43. You complete me, from the day I met you...

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The loneliest moment in anyone's life is, when they are watching their whole world  collapse before them and they do nothing, but stare at it blankly...

Hold me tight and never let me go... You are not aware that how much you mean to me...

From the day I met you, I found my life... If I lose you, I can't survive at all... You are like the air that I breath... I love you, beyond the depth of my soul...


Abhi just can't control himself and stop admiring his fuggy who is burning in jealousy and ripping the fan girls of Abhi with her curses alone... Abhi is jumping in happiness as Pragya has blurted out that she doesn't like to share anything that belongs to her....

The possessiveness in Pragya towards him is giving him all sorts of positive vibes to him but he is completely confused as why on earth pragya is sticking with her so called puppy love and is holding the diary as that of her heart beat...

Abhi just wanted to tear off the diary and destroy it completely and wipe away all the memories of Pragya's childhood crush from her mind completely... But Abhi is not aware that he is going to regret for thinking like this, as he is her puppy love and the diary gonna become like a heart beat for Abhi soon....


Pragya is completely startled as she never expected that Abhi will come just like that and pull the diary off from her hands, making her to gasp in shock... Her breath hitched, her lips trembled, her eyes blurred, her heart heaving up and down and her whole self shivering in fear, as she didn't expect this sudden assault....

This is not what Pragya wanted to happen at this time... This is not the way, she wants Abhi to know that he is her prem and the puppy love, she is waiting for all these years... This is not her wish at all... She doesn't want her love to be revealed in a worst and horrible scenario, making her nightmare to come true....

Pragya's pov.:

Nooo... Please anyone say to me that it's not real and I'm just hallucinating that Abhi has pulled my dreamy fantasy (diary) from my hands... No Abhi... Please... Give it back to me...

Noooo... I... I just can't believe all these... I... I don't want to reveal my love to my Abhi, like this... I don't want him to broke down knowing that he is the one, who is a reason behind all my longiness, all these years...

I know very well about My Abhi... He will curse him for sure and will punish him thinking bad about him and misunderstood that he is the reason behind all my misery... He will feel guilty and who knows he may go far away from me too...

Noooo... I don't want this to happen.. Whatever happens, I'm not letting my Abhi to see the diary at any cost.... Calm down Pragya snd snatch the diary from Abhi's hands....

Pragya wipes her tears and rushes near Abhi... But she got rooted in her steps, hearing a ferious roar from Abhi and she trembled in fear making her legs to give up and she holds a tree to control herself....

Abhi: Stay where you are fuggy... This is the d-day to end the hide and seek drama going on between us... I don't want to make our relationship to go on and on like this, without knowing what exactly is going on between us... How long, we are going to name it as just friendship, fuggy???

I want to clear out, what is the exact relationship we are sharing.. Whatever happens, I'm going to see this diary and find out who is that idiot prem, who steal my fuggy's heart... Don't try to play smart and trick me, please... .

It's a promise on me fuggy and you shouldn't divert my attention or snatch the diary from my hands at any cost... Please fuggy... For my sake... For our happiness sake... please let me to see it... I... I don't want to let you go away from me at any cost.... 😩😩😩😩

Yes my little baby girl... I surrender to you today... I'm so sorry, as I can't hide what's in my heart any more.. I am truly, madly and deeply in love with you... I just can't imagine a life without you, fuggy...

Please let me know, who is the idiot Prem whom you are saying as your so called.. Nooo.... I just can't... I'm not letting anyone to snatch you away from me... You are only mine, fuggy...

Think whatever you want... I love you madly and I too know that you are also crazily in love with me... But, I can't understand why are you not accepting it... Today, we will end the obstacle between us and there won't be any hurdle in our union too....

Please fuggy... I need you... I want you..  I desire you..  I'm damn possessive on you... I have been waiting for a long time to propose you but I didn't say it to you, as I don't want your attention on studies to get diverted because of our love and people talk badly about our relationship...

But, I'm in a compulsion to say my love, as you keep on saying that you are in love with that good for nothing prem.... I'm burning in jealousy and I just want to kill that dumbo into pieces...

Let's end this now fuggy and I can't wait till you complete your studies..  Please fuggy.. Allow me to see the diary... I won't feel bad and all... As I know very well that you too love me now and I'm not going to care about your past...

Your eyes are telling me a lot of story to me, that is hidden in your heart... Just nod your head alone fuggy... I want to see it with your permission... Please fuggy.... I beg you...

With a heavy heart, pragya nods her head but her eyes are shedding the tears uncontrollably... She holds her heart tightly and she is praying too hard that nothing should spoil their beautiful relationship and separate them....

Abhi's hands are trembling like anything.. Though his mind wish to see who is Prem, his heart is warning him not to look into the diary and hurt himself... He wipes his tears and with shivering hands, Abhi opens the diary and his heart beats are raising rapidly....

The name Pragya's dreamy fantasy is shining in golden colour and it makes Abhi's lips to curve into a smile uncontrollably... He traces Pragya's name with full of love and takes a deep breath to control his nervousness ... He opens the diary and his eyes turned dark on seeing the name, he hates the most...

Abhi feels that the name Prem is mocking at him, as if saying that Abhi can't snatch Pragya from him, however hard he tries too, as Pragya's heart, beats only for Prem and not for Abhi.... My love, My prem written in the first page, boils Abhi's inner self and he is getting ferocious like a killer lion...

With clear jealousy and burning fire in his whole self, Abhi aggressively holds the diary, as if chocking the breath of the diary and killing it mercilessly.... His breath stopped and his world collapsed and he is broken completely on seeing the photo on the next page named as My Prem....

Abhi just can't believe what he is seeing... He feels suffocated and his breath stopped to see his fuggy is admiring her Prem with full of love in her eyes... Hot tears oozes out from Abhi's eyes and he can't believe the fact that he is the Prem, whom Pragya is in love, all these years....

All the incidents flashes in his mind one by one and he understands why Pragya didn't feel awkward to be with him and kiss him, at their first meet itself.... His heart is feeling an unknown pain and the diary slips from his hands and the photo flew in air and kissed Pragya's face....

Pragya who is closing her eyes and crying all these time is startled to see the photo and she is completely broken down to see her Abhi, her Prem is not in a state to digest the happenings... A loud scream echoes from Pragya calling Abhi's name and she started to sweat uncontrollably....


Abhi is completely startled to see Pragya shivering and crying hardly... She is completely drenched in a pool of sweat and her body is shaking and she is not in her senses too... Abhi horrifies and holds pragya tightly in his embrace....

He wipes her sweat and rubs her back to calm her down... He slightly pats on her cheeks to make her to open her eyes... But, the shiver in pragya is not getting reduced and she is mumbling Abhi don't leave me.... I can't live without you... Abhi... Abhi.... Abhi..

Abhi's all efforts went futile and he sighs and leans closer to her and kisses her softly in her lips and hugs her tightly to make her feel that she is in his embrace only and he won't let her to go away from him... Minutes tickled and pragya's breath started to get even and her shiver too started to subsidise....

Abhi pats her cheeks again to make Pragya to look at him, but she is clutching his shirt tightly and not in a mood to open her eyes too as her fear has haunted her senses completely and she is completely in a trauma.... Pragya didn't want to open her eyes as she feels that Abhi will vanish in thin air and is hugging him tightly not wanting him to go away from her...

Abhi sighs and holds Pragya carefully in his embrace and he picks up his mobile with other hand... He hurriedly searches and dials bulbul's number...

Abhi: Hello Bulbul.... Take a glucose packet, Water bottle and a glass... Take some food along with you and come to my seat immediately....

Bulbul: What... What happened sir??? Pr... Is pragya di is fine??? Nothing is wrong with di na...

Abhi: Bulbul please... It's not time to get panick and I don't want to spoil the mood and happiness of the fellow students... Just do what I say and come to my seat immediately.. If you want, bring Aaliya too along with you... Come fast....

Abhi cuts the call and started to rub Pragya's hands and he is holding her tightly as if she is a fragile doll... His eyes teared up as he couldn't understand what makes Pragya to react like this all of a sudden....


Bulbul along with Aaliya picks up all the things asked by Abhi and rushes near the seat hurriedly... They didn't mind the moving bus too, which is climbing the hill station... They are completely in fear that nothing wrong should happen with Pragya... Aaliya and Bulbul are startled to see Pragya in a very pathetic state...

Bulbul: Sir... 😱😱😱😱😱... Pragya di... What happened to my Pragya di?? 😭😭😭😭

Abhi: Bulbul... Relax... Nothing to worry okay... I think Pragya had some nightmare... She is thinking about something and confusing herself.... If you can prepare the glucose quickly....

Aaliya hands over the glucose glass to Abhi and wipes her tears hurriedly without the knowledge of Abhi... Abhi makes Pragya to drink the glucose and bulbul kneels down and rubs pragya's hands... Aaliya is crying inwardly at her helpness and she curses herself for not helping her dolly at this condition too...

Aaliya: Sir... Will pragya be alright??? If needed, we can go and check with the doctor... Not able to see her in this state.. Shall I ask the driver to go to any hospital nearby???

Abhi: No Aaliya... We can't do anything as of now... See, we are climbing the mountain and we can't halt the bus in between... Let's reach the hotel and we can ask for the nearby doctor to examine Pragya, so that no one get tensed....

Did you guys understand, what I say??? Get back to your places and react normally okay... No one should get a single doubt too... Bulbul are you hearing me???

Bulbul: Ye... Yes sir.. 😭😭😭😭... Pragya di will be fine na...

Abhi: What is this bulbul??? Stop crying... I'm here na... I will take care of your di... Don't you trust me, bulbul... If you want, you can sit along with her...

Bulbul: No... No sir... I know you will take care of Pragya di, more than me... I'm little bit worried as Pragya di shouldn't get any traumatic attack... 😱😱😱😱😱😱... How did I forget this???

Earlier, Pragya di suffered once like this and doctor advised that a good sleep is needed to bring her back to normal... Wait sir... Where is Pragya di's bag??

I am damn sure, Pragya di will have the emergency tablets for sure... Let me check it... Thank God... Here it is... If Pragya di have this, she will sleep for some time and will be fine soon.... We can meet the doctor later, as you said...

Abhi carefully holds Pragya and makes her to have the tablets and pats her back...  She slowly drifted to deep slumber and her sweats too started to reduce... The tension in Pragya's face subsidies and she is resting peacefully in Abhi's shoulder without any worry...

Bulbul felt relieved and walks to her seat... But, Aaliya is not able to move an inch too, as she wants to feel her dolly once and she knows that her brother needs her beside him, at this worst situation...

Though Abhi talks strongly in front of bulbul, Aaliya understands that Abhi is completely in fear and is faking that he is alright.... Aaliya holds Abhi's hands and kneels down before him...

She caress Pragya's face and wipes her sweat.... She sighs and gestures her brother to stay strong... Abhi closes his eyes to suppress his pain and tears oozes out from his eyes uncontrollably...

Abhi: I'm... I'm terribly scared, Aaliya... I don't want anything to snatch my fuggy away from me... She will be fine na... Aalu... I... I can't live without my fuggy.... Will she wake up normally and say to me , Abhi I'm fine...

Aaliya: What's this bhai... Arrey.. You have to be strong and my bhai is not that much weak to get scared... Bhai... please don't cry... I swear God will help you and Pragya will be fine soon... Dont worry...

Bhai..  Do you need anything to drink... Wait let me bring some juice... At least have this water, bhai... Stay strong, bhai... Nothing will happen to her okay...

Aaliya holds Abhi's arms and pats it and assuring him that Pragya will be fine soon... She rushes to her place and hugs Arjun tightly and pours her heart out...  The couples (Aaliya and Arjun, Purab and Bulbul) are crying inaudibly in each other's embrace praying to God to make their dolly to get back to normal soon...


The bus shrieks and halts in the classy beach resort in the famous hill station... The students are chirping happily as they are going to spend their last two days of their trip in this beautiful place only...

As instructed by Abhi, the four took the charge and makes the students to get down properly from the bus... Abhi has made Pragya to sleep properly in the seat and he picks the file from Pragya's bag, which had all the details about the room and food arrangements....

After finishing off the formalities, Abhi asks the four to hand over the keys to the students and look after the dinner arrangements too... He rushes up to the help desk and asked them to arrange for a doctor immediately, as it's an emergency...

After confirming all is going well, Abhi rushes up to the bus and spots Pragya sleeping peacefully, without bothering about what is going on around her too.... A weak smile escapes from Abhi's lips as how active will be Pragya to make all the arrangements, but now she is not in a good state to know what is happening too...

As bulbul had said that Pragya is having fever, no one troubled her and questioned about Pragya's absence too... Abhi caress Pragya's head and kisses her  forehead... His tears kisses her lips making her to take a deep breath and she opens her eyes slowly and stares at Abhi blankly...

Pragya smiles and pulls Abhi nearby to her... She brushes her nose with him and raises her brows questioning him, as why he is crying....

Pragya: What happened to my Abhi... Why are you in sad mode.... Who dare to make my Abhi to cry like a baby???

Abhi: You only idiot girl... 😭😭😭😭,... You just took my breath, fuggy... I faced my death in front of me and now only I got back my life, after seeing your smiling face...

If you pull up any such stupid stunts again, I don't know what I will do... Dare to do anything like this, You will see the real hitler in me, fuggy....

Pragya: Uffo... Abhi... Just chill up man... Too much of tension is not good for your health.... Why are you over reacting this much Abhi, as If I had suffered from trauma...

Pragya bites her tongue as she has blurted out her problem and the eyes of Abhi clearly tells Pragya that it only happened some hours before... The shivering voice of Abhi, his blurred eyes, his shaking body explains pragya clearly and she understands that how much Abhi would have suffered seeing her worse state...

Pragya couldn't remember what has pushed her in to the worst condition... She rubs her forehead to think of her dream but nothing is coming up clearly in her mind... She sighs and looks at Abhi who is in need of her at this time, to get back to his normal self....

Without minding anything, Pragya pulls Abhi closer and let's their lips to mingle for an union giving him an assurity that she is fine and nothing will happen to her when he is with her....


Abhi is completely nervous and tensed as the doctor is examining Pragya for a long time... The doctor comes out and said something to Abhi which makes his breath to stop and his world to shatter completely....


So, what's going to happen next???

What is happening with Pragya and what did the doctor said????

Will it be possible for Abhi and Pragya to get united???

Will Pragya's worst nightmare comes true????

When will be the hidden secrets will be out????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...


Alright...  No bad words please...

Poor me... 😩😩😩😩

I know many are ready to rip me into pieces knowing that Pragya has dreamt the happenings and Abhi is not aware of the hidden secret....

Don't worry guys...

Abhi will know who is Prem through Pragya itself as she will handover the diary to Abhi on her own....

So, 7 more chapters are left to end the part one and the part two will kick start soon...

Don't worry... All the secrets will be out before the part 1 ends...

Are you all happy now???

Now to the main matter....

What else....

Cast your votes by pressing the 🌟 button once and pen down your valuable views, reviews and comments without fail..

Came up with a long update as usual... Words used: 3425+


Advance Eid ul fitr wishes to all muslim friends around this globe....

Do forgive me, if I have hurted anyone by my words or with my actions or by any means and please do accept my sincere apologies and forgive me....

Keep smiling and spread happiness around you.... Let the world filled with joy and happiness....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



Have a good day....

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