45. You call it madness, But I call it as love...

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If you have never lost your sanity, it means that you would have not fallen in love, ever in your life...

You are one such a person whom I had loved yesterday, loving today and will love till eternity, without being getting bored...

What makes me addicted to you is that, you like my madness a lot and never force me to behave normal...


The college trip has ended as planned and the students were way to happy that these are the best days of their lives... Professor Abhishek asked the student council member's chairman Pragya (Dolly/ Fuggy) and other members Aaliya (Honey), Arjun (Ajju), Purab (Pooh) and Bulbul (Pie) to set everything ready for their travel...

As instructed by the Professor Abhishek, the students gathered inside the bus at the correct time and stuffed their baggages too carefully, as they were not ready to bear the wrath of their Hitler Professor and they were hell scared that they shouldn't be punished with any assignments and seminars ...

The students tried their level best to play safe, as the trip is going to be ended soon... But the fan girls of Abhi (kirti, jas, shaki n nivi), never bothered about anything, and are wandering their eyes here and there and is eagerly looking for Abhi to come up soon and give a feast to their eyes....

But they have to shut their eyes as  quickly as they can, as Pragya has come along with Abhi, like a protecting shield... She is furious and is spitting fire through her eyes, who are looking at her Abhi, making them to tremble in fear ... Abhi giggles hardly on seeing Pragya's reaction, while Pragya glares at him angrily and took her seat, cursing Abhi to the core...

After talking with the driver and assuring that everything is perfect, Abhi comes inside the bus and instructed the students to enjoy happily to their heart felt content, as they will be busy after this... He also asked the students to contact the student's council members for any assistance and also to carefully use the food stuffs, without wasting it....

At the correct time, the bus started it's journey towards the XYZ city, in which the college is situated ... Abhi smiles and looks at his fuggy, while she grits her teeth angrily and turns her face... Stiffling his laughter, Abhi looks at the students and made sure that no one notices that he is going to sit near Pragya...

Without wasting any more time, Abhi took the seat and wraps his hands on Pragya's shoulder and pulls her way too closer... Pragya tries to push him away with all her might, but he tightened his grip around her and blows air in her face, making her to melt completely in his love....

Abhi: What happened to my fuggy??? Why is she becoming like an angry lioness often??? Did I do anything wrong fuggy???

Pragya spits the words angrily: Professor.... Sirrrrr... Will you... pleaseee leave me and allow me to have some peace of mind... My name is Pragya... To your information, I'm not fuggy and don't touch me like this...

Is this the way, you behave with your student??? Leave me and go and sit with your fan girls, who are longing to sit near you and is hell adamant to irritate me often, by pouring the big barrel of water, from their mouths...

Chee... Chee... How much I have said to them... They are not at all listening to me... How dare they are... Why the hell, they have dressed up like this??? Is it to impress you??? Horrible and disgusting....

I'm getting mad day by day, because of their shameless acts and you too is not at all bothering about anything and encouraging them, by smiling like a fool, haan... So, you need your fan girls, rather than me right...

Let it be... I don't know, when I'm going to lose all my patience and self control.... That will be the death day for you, Sir.... I won't leave them simply... Sure one day, I gonna pull their eyes and put a big plaster in their mouths...

Professor sir... I asked you to leave me... Don't laugh sirrrr... It's annoying and irritating me to the core... Haan... Don't ever call me, fuggy... It's copyrighted only to my Abhi and not to the heartless and shameless Hitler like you... Sir... Can't you hear, what I say... Leave me sir....

Abhi lightly kisses her hairs and whispers: Baby...  What's this haan... Why this much angry, fuggy??? To my knowledge, I didn't do anything wrong ... I swear baby... I didn't look at those girls... Please calm down, fuggy.. It's not good for your health...

Pragya: Hello sir... Don't treat me like a patient... I'm fine only... Answer this first... Why did you laugh on seeing the girls and tell me why you adjusted your hairs and showed off, when they looked at you...

Abhi pulled Pragya's cheeks: Aww... My jealousy baby... This is too bad, darling... Ask your heart... Don't you know that my gaze is only fixed on you ... Did I smile on looking at them or at you haan...

Wait... Wait... Now only I understand the reason ... Okay Okay... Silly girl... I too thought something different... But now only, I get my fuggy's wish.... Such a buddhu, I'm...

You could have asked me directly na fuggy... Will I say no to you, when you wish to have... What's the need to call me as Sir again and again and bringing those poor girls between us, to get kiss from me.... Did I ever reject my fuggy's wish... So, shall I???

Pragya gasps in shock, while Abhi moves close to her, looking intensely at her luscious lips... Her cheeks turns red, but her fingers tries to push Abhi away from her, which is of no use at all... But Abhi shortens the distance between them quickly and both their eyes are mingling in love...

Pragya stammers: Ab... Abhi... No... Please... All are here... Please move.. Away from me... I... I'm getting shy... Please.... Move... Noooo...

Only the lips says those words with much difficulty, while her whole self is longing to drown in his love... Abhi chuckles and kisses her forehead and asked her not to overreact for unnecessary reasons and advised her to stay calm and cool and enjoy happily....

After sometime, the council members distributed the food packets and all are happy to have such a delicious meal.... The students had a wonderful time by singing, dancing and playing in between... Not to forget that the three love birds (Honey & Ajju, Pooh & Pie, Abhi& Fuggy) are having their romantic moments too, without being caught by anyone....

No one is aware that the fate is giggling at them and is having a check on their happiness... A biggest danger is awaiting and is ready to take everyone's lives in an unexpected accident, which gonna happen soon.... Will the fate be so cruel or a miracle happen to save them, from the horrible accident???


Hours passes...

The trip is going on smoothly... Most of the students were in deep sleep, as they are hell tired and exhausted... Only a very few are awake and they too were busy in watching the movie that is played in the tv, which is set up in the bus, for the students to enjoy during the long hours of journey....

Abhi is caressing the head of his fuggy, who is sleeping peacefully, by leaning on to him and hugging his waist, as if she is hugging her big teddy in her sleep... Abhi giggles as he finds her no less than a small baby and it's the reason, he used to annoy her, by calling her as baby, which Pragya hates the most...

Abhi wishes to have his fuggy with him, all his life and he didn't want that stupid childhood love of Pragya, his rival Prem to near her, at any time.... The doctor words keep on haunting in his mind, but his heart keep on saying him that not to give up on his fuggy, at any situation...

But life is a package of surprises... The same Abhi gonna leave his fuggy one day and that too after knowing that he is her Prem, whom she loved all these years... Poor Pragya will accept the bitter truth of her life and will leave Abhi without bothering to hear his confession too...

But will she move on in her life???? Will Abhi be able to be away from his fuggy???
Is their love is not true and will they be parted apart???
Only time has to reveal the unexpected twisty shocks of their lives....


Abhi feels a hard jerk in the bus, all of a sudden... His mind senses that something is wrong for sure and he without wasting any time, places Pragya carefully in the seat and rushes to the front side... Abhi gasps in shock, as the driver has lost the control of the bus and he is sleeping without his knowledge too....

The bus is completely moving on, in it's own and the driver couldn't sense even that too and sleeping peacefully... Abhi fumes in anger and yells at the driver for sleeping like this and wakes him up hardly...

The driver is completely startled with Abhi's shout and he stammers and couldn't understand what is going on around him and why he is being scolded too.... The driver is blinking his eyes hardly, but his poor eyes are betraying him again and again and he is yawning too uncontrollably...

However hard he tries, he couldn't have a proper control on the bus and is trembling in fear, by seeing the anger in Abhi's eyes.... Abhi understands the situation is  getting very worse and he took the charge quickly, to control the stammering bus and he shouts on the driver to wake up the main driver soon...

Abhi scolds the  driver  for the càreless behaviour and not having a control in his sleep... Abhi questioned him what would have he done, if any accident has happened and what would he answer to everyone's family...

In the meantime, Abhi controls the speed of the bus and to his relief the bus is moving in the outskirts of the city and therw is not much traffic in the road too.... The main driver pleads for Abhi's forgiveness and apologized him for the mishaps that happened...

Arjun, Purab along with few boys, comes up quickly and they were too shocked to see the worst situation that happened ... They thanked their Professor Abhishek Sir, for saving all their lives, from the deadly accident ... Abhi said that it's his duty to do so and not to embarrass him like this, by saying thanks and all....

Abhi halts the bus in the corner of the road and asked the main driver to drive the bus carefully and warned him that he will take severe action, if he finds any carelessness in his driving and not to repeat such mistakes, ever in their lives ...

Without trusting them anymore, Abhi instructs some boys to be in the front side, that too near the driver and watch and made sure that the driver drives the bus carefully or not...  He asked the boys not to utter this matter to their friends too, as it will create an unwanted tension in them and never spill the matter to their family too...


Only an hour left for the trip to come to a halt... Many students were calling up their family and asked them to come to the college to pick them up... Everyone are enjoying those precious minutes left in their trip....

Purab is looking at Bulbul longingly and is pleading a lot to accept his wish... But Bulbul is in a complete mood to tease Purab and is keep on rejecting it, by saying many reasons... Finally, she gives up and agrees to Purab's demand ...

On the other hand, Aaliya has made a shocking plan and is hell adamant to implement it soon, to unite her bhai Abhi and her bestie Dolly ... But, Arjun is not at all liking the idea a bit too and disapproves it....

Arjun: Honey... This is ridiculous... You gonna create a big mess for sure... Already, we are not able to get forgiveness from our dolly... If you plan goes wrong means, then dolly will surely hate us and won't even to talk to us too....

Please honey darling... Even Abhi jiju will kill us, if he finds that this your tricky plan to make them together.. It's highly dangerous and way too risky... A single mistake will worsen everything and will surely push us into a living hell...

Aaliya: Uffo... Ajju... Don't be à scary cat, yaar... I'm damn sure, this gonna work out... Please... Please accept it na... This is my last try in uniting Abhi bhai and our Dolly...

They are taking too much time... I won't be happy, if they didn't confess their love for each other.... Please, for my sake... Let's do it na... I have talked with Nikhil bhai and Tanu bhabhi and convinced them too...

Arjun: Alright honey... I'm not okay with this plan, but I'm accepting it only for your sake... God has to save us from Abhi jiju and Dolly.... I'm praying that it should work out... To be frank, I'm not liking you over confidence at all...

Aaliya glares at Arjun angrily and without noticing anything, she pulls Purab hurriedly and leans to his shoulder... Arjun without getting jealous with Aaliya's behaviour, laughs hardly and gestures the confused Aaliya to look at Purab, who is fuming in anger and wanna kill Aaliya into pieces...

Aaliya: What happened to my little boy... Why my pooh is getting angry, haan??? Can't your honey, lean on you...

Purab: Stupid honey... Did I say like that ever... But you are the dumbest of the dumbo friend, I'm having... Grrrr... I'm a fool to have a shautan with me all the time but I have given her a sweet name, honey... Aarghhhh...

Aaliya: Whaatttt... Come again pooh... You called me shautan... Idiot.... Don't forget Mr. Purab Khanna... If this honey is not there, you wouldn't have had the chance to meet your pie...

So you forget everything, I did right... You have the dare to scold me na... Let me teach you a good lesson, dumbo pooh... (Teasingly) How about informing my Abhi bhai and our Dolly by saying that, you are torturing our Pie... Nice idea na...

Purab: Arrey meri maa... I beg you, honey baby... You did a mistake na... So, I yelled on you... Please please... No offense.... Your hitler brother will torture me to hell and Dolly will rip me into pieces...

Will pooh get angry on his honey unnecessarily... No right..  You spoiled it girl... My one hour of hard work got wasted, because of you... Huh... I don't know, when I'm going to get a chance again... Poor me... So sad of you, pooh...

Bulbul giggles: Drama king... Stop sulking like this... Don't over act, as it's your last day to get it...

Purab fumes: Why won't I??? Only I know, how much I begged to have a kiss from you and you only said na, no more kisses till the exam ends... Phew... I'm an unlucky fellow... No romance in my life at all...

Arjun: Pooh... For a kiss, you are reacting and scolding Honey and glaring at Pie too... Not fair, man.... You are becoming like a soap heroine now a days and is crying for everything....

Purab: You can talk anything, Ajju... You are a gifted fellow... My honey is a very good girl and will give you innumerable amount of kisses, even before you ask too... My poor fate... I have to beg to have one kiss and that too with many conditions...

Aaliya and Arjun laughs hardly and blushes and turns their faces... Purab is dumb struck in shock, as he didn't expected this at all ... Bulbul leaves the shocked Purab and thrusts her handkerchief and asked him to wipe off his lips..

It took some time for Purab to understand what has happened and he is completely blushing as Aaliya wipes his lips and ruffles his hairs teasingly... Arjun too pulled Purab's legs and he dramatically salutes on seeing Pie, making her to blush uncontrollably....

The trip ended up finally and the students were way too happy to see their family... All moves to their respective houses and they were smiling, as they got a day off, to get some needed rest....


A new morning with a new beginning, blossomed with the beautiful sun rays, kissing the earth and giggling and shining brightly... The famous college of the XYZ city has got back all it's colours, as the students are back to the college, after the trip....

The students shouted happily and entered the classes, as they heard the ringing of the college bell, after so many days... But they were left in shock, as they had back to back classes and the lecturers were taking the classes quickly, as the exams were nearing....

The whole class of our Hitler professor is sitting like robots and they were forbidden even to move their eye lashes too and is hearing the lectures continuously... All feels a terrible pain in their fingers and their eyes and ears are begging them to take some rest...

But poor souls couldn't do anything, as they were scared to face their Abhishek sir's anger and they know that they will get big punishment, if they pull up any stunt.... Pragya couldn't take that anymore and begs and pleads Abhi through her eyes and asked him to leave them, by showing some mercy on them...

Abhi smirks and asks Pragya to get up all of a sudden... Pragya's eyes popped out and she gasps in utter shock....

What happens is????

Abhi checks the circular given by the attender and asks Purab to read it aloud for the students... Purab blinks his eyes again and again and keeps it near his eyes, to check whether it's true or not.... But the circular seems to him like a fire and Purab throws it off, screaming aloud as Nooooooo....



What's in the circular which makes Purab to react like this???

What did Abhi do with Pragya and what made her to gasp in shock???

Will Aaliya's plans works out as expected???

Will Abhi and Pragya end up together or wilk they part apart???


After a long time na...

Sorry again for coming up very late.... My health issues are the reason and I will try to cope up, by giving the updates soon...

Only 5 parts left for the First Season of the story to end up and the story will be continued in a brand new book with the continuation of the story...

Is it okay, if I continue in the same name or do you want a new name for the sequel???  Awaiting to hear from you all...

Expecting all your support in this regard...

As usual, a very long update....

Words used: 3275+

Cast your votes without fail and pen down your views, reviews and comments....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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