53. Nothing is wrong, if I fell in love with my Professor...

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No one can predict what life has in store for us... Sometimes, unexpected happiness touches us, all of a sudden... On the other hand, life can make a big mess and snatch away the happiness from us, just like that...

Our love makes me to keep going... Our love is the reason that I have survived after this big tragedy... I hope that our love will unite us again for sure...

From the day I met you, I'm madly in love with you... But I'm waiting for the day to make you to remember the past, which you have forgotten completely...


⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪ 🔙🔙🔙🔙🔙



Heart writhing!!!

Oh my god!!!

Break the unwanted, forced wedding...

Don't let your spouse to near you...

Force to accept for divorce...

These are some of the phrases, which are cooking in the mind set of the newly married couples, who are staying inside the closed door of the room, which is beautifully decorated for their suhagraat...

Abhi, who can't forget his Fuggy ever in his life, is pouring out all the feelings and emotions in his heart and handed over his Fuggy's dreamy fantasy (diary) to his new wife and asked her to read it... He also explained her that how much his Fuggy is in love with him...

Abhi: Listen... I know it's a terrible shock for you... I haven't married you on my own will and wish... I have been forced to marry you... Without any choice left, I have to do it, as I can't say no to my uncle, who did a lot to me and to my family...

This marriage is just a fake drama for me... Never I have tied this mangalsutra on you, wholeheartedly and don't ever say that the kumkum I filled in your maang will tie us in an eternal bond, blah blahs and all...

Don't be a sentimental fool, as it will ruin our lives and happiness... Other than my Fuggy, no one has the right on my heart, body and soul... Keep this in your mind  always...

You may think me as a heartless monster for talking so ... Though my words are too harsh, I need to talk all these, as I'm in a hectic up situation and only you can help me to get out of this unwanted wedding...

I'm really so sorry for doing so... I can clearly understand , how my words will hurt you... But I don't want you think anything wrongly and stick on to this name sake and future less marriage...

I don't know whether you have accepted to this marriage willingly or not... If I'm correct, you are also in a helpless situation like me... I came to know only an hour before that you are also being forced to get married to me, as you father is sick..

Don't you feel that this marriage is nothing but a drama to make my uncle and your father happy... Look... We have fulfilled their wishes by getting married... Now, we have all the rights to decide what we need to do next...

I'm a practical man... I can understand your feelings... As a woman, it will be very hard for you to hear my words... Sorry... But I'm helpless... Before you draw into any unwanted conclusions on your own, let me finish off everything...

Let's put an end to this whole drama... I'm ready to face anyone and I will put all the blame on myself... You don't need to bother about that... Any help, you can contact me... Even my Fuggy will help you... Don't worry, we will choose a nice groom for you...

Anyways... It's getting  late for me... You too seems to be very tired.. So... Let me come directly to the point... Here is the divorce papers... Sign it, quickly... Here, take this pen...

I know, I'm not giving any chance to you to say your point too and to be frank, I'm not in a state to listen to you too... Sorry... I'm feeling really awkward and suffocated to be in this room, as I can't betray my Fuggy, any a time...

I don't know what my Fuggy is going through at this time... My poor baby... She must be suffering without me... Fuggy... Don't lose hope... Your Abhi will get back to you soon....

Hey... Are you sleeping??? Take this pen and sign it quickly... Arrey... I'm saying na... Have it... By the way, What are you holding for a long time??? Oh My goodness... A knife... (Gasps in shock)...

Oh god!!! Have you gone nuts!!! Why are you having a knife in your hand??? Hey, stop stop... No violence... Go back... Are you crazy??? Don't come near me... Move away... Help!!! Help!!! This girl is trying to kill me....

Before Abhi shouts further, his neck is holded strongly with her one hand and Abhi can't move an inch too, as she has placed the knife dangerously on his neck... Abhi's breath hitched, as his new wife sealed her lips with his, much to his displeasure....

Abhi froze in shock and he tried all his might to push her and get out of her hold... Abhi is ready to even die too, as he hates to be kissed by anyone, other than his Fuggy... But Abhi couldn't move an inch away, as the hold is getting stronger and stronger...

With all his might, Abhi pushed his new wife, who falls on the bed with a heavy thud sound ... Abhi is roaring like a raging volcano and he holds the neck of his new wife dangerously, which indicates that she can stop her breathe, any a time....

The rage in Abhi's whole body didn't even melt down on seeing the hot tears of her in his hand too... He couldn't believe that he is being forced to marry such a girl, who didn't understand his feelings and has the audacity to near him, after hearing his love story too....

Abhi's trance broke down, as his eyes saw a bunch of papers, moving in the air... Not leaving his hold on her, he picked up the papers with his other hand... Abhi is shocked to see that they are also divorce papers and what made Abhi to lose his breath is that the name of his new wife, which is mocking at him in a harsh way....

With a horrified  look, Abhi immediately pulls away his hands, which brings a sigh of relief from  her... The way she is struggling to gain back her lost breathe, brings a tinge of pain in Abhi's heart and a pool of tears in Abhi's eyes... Without wasting any time, Abhi pulled his new wife closer in his embrace and asked sorry to her, wholeheartedly....



Abhi gasps in shock, as he feels a jerk in his body... Abhi is super confused to see Aaliya, Nikhil and Tanu are staring at him with much worry... Just then, Abhi realizes that he is sitting in the breakfast table for a long time, without eating anything...

Nikhil: Bhai... What happened??? You are fine, right...

Abhi: I'm good, Nikhil... No worries... What's the time, now.... Oh god!!! I'm so sorry, guys.... It's getting late na... Have your food quickly..

Hey Honey (Aaliya)... What are you doing here, still??? Aren't you supposed to go and pick up my Fuggy???

Aaliya: Haan bhai... But... Today... Ajju is going to pick up Dolly...

Abhi: But, why??? Why are you troubling Arjun like this???

Aaliya: Sorry, bhai... I... I couldn't face dolly, today... Here is my leave lettter... I'm not coming to college....

Abhi: Whattt... What's your problem, Honey??? Didn't I told you that you have to be with my Fuggy always... What the hell with this I can't face Dolly, today and all...

Aaliya: Bhai... Today... Today is 😭😭😭😭... The day, which I want to forget... The day, I did a biggest mistake... The day, I.... I...

Abhi:  The day, which I wish to cherish life long... Don't say it as your mistake, Honey... Don't even say that you have did a sin and all... Don't put any unwanted blame on yourself, as you are not at fault..

It's fate ugly game play... We all are trapped... Don't hide yourself thinking that you did a mistake and all... Come on chotti... Get ready... Let's go to the college ..

Abhi tears off the leave letter and consoled Aaliya, who is weeping like a baby... Nikhil and Tanu made Aaliya to understand that she is not at fault and helped her to wipe away the pain in her heart... They shared a group hug and they had their breakfasts quietly thinking that all should be fine soon...


Few hours later....

Aaliya is staring at Dolly quietly, who is thinking something deeply... Aaliya is bothered a lot and she couldn't have any vague idea, what her Dolly is thinking too... She stares at the untouched food of Dolly and wonders, why Pragya is doing like this...

Just then, their gang, Pooh (Purab), Pie (Bulbul) and Ajju (Arjun) joins them... They gave Aaliya, a questioning look and asks her what's going on... Aaliya shook her head negatively indicating that she has no idea about that ...

Bulbul shooks Pragya to come out from her dream land and Pragya made a forced smile in her face, which didn't even reach her eyes... Purab pouts and keeps the hand in his heart, which confuses Pragya a lot...

Pragya: My poor Pooh... What happened to you??? Did this Pie irritated you again??? Open up, my boy... Don't say that you two had fight again...

Bulbul: Di... This is unfair... You are showing all your concern on this dramatic friend of yours only... You are not even supporting your sister...

Pragya: Goddd... You two won't grow up... Tell me guys, what happened...

Bulbul: No idea, Di...

Pragya: Whaattttt.... Ajju... Atleast you tell me what's going on...

Arjun: Dolly... These two were shamelessly romancing, when we were heading towards the canteen... These two didn't even bother to consider a poor boy's feelings too... Poor me... (Wipes his fake tears)

Now, these are doing dramas, as if they were fighting... I'm the one to show all the reactions, as my Honey is giving a murderous  glare towards me...

Pragya: Stop it, guys... Already my head is aching and I'm super confused... But you all are hell adamant to irritate me more... Pooh... Just 5 seconds left for you... Tell me, why you reacted like that...

Purab: Just felt bad on seeing the untouched coffee and samosas, which you have graciously given to the house flies, instead of me....

All gave a death glare towards Purab and he shouts in high decibels, as his friends and lover, beat him black and blue, using their books, shoes and high heels...

Purab: Happy now!!! Always hell adamant to kill a poor baby...

Aaliya: Pooh.. Keep quiet... If not, I will kill you...

Gestures something to Arjun, Purab and Bulbul and they too nod their head, without Pragya's knowledge... Pragya didn't noticed that Professor Abhishek is sitting in the opposite side of her....

Arjun: Dolly baby... Why you didn't had anything??? What's your confusion??? What's making you to get irritated haan???

Pragya: Those stupid girls in my class na... They are irritating me too much... How dare they... (Grits her teeth angrily) Don't they have any shame at all..  I wanna pull out all their eyes, punch their faces and break all their teeth...

Purab: You are always the same, Dolly... Don't mean to say that the girls drooled on Abhishek sir... 😂😂😂😂... You and your possessive nature...

Grow up, girl... These much of jealousy is not good for health... Why are you bothering this much, Dolly... No one other than you  can gain his attention...

All gasps in shock,  as Purab blurted out the truth without his knowledge... Abhi hits his forehead cursing Purab's stupidity, while Arjun kicks in Purab's legs bit harsly... Just then, Purab realized what he said, as the killer looks of Honey and Pie explains him everything...

What bothers everyone is that Pragya is staring at Purab with utmost shock... She couldn't get any clear idea about the words of Purab, which confuses her that she used to do all these always... Before Pragya thinks anything deeply, Aaliya thrusts the juice glass in Pragya's hands...

Aaliya: Dolly... Drink the juice... It's time for your medicines...

Pragya nods her head and did as Aaliya said... All are so nervous and tensed, as they don't know how to divert Pragya from questioning them... Just then, their mobiles blinked in unison, as they got an alert message in their family group...

As mentioned in the message, Aaliya and Arjun, Purab and Bulbul moves quickly from there, saying some wierd reason, leaving Pragya alone... Pragya rolls her eyes and glares at them angrily... But her lips curved to a smile to see Professor Abhishek is near by to her...

Pragya: Hello sir... Now only, my day is super cool...

Abhi: Ahaan... Why is it so???

Pragya: I've met my Handsome Professor, who didn't showed his glimpse to me today... Now, I'm super happy... Sir, I can't  pass a day without seeing you...

Flutters her eye lashes and blushes a lot, making Abhi's mood to go hay wire... Abhi has to struggle hard to keep up a stern face and talk rashly with Pragya, who is seducing him without her knowledge...

Abhi: Pragya... You shouldn't talk and behave to me like this.... Remember, I'm your Professor...

Pragya: Chill up, sir... Cool cool... Don't get scared, as if I've proposed you....

Abhi: Stop it, Pragya... Do you understand what you are saying...

Pragya: Yeah... I knew it... I didn't find anything wrong in what I've said...

Abhi: Pragya... I'm your Professor and you are my student... After seeing my condition too, how can you think like that...

Pragya: Relax sir... I just said for fun, but you are talking so seriously... Till this moment, I have no such idea... But who knows, my mind too can change...

Haan... There is nothing wrong if a student loves her Professor and the reverse too... By the way, I find you as a great man, with the way you were behaving and caring for me...

These scars, these burns, these injury is not at all bothering me at all..  I think these are all adding crown to your hotness... Oh my god!!! I'm talking so cheesy na....

This is what you are doing to me... I'm so comfortable with you and I am opening up a lot, not minding that you are my Professor... I'm getting uncontrollable jealousy, if any girl sees you and I'm super possessive on you... I don't know is that what love is all about...

Abhi's breath hitched and he couldn't control his tears at all... He immediately gets up from his seat, but he stumbles  a bit.... Pragya holds Abhi's hand and helped him to walk...

Pragya had completely forget what she had said to the professor and she is caring for him and only concern is visible in her eyes... But Abhi stammers a lot, as the closeness of Pragya is doing all kind of chemical changes inside him...

Abhi just want to bury his face in her intoxicating hairs, which drives him crazily... He wanna wet her whole face with his kisses and he want to drown and melt completely in her juicy lips... But, the fate is mocking at him, as he can't near her in this situation...

Sighing deeply, Abhi holds the wall tightly and asked Pragya to move away from him.. None of Pragya's words gone in the deaf ears of Abhi, who is dialling a number quickly... All Pragya hears is that the Professor is ordering someone to come there immediately...

Pragya is super shocked as Arjun and Aaliya are running towards them, huffing and panting... Abhi gestures something to Aaliya and moves away from there, holding Arjun's hands... Without making Pragya to think much, Aaliya drags her to the class hurriedly...


Later that night,

Pragya couldn't sleep a bit too, as everything is so shocking to her... The whole day has given her many terrible shocks, which she never expected... But one thing is very much clear to her... All are hiding a biggest thing from her, thinking about her health condition...

After a lot of thinking, Pragya understands what she has to do... She very well know that other than anyone, it's Honey, the biggest mastermind among them, can help her easily to clear off her confusions...

With a smile in her face, Pragya buries her face in the pillow and slowly drifted into sleep...  In her deep sleep too, Pragya is murmuring Abhi continuously, eventhough she forget who is Abhi to her....


As it's Sunday, Bulbul wakes up lazily from her bed... Letting out a yawn, she moved to freshen up... After sometime, she prepared coffee and moved to Pragya's room... To her utter shock, the room is completely empty and Pragya is no where to be found...

With much worry, Bulbul dials Abhi's number and informed him that Pragya is missing... Before Abhi understands what's going on, the continuous ringing sound of the calling bell gained the attention of all the Mehras sitting in the living room, sipping their morning coffee...

When the maid opens the door, Aaliya spits out the coffee in shock... Nikhil and Tanu are hell nervous, as they didn't expected this a bit too... While, Abhi blinks his eyes, with the sudden turn of events...



What's going on???

Where is Pragya???

Who is the unwanted guest???

Did Pragya is the one, Abhi has married???

What happened in the past, which causes Abhi to get injured and Pragya to lose her memory???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

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Bidding adieu,


Will be



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