51. I will love you, till the day after Forever...

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Happy news to share with you all...

"From the Day I met You" has become my 3rd story to cross the 7000+ votes benchmark...

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who liked this story a lot and supporting me through your votes and comments...

Dedicating this chapter to all the lovely readers of From the day I met you...

Special dedication to the birthday girl (16-4-19), My sweet buddy shaki Shakiabhigya ... Happy birthday sweet heart... May the almighty bless you with all happiness and may all your dreams and wishes comes true.. Have a blasting birthday and a wonderful year ahead....


A quick survey of From the day I met you...

Total reads: 45,700+ reads

Total chapters written so far:
50 chapters

Over all chapters: 60 chapters and an epilogue....

Total votes: 7250+ votes

Maximum votes in a single chapter:
170 votes...


You are the only one, I want in my life... I can't explain how is it horrible for me to live a life, without you... I miss you so much and I'm eagerly waiting for the day, to get you back in my life...

You are the beat of my heart and the reason , I'm breathing till now... It pricks my heart, as you are seeing me like a stranger...

My heart knows very well that she belongs only to me... But my poor soul is aching without her presence, beside me...


Pragya is curiously watching at the door of the classroom and eagerly looking for the new Professor to come up soon... Her mind imagines how the professor will be and her hands itches to draw a rough portrait of the professor...

Aaliya, who is watching the reactions of Pragya bites her nails nervously and is praying hardly that nothing wrong should happen... She is bothered that how is Pragya going to react to the situation and what she will do, after seeing the new professor...

Aaliya (Honey) feels really weak at that time as Arjun (Ajju) and Purab
( Pooh) are not with her... If her buddy Pooh is with them, he would have cracked some silly jokes, eased out the situation and diverted Pragya's attention towards some other things...

Moreover, Honey needs the support of her love Ajju, whenever she feels restless and nervous... It's an unsaid truth that Honey's all bold moves and the important tactical decisions, which comes up easily for her, is possible, only when her love of life Ajju is near by her....

Honey curses her two idiots for leaving her alone with their Dolly in this important time and making it way more harder and tougher for her to handle... The curiosity in Pragya's eyes make Aaliya to shiver in fear...

Aaliya quickly wipes her sweat beads and plasters a forced smile in her face, when Pragya gave a questioning look towards her... Aaliya came up with some reasons and Pragya too didn't interrogate her much, as the sharp yet the gentle foot steps, hits her ear drums....

Pragya's heart overwhelms in an uncontrollable excitement and suddenly, the blood inside her body started to rush up in a rapid speed... She can hear her own heart beats and her lips are curved to a big smile on seeing the new Professor, who steps inside the classroom...

Pragya chuckles inwardly, as the professor is not as per her crazy and funny imaginations... Her inner self teased her a lot, as she imagined that the new professor would be of Fifty plus years, with a big chashma and obviously, with a bald head....

But to her dismay, the complete opposite and reverse is happening over there... Pragya wanders her eye balls and her gaze falls on those girls in their class, who are drooling the new professor, shamelessly and are forgetting even to breathe too...

Pragya badly want to punch in all their faces and she wanna poke their eyes, mercilessly... She couldn't understand, why she is feeling so much jealous and why she badly want to claim the rights on the new Professor, who is a mere stranger to her....

The tall, sizzling , handsome man with a dusky complexion enters the class room, in a typical and strict professor look... Pragya couldn't even move her gaze away from the new professor, any a time...

Those velvety, gelled up hairs, which is looking like the sea waves, makes her to go crazy like anything... The sharp, mesmerizing, magnetic eyes , pulled her towards him, uncontrollably....

The sweet features of his face, inspite of his rigid and adamant posture, makes her to think that he is a role model for the masculine beauty... The s**y, dark lips are making Pragya to lose all her sanity and she couldn't understand, why she wanna kiss those lips madly...

Pragya mentally smacks her head, as she is shamelessly checking out her new Professor, as if she gonna love him... She couldn't have any idea as why she is feeling so much excitement after seeing him and why she wanna scream hardly that he belongs only to her....

Pragya takes a deep breathe to compose herself... But none of her attempts are favouring her and her betraying eyes are completely fixed on him... But her heart felt an uncontrollable pain, as two things bothers her a lot....

Pragya's eyes moistens, as she feels really bad that this shouldn't have happened to a handsome man like him... The light scar in his façe and neck and the stick in his right hand makes her heart to bleed in immense pain...

Not able to control her wavering heart beats and also a sharp pain, which is pricking her head very badly, Pragya closes her eyes quickly and crushes Aaliya's hands hardly, without her knowledge....

Aaliya, who is praying all these time and is bothered that this shouldn't happen, doesn't know what to do... She restlessly looks at Pragya and immediately , Aaliya turns her attention towards her saviour, who only can help her at this critical situation....

The new professor sighs and gestured something to Aaliya and she too nods her head and started to pat Pragya's back quickly... Not wishing to make Pragya's health to deteriorate, the new Professor opens up his mouth to introduce him....

Pragya, immediately opens her eyes, as the bold voice hit her ears... The voice is like a ringing Melody in her ears and she feels that her soul is getting some peace, suddenly and her heart is rejoicing, after many months....

Seeing the calmness and happiness in Pragya's face, Aaliya sighs and feels so relieved... The professor too watches the moves of Pragya and he is feeling as if he is showered with love petals...

Though the professor is talking in a strict tone and with a rigid face, his whole self is smiling and feeling happy, inwardly.... It's quite hard for him to plaster all his emotions and he is interrogating with the students in a professional manner...

The new Professor or the old student of the college, Abhishek Prem Mehra or fondly called by many students as Hitler, is standing in the center of the dias and took the class attendance... His hands traced his soulmate, his Fuggy's name, with full of love....

Abhishek: Well class... I'm your new Professor... I'm going to handle 3 major papers for you... I'm also going to deal with 2 general papers too... You people are going to have some classes together with the marketing branch students...

I don't want to talk much and waste this session... I'm a strict professor and I expect my students to behave properly in the class... You people are not in school level or in under graduate level to give instructions, warnings, class room etiquettes, discipline and all...

You all are in a professional degree... As a management student, you need to be perfect in all your endeavors... This is the first thing, you all should know and implement properly in your life... Is that clear??? Good...

Focus your attention in the classes, properly... Don't waste your time unnecessarily and divert your attention in unwanted and useless thinkings... This is the place to learn and study... Got it...

So, let me read out the attendance and have an idea about your names too...

Pragya looks at the professor in awe... Though their Professor Abhishek sir is giving instructions in a bossy tone, she feels that some kind of entertainment is awaiting for her... A mischievous smirk creeps up in her face and Pragya giggles that her days are going to be full of fun...

Aaliya shooks Pragya hardly, when Pragya's name is pronounced for a long time... As Pragya is making a smart plan to have fun in the class and also to tease their Hitler professor, she didn't noticed or heard that her name is called up by the professor, repeatedly...

Pragya makes an oops reaction, bites her trembling lips and nervously gets up from her place... The professor Abhishek glares at her angrily, while Pragya wishes to drown in those mesmerizing eyes, life long...

Abhishek: Miss. Pragya... Come back to earth... Still, you are sleeping... You are not at all responding to me... Do you think I have no work other than this???

As this is the first day, I'm leaving you... Or else... You won't have the place to sit in the class... You need to stand out and listen the classes...

Irresponsible... Huh... I couldn't understand why all classes used to have one black sheep like this, who spoils my mood... Hello... Stop dreaming... Sit down...

All giggles silently, as this is the first ever time that Pragya is being scolded in the class... Pragya fumes in anger and she irritatingly looks at her professor for shouting at her like this and spoiling her image in front of her fellas...

But Pragya couldn't understand one thing clearly...She can't have any clear idea as she feels the difference in the body language of the professor, which keeps on changing often...

Only his lips are shouting at her, yet his eyes are saying a different story to her.. Pragya brushed aside her thoughts, controls her anger, asks sorry to the professor and sits in her place with a deep thinking...

She failed to notice the eye to eye conversation between Aaliya and Abhi... Aaliya gently holds Pragya's hand and asked her to smile... Pragya too nods her head and diverted her attention towards the class...

As usual, The Professor Abhishek, who creates a big magic in the classroom, pulls the attention of the students towards his lectures, takes the classes elegantly.... The students too were taking notes quickly and answers the question, which is asked by the professor, in between...

Two hours passes just in a blink and the session ends, finally... Professor Abhishek let out a deep breath and he feels terrible pain in his legs... As he is back to his professional form after a long time, he didn't bothered about the pain and took the classes in a go...

Professor Abhishek completely forgets the doctor's instructions to take rest in between and he in a hurry , didn't sprayed the pain relieving medicine too... He sees some swelling in his legs and he couldn't move his legs a bit too....

Aaliya, who is watching the painful face of her brother, understands the need to help her brother .. She quickly texts Arjun and Purab to come to her class side, immediately... As the classes got over, Professor Abhishek, with much difficulty, gets out from the class...

Pragya is in peak of anger, as these two hours are a deadly torture for her... She wanna bang hardly on the Professor's head, as he didn't moved his gaze towards her, when he took the class... She is not in a state to leave it so easily and wanna settle her scores, asap...

Pragya masters a quick plan and gets out quickly from the class, excusing to Honey that she needs to use the restroom... Pragya's jaw dropped, as she spots her two idiots Pooh and Ajju are helping the new professor to get inside the staff room....

Pragya couldn't believe the happenings and she has lot of questions in her mind... Her head writhes in pain and her confusions are making her to go restless... She falls on her knees and holds her head tightly...

For five minutes, Pragya is completely blank and she couldn't think of anything... But she remembers some blurred images of a person and her mind keeps on thinking the horrible dreams and her deadly nightmares, so that she can find out some clues, to clear her confusions..

With a shivering body, Pragya struggles to get up from her place....Her legs are not at all steady and she holds the wall with much difficulty... It took some time for Pragya to regain her composture and she doesn't know, when she ends up in the class too....


During break time,

Pragya says some silly reasons and avoids to go to the canteen... Understanding the mind set of their Dolly, none of her besties compelled her and they quietly moved to the canteen...

As Pragya had only light food in ths morning to have her medicines, her belly started to rattle and trouble her... Her head too is throbbing in pain and she badly needs a cup of coffee to calm her down... She takes her wallet and moves to the canteen...

Shock is an understatement for Pragya, as she spots her sister Bulbul and her best mate Aaliya is talking chirpily with the new Professor Abhishek, as if he is someone so close to them... Her brows shrinks in confusion, as Ajju and Pooh got him the food and chit chatted with him....

Pragya quietly moved from the place and orders a coffee and sits in the isolated corner of the place... She badly wants to know who is HE??? Pragya is so confident that the new Professor is someone close to her and that's why her friends and sister are so close with him...

But Pragya couldn't hold her jealousy, when Aaliya helped him to get up... When Professor Abhishek holds the shoulder of Aaliya, Pragya's blood boiled in anger... She couldn't control her anger, when her sister Bulbul holds his hands...

Even though it's her sister and buddy, Pragya can't tolerate the closeness of the girls with the professor... Her heart screams hardly that it's reserved only for her and no one has any right, ahead of her...

But Pragya's mind counter argued that why she is so dramatic and seeing the situation in a different angle... Her mind bashed her that both Aaliya and Bulbul are in love with Arjun and Purab and they were engaged too...

Yet, the closeness of their Professor with her Four Idoits, are not at all fruitful to Pragya... Rather, she feels that something which is very close to her, is beyond her reach and she is struggling really very hard to claim her rights... Letting out a deep sigh, she sips her coffee soon...


Without the knowledge of anyone, Pragya follows the professor... But she doesn't know that even her single breath is aware to her soulmate Abhi and he knows very well that she is following him...

Abhi's lips curved to a big smile and he takes very slow steps to walk in the empty corridor... Pragya follows him quietly ... Both of them started to enjoy this five minutes of silence walk, as if they are walking romantically in the beach, under the glowing moon...

Pragya gasps in shock, as the Professor turns suddenly and stares at her intently... He raised his brows and questions her as what she is doing there... For a second, Pragya's heart stopped it's beat too and she forget to blink her eyes...

Pragya mentally curses herself for losing her sanity on seeing him and getting this much scoldings, warnings and free advices in the very first day of their meeting... She utters sorry in a go and rushes from there quickly...

But Abhi recollected their first encounter in their school days, in which they dashed with each other... His mind thinks about their meeting in the pool, when he saved her from drowning... Abhi couldn't stop himself from rubbing his cheeks, as he got his first ever kiss, accidentally from his Fuggy...

Abhi's face glowed in happiness after a long time, as the sweet battle between their lips flashes before his eyes... Many a times, their lips mated with their lovable twins and this college holds many beautiful memories of their romantic encounters...

It's obvious that Abhi and Pragya's bonding, closeness, intimacy, friendship, care, understanding and love blossomed and rooted in this college... Yet it's an ugly truth that the same college has seen their horrible separation and painful moments too...


Pragya, who is used to sleep quite earlier, with the effects of medicines, is restless and twirling in her bed... Sleep is far away from her eyes and she feels completely restless..

She gets up from her bed and drinks the whole bottle of water in a go... As her mind is not calmed enough, she walks towards her study table and picks up her drawing pad, after many months... Her hands aimlessly moves in the pad and the pencil is drawing something...

Pragya didn't notice what she is drawing, as her mind is being haunted with many questions... If Pragya would have noticed her picture, she would have find out a biggest solution to her confusions...


It's quite early in the morning... Abhi searches his mobile, which is buzzing for a long time.. He picks up the mobile and keeps in his ears... Abhi's face lost all it's colours as **************



I knew it... This is all your mind voices na... 😂😂😂😂... Same answer only... Sure in next update...

Mahii is so smart and that's why she escapes from you all easily... 🙊🙊🙊🙊😂😂😂😂..

All of you are so angry, right ... So, no question session today...

Keep guessing what's coming up and stay tuned...

Vote without fail, if you like this shot and wanna have a quick update... Do comment and pen down your views and thoughts...

Bidding adieu,

Yours Cliffy Buddy,



Will be


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