49. I'm sorry, I'm bidding my final adieu to you...

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I love everything about you... Except the fact that you are going to be someone else....

It's really very hard to forget you, as you are my soul...

I will wait for you till I lose my last breath... It's because, I need only you and no one else...


Pragya, who is decked up in the bridal lehenga is feeling heart broken and is shattered to the core... Blood tears are mercilessly flowing from her eyes and she couldn't tolerate the pain that is ripping her soul into pieces...

Her heart, her mind, her soul, her wholeself is mocking at her and cursing her mercilessly for the stupidity, she has done... Pragya blames herself as she is an emotional fool and that's why she destroyed her life for the happiness of her parents...

On the other hand, Abhi is hitting the wall with fury and he couldn't believe that how it's possible for him to marry a girl, other than his Fuggy... He is feeling as if he is burning in fire, after knowing that he is the Prem, whom Pragya is madly in love with, all these years....

He is heart broken and he didn't expected that such things will happen in his life... He is determined to get back his Fuggy at any cost and is ready to force or threaten the girl, whom he married, to sign the divorce papers...

Abhi in full rage, broke all the things in that room mercilessly and he didn't bothered that his hands are bleeding too... He with a smiling face enjoys the pain for doing such a big sin to his fuggy...


Days were moving lazily for both Abhi and Pragya... Though the exam preparations are tightening the schedule of Pragya, she is getting restless, as Abhi is not with her... She badly misses Abhi a lot and it's very hard for them to talk in mobiles too...

The exams started in the mean time and it's going on in full swing... Professor Abhishek who went as the external examiner to XYZ college is having a busy schedule and he is helping the students over there with all his might...

Days tickled quickly, much to the happiness of Abhi and Pragya... Only few days were left for the final exam of Pragya to get completed... While Professor Abhishek too will return back, as the exams will be over by then...


One such evening,

Pragya is aimlessly turning the pages of the book... Her mind is haunted completely with Abhi's thoughts and she badly want to see Abhi at any cost... She takes a deep breath and curses the fate for creating a big distance between them...

Making her foul mood to brighten, her mobile rings aloud with the name of her love flashing before her... Pragya's face glowed like a shining diamond but she didn't pick the mobile and glared at it angrily...

Pragya: Hey mobile... Stop shouting... I'm not going to pick you up... Don't favour your idiotic Professor sir... That stupid didn't have time to talk to me na... He is very busy and has forgotten me completely....

I'm angry on him and I'm not going to talk with him... Stupid heart... Don't provocate me and insist me to pick up the call... God... This brain is arguing with me to hear his voice...

Idiot eyes... Stop the stupid water works.... God... Why my hands are not listening to me??? Why it's hell adamant to pick up the call??? All because of this irritating idiot only... My lovable idiot...

Though Pragya is fighting with the mobile and herself, unknowingly she has attended the call and Abhi is silently hearing Pragya's talks and watching all her reactions , as it's a video call...

Abhi's heart is overwhelmed to hear, how much his fuggy is missing him and is carving to be with him...

Abhi: Hey my little baby ... Enough of fighting with the poor phone... Wipe your tears and smile now... Talk to me , sweetie... Are you missing me this much, Fuggy???

Pragya gasps in shock on hearing Abhi and she mentally smacks herself for attending the call, unknowingly... She composes herself quickly and plastered a forced anger in her face...

Pragya: Woha... Professor Sir... I'm not crying... It's just that dust gone into my eyes...

Abhi: Really... Don't bluff, Fuggy...

Pragya: Huh... Professor sir... I'm very much busy in preparing for my exams and I don't have spare time to think of you and all... If you want, I will try to think of you...

I want to study now, Sir... If you can, stop troubling me and tell me why you have called me???

Abhi: Ahaan... Showing attitude to me haan... Not bad... But I will agree, whole heartedly... I miss you terribly, Fuggy... I'm longing to see you... I just want to run away from here, quickly and see my sweet heart soon...

Fuggy... I'm feeling like a lifeless body, without you... I badly want the days to pass soon... I'm daily scolding you for sending me here... I just can't, Fuggy... I'm getting weak without you...

Fuggy darling... I will come back on Saturday afternoon... Come to our secret spot sharply at evening 5 o'clock... I want to say an important thing to you ...

Please darling... Don't say anything in anger... I'm waiting for this day and planned a lot for our meeting... I will be happy if you come there, wearing the dress I bought for you...

Pragya: Alright Sir... I won't say no to my Professor sir, any a time... After all, you are my favourite Professor... Sir... I will obey you properly and reach there at correct time, Sirrrrrrrr....

Abhi yells: Fuggyyyyy... Do hell with your Sir... If you repeat Sir means...

Pragya: Trying to scare me haan... Sir... Sir... Sir... What will you do, if I say Sir haan...

Abhi: You will regret calling me us, Sir... I will punish those irritating, attitude filled lips with mine, if I hear Sir again...

Pragya's blushes uncontrollably and the images of all their lip locks flashes in her mind continuously... Pragya takes a deep breath to control the chemical reactions happening inside her...

Abhi: Accept it, Fuggy...

Pragya: What I need to accept, Sir???

Abhi: All the images flashed in your mind na... Ahem ahem... Naughty girl... I'm seeing your pinky pinky cheeks... Oohoo... My fuggy knows even to blush too... Awe... You did it, Abhi...

Pragya quickly says no, but she blushes uncontrollably, as Abhi has caught her red handedly... Abhi bursts out into laughter and teased Pragya a lot... They chit chat for sometime and happily bids adieu to each other...


Finally, the exams got over and Abhi rushed to his place, as the day has come finally... Though he is hell tired, he badly wants to go and meet his Fuggy at any cost... He checks and confirms that everything is set as he planned....

Abhi caress the ring in his hands and he feels elighted as he is going to propose his Fuggy, finally... He whistles happily and got ready in the dress, which Pragya has brought for him...


Nikhil, Tanu and Aaliya are watching the behaviours of Abhi from the time, he entered the house... All understands that Abhi is in some nervousness and tension and they couldn't figure out what is Abhi doing too...

Nikhil: Abhi Bhai... Our uncle is not feeling well and doctor is not happy with the way his health condition is now ... He is admitted in hospital and we are going to meet him...

I'm planning to send Tanu to stay over there with her father, for some days or till he recovers...

Abhi: Ohhhh... Is uncle is not doing good means, why can't we bring him here, Nikhil??? We all can take care of Uncle, right... How come Tanu alone can manage there???

Nikhil: I told him already, Bhai... But he is not listening to me and is hell adamant to stay over there only... That's why, I'm calling you... Only you can change his mind set... Will you join us, Bhai???

Abhi: Please excuse me, Nikhil... I've an important work and I need to go there urgently, as it's an emergency situation... Do one thing...

You three go to hospital... I will come there directly... Moreover, I wanna discuss something with uncle and want to take a big decision very soon...

All are puzzled with Abhi's talks and they doesn't understand what's going on too... But Aaliya is much worried, as she feels that something wrong is going to happen for sure...


After sometime,

Aaliya is staring at the ceiling aimlessly and she is not hearing or responding to the calls of Nikhil and Tanu too..

Even she didn't reacted to Arjun, who came to meet her... Arjun shooks Aaliya and brought her back to earth...

Arjun: What happened to you, Honey??? Are you okay??? Are you still thinking about that???

Aaliya: I don't know what to say or do, Arjun... I'm scared to hell... I didn't expected that our Dolly's father would have fallen sick, all of a sudden and I never expected that he will blackmail our Dolly emotionally, to marry the groom of his choice...

When Pie said all the happenings, I'm shocked to hell and I don't know what is Dolly going to do... This Pooh is also feeling guilty and cursing himself that he has spoiled the happiness of our Dolly...

We are in a helpless situation as we didn't come to a clear conclusion about who is our Dolly's love - Prem... This Abhi Bhai too didn't proposed Dolly, till now and I don't know, why he is taking this much time...

Adding more to the problem, Now Uncle is also sick and is being admitted in the hospital... Already uncle is much worried thinking about Abhi Bhai and his marriage...

Yesterday too, he is bothered and said that he want to see Abhi bhai's wedding, before anything happens to him.. I couldn't figure out what's going to happen...

One thing is clear for me... Things are getting out of control... The situations are much complicated and we are standing here helplessly, without knowing what to do to unite them...

All I want now is that Abhi bhai and Dolly should take a wise decision, immediately... They shouldn't become a pawn and destroy their lives and happiness, for anyone's sake...

I'm scared that they shouldn't be emotionally blackmailed and they shouldn't accept to marry any other persons... But something in me is scaring me a lot and I'm feeling bad vibes around us...

Arjun: Don't worry, Honey... We all are there na... We won't let anything wrong to happen...

Not aware of the storm that gonna hit them, Arjun consoled Aaliya... Along with Nikhil and Tanu, Arjun and Aaliya moves to meet Tanu's father in the hospital...


Abhi is tensedly waiting for Pragya... He rubs his hands quickly and takes deep breath to control his nervousness... He prays to God to make his love successful and he is longingly waiting for Pragya to come soon...

Not making Abhi to worry much, Pragya gets down from her scooty... Abhi is hell shocked as Pragya's face is hardened like a rock and it's blank without any emotions too...

What bothered Abhi is that Pragya didn't worn the dress, he bought for her... Pragya comes up in a dull and pale dress and her face too is showing that she is in a pathetic and devastated state...

Pragya eyes didn't emitted any emotions on seeing the beautifully decorated place too... She is not even smiling on seeing the arrangements, which is as per her tastes and preferences...

Taking a deep breath, Abhi steps forward and hands over the bouquet to Pragya... Pragya closes her eyes and twists her lips, as if she is not interested to receive the bouquet from Abhi...

Not showing his shock, Abhi with a bright smile forwards his hands, gesturing Pragya to hold it... Pragya shooks her shoulders and neglected the proposal and moves forward, shocking Abhi to the core...

Controlling his anger and holding his patience, Abhi tails behind Pragya, who sits in the decorated chair without any interest and is behaving like an unwanted person...

Abhi tries to hold Pragya's hands but she takes it back quickly, hurting and shattering Abhi's heart into pieces...

Abhi: Fuggy... Are you alright??? Is anything wrong with you??? Why are you behaving wierdly???

Pragya: Professor Sir... I don't have much time... I'm in an emergency... I came here as I don't want to disappoint you...

Abhi: What happened to you, Fuggy??? What's wrong with you??? Can't you see or understand anything on seeing the arrangements???

Do you know, how much I longed for this day??? After all the happenings, how can you behave as if nothing is going on between us??? Stop crying... Damn it... Open your mouth...

Don't dare to say that you are in love with your teenage crush, your puppy love, Prem and all... I will kill you, if you say so... These eyes has said your unsaid love to me, long back...

Don't say that we are just friends and we share a relationship as that of a professor and student... Let's end our hide and seek drama now... Accept the truth, Fuggy...

You won't open your mouth, right... I don't care what you think of me... I accept and I will say it... I....

Pragya: Stop it... Not a word more... If you say those three words, I will die for sure... Please Abhi... Don't say that alone...

Nothing is going to happen... All my dreams, wishes, longiness and all the love I had till now in my heart is pulled up abruptly from me... I'm a curse and I don't deserve to get anything...

Please Abhi... Let me Finish it off fully... Many a days, you asked me na what's in my diary and who I'm in love with.... Here is this Pragya's dreamy fantasy, the keys and the secret code to unlock it...

This is not a diary, Abhi... This is my life... My heart beat... The reason for this Pragya to stay alive, all these years... I want to gift this to you, Abhi... The codes are nothing but the day, I first met my Prem....

It was an unforgettable day in my life, Abhi... I met my Prem on that day... He stole my heart in that instant itself... I loved him crazily and I didn't bother anyone's teasings too, as my Prem is not aware of who I'm too...

Even my friends and my sister fought with me and asked me to leave off my love, as they said that it's just a teenage crush ... But I stubbornly believed that my love is true and it's not mere infactuation or crush...

After many years, when I was drowning and struggling for my life, my Prem came out no where and saved me... He got introduced to me in a different name and as a different person....

But I found out very soon that he liked me so much... I know very well that he is madly in love with me and can go to any extreme to marry me... I'm in a pathetic state and I am not in a condition to accept his love...

My Prem is standing before me, teary eyed and I'm not in a state to wipes his tears too... I know how much he is broken beyond repair... At this time too, My Prem doesn't know that I'm talking about him only...

Great love story of mine na... Leave all that... I want to ask sorry to you, Abhi... If I have disturbed you by any means, do forgive me... I just want one thing from you, Abhi...

Can I hug and kiss you for the final time??? Will you allow me to do so???

Abhi with teary eyes raises his hands lifelessly... Pragya runs and hugs Abhi tightly... She kissed him all over his face and sealed her lips with his... Minutes tickled and the duo are not in a mood to leave each other...

With moist eyes, Pragya hugs Abhi for the final time and kisses his heart, making him shatter into pieces... Pragya whispers " I love you Abhi, my beloved Prem" and ran away from there, leaving the shocked Abhi...

Abhi hurriedly opens the diary and he couldn't believe his eyes too... He wanna scream happily that he is his Fuggy's Prem... But reality choked Abhi and he falls on his knees and cries aloud...

Abhi doesn't understand what has happened to Pragya, all of a sudden and why she is not ready to accept him... He is stubborn to find out the truth behind Pragya's behaviours... He dialled Pragya's number, but it's been switched off...

Abhi is not ready to give up easily and he wishes to clear off his doubts through Bulbul... When Abhi is about to call Bulbul, Nikhil called Abhi and asked him to come to the hospital immediately...


Abhi rushes to the hospital and he spots the teary eyed Tanu, Nikhil, Aaliya, Arjun along with his family.... Abhi is shocked to know that Tanu's father, his beloved Uncle is in a critical condition and is in need to do an operation, immediately...

But what shocked Abhi is that his uncle is not ready to do operation, until he meets Abhi... Abhi rushed inside the ICU and he begs his uncle to accept for the operation...

To Abhi's misery, Abhi's uncle asked Abhi to give a promise to him and accept that he will marry his Friend's daughter... He is hell adamant and blackmailed Abhi emotionally...

With no other choice and to save his Uncle, who did a lot to him and his family, Abhi accepted to marry, whoever his Uncle says... Abhi mentally asked sorry to his Fuggy and keeps on saying that he is getting married only for name sake, to save his uncle...


Abhi thrusts the divorce papers inside his sherwani... He gave a killer look towards Aaliya, Arjun, Tanu and Nikhil and didn't allowed anyone to talk too... He gestured them that he knows everything and walks out from the room...

Knowing that his so called married girl or his name sake wife will be in the upstairs room, Abhi walks forward and is ready to force or threaten her to sign the divorce papers...


On the other hand, Pragya is holding the knife tightly in her hands... She is ready to kill her so called husband, if he didn't leave her or ready to start a life with her... She is damn sure that her heart, soul and her body belongs only to her Abhi/ Prem and no one else...

Pragya's heart beat started to raise as the room door gets opened... Pragya clutches her shawl tightly and holds the knife properly.... She keeps on saying Abhi repeatedly, as if she is gaining the needed strength to talk to her so called name sake Husband...




Arrey... Don't try to attack me...

I have already decided to reveal the truth only in the 50th chapter... i.e. the next chapter....

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

One more thing... I want to say an important thing to you all...

As planned, I'm not going to start the part 2 of this story in a new book...

As people are not responding properly, I have given up that idea...

But don't worry... I'm adding 5-10 chapters, as planned by me earlier...

I hope you all are okay with my decision....

Cast your votes, pen down your views and call me soon...


Yours Buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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