37. You stole my heart... But I let it to keep it with you...

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🌾 I can't explain how much I love you and how much importance you are in my life....

🌾 It's impossible to count how much stars the sky has and how much salt the sea holds... Like wise, my love for you is uncountable and uncomparable...

🌾 You are my favorite drug, which I want to completely drown into... I'm just addicted to you and I badly carve for your presence beneath me, if you are not near me...


Abhi is deeply engrossed in his thoughts and is completely turning nervous and tensed, as what his fuggy gonna do now... He is sweating and he couldn't figure out what's cooking in his fuggy's mind...

Abhi is not in a mind set even to look at his watch and he completely forgets the fact that the time limit is very less for him and the seconds are running in a jet speed, without bothering Abhi is gonna get trapped ...

On the other hand, Pragya is smirking looking at Abhi , as he is going to be badly face her wrath for sure... She is smiling teasingly , as her mission gonna accomplished soon.... She makes her fingers like a gun and uses it as if she is firing bullet on Abhi...


Bulbul sighs and hits Purab's legs hardly who is deeply engrossed in kissing her without minding arjun and aaliya also, who are sitting near them... Purab scowls with the sudden attack and yelps in pain...

Purab: What the... What's this pie??? Why did you hit me with your high heels??? 😱😱😱😱😱... My poor baby legs... 😭😭😭😭... See its swollen and it may bleed any time....

Mummy.... 😭😭😭😭... Your bahu is turning from a cute pie to a dangerous vampire... Idiot honey and ajju... Stop romancing and save me from this vampy pie for heavens sake...

Arjun: You only always whine na pooh that you are missing your pie very badly in the class... Huh... How much tantrums and lot of blah blahs you used to say...

Stupid you make us also to get trapped to the hitler for this whining only na... Now your lover pie is with you only... Stop sulking and complaining atleast now... Enjoy man and leave us in peace...

Purab: But ajju... This pie is hell adamant in spoiling my mood and pissing me off ... See my legs... It's paining man... 😭😭😭😭

God... Why its always me... 😞😞😞😞... Why are you not showing mercy on this little baby boy pooh... See my helpless situation...

Im badly wishing to enjoy this trip but the starting itself is too horrible... First that Hitler danced on my head... now this pie... God please give sense to this pie and make her to romance me na.....

Bulbul: Huh... Shut up you dramabeez... You are becoming too much irresponsible pooh... Can't you think of any idea to talk with pragya di... Rather than that you are always hell adamant to romance me hun...

Stop irritating me pooh... Dare to near me before making pragya di to talk with us, I will kill you for sure... Think of a plan soon... Come on do it...

Purab: 😱😱😱😱😱... This is highly impossible... Honey darling... Do something na... Show pity on me and help me na...

Aaliya: What's this pie??? Why are you punishing my pooh unnecessarily... What will he do alone??? Let's think of a plan after we reach there... What's it Ajju... Im talking right... Why are you poking me like this???

Arjun: Look at there honey... Hey stupid pooh and my cutie pie see there... This dolly is upto something... What she gonna do now...

Aaliya: 😂😂😂😂😂.. Get ready guys... Its time to celebrate our victory...... Our dolly gonna fulfill our wish now... Our Hitler professor has done something irking our dolly for sure...

Look at her teasing smirk... She is going to trap him for sure... Let's have the fun for sometime.... Dolly rocks... Hitler shocks... Oohoo....

All hi-fies happily and looks eagerly to watch what pragya gonna do...


Abhi looks bewildered as pragya has got up from her place all of a sudden... The teasing smirk of pragya makes abhi to sweat hard... Pragya chuckles and takes the Mike...

Pragya: Hey everyone... We are in a fun and enjoyable trip, but I didn't find any sort of fun or enthusiasm here... Im correct na...

Isn't it boring guys??? So, what shall we do now??? Did you guys have any ideas to have fun or any entertainment???

Oho... I got all your mind voices... What's so fun in listening to songs in the player na... Nothing enjoyable right... Hey guys... No... No... See...you can't turn the weapon towards me...

I will sing and dance for you some other time... You guys have seen me performed many times na... What's so fun to watch me perform again and again... Rather, Im just an ordinary performer....

When we have a dashing, hot, handsome, happening, trending Rockstar with us na, then isn't it too boring to watch me perform.... Hey guys what are you looking??? Don't you know who that Rockstar Im talking about....

Any guesses guys... 😂😂😂😂... No one knows... Guys I will tell you all a secret... You have seen him perform only in the stage that too only one time...

You used to hear only his mind blowing lectures... But I've seen him many a times performing very soulfully and his voice will take us all to another world....

So, will you all join me to welçome our super cool Rockstar Abhishek Sir in our midst and perform and entertain us.... Give it up for Abhishek sir...

Pragya winks at abhi and pulled up her fake collars and nears him... Abhi gasps in shock as his fuggy has trapped him very badly... He doesn't know how to perform in a fast moving bus and he face palms on seeing the teasing smile of his fuggy..

Abhi whispers: What's this fuggy... See I can't do this... Please na baby... Leave me... I swear I will compensate for this later...

Pragya whispers: Ahaan... But Im very sorry to say you disobeyed your fuggy... So, you are trapped my dear Abhishek sir... Come on perform now and I will settle my scores with you later... Make space for me near you okay... 😉😉😉

All through our trip, Im gonna sit with you only... If not, Im gonna stay in your room for sure.. Decide whatever you want sirrrrrrr... 😉😉😉😉😉... Now be a good boy and sing a song for me... Come on...

Abhi doesn't know what to do as again and again pragya is making him to get clean bowled.. If he bowls the bouncer ball too, she is mercilessly hitting only the sixers that too for a long distance...

Abhi couldn't figure out what's cooking inside his fuggy's mind and he knows pretty well that if his fuggy decides anything, she will do it for sure... Abhi takes a deep breath and steadies his mind...

Abhi gets up with no other go as its his fuggy's wish but a sudden spark glitters in his face... Rather being the lover boy Abhi, the terror Abhishek Sir took his full form to trap his fuggy... He smirks and winks at pragya making her jaws to get wide open...

Abhi: So, you all want me to perform hun... You all mean to say that Im not taking classes for you nicely haan... Don't panic guys... Just kidding...

I will sing a song for you all as yoh wished but only if your beloved friend Pragya joins me... She is my partner in my performance earlier na... So, we can have a duet performance... What say my dear students... Miss. Pragya you can sing along with me na...

Pragya glares at abhi but she has no other go than to accept it as all the students insisted her to perform with Abhishek sir... The students demands them to sing a medley of songs and to their happiness abhi and pragya performed the songs...

Only the students hears their singing alone... But unknown to anyone, the crazy lovers abhi and pragya has flied away to another world to perform their romantic duet performance...


A thunderous claps echoes the whole bus as the students thoroughly enjoyed the performance of abhigya... Pragya smirks and takes the mike...

Pragya: Okay guys have fun... But, Im feeling very bad as our Abhishek sir is sitting alone without any company na... So, anyone wishing to join him..

The four fan girls of Abhishek sir glowed in happiness and they giggles and tries to raise up from their places willingly... But a single death glare of pragya has completely switched off the spark in the faces of shaki, nivi, kirti and jas....

Pragya: Oops... All are willing to be with your friends only haan... No problem... Professor sir... may I have the honours to give you company sir... Please... please... I swear... I won't trouble you... Friends... please recommend for me na..

Pragya played her cards really very well and with no other go abhi nods his head and moves to his place... Pragya giggles and follows him... Not only the fan girls but ajju, honey, pooh and pie are watching the scene as how smartly pragya made herself to be seated with abhi...

Pragya sits near abhi and leans on his shoulder... Abhi shooks his head in disbelief but he didn't said anything to her... He just closes his eyes to enjoy his fuggy's presence near him...

The gentle breeze, the melody song in the background, the chittering voices of the young peeps, the fast moving bus made a soothing rhythm and takes them to a big dream land feeling their love....

Abhi is smiling inwardly as his thoughts are making him to feel as if he is taking his fuggy to honey moon... Abhi chuckles and opens his eyes to see his fuggy sleeping peacefully in his lap like a small baby...

Abhi caress her head lovingly and kisses her forehead... Abhi keeps on looking at his fuggy and his heart is overflowing with full of love to make his fuggy as his, whatever the situation may be... Abhi's eyes spots pragya's bag with her fantasy (diary) laying there without any protection...

Abhi wishes to use the opportunity to steal the diary... With lots and lots of arguments between his heart and mind, abhi takes the diary venomously and he wish to crush the memories of his shautan who has badly affected his fuggy in the past...

Abhi fists his hands in fury but the sweet smile of pragya in her deep sleep calms his nerves... But abhi is helpless to open the diary as the keys where not inside the bag... Just then abhi remembers that pragya has the keys attached with the chain she is wearing...

But.... ❓❓❓❓❓


After sometime, Arjun, Aaliya and Bulbul gets up to distribute the food to everyone.... Purab is sulking and whining a lot but he gets up horrified as he heard the biggest shock of his life....

But, no one is ready to go and give food to Abhi and pragya... Arjun insisted Aaliya to do the work and she reluctantly agrees and moves to give them food cursing the trio....

Aaliya's jaws dropped to see pragya sleeping peacefully in abhi's lap and abhi is cooing her like a little baby... Aaliya smiles happily and dances inwardly to see her bhai and her to be bhabhi like this...

But, she composes herself and makes her face straight... She forcefully brought anger in her face with much difficulty and nears them...

Aaliya whispers: what's this bhai??? What is she doing haan??? How can you allow all these nonsense bhai??? Move... Let me wake her up...

Abhi: Its none of your concern aaliya... Dont dare to disturb her sleep... You came to give food na... Keep it here and go....

Aaliya: This is very wrong bhai... She is using you bhai and trapping you uncontrollably... Beware of this pragya, bhai... You are failing in front of her....

Abhi: Aaliya... 😠😠😠😠.... Again and again, Im repeating... Dare to speak anything about my fuggy, I will kill you... Stop sulking and move from here... No one other than my fuggy has all right on me...

I accept you are my sister but remember she is my life and my everything... Did you get that...
I don't need to explain anything to you... We know our limits... So, stop poking nose in my matter... Is that clear???

Aaliya keeps the food, stamps her feet in anger and moves to her place... She hi-fies with her friends and says the happy news to them... The trio too moves stealthily and watches the scene without abhi's knowledge....

Bulbul takes their snap and send it to Nikhil and tanu happily and all were giggling that abhi is romancing his fuggy in the college trip without her knowledge too....


After sometimes, pragya gets up to see abhi smiling at her...

Pragya: Huh... When did I slept??? What's the time now??? Oops... This much I've slept... 😱😱😱😱😱😱.... What about the lunch.... Gosh... How stupid of me...

Abhi: Hey fuggy relax... The lunch is served a long back... Don't worry... But you are proving again and again that you are a good leader fuggy... Hats off to your dedication and sincerity my dear...

Pragya blushes hearing abhi's praise but her jaw dropped seeing that she has slept in abhi's lap... She gets up hurriedly and turns crimson red....

Pragya: Sorry abhi... 😊😊😊😊... These one week, I didn't slept properly... So only... Sorry, did I troubled you... I... I...

Abhi: 😂😂😂 Noooo... Dont stammer my dear little baby... You slept like a cute baby in my lap... I was just admiring you all the time... You made my trip too memorable... Thanks fuggy... 😉😉😉😉

Pragya hits abhi's shoulder and leans on him as she is falling again and again in love with gher Abhi/ prem... Abhi side hugs her and gives her the food packet and asks her to have the food...

Pragya starts to hop on the food but she is blushing too much as abhi is teasing her by eating the food morsels kissing her beautiful lips, left alone without entering her mouth...


Later that night, everyone reaches their destination... All are hell tired and want to hit the bed very badly... But abhi and pragya are way too stubborn and ordered eveyone to have food and then go to sleep...

Abhigya along with arjun, aaliya, purab and bulbul looks after all the arrangements and made sure that everyone has got their rooms properly.... The boy's rooms are arranged in the first floor and the girl's rooms in the second floor....

Abhi and the committee members are in the ground floor... Abhi picks up the room keys and hands over one key to purab and arjun and another key to aaliya, bulbul and pragya...
But ❓❓❓❓❓


So, what's going on???

Did abhi read pragya's diary????

What is the shocking news which made purab to stop sulking and do his work properly???

Will Arjun and aaliya get caught by abhi red handedly???

What are the naughty plans of pragya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2650+ words...

Sorry for errors and mistakes, if any....

Cast your votes and pen down your views...


Yours buddy,



Will be


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