46. Moments with you, is a beautiful dream come true...

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I have seen you many times... But I feel butterflies, whenever you look at me lovingly...

Even though I spend the whole day with you, I will miss you the second, you leave me...

I love it, when you send me texts that makes me to smile, no matter how many times I read them...


The famous college of the city got back it's glow, as the students are back to their shelter, after a long week of tour.... The classes resumes in full swing and the professors are in a mission to rush up the portions and to complete the syllabus soon....

It's quite a hectic thing for the students to cope up soon and adopt to the situation quickly.... The past one week are full of happiness, fun and entertainment and is mainly without any assignments, seminars, lectures and all... 

The sudden changes are making them to suffocate and make it very hard for them to adopt... They are having a tough time, as they are getting tired quickly....

The Professor Abhishek or adorably called as the terror Hitler, is in full form and is taking back to back classes, without leaving a second too.... The students are sitting like robots and they couldn't even blink their eyes too, as they are not ready to face the wrath of their Hitler professor...

Arjun and Aaliya are looking at each other with misery and they are cursing Abhi, for troubling them like this.... Poor Purab is crying hardly and is keep on blabbering that he will take revenge on this Hitler for torturing him like that...

Pragya takes a deep breath and is worrying whether her ears are bleeding or not.... Her ears are paining, her eyes are blurring with irritation and her poor hands are begging her a lot and to give some rest  to it...

Pragya can't take that anymore... She sighs and looks at Abhi pleadingly and begs through her eyes to leave them for sometime... But Abhi is not in a mood to listen to Pragya and a teasing smirk escape through his face, which clearly shows "I will surely punish you with my own ways,  for irking me, baby"...

Pragya gasps in shock, when Abhi points finger towards her suddenly and asked her to get up from her seat... She knows what is coming up next and she keeps on telling her to stay calm and not to over react for anything... Abhi teasingly raises his brow and the whole class is wondering what's going on there....

Abhi: So, Miss. Pragya... Do you wish to say something to me??? I'm seeing you for a long time... You seem to be restless... Is anything bothering you??? Am I boring you too much???

Pragya : No... No sir... Nothing like that.... Who on earth has the guts to say that our great professor's lectures to be boring... To be true, we won't listen to anyone's lectures like this... (Sighs)

Abhi: Enough of flattering me... Tell me what's the problem, Pragya.... (Eyes her mischievously)

Pragya is highly irritated, as Abhi is hell adamant to hear it from her... She knows very well that Abhi is purposely initiating a talk with her, as they had a small fight and Pragya is having a silent war against him... Pragya gave a murderous glare and spits the words....

Pragya: Yes sir, you are correct... I've a big problem.... The problem is that these four behind me are irritating me too much... They keep on whispering that they are so tired to listen to your lectures continuously...

They are distracting my attention, sir... I couldn't hear your lectures properly.... But you will scold me and give seminar or assignment to me, if  I say so.. You shouldn't think na that I'm complaining like a kg kid...

I kept mum, but you caught me...  Poor me is standing like a culprit before your eyes, for their mistakes... (Fakes tears and winks at the four, with a teasing smile, for irritating her, by drooling on her Abhi)

The poor four girls (Shaki, nivi, jas n kirthi) blinks their eyes and they doesn't know, when they said like that... They couldn't argue with Pragya, seeing her angry glare and they have no other go than to nod their heads as yes...

They are ready to even get the punishment from their Abhishek sir too... But they didn't want to die in Pragya's hands for sure.... They bends their heads down, as Abhi glared at them angrily and asked them to sit down and bring their assignments tomorrow....

Abhi mentally appreciates his fuggy, for being so smart enough to trap the girls... He has seen Pragya yawning and twisting her fingers with pain, for many a times... Though he wish to stop troubling his love, he has no other go, as the exams are nearing....

Taking a deep breath, Abhi continues the lecture, but he didn't write anything in the board and started an interactive session, so that the students don't need to write anything in their note books...

Pragya smiles happily and utters a silent thank you to Abhi, without anyone's knowledge.... Abhi too accepts it with a bright smile and starts the interactions with the students...

Professor Abhishek with a mischievous smirk targets Purab, Aaliya and Arjun purposely and bombards them with many questions... Purab is whining continuously that he will kill this hitler one day for sure, for torturing them....


Just then, a peon enters the class and hands over a circular to the professor Abhishek... Abhi reads the circular and signs in it quickly... But he is biting his lips and controlling his laughter, knowing very well that the students are going to react too much, after knowing the contents of the circular...

Professor Abhishek points finger towards Purab and gestured him to come near him, to read the circular aloud to his fellow students... Purab stomps his feet angrily, but poor guy kicked badly in his own feet...

Controlling his sobs, Purab walks forward and gets the circular harshly from Professor Abhishek's hands... Purab casually looks at the circular and all can witness that Purab's eye balls are popping out from it's socket uncontrollably...

Purab rubs his eyes quickly and keeps the paper closeby near by his eyes, to check whether he is seeing everything correctly or not.... All are wondering, what happened to Purab all of a sudden and why he is reacting like this...

When Professor Abhishek touches Purab's shoulder, he squeals in fear, like age old heroines and throws the circular, as if he has touched some creepy creature and is trembling like, he has seen some scary, horrible ghost... Pragya picks up the circular and gasps in shock, after reading it...

Abhi: Purab... What's this... Can't you read a circular too properly... But you will boast that you are the college vice chairman, blah blah blah... Highly Irresponsible fellow....

You are a biggest trouble maker in this class and you are irritating me always... Don't know when I'm going to lose my temper completely...

Purab (whines) : Sir... Please... Already I'm crying on my misery... Please don't pour acid to it, sir.. I beg you.. Poor me... 😢😢😢😢

Abhi: Don't be over dramatic, man... You are reacting too much... You very well know right, this will be coming up... I understand this is quite early... Even I didn't expected this so soon and that too the very first day, after the tour...

The management have decided that... We need to follow this, without any choice... Cheer up, Purab... Don't behave, as if you have lost your life.... Pragya .. Can you read it aloud...

Pragya: Sir... This... Isn't it too early??? Poor us... How can we do it so soon, sir...

Abhi: We professors are there na... We will help you... You guys no need to worry about that.. Well class... Let me tell it on my own, as your friends are in a big shock....

The circular says that you will be having your last internals next week and your model examinations and final semester dates too were displayed on the notice board...

Moreover, you all have to rush up the assignments and projects works and the last date of submission too is very close by... So, you all have to concentrate well... Do your best and work hard , okay....

A pin drop silence prevails in the whole room and the students are sitting there, as if they are hit by a big storm... Many forget to even breathe too and are wondering, how come they can do everything soon...

Many have not even started their assignment works and some even didn't opened their books to read too.. Some even don't have any notes or books with them too... But the students felt relieved with the encouraging words of Professor Abhishek and they got back the confidence, that they can do well in the exams...


Pragya is staring at the food plate without any interest and is just mixing the food with the spoon.. The great foodie Pragya, who always stuffs her mouth with food often, doesn’t ate a single morsel of food too..

Her non stop radio is also completely shut down and in the past half an hour, she didn’t uttered even a word too... She is sitting like a person, who has lost all the hope to live and is completely confusing herself, with all kinds of negative thoughts...

Abhi who is sitting near by, is trying all his might to divert the attention of Pragya.. But he failed badly in all his attempts, as she is not paying heed to any of his talks and is pooled up in varied emotions.. Abhi tries to figure out what is bothering her, but he couldn’t understand anything with the different reactions, she is making...

Abhi lost all his patience and shooked Pragya hardly.. Pragya blinks her eyes quickly and stared at Abhi and a lone tear escape from her eyes unknowingly.. Abhi gasps in shock and quickly hugs her...

Abhi is startled as Pragya buried her face completely in his chest, as if cocooning herself in a mother's womb.. Her hot tears are wetting his shirt mercilessly... Abhi is lost and helpless, as he doesn’t know what make Pragya to bother this much and the reason for her cries too...

Abhi: Fuggy baby.. Stop crying darling.. What happened to you???? Are you still angry on me???? I just did to tease you only, baby.. I won’t hurt you ever, fuggy...

Arrey.. Sweety.. Tell me at least , what is bothering you... Are you worried with the girls acts??? If you want, shall I talk with those girls???

Pragya: No Abhi.. Don't do like that... Poor girls... It’s that.. I.. I was worried about exams, project preparations and all.. That's what bothering me... Nothing else...

(Tries to smile, but fails badly as Abhi glared at her angrily)

Abhi: Liar... Don’t bluff okay.. Why are you saying a big fat lie to me, fuggy??? Look at my eyes.. (In an ordering and threatening tone).. I asked you to look at my eyes..

You are trying to hide a  big thing from me, haan...  Didn't I know that My Fuggy is the class topper and I know very well that you have almost completed all your assignment and project works too... Before our trip only, you showed me everything...

I promised you already na that I will come to your home and help you in exam preparations.. Then what??? I'm damn sure, You are trying to hide something from me ..

Please fuggy.. Pour out , what’s in your heart.. You can say anything with me... I won't mistake you at all... Your silence is killing me and this act of yours is making me to get tensed... It’s scaring me, fuggy..

I.. I just can’t see your broken state.. 😭😭😭😭😭😭... I will get shattered completely, If I witness you are pushing yourself in to depression, ever again.. I beg you fuggy..

Don’t do this to me, please.. I can’t tolerate all these things... Ask me to die, rather than pushing me into a living hell.. 😭😭😭😭😭...

Pragya in a pleading tone: Please Abhi... Don't talk like this ever... You are thinking the unwanted stuffs... Leave it.. (Wipes both their tears and takes a deep breath to calm her down)

Abhi... Have food soon... We have to leave to home, right... See... It's getting very late...

Abhi looks at Pragya intently: You won't open up and say, what's in your heart, right... You are way too smart to divert my attention... Great going Pragya... Good job.... Keep it up...

My mistake... I thought you are my fuggy... But, You are not my fuggy at all...  If it's my fuggy, she will pour out her heart to me... Sorry... I'm only exaggerating all the unwanted stuffs na...

Alright... Now only I understand, what place you have given to me... Late realization... Let me be in my limits and I won't ask anything to you... Sorry, if I troubled you ever....

Abhi kicked the chair hardly and gets up from his seat... Pragya holds his wrist tightly and didn't allowed him to move an inch too... However hard Abhi tried, her hold on Abhi tightens and she pleads through her teary eyes and asked Abhi to sit down...

Abhi sighs and sits near Pragya... Pragya thrusts the food in Abhi's mouth and asked him to keep quiet, till they finish off the food... With no other go, Abhi ate the food along with Pragya, knowing well that she won't eat anything, if he didn't eat the food... But a huge volcano is boiling inside Abhi and he doesn't know how it's going to get calmed down....


It's quite late at night and the clock is nearing 11.30.... Bulbul is way too nervous and looking at the door, with a hope that Pragya will come to home soon... She is startled with the sudden ringing of her mobile... She sighs and picks up the call, as it's from Aaliya....

Bulbul: Hello, Honey di...

Aaliya: Pie... Is Abhi bhai is there??? Bhai, didn't turn up to home till now and is not picking anyone's call too...

Bulbul: No, honey di... Even Pragya di has not returned to home till, now... I'm really scared, honey di... Nothing wrong between jiju and di na... You guys didn't hide anything from me right....

Aaliya: Arrey darling... Nothing like that... May be they would have went out... Who knows, May be Abhi bhai would have taken special tuition for our dolly too...

You relax and don't get panick, okay... Abhi bhai will never let our dolly to face any danger and he will safeguard her... You just calm down and sleep okay...

Bulbul nods her head hesitantly and she felt relieved, as she heard the sound of Pragya's scooty, along with Abhi's car tailing behind her... She informed that to Aaliya and cuts the call... Aaliya senses that something is wrong for sure and she wishes to take her next move, very soon....


Pragya gets down from her scooty and picks up all her stuffs... She looks at Abhi, who is standing there with a smile in his face and his hands are criss crossed in his chest... A blushy smile creeps up in Pragya's face and she without thinking anything, runs and hugs him tightly...

Abhi chuckles and kisses her forehead... He lifts her chin and looks at her eyes, with full of love...

Abhi: So, my Fuggy has got back to normal na... No confusions right... Stop thinking unwanted stuffs and stay calm dear...

Pragya: Sure sure.... Now on, I won't worry for anything.... I just want to scream happily that I'm so lucky to get my Abhi... Hello professor sir, don't laugh like this....

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂😂... I was wondering are you the same fuggy, who is crying hours before, thinking the unworthy stuffs... You are one such nutcase... Have to tighten all your bolts properly or else, you will eat my head...

Pragya: You are teasing me na... Go to hell... Don't talk to me...

Pragya stomps her feet angrily and turns her face... Abhi laughs hard and looks at her mischievously... Before Abhi do anything, Pragya quickly jumps and kisses on his cheeks and ran away from there, whistling happily...

Abhi shooks his head in disbelief and drives the car back to his home... One thing is keep on ringing in his mind... He should fulfill all the wishes of Pragya and never let her to go away from him, for anyone or for anything...

His mind is rewinding back all the incidents that happened in the restaurant and a big confrontation that happened after that.... What happened is ❓❓❓❓❓❓


It's just 15 minutes, since Abhi has left Pragya and went to his home... Pragya is twisting her body here and there and she couldn't sleep a bit too... She already started to miss Abhi a lot and she doesn't want this mere separation too between them...

Pragya quickly jumps up from her bed, as her phone is vibrating with the message sound... A smile creeps up in her face uncontrollably... Th message reads,

"Reached home safely... Missing me, right??? Me too missing you terribly... God... You are doing something to me, fuggy...

You crazy girl is making me, crazy too... Don't laugh okay... See... It's too late... Have to wake up soon na... Good night, sweet heart... Don't dream about me and sleep properly, okay...

No sleeping and yawning in the class... Got it... Don't pull up any stupid stunts and Don't torture those poor girls... Allow them to rest in peace... Good night baby... Don't lick your thumb in your sleep, okay... "

Pragya chckles on reading the last line, as Abhi treats her always like a baby and advises her, as if she is small baby... Pragya kisses the Photo of Abhi, hidden under her pillow and she quickly hugs the T-shirt of Abhi, which she stole from Abhi's luggage in the trip, and drifted to a dreamy sleep...

Both the loving souls are sleeping peacefully in their rooms, dreaming about each other and is waiting for the day of their togetherness.... They are not at all aware of the twisty shocks awaiting for them....



What's going to happen next????

What happened between Abhi and Pragya and how come Abhi, who is angry on Pragya, is acting normally with her????

Did Pragya opened up her heart to Abhi???

What is Aaliya planning and wish to do to unite Abhigya???

What twisty shocks are awaiting for Abhigya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

A long update, às usual...

Words used: 3200+

Hope you guys won't disappoint me and cast your votes, without fail...

Pen down your sweet views, valuable comments and long reviews, if possible....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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