40. Sometimes, All I need is to hear your voice .

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Being your friend, I know you have all the rights to get angry on me... But don't forget that being your friend, I too have the right to pamper you, coo you, cajole you, until you accept my apologies....

Anger is not a way to show the frustration and disappointment... It shows that how a person who gets angry quickly, is the one who loves you dearly...

Colour of Anger is red, which is the colour of love too....

A gentleman knows how to win her heart and to keep her for himself, no matter what....


After the tour bus has reached the theme park, Professor Abhishek Prem Mehra who is nicknamed as the Hitler, gave lots of instructions and warnings to the students and asked them to go in groups and help each other...

He instructs the students to inform him or the student's committee members, if there is any problem as he is concerned more about their safety and security.... The students dispersed after collecting their entry tickets and passes for food... 

Professor Abhishek is left alone with the students committee chairman
Pragya (Dolly/ Fuggy) and the other members Aaliya (Honey), Arjun (Ajju), Purab (pooh) and Bulbul (Pie), who are standing there trembling in fear to see the real Hitler before their eyes....

Abhi glared at them angrily and blasted on them mercilessly, venting out his complete frustration on them... Pragya's eyes welled up and her heart bleeds on seeing her friends and her sister getting unnecessary scoldings from Abhi, because of her....

Pragya is not in a state to hear the harsh words of Abhi and she knows that he has all right to get angry on her , as he is being hurted because of her... But she can't accept the fact that Abhi is venting out his anger and  frustrations towards the poor four....

Abhi never looked at Pragya's face and after asking them to go inside the theme park, he enters the bus to calm down his ragged breaths... Pragya feels suffocated to stand there and she rushes towards the washroom to pour her heart out, as she is not in a state to bear it anymore....

The four where looking at the scenario dumb strucked and they can't see Abhi and Pragya standing in opposite directions ...  Purab sighs and takes the cotton out from his ear buds, earning a deadly glare from the trio....

Purab: What happened guys???? What did that Hitler said??? Why our dolly is crying and running like this??? Honey... Your bhai is getting on to my nerves... I will punch his face one day and will beat him with my heartfelt content....

Purab horrifies as the trio surrounds him with killer look and about to beat him black and blue , for being childish and not at all understanding the seriousness of the situation...

Purab shouts : Swear on our dolly... No one should touch me....

Arjun: This pooh is getting insane, day by day...  I'm feeling really pity for you pie... Better leave this idiot...

Purab: Whaattttt.... 😱😱😱😱😱.... What did I do to you Ajju??? Why are trying to  become a sautan in my love life????

Bulbul: It's because, you are behaving sick now a days and not at all becoming responsible... Remember pooh... All these mess and problems have happened because of your stupid stunts and childish behavior....

Purab: Why are you blaming me unnecessarily pie??? What did I do????

Bulbul makes a sarcastic laugh: You don't know what you did too.... It's you, who is responsible for my sister's miserable state.... It's you, who separated my di from me, my parents, Ajju bhai and honey di..

You want to show off and prove yourself to be a hero... You said our love matter to my parents, even though you get promise from my di to hide it from my parents, till you settle down in your career.... You didn't said this matter to anyone of us too....

Because of your stupid behavior, Pragya di is hurted a lot and she cuts off all the relationship from everyone of us.... I don't know why????  😭😭😭😭😭😭.... Why I loved a stupid like you, who doesn't understand anything and behaving like a kid????

😭😭😭😭😭.... Can't you be sensible at least now pooh???? See.... Abhishek sir is hell angry and Pragya di is crying a lot.... I won't forgive you Pooh, if they didn't get together....

Remember, your love and your future life depends on their union only.... I will never forgive you or accept you, if they gets separated.... Did you get that.... Never show your face to me, until they patch up.... 😭😭😭😭...

Bulbul cries hard and runs from there.... Purab is dumbstruck as he didn't expected this outburst from bulbul at all... Aaliya is left in deep thoughts, while Arjun is giving a killer look towards Purab...

Purab: Why are you glaring at me Ajju??? You too gonna blame me like this pie na.... Scold as much as you want... I'm all ears.... 😖😖😖😖😖

Arjun: Nooo... Not at all my silly boy... I know about my pooh very well... You are not responsible for all the happenings... So, chill up and smile.. Stop whining like a baby and go and console pie.... She needs you now Pooh....

Purab: Whaaattttt.... 😨😨😨😨😨😨.... No ways... This pie will kill me, if I go before her....

Arjun: Pooohhhh... 😡😡😡😡😡.... Stop being a kid... Go and console pie... She is just hurted on seeing our dolly's cries... Nothing much... Go and be with her.....

Purab: Ajju... Please come with me or else, she will kill me... Please man... You too don't ditch me....

Arjun looks at Aaliya and she nods her head to go with Purab to console Bulbul and she also said that she will set everything right in sometime.... Aaliya sighs and gets inside the bus and spots her brother Abhi leaning on to the bus seat, with a teary face....

Hearing the foot steps, Abhi quickly wipes his tears and composes himself... He gave a killer look at Aaliya, for standing there with a victorious smile in her face....

Abhi: What do you want Aaliya???

Aaliya: I just came to congratulate you Bhai.... You did it finally.... Great job Bhai... I'm so so happy, you know.... Me and my dolly are very happy, as you blasted on that Pragya....

😂😂😂😂😂...  what an awesome scene to watch her crying like this.... I'm impressed bro... Now, I can be very well happy , as that Pragya's chapter is all over...

Abhi: Get lost from here Aaliya, before I kill you... 😡😡😡😡😡... You and your stupid friend dolly are completely sick and heartless... How can you two smile on seeing my Pragya's cries???

Aaliya: 😂😂😂😂... Your pragya... Really.... Bhai, it's you, who made her to cry and not us... She always boasts that you are her friend, blah blah blah...  Now, its too over between you two....

I'm so so happy... My dolly can become my bhabhi very easily... You have no choice bhai... Better accept my dolly to be your wife....

Abhi: Enough Aaliya... 😬😬😬😬😬.... Get out, before I kill you... Remember, no one can take my fuggy's place in my heart... Try as much as you want...  This Abhi will never leave my fuggy for anyone....

Don't irritate me Aaliya and Don't regret it later..  Just allow me to be in peace for sometime .. And listen... Dare to near my fuggy or taunt her or ill treat her, you will see your brother's worst face... 

Aaliya stomps her feet in anger and gets down from the bus... A happy tear escapes from her eyes and kisses her lips, which made her to smile happily...  She runs enthusiastically inside the theme park, knowing well that Abhi and Pragya will surely patch up in sometime....


The students were enjoying the rides and playing happily... As it's a week day, public crowd is very less there and Abhi takes a relieved breathe , as he had talked with the security team over there.... He walks in search of his fuggy, as it's been an hour since he blasted on her....

Abhi can't be quite for a long time, as he is not able to hear his fuggy's talks after the drastic happenings... He regrets very hardly for getting angry on her , as his inner mind made him to understand that Pragya did everything to save his reputation and dignity only....

It took sometime for Abhi to realize that he was angry on Pragya, as she called her as Abhishek sir at that time and not as Abhi... Later only, Abhi got it clear that Pragya has called him as sir , as some students came near them....

Abhi mentally scolds himself for being so stupid and getting angry on his fuggy unnecessarily.... Abhi gave up all his egos , when he came to know from Aaliya that Pragya is crying a lot... Abhi badly want to meet her but he delayed it to give some space to her to make her to calm down and gets relaxed...


Abhi's breath hitched and his eyes welled up, as he spots his fuggy sitting in the isolated corridor behind the food court and staring blankly at the sky.... Her pale face, her teary eyes, her reddish swollen nose, her fragile and vulnerable state, pricks Abhi's heart and rips him into pieces....

Abhi sighs and moves towards the food court and orders the food.... He turns his gaze here and there to see what the students are doing there... Abhi is way too shocked to see Purab sitting with Bulbul very closely and is pleading for something....

Abhi is quite confused and he couldn't believe that the smart and aggressive girl like Bulbul is in love with a playful guy like Purab.... Abhi's  head started to spin as he is completely clueless at that time.... He can't believe the fact that Purab is Pragya's bestie...

Abhi comes out from his reverie as the food court attender rings the bell calling him to collect the food, as its ready... When Abhi nears the food counter, his blood boiled to see his sister Aaliya is having a cozy time with Arjun....

Abhi is hell furious to see Arjun and Aaliya are talking romantically and smiling happily.... Their intimacy, their talks, their closeness, their happy smiles explains Abhi clearly that Arjun is none other than Aaliya's fiance....

Abhi just goes near them but hides behind the pillar... Abhi looks at Arjun and Aaliya's hañd clearly and he spots that both are wearing similar engagement rings in their hands.... Abhi shooks his head in disbelief and walks away angrily, without uttering anything....

Abhi picks up the tray from the counter and walked towards Pragya... He is completely tired and his mind, his body, his everything is completely numb at that time, as the day is giving him many peculiar and wierd shocks to him....

Abhi very well knows that only his fuggy can make him to calm down, as he is not in a state to bear these many shocks in a day ... The mere presence of his fuggy , her breath taking smile, her caring and motivating talks, her warmness which spread through her hands , will make Abhi to forget anything....

Abhi knows very well that he will have a tough time to convince his fuggy and he knows that she will come up with peculiar punishments to him... But he is ready to bear anything from his fuggy, as he can't lose her any cost....


Pragya is completely startled , as she felt something cold and sweet touches her lips, all of a sudden... She turns and glares at Abhi, who is sitting very closely with her... He is holding a juice glass near her lips and pleading through his eyes to drink it at least...

Pragya moves the glass away from her lips and turns her face angrily... Abhi looks here and there  and checks whether anyone is near them or not... As they are at the back, no one can see what's happening over there....

Abhi without thinking anything hugs his fuggy tightly and kisses her cheeks lovingly and muttered sorry near her ears... Pragya tries all her might to push Abhi away from her, but he tightens his grip, as he is hell adamant to get her forgiveness at any cost....

Pragya yells: Professor sir... You are hurting me... Please leave me... I will shout, as you are trying to misbehave with me....

Abhi: Sorry fuggy... Scold as much as you want... But please forgive me darling... I... I didn't mean to do that... Stupid me... You did everything to save my dignity and reputation, but I blasted on you unnecessarily...

You know about your Abhi very well na... Anger always blinds my senses... I know I hurted you so much fuggy and I will accept any punishment you give it to me... But please don't avoid me or don't stop talking with me....

Pragya: So, Abhishek sir is ready to get any punishment from me hun...

Abhi: No... your Abhi is ready to get any punishment... There is no place for that idiot professor here....

Pragya: Abhi... These much anger is not good for you...  I won't mind your anger on me , as my words would have hurted you ... But I won't forgive you as you bashed unnecessarily on Arjun, Purab, Bulbul and Aaliya... Why did you scold them Abhi???

Abhi: Arrey... When did I scold them fuggy??? I just gave only general warnings and instructions only na...

Pragya shrinks her brows: Really, didn't you scolded them...

Abhi: Alright... I accept.... I scolded them, but I have some other reasons for that... Dont mix our issue with this fuggy...  Will tell you the reason, some other time fuggy.....

Please... Please, show some mercy on your Abhi... I will cry, if you didn't forgive me.... Please accept my apologies na, baby... Won't you do this for me fuggy... Pleaseeeee.....

Pragya sighs: Did I have any choice??? No right... You will eat my head till that na...  Anyways, listen.... *******...  You will be completely forgiven,  only when you do this....

Abhi : Ufffff... 😨😨😨😨😨... You are too much fuggy... You are purposely trapping me in this na...

Pragya: Of course Professor sir... How will I forgive you, just like that ... Oh my goodness... My stomach is grumbling... All because of you idiot... I gonna fill my tummy now... Wow... My favourite food.... Yum... Yum...

Abhi: Oh hello... This is my food... Go and get yours....

Pragya: Very sorry Professor sir... This is mine... Go... Go... Move away.... Go and get yours... I'm starving....

Pragya shows her tongue and start to hop on the food, as if she is starving for years... Abhi smiles on seeing pragya's childish antics... She   purposely teases him, making yum sounds and starts to lick her hands....

Abhi is completely tempted on seeing his fuggy , who is looking way to delicious to him with the juices of  food dripping from her lips... Abhi's all control vanishes, when Pragya keeps the chicken piece in her lips and swallows it gently and closes her eyes....

Abhi finds its way too alluring and tempting.... Without thinking anything, he grabs  the chicken piece from Pragya... He winks at Pragya and moves from there to collect his food, with a bright smile in his face....

Pragya is completely dumb struck, as she didn't expected the sudden assault done by Abhi's lips... All the tomatoes in the world would have blushed very hard on seeing the colour that creeped in Pragya's cheeks and the moon would have felt very shy on seeing Pragya's blushy face....

When the food enters her mouth, she is blushing uncontrollably.... Whenever she had the chicken pieces, the Sweetness of Abhi's lips and tongue inside her mouth came again and again and  flashes before her.... She finds it difficult to eat the food, but she sighs as Abhi is not there....

Abhi: Ahem... Ahem... Thinking of me only na fuggy....

Pragya: oh hello... Who said to you like that...  What is that stunt is for.... 😊😊😊😊... Hun....

Abhi: You irritated me by calling professor sir... So, I did that... Just for fun only darling....

Abhi says sorry again to Pragya by cupping her face.... Pragya too smiles and both happily had their foods... They didn't noticed that Aaliya and Bulbul has watched the scenario with a smile on their faces....

The day went very happily as Abhi and pragya also started to enjoy the rides and had lot of fun.... The students too had a great time in the theme park as Abhi had arranged a tight security ..

Later that evening, Abhi along with all the students returned to the hotel.. As they all are hell tired, Abhi had arranged food for all the students in the hotel itself.... Abhi asked the students committee members to come to his room after freshening up....

Abhi: So Miss. Bulbul and
Mr. Purab, go and check for the arrangements of dinner.... There shouldn't be any mishaps okay... Check whether they have arranged everything properly or not....

Miss Pragya.... You can go and check whether all the arrangements are done for tomorrow's sight seeing and also  have a word with the caterers for packet foods too... I need your complete report within 2 hours... So, you three can leave now.....

Abhi waits till the trio leaves the room... Arjun and Aaliya didn't know why Abhi is glaring at them angrily.... All of a sudden, Abhi *****... Aaliya's eyes welled up and she shouts Bhaaiiiii.....


So, what has happened????

What is the punishment given by Pragya to Abhi????

What did Abhi do with Arjun???

Will Abhi find out that Pragya is Aaliya's bestie Dolly???

Will Pragya knows that Abhi is none other than Aaliya's elder brother????

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

Came up with a very long update of 3100+ words....

Sorry, if there are any typo errors and grammatical mistakes, as its not proof read....

Cast your votes without fail and pen down your views, reviews and comments....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be



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