52. Is He My Beautiful Dream Or My Worst Nightmare???

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Even though you are near me, you are not in a state to remember me at all... It's  so hard to believe that you have forgotten me so easily... I'm living in a hope that you will get to know about me and our love, one day...

Whenever I feel that you are not around me, I  re-read all our messages and go through  the snaps in my gallery , repeatedly.... This always enlightens my heart and makes me to feel your presence beside me ...

Without you, tomorrow will not be a worth to wait for... Without you, yesterday wouldn't  be a worth to remember... Without you, today is indeed a worthless one and it's nothing, but a living hell....


It's been 2 weeks, since the college got reopened and the long awaited meeting between the Professor Abhishek and the mischievous Pragya (Dolly/Fuggy) was held... This is a must needed meeting, which marks a new innings and a fresh beginning in their lives, after the drastic incident...

Professor Abhishek is back again with a big bang and the terror Hitler in him takes the charge in full swing, as he feels that it's time to forget the bad past and focus on the present properly... The students had a tough time to cope with the Hitler Professor Abhishek's's speed and they were trying really very hard to be attentive in the lectures, to escape from his punishments...

The girls in the class are in a pressure to stop their drooling session and concentrate  well in the class, to impress their Handsome Professor at any cost... While the boys in the class wanna out beat the girls and they works very hard to get into the good  books  of their beloved Professor.....

Ahead of all the students, Professor Abhishek's attention falls always on his favourite student, his love of life, his Fuggy only... He badly wants to know what's cooking  in her tiny head and her behaviours freaks him a lot... None of Pragya's besties and even Bulbul is not aware about Pragya's mind set...

Abhi treats Pragya normally, as that of all fellow students and he made sure that none other than his sister Aaliya knows about the relationship he had with Pragya earlier .., However, Abhi never fails to care for Pragya's well being and he make sure that she didn't get much stressed, which may affect her health...


Pragya feels that she is in a complete mess and it's not at all possible for her to figure out why her behaviours are too odd and wierd these days... Pragya couldn't understand why she is pooled up in varied emotions and ended up only in confusion alone....

However hard Pragya tries, she is not in a state to find out the answer for her doubts and she is not in a mood to discuss her situation to anyone and clear her confusions too... When she doesn't know exactly what's bothering and troubling her, she doesn't want to confuse her buddies and her sister and is not interested to mood off them too...

Pragya grits her teeth angrily and spilled out the name " Professor. Abhishek Prem Mehra", as if she is killing the name... But to her poor luck, the name flowed out like a delicious chocolate mousse and sweetness the heart of Pragya... Just the name Abhi/Prem itself , brings an unknown happiness in her mind set....

Pragya sighs and falls on the bed... If anyone asks her why she is thinking about her Professor at the odd hours of the nights , she doesn't have any answer at all... She doesn't like this arrogant, irritating and torturing Professor a bit too and he is the man, she hates to hell....

But Pragya couldn't resist herself, whenever she looks at him... Irrespective of his lectures on punctuality, discipline and the long hours of classes, seminars and paper presentations, she understands that something is there in him, which pulls her towards him uncontrollably and making her go crazy for him....

Pragya shook her head in disbelief and buries her head inside the pillow and keeps on saying that she shouldn't think of that thick headed Hitler... Unknowingly her mind thinks of the possibilities of seeing the smile in the Hitler Professor Abhishek's face and she started to imagine how it will be if  he is so lovey dovey towards her...

Pragya curses herself as she being a stupid is thinking  about the Professor, most of the times... She keeps on saying that the terror Hitler is her biggest enemy and she threatens herself not to fall for his charms, any a time...

Pragya badly wants to teach him a good lesson for annoying and torturing her so much and haunting her mind like this ... She smirks and makes a cunning plan to give it back to him... But poor Pragya doesn't know that she is going to fail very badly before Abhi...


On the other hand, Abhi is thinking about the golden moments he had spent with his crazy girl... Their first meeting, their encounter in the restaurant, the professor-student cold war, their friendly bonding during the dance practice session, their deep bonding, their love, the happy moments they spent during the college trip and also the final day, which separated them very badly...

Abhi lifts his mobile and his eyes started to get glued up in his mobile... The whole night Abhi keeps on watching the photos,  videos and also the crazy text messages and the chats they had shared... Abhi's eyes got blurred up uncontrollably and he just want to drown in his dreamland, which is a place where his Fuggy will be in his embrace only....

Tiredness took over Abhi and the medicines he had to get recovered from his wounds, makes his eyes to get drowsy... He keeps on mumbling Fuggy repeatedly in his sleep and only the words Come back to me, Fuggy are heard for a long time...


Fews days later,

Pragya is fuming in anger and the hot breathe that wheezes out from her nose and mouth can burn anyone alive... She is in a verge to kill off those stupid girls, who are shamelessly drooling on that Arrogant Professor... Rather than anything,  she wanna kill the professor for being an eye candy to them  and giving a feast to everyone's eyes...

What irritates and boils Pragya's nerves was that, she heard the talks of few girls, who are planning to propose their Professor very soon... Pragya made a fool proof plan and waits for the suitable time to trap them.... She cleverly throws their assignments in the garbage and  changes their seminar preparations and did her smart works in their note books too...

After making the girls to get nice punishment for their doings and also venting out all her anger on them, Pragya couldn't stay calm at all... Her anger is not at all subsiding and she felt a terrible pain in her heart... She gulps the water in a go and lays her head on the table in the canteen....

Abhi, who comes to the canteen to have some coffee, notices that Pragya is all alone in the canteen and he is so bothered to see Pragya in that state... The way she is holding her head and the worried nerves in her forehead brings an unknown fear in Abhi's mind set...

Abhi takes slow steps and nears Pragya with a concerned look... He took a deep breath to control his urge to cocoon his Fuggy in his embrace and console her by his soothing words and comforting her with his feather like kisses... He makes a rigid face and clears his throat to gain the attention of Pragya...

Pragya lifts her head up and notices that the man behind all her misery is standing in front of her... Pragya's nerves stiffens and she starts to fume like a volcano, as he is unknowingly makes the hormones of Pragya to lose it's  control... Pragya grits her teeth and takes a deep breath...

Abhi: What are you doing here, Pragya??? Don't you have classes now...

Pragya: It's library hour, Sir... I have got severe head ache and that's why I came here...

Abhi didn't  say anything but stares at the coffee in the table, which is being untouched for a long time... He takes slow steps and nears the stall and orders two coffees and some snacks too... He calls a student, who is passing by that side and asked him to get his bag from the staff room...

Pragya is not in a mood to notice what Abhi is doing... She scolds her besties Pooh, Honey, Ajju and also her sister Pie, who have cut their classes and went to watch a brand new movie ... She is not in a mind set to remember that she only backed off from joining them, as she doesn't want to be an intruder in their privacy....


Pragya comes out of her trance, when the brewing smell of the hot coffee, hits her nostrils... Her lips curved to a smile to see some biscuits and her favourite chicken sandwich too along with that... Her growling  tummy urges her to gobble it in a go and she doesn't bother to see who has offered it too...

Abhi is smilingly watching Pragya, who is always a big foodie and she least cares, whatever happens, when food is kept before her .... All Pragya do at that time is to pounce on the food, as if she is starving for years... Abhi sips his coffee and adores his baby brat, who didn't changed much in this one and half years...

After finishing off everything, Pragya makes a satisfactory smile and rubs her tummy happily... Just then, she notices that the Hitler is looking at her in a lovable way and his gaze touches her soul... She takes a deep breath to compose herself but some flashes of images, makes her head to pound with pain...

Abhi, who notices the sudden changes in Pragya, understands what's happening with her and it's needed to distract her from thinking too much... He immediately shouts Pragya and brought her back to earth...

Abhi: How long are you going to sit here, Pragya??? It's getting late... Have this  tablet and get back to your class soon... Saying all kinds of excuses to bunk the classes... Girls like you are simply irresponsible  ...

Pragya fumes: Sir... I didn't bunked your class nor I'm irresponsible too... I got proper permission from the library madam and came here... Still 10 minutes are left for the classes  to resume...

Abhi: Woha..  Showing attitude to me, haan... Don't forget I'm your  professor...

Pragya: So what... Your angry look won't burn me... I'm not going to get scared of your threats, as I'm not at any fault... I haven't done any mistake... I'm not feeling well that's why I came here... You take any action against me and I least bother about that...

Abhi's eyes brightens to see his Fuggy's angry avatar after a long time... Her puffy eyes, her bulged nose, her angry glarings, her reddened cheeks which blows like a balloon,  her body language when she is in a mood to fight, makes Abhi's mood to go hay wire.... He holds the table tightly and composed himself with much difficulty...

Abhi: Alright... Have this tablet...

Pragya: I don't want that...

Abhi: Hoye... I'm not pleading you to have it... I said... Sip some water and have your tablet... Do it... Don't ever say no to me... Is that clear???

Pragya stamps her feet angrily and murmurs something, which is audible to Abhi... Abhi smirks and eyes at Pragya with a mischievous smile in his face... Pragya's breath hitched and she gulped the water and medicine in a go and runs off quickly from there...

Abhi chuckles and gets up from the seat... He holds his walking stick and started to move to the staff room... He shrinks his brows as Pragya stood up on his way, huffing and panting... She blocked his way and is not letting him to move a bit too...

Abhi: What do you want, Pragya??? Didn't I asked you to go to your class???

Pragya:  Sir... I'm so sorry... I was in foul  mood and you too pissed me off with your bossy tone, Sir... I forget that you are our professor...  I shouldn't have talked to you like that Sir...

I have great respect on you and I don't want to be in your black list, Sir... Please Sir... (Shows her puppy face and melts Abhi) Accept my apologies, Sir...

Abhi: It's okay... I didn't mind
your talks... You seems to be like a adamant little baby for me...

Pragya: Sir, I'm not a baby...

The word Sir repeatedly from Pragya's sweet lips made Abhi to remember all the golden memories... He sighs and averts his gaze from Pragya's lips, which is inviting him to get drowned in it , madly...

Abhi: Haan haan... You are not a baby... You are a whining, little baby....

Pragya: Oops... This is not fair... You are teasing me, Sir.... But I like it when you talk like this... Aww.. So cute... Holy God!!! I'm getting too much shock in this day...

Oh my goodness!!! It's getting late for me... Before you start your lecture again, let me wind up my blah blahs... Double thanks to you, Sir... I'm feeling blessed...

Abhi: Ahaan... What for???

Pragya: For forgiving me and also for the coffee and snacks... Thanks for the care and the time you have spent with me, Sir... I loved it a lot...

Abhi smiles, pats her cheeks and walks ahead, making Pragya's whole body to get freezed for some time... She caress her cheeks, which lingers with the soft touch of Abhi and she blushes uncontrollably... She cherishes the moment happily and jumps up in glee...

She touches her cheeks, blows a kiss and runs from there, with a brightened smile in her face... Abhi, who is hidingly records the reactions of Pragya felt contented on seeing her happiness and the effect he has on his Fuggy, till now...


Abhi's heart is thumping too fast and it's the time, which makes him to meet his Fuggy in the pool for the first time... He slowly rubs his heart to ease out the pain and he closes his eyes to remember the past incidents, after their separation...

⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪ 🔙🔙🔙🔙🔙

Nikhil, Tanu, Arjun and Aaliya are tensedly looking at Abhi, who is clad up in the wedding sherwani... They are too scared to talk to Abhi and the condition of the room explains them clearly that how much Abhi is angry on them...

All gulps hard and pleads Nikhil to talk to Abhi... But he shook his negatively, knowing very well that his elder brother will rip him into pieces... When all stares at Tanu, she folds her hands and hungs her head down...

Arjun shows his puppy face and is ready to make his Love of life, His honey or Aaliya to handle the situation... Aaliya pouts and makes a sad face... She gathers up her courage and calls Abhi Bhai in a meek whisper, which is even inaudible to her ears... Abhi watches everything irritatingly  and walks out of the room....

Abhi turns quickly and looks at the elderly lady or his mother in law, who is standing there with much tension... He also notices that someone has rushed quickly inside  a room... Abhi shrugs his shoulders and walks upstairs... He knew very well that his new wife is waiting for him...

But Abhi is stubborn not to give any false hopes to the girl and he wanna clearly  explain her that his heart, soul and his body belongs only to his Fuggy... He wished to make her understand the situation by showing his Fuggy's - My Dreamy Fantasy (Diary) and also request her to sign the divorce papers...

Even Abhi is in a mood to threaten her, if she didn't agree to him... Taking a deep breath, Abhi opens the room door and is highly irritated to see the room is clad up beautifully for a romantic night and that too in a way his Fuggy has fantasized and dreamt off (written by Pragya in her diary)...

He feels pity and sorry for the girl, who is sitting in the centre of the  bed, decked up in a beautiful bridal lehenga awaiting  for a big night and a happy life..  However, Abhi is confused and shocked to see that the girl is holding something in her hands...

Abhi is not in a mood to look at it keenly and he failed to notice that some name is written on the wall using the flowers... He clears his throat to gain the attention of the girl but he makes sure that he didn't see her face at all...

Abhi: Well... I don't want to beat around the bush... Listen... I've been forced to marry you... My uncle has did a lot to me and to my family... When he asked me to marry you, I couldn't say no to him...

But, never I can accept this marriage and this is nothing but a fake drama to me... I'm in love with a girl named Pragya and she too loves me madly... Read this diary and you will get to know how much she loves me...

I can't give any false  hopes to you... Never my mind will think of anyone, other my beloved Fuggy... My Fuggy is my life and she is my everything... This Abhi can't imagine a life without my Fuggy... It's  better for you to back off from this future less relationship...

I just want you to sign the divorce  papers... Don't make me to force you, by any means... I'm ready to accept all the blame on me... I will look for a nice groom and makes you to get settled in your life happily....

Abhi's talks gets interrupted as he felt a sharp pain in his cheeks... He rubs his cheeks, which is burning with pain and he looks at his new wife, who is standing there with a knife in her hand... Before Abhi could  react to the situation, she keeps the knife dangerously in his neck and slaps him again...

Abhi's eyes wobbled out from his sockets, when the girl removes the veil, covering her face... Abhi never expected this biggest  twist at all... Before Abhi can digest the  happenings, his lips are being sealed with his new wife's lips...



Do you all find out who is Abhi's wife???

If you read it carefully, you will get the answers....

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

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Signing off...

Yours Buddy,


Will be



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