44. I badly want to feel your love on me...

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Forever is a long time.. But I won't mind, if it's with you...

Even when we fight and put a big wall beside us, I want you to climb the wall and prove me that you still care for me....

It hurts, when we love someone very deeply and not loved by them in return... But what's painful is that, you are not having the courage to confess your love and let that person to know that, how you feel....


Abhi felt relieved and left out a deep sigh when Pragya opens her eyes after a long time, that too after the terrible nightmare which has pushed her into a mental trauma... She blinks her eyes and understands that they have reached the hotel in the hill station and the students have vacated the bus too...

She smiles on looking at Abhi, who is standing there with tear striken eyes.... The panic in Abhi's face explains clearly to Pragya that something terrible has happened to her for sure... But she couldn't guess exactly, what has pushed her into trauma.... However hard she tries, she is not able to remember her dream at all...

She brushes aside her thoughts and consoles Abhi who is worried to hell... Abhi fakes an anger and turns his face, even though he is dancing inwardly as Pragya has consoled him with a much needed kiss, assuring that she is fine.... Pragya chuckles hardly and pulls Abhi towards her....

Pragya: Professor sir... I'm terribly hungry now... Please... Can you wind up this angry glaring session and help me to get down from this bus... Pretty please...

Sorry... Sorry... No violence please... Poor me 😖😖😖😖😖.. I wouldn't have approached you, if my Abhi is there with me...  Huh... What to do... Abhiiiii... Why the hell did you left me with this Terrific hitler... Please my boy... Come and  help me...

Pragya pouts and shows her puppy face and flutters her eye lashes... Abhi keeps a stern face but he couldn't control his laughter on seeing Pragya's cute antics and he melts completely in seeing Pragya twisting her lips cutely, as that of a baby...

Pragya jumps happily on seeing Abhi's smile and she pulls his cheeks hardly... She ruffles his hairs and make it into a big mess, not bothering about the deadly glare of Abhi too... She holds his hand and gets down from the bus along with him, who is keenly setting his hair with the other hand ....

Pragya sees her buddies Honey, pooh and Ajju along with her sister Pie is standing there with a worried look... Pragya keenly observes their reaction and she notices that they felt relieved on seeing her coming normally.... Abhi leaves Pragya near them and goes to enquire about the arrival of the doctor ....

The four were thinking deeply how to start up a convo with Pragya and they all were worried that they shouldn't make her get stressed again by increasing her anger.... Finding their hesitation and nervousness clearly, Pragya coughs harder and gains their attention...

Pragya: Is everything set here??? What about the rooms??? All are okay with the arrangements na... Hmm... That's Good... So... Did you guys checked the dinner menu and all...

Everything should be way too perfect and no one should have any complaints with this ... Okay guys... Where do I have to stay??? I need to freshen up and have to go and prepare the reports soon, before your angry professor take  lectures to me...

Aaliya: But Dol... ( Hurriedly changes from calling pragya as Dolly ) Pragya... Abhishek Sir has asked all the four of us to have a check on everything and he said that you need to take rest in the room, as you aren't well...

Moreover, the doctor is coming to check you and Arjun has been assigned to prepare the reports, as of now.... And....

Pragya fumes in anger: So, you all have decided what I need to do right...  Who the hell gave permission for all this haan... Principal itself has given me certain duties and no one here have any authority to change that....

Did you all hear what I say... Haan... Even your so called Professor too, didn't have any right to interfere in this and can't order me, whether I have to do or not....

I don't like anyone poking nose in my duties and who gave you all the rights to decide, what I have to do and what not to... I'm not a patient and I don't need anyone's name sake help or your so called fake concern for me....

Pragya blasts angrily and everyone's eyes burned with tears... But they controls really hard, not to trigger the anger of Pragya more... Moreover,  they are not in a mind set to hear their true love and concern for their dolly to be fake and pretending for name sake from their dolly itself....

Bulbul: Please, Pragya di... You are not at all fine... You didn't know, what you have gone through... Abhishek sir is hell scared on seeing your worst state and he is much bothered and worried a lot... Please... At least for his sake, calm down and take rest....

We are not at all snatching any of your rights or duties.... We are just doing it on your behalf, till you get fine... As instructed by our professor, we have informed the students that you are having high fever... Now tell us what to do??? Will you permit us to do it??? Please..

Pragya: All decided na... Then why you guys are asking me, as if you are going to do anything against your professor's words... Do whatever you guys want...

But I won't forgive anyone, if any faults or mishaps happens... I will surely take a severe action, if anyone makes complaints or gets dissatisfaction in anything.... So, be careful and prepare all the reports in detail.... Is that clear???

Pragya blasts angrily and pulls the key from Bulbul and walks towards the room... Four were standing dumbstruck, as if they are hit by a big tsunami..... Abhi comes there and sees them standing like a statue without noticing his presence too....

Abhi: What's going on  here??? Are you guys sleeping in the lobby itself??? Girls... Didn't you two go to your room??? By the way, where is Pragya.... The doctor will come anytime for her check up...

Bulbul explains Abhi what all had happened and also said that they are scared to go inside the room, as Pragya is hell angry on them...

Abhi: Goddd... This girl has got lot of temper... Huh... Unbelievable girl... We are concerned and bothered about her health... But she is talking all nonsense, as if we have snatched her property... Really it's going to be way too tough to handle this angry Pragya....

Aaliya gestures Abhi not to sadden like this, as he need to be strong enough to tame the wild lioness Pragya, as he has voluntarily digged his own grave... Abhi couldn't understand whether Aaliya is teasing him or consoling him ...


Abhi slowly sneaks inside the room and sees Pragya cursing Abhi with all her might... Abhi closed his ears hardly but the sound gets louder and louder with many awful bad words, ripping Abhi into pieces.... Abhi wished to run away from there, before Pragya barges on him..

Pragya: Abhiiiii... You idiotic moron... Remove your hands from your ears... I wanna kill you for doing like this... Why this stupid stunt haan???

I'm completely fine Abhi... What's the need for doctor and all... You are hell adamant to irritate me and assigning my duties to them na...

Abhi pulls Pragya near him and keeps the fingers on her lips.... He rubs her back to calm her down and coos her to control her anger... He cups her face lovingly and kissed her forehead.....

Abhi: Shhhhh... Please do this for me darling... Take rest tonight alone or till you are completely fine... Don't argue with me in this matter, fuggy...

The doctor will come here in five minutes... I want you to co-operate and do the check up for my happiness... I can't fuggy...

I'm not at all in a condition to see you like that again and you won't understand the pain, I have gone through, on seeing you like that... Won't you do this for your Abhi... Pretty Please... 

Pragya grits her teeth angrily but nods her head as yes, as she can't say no to Abhi... Both were not aware about fate's play, which is mocking at their closeness... Abhi didn't know that he is going to see Pragya in a worst state and Pragya didn't know that the immense love she has on Abhi is going to get shaken up soon...


Abhi is impatiently waiting for the doctor to come out... The doctor with a smiling face walks along with Pragya and asked her to take the medicines alone properly and nothing to worry about her health, as she is completely fine... Pragya angrily glares at Abhi and walks inside the room...

But Abhi notices that the doctor is waiting for Pragya to go inside and he gestures Abhi to come alone... As suggested by the doctor, Abhi called Bulbul too along with him and doctor had a talk with bulbul too for a long time to know about pragya in detail...

It's crystal clear in their discussion that Pragya has been pushed into a mental trauma exactly from the day (her Prem) Abhi has left the school....

Doctor: As I said, Miss. pragya is not at all having any complications... But something is bothering her for sure and she is fighting a lot between her heart and mind... Her inner turmoil is replicating in her nightmares and if she stresses her like this, it may worsen her condition soon...

So, I insist no one to pester her about her childhood love and no one is supposed to stop her from writing diary or no one should ask her what is inside too.... Give her a hope that you will support her, whatever happens...

Only this will reduce Pragya's stress and I want her closed ones to give her personal space and not to force for anything... I think, she is worrying whether you all will support her love or not...

If needed, take her for stress counselling... Better make her to be happy always and try to help her to come out from the stress by supporting her love and understanding her situation too....

Abhi hurriedly wipes his tears, as he didn't expect this will coming up in his life... He feels someone has stabbed his heart by  collapsing all his dreams to unite with his fuggy ... His heart is writhing in pain and he couldn't tolerate that his love is not at all having a future too....

But something in Abhi tells him, not to lose hope, until Pragya reveals who is her childhood love, Prem.... Abhi has a strong belief in his love and Pragya and he is damn sure that they are made for each other....

His heart keeps on saying him that they are soulmates and each action of Pragya explains him clearly that she is madly in love with him.... Abhi is not at all in a mood to leave his fuggy, but he is ready to help her to come out from stress....

Abhi assures the doctor to do the needful and he also asked Bulbul not to reveal the matter to her parents or friends.... Pragya who is not aware of anything is protesting by not having food too, as she is very much angry on Abhi, thinking that he is exaggerating everything.....


The students are enjoying a lot in the classy beach resort.... Some are indulged in doing surfing, some in doing paragliding, some swimming, some going for boating and some playing in the park....

But Pragya is sulking and sitting there with a stern face and she is not at all looking at Abhi, who is pleading for her mercy... The whole day Abhi is running behind Pragya seeking her apology, yet she is stubborn to enjoy the attention and lovely care from Abhi in the name of protesting....


Later that evening, everyone have settled inside their rooms earlier, as the weather is way too rough and the chilled air can even freeze their bones too... Abhi couldn't sleep a bit and he is walking to and forth in his room....

Abhi just want to hold his fuggy in his embrace and want to hear her cute blabbers... But Pragya is not at all minding to utter a word to Abhi, from the previous day...  Abhi takes a deep breath and walks out in a determination to win his fuggy's apology....

Abhi gasps in shock as he spots Pragya sitting in the outside lawn, with a loose crop top and a night pant, shivering in the windy weather... Abhi rushes and covers Pragya hurriedly by removing his jacket....

Abhi: Fuggy... What are you doing here??? Are you gone crazy??? Idiot... Why are you doing like this fuggy???

What's the need to sit like this haan... You are not at all listening to me and is stubborn to do everything like a small, adamant kid....

Pragya : Hmmm... What shall I do... My buddy Abhi is treating me like a patient and he made me to sit idle without assigning me any works and he has snatched all my rights too, in the name of his so called care and concern...

I'm bored to hell and I'm not in a mood to enjoy too, without doing my works.... I thought a lot and came up with this idea... Awesome na... As my Abhi is treating me like a patient, I'm planning to get really sick....

Abhi fumes in anger: Stupid fuggy... You have gone completely insane... This is too much... Come on... Get up...

Pragya is hell adamant not to move from there... Abhi without minding anything, picks up Pragya in his arms and takes her inside his room, after checking no is there to see them...

Abhi: Sorry darling... My fuggy is a very sweet girl ... Let's end all these now... Be a good girl and get ready... We will go out... My punishment is pending na... I will do it tonight for making my fuggy to get happy...

Pragya : Wow... Really... Oohoo... But Abhi... How can I get changed... I can't switch on the light in the room as Aaliya and Bulbul are sleeping and they will question me, if I get changed at this time...

Abhi: You are not having any short term memory lose na... Noooo... Nooo.... Don't beat me ... Cool cool... Madam ji... You have forgotten that you have kept some of your stuffs in my bag too.... Go and change and come... I will wait for you...


After sometime, Abhi and pragya comes out stealthily and checks whether anyone is there or not... Pragya turns towards Abhi and winks at him to start the punishment, as decided earlier...

Abhi nods his head and asked Pragya to climb up on his legs... Pragya giggles and wraps her hands around Abhi's shoulder and stands on Abhi's feet... Abhi wears the long sweater covering both of them, making them to get way too closer....

He wraps his hands around Pragya's waist and started to walk... The closeness in them is creating havocs in their bodies and Pragya is enjoying the long walk (ride)  with her Abhi in the chilly weather...

The hot breaths of them is tickling their senses and is giving them a much needed warmth in the chilly hilly area...  The weather is turning way too romantic on seeing the hot couples, roaming happily, enjoying their togetherness...

Pragya's eyes widen in surprise to see a frozen lake for the first time ever in her life... She admires it as it's looking like a big bed of ice ... Pragya jumps and twirls like a fish as Abhi has put some ice inside Pragya's dress suddenly...

Abhi's laughs irks Pragya to the core and she too throws some ice on Abhi... Both were laughing hardly and enjoying , not minding the time too... Even the chilled weather is not affecting them, yet it increases their intimacy and closeness a lot....


Abhi wants to scream his love on his fuggy with the way Pragya is melting to his closeness... Pragya is yearning and longing to hear the three magical words from Abhi and is hell adamant not to reveal on her own, till her college ends...

With a heavy heart, both leaves each other's hands and walked to their rooms separately... Abhi is smiling like a fool standing near the mirror and he inhales his fuggy's scent in his sweater.... Pragya is dreaming happily about their future and drifted to a deep sleep....


The trip ended happily and the students are enjoying their happy times till they reach the college... Many were happily talking about the wonderful time they spent and are cherishing their memories happily...

Their smiling face, their chirping talks, their happy dances, their enthusiastic songs are echoing in the whole bus... Purab is sulking and begging Bulbul to spend some romantic time with him...  Bulbul too agrees as she knows that Purab won't get much chance after this, as he will get busy with his project after they reach there....

Arjun and Aaliya are deeply discussing about something and Arjun is not at all happy with Aaliya's idea at all... He argues that it will complicate the situation and will lead to a big misunderstanding .... While Aaliya is hell adamant to implement this at any cost....

Abhi is caressing the head of his fuggy, who is sleeping leaning on to his shoulders... He wraps her arms around her protectively and is praying to god to keep them together like this forever....

A heavy shreik echoes the whole bus and the bus started to vibrate... All are dumb struck, as they didn't expect that the bus will lose it's control like this....


So, what's going to happen next???

Did the bus got into any accident????

Will they all survive ????

What's in stores for Abhi and Pragya and will their love unite them????

What is Aaliya upto???

Will Aaliya's plan help for Abhigya's union  or will it separate them permanently???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....


A long update as usual...

Words used: 3175+

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Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be



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