the Mike kept over there...

Pragya:  Hi... Friends... All settled... Well let me have a word with you all... No problem right... Awww... Thank you so much....

So, finally our wait is over and this one week is going to be full of fun, happiness and mastis only... But, remember not to misuse and take over advantage of the situations....

You all know Abhishek sir is only coming with us... We should value his privacy and we should prove him that we are the best.... Well girls... Again and again Im repeating Abhishek sir is our professor and don't try to impress him okay....

(Pragya eyes the four and spits the words like a fire making the girls to gasp in shock)

Any problem or any help needed, you can contact me anytime... Well we have four more committee members with us... We all will take care of all your needs... As we have a long travel time, we cant halt in many places...

Many food items were stored here and do make sure to use it elegantly and Don't waste anything... Have fun and  Enjoy...

So, our professor Abhishek sir is coming now... Shall we give him a  grand welcome in our own style... A damakka wala students style to welcome our super professor...  Come on everyone... Give it up for Abhishek sir.... Hip.. hip... Hurray..."

Abhi enters the bus and is stunned to hear the clapping and whistling sounds echoing the whole bus.... He frowns as out of no where, the poppers are bursted infront of him, making him to freak out in horror and jump from his place....

Instead of getting angry, Abhi's lips curved to a bright smile as this is  all the naughty doings of his fuggy only... Before abhi says anything, pragya twists her lips, winks at him without anyone's knowledge and blows a kiss to abhi by moving her lips....

Abhi groans inwardly and trying to make his face rigid but he poorly fails infront of his naughty fuggy who is hell adamant to tease abhi... For a moment, abhi forgets where he is and his mind is completely blank and his hormones are giving him many awful ideas to him...

Abhi mentally slaps himself and  takes a deep breath to compose him down... Abhi is begging pragya through his eyes not to play with him... But the teasing smile of pragya makes him to freak out in horror that he has to be more careful with her naughty doings...


The journey begins with the happy smile in everyone's faces.... Abhi took the extreme first seat so that he will give privacy to the students and let them to enjoy... Pragya makes sure that all is set and she moves near the four girls whom are eyeing on abhi...

Pragya coolly informs them to be careful or they will face her wrath for sure... After settling their scores, pragya is wondering where to sit...  Pooh, ajju, pie n honey are looking at their dolly hopefully as she moved towards them..

But to their dismay, she talks very formally with them and gave them the instructions on when to distrubute food stuffs and all... They were really hurted as pragya moved to the front side without minding their pleads too....

Pragya badly wants to sit near abhi as its a long travel... But she doesn't know how to sit along with him... Abhi too wished the same and expected that pragya to be with him...

Situations are not in their favour and they are sitting in different places... Even though they are being nearer to each other, they cant sit together and spend their quality time...

Though the first three rows are not occupied by any students and only food packets were kept... No one can see if pragya and abhi sit together in the front... But they were sitting like two headed ants and doesn't know what to do and missing each other a lot...

Abhi tries to divert his attention... He  takes a book and started to read it to make his mood to get better... Pragya who is sitting in the opposite seat is fuming in anger as abhi didn't mind to look at her or care to even text her in Mobile too....

Pragya took her mobile in anger and calls abhi... Abhi wonders why pragya is calling him out of no where when she is near by to him...

Abhi looks at pragya  but the fire in her eyes makes abhi to gulp hard and he picks the call with trembling hands fearing what he messed up now without his knowledge...

Abhi: Hellooo...

Pragya: Do hell with your hello you idiot.. How dare you to do like that...

Abhi: Whaattt... What did I do fuggy... I did nothing fuggy...

Pragya: Wah... You remember Im your fuggy... Great... Abhishek sirrrrr...

Abhi: What Happened darling??? Why your temperature is too high today??? We are going for a happy trip right... See all are enjoying na... Go and have fun with them...

Instead of that, why are you sulking this sweetheart... Smile now and enjoy happily dear... Don't frown on me fuggy... At least tell me what did I do to face your wrath!??

Pragya: Dont try to play smart abhi... You don't know anything seriously... Did you remember when you called me lastly??? Its been a week and we have not even talked properly...

Did I come for this trip to sit alone and staring at you longingly??? I want to sit with you abhi... Do something abhi... Please... Or stop the bus... I will get down and go to home now itself....

Abhi: Fuggy darling... Its all your effort na... Don't get upset dear... See I always say you na... Now too you are behaving like a baby and demanding and whining for impossible things....

Pragya: Say whatever you want... Call me baby as much you want... But remember mister, I will give you just five minutes.... Just 300 seconds... I want to sit near you....

If this is not happening then no one can save you from me Abhishek sirrrrrr.... You know what your fuggy can do... I think you don't want to show the abhi in you to your students right 😉😉😉😉😉😉...

Abhi gasps in shock and pragya whistles and cuts the call not in a mood to listen to abhi's talks... Abhi keenly looks at his fuggy who is counting the numbers dramatically using her hands....

Abhi' pov.:

😱😱😱😱😱..  Abhi you are badly trapped man... This fuggy will kick you black and blue... Oh my god... She is smirking and is in full of naughty mood.... You are dead today abhi...

Come on quick... Think wisely abhi... Do something before you face your baby fuggy's wrath...  God... Why are you making it hard for me day by day????

Aargh... Im getting crazy completely because of this girl... Fuggy... My love... You are giving me tough time girl.... Huh... What am i going to do now.... Oh god... Why my mind is not working properly???

You idiot fuggy... Don't tease me like this...  😱😱😱😱 .. I've to do something now... She can pull up any stupid stunts...  Is loving a girl is such a sin???

Nah... Nah... I can understand how my fuggy is carving a lot and longing to be with me.... Oh my love... You are making me to fall for you more and more dear.... Love you so much fuggy...

But today, I have find out who the culprit is who stealed your heart before me... If he ever tries to turn up before you, that's his final ending... Let me see who the hell dare to near my fuggy...

Fuggy... You are mine... I will surely steal your diary and find out who  the hell he is... 😡😡😡😡... I won't allow anyone to take you away from me fuggy... You are my life and you are my everything....

Abhi comes out of his thoughts as his mobile buzzes with a text from pragya that only 25 seconds left.... Abhi twists his fingers as he doesn't know what to do at the moment....

Just then,


So, what's going to happen next???

Will abhi be able to do anything to make pragya to sit with him or will he face his fuggy's wrath???

Will it be possible for abhi to steal pragya's fantasy (diary)???

Will ajju and honey be caught by abhi red handed???

Will the revenge plan of pooh and honey can be successful???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual a long update of 2800+ words....

Sorry, if there are any errors and mistakes.....

Cast your votes and pen down your views...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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