38. As long as we are under the same moon, I feel close to you...

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My happy life began when I fell crazily in love with you ..

You can never bore me... Im always amazed by you...

If she doesn't scare the hell out of you a little bit too, she's not the one for you...


After reaching the destined location, Professor Abhishek along with the student's committee chairman pragya and other committee members (purab, arjun, aaliya and bulbul), looks after whether all the boys and girls gets the rooms properly ...

Before that they made sure that everyone had their food and informed them the timings, they have to move out in morning for sight seeing... The boys rooms were arranged in the second floor while the girls room in the first floor...

After settling down everyone, abhi along with the committee members came down... Abhi picked up his room keys and hands over one room key to purab and arjun... They walked away quietly as abhi is there and they gestures aaliya and bulbul that they will call them...

Abhi then hands over another key to aaliya and asked the girls to take their rooms....

Pragya frowns looking at abhi... Abhi couldn't figure out why pragya is getting angry out of nowhere... Aaliya and bulbul are looking at pragya longingly and wished that she should stay with them...

Abhi: Girls... You can get back to your rooms... Have a good sleep... Meet you all in morning...

Pragya grits her teeth in anger: Professor sirrrrr... Can you please do me a favour??? Is it possible to get a separate room for me or if you don't mind, can I go and join the other girls ???

Abhi couldn't understand why is pragya asking such wierd questions to him... He keenly notices the dull face of bulbul who is looking at pragya with a hope that she should change her mind... Aaliya quickly changes her dull face so that abhi won't get doubt on her...

Abhi: Aaliya... You can take the keys and go to the room... I need to have a word with bulbul and pragya alone, if you don't mind...

Aaliya nods her head and walks to her room knowing well that abhi will do something to send pragya to their room....

Abhi: Bulbul... Can you tell me what's going on between you two???  Am I right that you sisters are not in talking terms??? Why am I sensing something is wrong???

Bulbul: Nothing like that sir... It's... It's... Just... Just that... Sorry sir... I... I can't... 😢😢😢😢😢😢...

Abhi: So, you don't want to say this to me right... Its okay bulbul... You go to the room... Don't worry... Pragya will join you soon...

Bulbul nods her head and wipes the tears in her face and walks ahead... Pragya turns her face angrily and is not in a mood to talk to abhi or to hear any of his advices...

Pragya: Abhi... Please... Don't say anything to convince me... If you can, do me a favour... I need a separate room or I will join the other girls... I don't want to stay with them... Please don't force me...

Abhi: Fuggy... Turn your face and look at me... Hmm... I used to tell you na... You are a stubborn little baby... Now too you are behaving, no less than a baby... I know something is not fine between you and bulbul...

I won't question you, unless you open up... But you are a very smart girl fuggy... You know very well that the rooms were booked already and we can't get further rooms here... You can't join others as the rooms were alloted correctly na...

So, try to understand the situation dear... Just night time, you are going to stay in the room... Moreover, it has two partitions... A living room is there separately... You can sleep in the couch there and you don't need to talk to them too...

We will be roaming for the whole day... What's the big issue as in night time, you are going to sleep only...  You will be tired, so you don't need to bother about them...

Please fuggy.. Don't think much... Go and stay in this room... I don't want anyone to think bad about you or raise fingers on you ... I know my fuggy will do it for me... Hey na my cute baby...

Pragya didn't said anything to abhi... She hugs abhi tightly and abhi too caress her head lovingly..... Abhi is startled as he feel wetness in his shirt...

Abhi: Hey fuggy... Why are you crying now??? Did I said anything wrong???

Pragya: Nothing... I just got carried away... Don't I have the right to cry too, if I want???

Abhi: You can cry as you wish fuggy but I hate to see your tears... I just can't bear your tears and it will rip my heart into pieces... Smile fuggy... Your smile makes me crazily like anything....

Pragya: Ahaan... Professor sir is trying to change my mood haan... Not bad... Good job....  Now a days, my dumbo professor is becoming too smart....

Abhi: Awww... Thanks for the compliment... But to tell the truth fuggy, I was completely scared when you get angry when I gave the keys...

I was praying that you shouldn't say that you will stay with me before aaliya and bulbul.... Thank god... You were protesting not to stay with them and Im saved ... Hufff...

Pragya: Oh god!!!! I forget this na... Pragya, you fool... You missed a golden chance to trap this idiot abhi.... Huh... So professor sir, it's not too late... Why not I
join you 😉😉😉😉😉???

Abhi: Hoye naughty girl... I know you quite well... Remember, we came here for college tour... Now be a good girl and go and sleep... Don't think much and stress yourself... Good night fuggy... Have a dream which is filled only with your abhi's thoughts... 😉😉😉😉

Pragya smiles brightly and kisses in abhi's cheeks... Abhi chuckles and kisses pragya's forehead.... Pragya is not in a mood to go and sleep leaving abhi... But, she understands that abhi need to have his sleep as he is yawning too much... With a heavy heart, pragya moves inside the room...


Purab is sulking and troubling arjun and is not at all allowing him to sleep too who is completely tired and exhausted....

Arjun: Just stop it pooh... Now a days, you are troubling me so much... What the hell do you want now, idiot....

Purab: Ajju... You are not understanding the seriousness man... Already you know, this idiot pie (bulbul) is blackmailing me not to kiss and romance, if I didn't do the works properly....

Now, Im worried as what she will do if dolly (pragya) didn't stay with them... Im sure, this is going to be the worst trip for me... Why God???? Why???? Why it's always me who has to suffer like these???

Arjun: Shut up pooh... Im already worried as honey (aaliya) is not picking up my call and even these two are not coming in group chat too... I don't know what's going on there...

Purab: Ajju... Shall we go and check them... I'm worried that dolly shouldn't behave rudely with them... Come let's go...

Arjun: why you want to die in Hitler's hand??? Let's wait for few more time.... If not, we will call them again or else, no other choice than to sneak into their room...


Pragya enters the room and without minding bulbul and aaliya, she gets inside the washroom to freshen up... She gets changed into a comfortable night wear and sleeps in the couch in the living room...

Aaliya and bulbul feels really bad as they know very well how pragya used to show tantrums, if she didn't sleep properly or if she didn't have a comfortable place to sleep... Both the girls quickly wiped their tears and moves inside the room...

Bulbul: Honey (aaliya) di... Poor pragya di na... She is bearing all these and going through such situations because of me only.... Im extremely sorry because of my one bad move, pragya di rejected and avoiding your  friends gang...

All your long years of friendship got broken because of me only 😢😢😢😢 .. It's my mistake, I shouldn't have loved pooh at the first place... I have become a culprit and became a sautan....

Aaliya: Don't be a fool pie (bulbul)... Never talk like this ever in your life... Pooh will really feel bad, if you talk like this .. Don't you know, it's dolly who approved and accepted your relationship first....

Dolly is not at all angry on anyone of us... She is hurted inwardly thinking that we are not at all supporting her love and are against her... But, that stupid girl doesn't know that we are the ones who are helping her indirectly...

Let her think whatever she wants... We won't leave our dolly at any cost and we all will try our level best to make her love get succeeded... Just praying to god to give sense to my idiot brother to propose our dolly soon...

Just then the girls noticed that their mobiles were ringing... The duo attends the calls and informs pooh and ajju that pragya is in their room only but is sleeping in the couch in the living room...

The boys consoled the girls and asked them to give some space to pragya so that she can change her mind soon and not to question her or talk to her unnecessarily...


Its quite early morning... The sky is completely dark and the chill breeze and cool climate will never allow anyone to get up from their sleep or to sneak out from their blankets...

Abhi who is in deep slumber is highly irritated as he heard a knock at the door... Abhi growls inwardly and shuts his ears and pressed his face in the pillow to continue his beautiful sleep as he badly needs it...

But the continuous ringing of bell highly irritated abhi and he gets up from the bed to kill the unwanted intruder in his room at the odd hour of the night and he barges with anger flaring in his nose and opens the door....

Abhi gasps in shock as he spots the half sleepy pragya who is completely covered in the blanket pushes abhi who is blocking  her way and gets inside the room... Before abhi questions her further, she hits the bed and drifted to sleep...

Abhi looks at the sleeping pragya who is looking breath takingly gorgeous for his eyes... He looks at her face keenly and his lips curved to a smile as she is scolding abhi in her sleep... Abhi chuckles as pragya is complaining that she has not slept properly because of abhi's bad idea for making her to sleep in couch ...

Abhi kisses pragya's forehead and sleeps in the near by couch... Its really hard for abhi to sleep further thinking that what he will do, if anyone spots pragya in his room...

Abhi wished to take pragya to her room but he drops the idea as he knows very well he has to answer aaliya and she will ask unnecessary questions to him and irritate him...

Thinking of what to do further, abhi doesn't know how he drifted to sleep... Abhi startles when he feels something cold hits his body and he jumps up horrified... He sees pragya laughing too hard on seeing abhi who is reacting too much for touching a glass of chilled water....

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂😂 My dear abhi... Its morning 8.30 ... Can you fresh up and come soon??? We need to go out...The strict professor who speaks on punctuality and discipline is not at all following the rules properly... You become too much lazy... Too bad professor sirrrr...

Abhi frowns and pulls pragya closer... Pragya falls on abhi and they are only inches apart... Their hot breaths are tickling their senses.... Abhi smirks and hits lightly on pragya's forehead with his...

Abhi: I have not become lazy, my naughty girl... Its you who didn't allowed me to sleep properly and now you are scolding me hun... 😞😞😞😞😞

Abhi pouts while pragya kisses his pout and asked abhi to get fresh up and come soon as they need to look after the food arrangements... Abhi is jumping in glee as he saw pragya has selected his outfit and kept everything perfectly for him....


All started happily after finishing the breakfast... They visited many famous spots in the place and all the students are having lots of fun and enjoying it happily.... Abhi secretly admires his fuggy who is smiling like a kid and enjoying everything crazily....

Abhi clicks pragya's pictures secretly but unknown to abhi all his activities are closely watched by aaliya with full of happiness.... Aaliya made a quick plan with her team to do something so that abhi can confess his feelings to pragya soon...


During lunch time, when pragya is taking care of everything, abhi calls bulbul alone... Bulbul is hell nervous as she knows very well that abhi won't leave her, if she didn't say the truth to him...

Bulbul: Sir... Anything you need sir...

Abhi: Bulbul... Stop being so formal... I called you to talk an important matter... I'm not here to as a professor rather I want to talk to you as your sister pragya's close friend...

Tell me bulbul... What's going on??? Please don't hide anything from me... I know something wrong has happened... I have been noticing many changes in pragya's behaviour... She is faking to be happy but I know very well that she is missing something a lot....

I can't see my fuggy like this... Many a times, she is crying a lot but she is not saying anything to me... It's getting very hard for me as I don't know what is the issue and what is bothering her... I know she is one thick headed, stubborn girl who won't spill the truth....

Please bulbul... Tell me... I have to bring my fuggy out from this... Help me to save my fuggy as I don't want anything which makes her stress too much and spoil her health...

Bulbul sighs: Mañy things happened sir... I have become a culprit for all these happenings... What can I do sir as my love has blinded my senses very badly... I am in love with pragya di's close friend and she too happily agreed for our relationship...

Pragya di can't take it as her friend who wish our relationship to be in secret has informed everything to our parents and to his family... She thinks that we all ditched her and never trusted her....

Moreover, pragya di has cut all her relationship from her whole friends gang and stopped talking to our parents too thinking that all are concentrating on their own happiness and not at all considering her feelings... Please sir..  I beg you... Don't ask anything to pragya di...

Abhi: I won't bulbul... Tell me one thing... What feelings are you talking about... Is it about pragya's childhood crush and that good for nothing idiot who doesn't know who my fuggy is???

Bulbul bites her lips to control her laughter as abhi is cursing himself a lot... She clearly sees jealousy in abhi's eyes and she can sense how much abhi hates to hear pragya is in love with someone else....

Abhi: Bulbul... Can you do me a favour??? Do you know the secret code for pragya's diary??? I want to open it at any cost....

Bulbul couldn't understand what is abhi asking... She knows only pragya has her diary locked with keys which is connected in her chain but its a new information to bulbul that it needs a code to unlock... Bulbul gasps in shock to hear the info from abhi...


Abhi is wandering around the place and is searching for pragya who is playing hide and seek with him.... Abhi's anger roses and he fists his hands in fury as he didn't expected this... Abhi forgets who he is and barges there angrily and slaps a person making others to gasp in shock....


So, what has happened???

Why is abhi angry all of a sudden???

Whom did abhi slapped???

What did abhi said to bulbul????

What is aaliya going to do to make abhi to confess his feelings to pragya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual a long update of
2835+ words...

Sorry, if there are any typo errors and mistakes...

Don't forget to cast your votes and pen down your views and comments without fail...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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