Where there is a will, there is a way...

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Hola peeps!!!!

Hope you all are doing good...

Before I start up, I wanna talk to you all...

Well... This story " From the day I met you" is my own creative idea and is written by me "crazymahiz... No one other than me has a right on this story and it's fully copyrighted to me....

Heard from my buddy that someone has said this story as other one's story... It's really annoying to see people are doing such things....

If you want to praise your favourite author, no one is stopping you and no one has any right to question you too... All have the right to read their favourite stories ...

But that doesn't mean that, in the name of appreciating your favourite authors, you are using my story's name and saying it as their work... This is really unfair guys...

It's really heart wrenching to see such a kind of acts and that too from the people, who knows that this is my own work... Please...  Don't do such things and hurt me...

A humble request from me... Please allow me to do my works peacefully and these kind of acts are really hurting me so much...



I badly want to know, all your genuine reply...

Silent readers... Expecting to hear from you all...

Is this story is interesting or not???

Do you all think, I'm dragging this story???

Is it boring too much???

As the response is getting low, I'm hell confused now...

Many of the readers who liked this story, asked me to extend this story... So, I have decided earlier to finish the first part in 50 chapters and start a new book with the continuation...

But now I'm blank and couldn't figure out, what to do, as the reads and votes are gradually decreasing...

What's bothering me is that the people, who once told me that this is one of their favorite story, started to ignore this story by not voting or commenting in this story....

Huh..  I don't know what to do...

Tell me your suggestions...

Majorities choice will be considered...

Not in a mood to pen down the next chapter, until the previous chapters gains votes....

But, I will give you a small, spicy teaser.... 😋😋😋😋😋



I’m so sorry dolly.. I have no choice other than this.. “

Abhiiiii... Here.. Have this.. The thing which you asked from me long back... My diary- Pragya’s dreamy fantasy, which is like a heart beat for me all these years to live in this world..  But now 😭😭😭😭😭”

“ I agree mamaji... I will do as you say.. I will surely fulfill your promise”

Pragya di... Please listen to me... Don’t take any stupid decision in an emotional situation... This is your life... Think wisely...”

Whatever happens, my heart beats only for my Abhi... Let me kill this idiot first... If he touch me, that’s the end of him...”

Sorry Pie... Nothing is planned.. It just happened...“

“ Do you understand what you are doing... 😤😤😤😤😤... You complicated everything... You messed it up completely... It’s really very hard to come out of it.., Pray that nothing wrong should happen...”

Alright... Listen... I have married you only by compulsion and in my helpless state and not  by my own will... I can't love you or be happy with you.... Let’s file divorce... Sign these papers....”

How dare she.... Is my life is a childish play for her..,”

Fuggy.... Please come back to me... 😭😭😭😭😭...  I can’t survive without you... “

“ My love story doesn’t ended with a happily ever after.., But my love is always special to me and the favourite out of all...”

Let me break the rules... I will change everything... “

Bhai... Control yourself... Try to stay strong...”

I hate this life... I’m missing my darling so much...  I couldn’t concentrate in anything...”

" No one is understanding, What I'm going through... What wrong did I do??? Is loving a person of your choice is a biggest sin???"

" Trust me... I will set everything right... "

" Im not bothered... This wedding is not going to be the end of me... My heart beats only for my Fuggy only... "

That’s all for the teaser guys...


So, easy to guess right...

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

A spicy, masty roller coaster ride is awaiting...

As I said earlier, choose whether I have to add few more chapters and end this story or shall I wrap the story in 50 chapters, by ending the first part and start a new book with the continuation...

Decide and tell me, what you want... Majorities choice will be taken into account...

I want the silent readers to open up and says their comments too...

If you are not comfortable to comment here, Just send me a message in private..

Do open up and inform me...

I'm easily reachable and don't feel shy and all to contact me...

Call me soon by casting your votes...

Yours buddy,

Crazy mahiz

Signing off..

Will be


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