54. The unexpected shock, which took my breath away...

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It's indeed a happy moment for me, as this story has become my 3rd story to cross the massive 8000+ votes (after Loving Husband and Arrogancy Vs Attitude...)

Thanks a lot for the love and support...

A small survey of this story:

From The Day I Met YOU...

TOTAL READS: 51600+ reads
TOTAL VOTES: 8100+ votes
NO. OF CHAPTERS: 60 chapters and an epilogue...


Dedicating this chapter to all the lovely Readers of "FROM THE DAY I MET YOU...."

Just 6 more chapters to go to end this story... Expecting all your support... Silent readers, expecting you all to open up...


Love is a magical feeling, which words can't explain clearly... It has the capacity to bring up happiness , as well as sadness...

Only you have the power to make me to smile and cry at the same time... You hold a biggest place in my heart, which no one can snatch away from me so easily....

I'm dumb struck with the twisty turns... It's unbelievable and never I have expected that I'm lucky enough to get my love back...


Pragya is completely confused with the way her sister Pie and her besties Pooh, Ajju and Honey are behaving in these recent days... Something is hidden from Pragya's sight, but she understands clearly that the matter is connected with their Terror, Hitler Professor Abhishek only...

Pragya is left out with many unanswered questions and she keeps on thinking deeply that how come their Professor, who is a complete stranger and new to her, is related with their lives... She vaguely gets any idea and however she thought too, nothing is striking her mind...

But Pragya is damn sure that their Professor Abhishek didn't came up in her life recently... Her heart and soul keeps on telling her that there's some kind of unbreakable bond between them, as he fills the void in her heart... He is the one, who is stirring something inside her soul...

Pragya can feel the butterflies always, whenever Professor Abhishek looks at her and she will melt completely, if he smiles at her... Pragya is ready to pull up any stupid stunt to get close with her professor... She is super jealous, if any girl's eyes on him or talks with him too...

Professor Abhishek is in Pragya's mind always and she couldn't concentrate in anything, as his thoughts are haunting her... She badly wants to know who is this Abhi and how he is related in her life...

To avoid this unwanted confusions and also to find out a good solution to her problems, Pragya wishes to execute her plans, the very next day... She clearly knows that only one person can give a correct answer to her...

On the other hand, Abhi whose mind is filled with his Fuggy's thoughts, is staring at the sky with a blank face... Due to the effects of the medicines, he  falls asleep, unknowingly... Yet his inner soul starts to dream about the unexpected wedding, which brings up a twisty turn in his life....


Abhi is huffing and panting, as he is in need of breath... He makes a hiss sound as his lips were bitten harshly by his new wife and it's burning, as if he is being attacked dangerously by a venomous snake...

Abhi can taste the wierd taste of his own blood and his eyes popped out from it's sockets on seeing his swollen lips, which are looking like a big, bulged potato... Abhi is boiling in full rage on seeing his new wife, who has the audacity to attack him like this...

Abhi is fuming in anger and is eyeinh at his new wife with much hatred.. Abhi's blood boils as she least care about his reactions and feelings and is keenly looking at the paper in her hands with moist eyes... Abhi didn't melt on seeing the tears, rather he thought what's the new drama, she is doing now...

Abhi can't take that anymore... He feels as if he is standing in the middle of a fire...
With anger flaring his nose, Abhi abruptly pulls the papers from her hands and he is hell shocked to see that it were also divorce papers....

Abhi's breath hitched and he is short of words, as he didn't even dreamt that this will be happening in his life... The name " Pragya Arora" in bold letters is giggling at him and he doesn't know how to react to it too...

Abhi forget to let out his breathe and is staring at the divorce papers with much hatred, as if the papers gonna separate him from his Fuggy... It took a lot of time for Abhi to realize that he is married to none other than his love of life, his soulmate, his Fuggy only....

Abhi doesn't know whether to laugh or cry on seeing the situation... He just can't believe that he got married to his Fuggy only... He smiles brightly as he got his Fuggy back in his life, without much efforts...

But his mind mocks at him by saying that both are not true to their love and have got married , as they had been forced by their families... It also added that their families happiness comes first in their priority list ahead of their love...

Abhi shook his head vigorously, to get rid of this kind of unwanted thoughts... He made up his mind, not to think anything stupidly, which may spoil his relationship with his Fuggy... Whatever be the case, he is not at all ready to leave his Fuggy at any cost...

However, like a soothing medicine, his heart screams happily that it's their true love, which has united them, irrespective of the unpredictable happenings... All he want at that time is to jump up in joy and shout aloud that he got his Fuggy as his wife....

But Abhi is hell shocked as he hears the loud cry of his Fuggy... Before Abhi reach her and wipe her tears, he is attacked by all the items in the room... Abhi screams no and is running here and there, as Pragya is so adamant to punish him....

After running for more than half an hour, both lost all their energy and are gasping for breath... Abhi looks at Pragya with a sorry look, while she glares at him murderously... She cups his face suddenly and moves way too dangerously near his lips...

Abhi is flying to his dreamland and his dirty mind is thinking that his Fuggy gonna kiss him again... He mentally prepares himself to forget all the happenings, enjoy the kiss happily, have some hot romance with his Fuggy and also to shower her with his abundance love ...

Abhi's wavering thoughts comes to a big halt, when Pragya gave a quick hit in his forehead with hers... Abhi yelps in pain, as he didn't expected this sudden attack... Abhi rubs his forehead and looks at Pragya, who shruggs her shoulders, as if it's not a big deal for her...

She smirks at Abhi in a disinteresting way, which makes Abhi to gulp hard and he prays that Pragya shouldn't think anything stupidly and take any wrong decisions... His heart beats are out of control and he takes a deep breath to calm him down...

Pragya: Well... Professor Sir... You didn't consider this as a marriage and it's just a big drama to you... Hey na, Professor Sir... As you have wished and asked for, I'm ready to give divorce to you...

Already, I have signed the divorce papers, Sir... You can use that in your favour... As it's mutually agreed, we can get out easily from this Forced marriage, Sir...

Abhi: Fuggy... What are saying??? I... I...

Pragya: I didn't said anything, Sir... It's you only... You only talked a lot to me, Sir... As an unwanted wife of you, I need to atleast give respect to the man, who married me right...

Moreover, I respect the love you have on your girl... What a love... Wah... wah... Nonsense... If you love her that much, how is it possible for you to marry an unknown girl... I didn't expected this from you, Sir...

You deceived your love and is trying to break the trust you have given to your Family and the girl's family na... What explanations you gonna give to me haan... Why are you, quiet??? Give answers to my questions, Sir...

Abhi: Fuggy... You can't shout at me like this... I accept, I did a mistake  as my Uncle's illness and Your Father's sickness made me to get tongue tied... I was pushed in a hardest situation and I don't know how to say No to them..

Even in that tough time too, I searched for you and tried to reach you... But you have switched off your mobile and you have vanished from your house too... Before blasting on me angrily, think what you have did to me...

I'm not heartless to accuse you, Fuggy... I can understand your situation... But, you are blaming me, as if I'm the only one at fault... Calm down and think of everything...

You said your love to me and ran away from my sight... You are not at all in a position to hear those golden words from me, which you are longing to hear all these years... You break my heart and left my hands abruptly, for your Family's sake...

But... I didn't betrayed you, Fuggy and never I have given any false hopes to my Family or your Family too... I have opened up what's in my heart to my siblings and my uncle and I also said about the love I have on my Fuggy to Sarla Aunty... Oops sorry... To your mother too...

You mother cried a lot and begged me to save your Father's life... She insists me to do the help by marrying her daughter, as your Father's guiltiness is the reason for his sickness and it's pushing him towards death...

I can't say No, after seeing your Mother's tears and I won't forgive myself, if my No will push your Father to a critical condition... I swear, Fuggy... If I have met Bulbul at the time, things wouldn't have gone awkward like this...

Because of my stupidity, I lost my parents, Fuggy and it's my uncle, who supported me and my siblings at that difficult time... When my uncle said he gave up the promise to your Father, I don't know what to say too... I argued with him and said that I can't betray you at any cost ..

My uncle gave me an option to contact you and bring you as my bride, within the stipulated time... If not, he asked me to marry the bride, he has chosen for me, as he is so stubborn to see my marriage...

They have given me a plate fool of sweets and kept a knife in my neck... Just think of my situation.. I almost died and lost all my hopes to live, Fuggy... Till I see your face , I was going through a big hell...

Tell me, Fuggy... Where am I at fault??? However the situation was hard on me, I was thinking of you only and I searched you till the last minute...

I tried all my might to reach you and even Bulbul didn't picked up my call... Believe it or not, I even called Purab too, but he too is not reachable... Both smartly escaped from my sight...

I'm helpless and even I had a verbal fight with my sister and her Fiance, as my gut feelings said that they know something about you...  But those stupids ran away without saying anything to me... They came up before my eyes, just few minutes back, asking me to see my new wife in the suhagraat room...

Even in the wedding mandap too, I haven't seen Purab or Bulbul... Even my siblings were more conscious at that time and all had masked and hidden something from me... I couldn't understand why they are in so much hurry and rushed up the rituals too...

I found out everything to be wierd and fishy, but I didn't questioned them anything, as I'm not at all interested in the dramas going on around me... My mind is filled with your thoughts and I was worried about your situation only...

If you are angry, after hearing all these too, I have no option left... Give me the divorce papers, Fuggy.. I will sign that happily, as I'm the lucky guy to give divorce to his love of life, before our love and marriage gets bloomed...


Abhi shouts in high decibels, as Pragya gave a harsh punch in his stomach... She angrily pulls the two divorce papers in his hands and tears it off into pieces and throws at his face... She gave a hard kick in Abhi's legs and sits in the bed, with a heavy thud...

Abhi with much pain, is looking at his Fuggy, who is fuming in anger... But Abhi is super confused as Pragya is crying and smiling at the same time... She is mumbling something within her and is thinking of something in between...

Abhi: Fuggy... What's cooking in your head...

Pragya: Wait, Professor sir... Let me clear off my doubts first... Aargh... Why did they do all these dramas and makes it to look like a forced wedding... I can't understand their motives too...

How did they find out that you are my Prem, My Abhi, whom I'm madly in love with all these years... Or is it just a coincidence, which has united us... Ufff... I couldn't figure out how this  miracle has happened...

Abhi: Wait... Wait... Let's find out that later... Answer me, first... This is eating my head for a long time... I thought that my sister has won in the bet, she had made to me...

My sister keeps on telling me that I have to marry her bestie Dolly only, as she has considered her as her Bhabhi.. I thought that It's my sister's plan to trap me and marry her friend, Dolly... But how come, Fuggy... How you replaced that Dolly??? 

Pragya: Dolly, haan... Don't give me a shock by saying that your sister is none other than Aaliya, my bestie Honey...

Abhi: Seriously, you and Aaliya are besties... Unbelievable... I'm not a fool to believe you are Dolly...

Pragya: Oh hello, Professor sir... I may be Fuggy to you... But I'm Dolly to my Buddies... Aaliya always says that I'm her Bhabhi and she will go to any extreme to get me married to her elder brother...

Oh my God!!! Holy crap... Now only I understand everything... So, you are Aaliya and Nikhil Jiju's elder brother... My goodness... What a fool, I'm...

How come I'm not aware of this simple thing too... Even I didn't get any doubt after hearing your full name too... Even that stupid Honey didn't tell me that you are her brother...

Abhi: Fuggy... Hold on... I can't get you... Tell me clearly, na...

Pragya: It's the master mind Aaliya's game play, Dumbo Professor Sir...

Abhi: Aaliya's game... Unbelievable... When I came here for job, Aaliya forced me to love and marry her bestie Dolly... She said to me that she wants her Dolly only as her Bhabhi...

After that she tries to hookup me with Dolly... In that time only,  I met you and I started to fall for you... Never I have met Dolly in person and I just got few wrong calls and messages from this number....

(Abhi shows his mobile with Dolly's texts.. Pragya checks the number and finds out that it's Purab's number) But, Aaliya knows very well that it's you, I'm in love with... I don't know, why she hide this matter from us...

Pragya: If I'm correct, Aaliya is scared to tell the truth, as I'm in love with my childhood crush, Prem.. Not able to accept her defeat or unaware of the truth about Prem, she had planned to make us close...

Abhi: Oh God... Without knowing all these, we become toys in their game play na... Ridiculous... So, everything had been planned by them and we too have fallen in their traps... Huh...

Pragya: They are thinking them as smarties, haan... But we have to show them what we are capable of... Professor Sir, Shall we play a game with them...

Abhi: Haan haan... I agree with you... We have to punish them for messing with us... But... Give me a break, Fuggy... I can't handle everything in a go...

Pragya: As you wish, Professor Sir...

Abhi: God... Do hell with this Sir... If you call me, Professor Sir again...

Pragya: What Sir... I will call you, Sir... What's the problem, Sir... Sirrrrr.... Sirrrrr.... Sirrrrr...

Abhi: Sir ki bacchhiii... If you want kiss, ask me directly... Don't irritate me by calling me as Sir repeatedly... It's like pouring acid in my ears...

Pragya: Woha... No one is interested to have your kiss, Sir... You are getting irritated na Sir... That's what I want, Sir... Sirrr... Sirrr....

Before Pragya continuous her Sir again, Abhi pulls her closer and brushes her lips with his, making her to froze in shock... He blows hot air in her lips, making Pragya's lips to tremble, without control...

Abhi: If you can, call me as Sir.... I will show you what your Sir can do...

Pragya blinks her eyes in shock and she pushes Abhi quickly, as he is looking at her with full of desire and passion... Before Pragya runs from his grip, Abhi holds her waist and whispers something in her ears... But to Abhi's shock...


Abhi gasps and comes out of his dreamland, as he felt a gentle tap in his shoulder... Nikhil and Tanu are looking at Abhi worriedly, who has slept in the swing in the backside lawn...

Nikhil: What's this, Bhai... Why are you sleeping here???

Abhi: Nothing, Nikhil... I couldn't sleep for a long time... Just came here to have some fresh air... This swing has lots of my sweet memories with my Fuggy and I slept off, unknowingly...

Tanu: We know, Jiju... But, you have to take proper rest... If not, your health will deteriorate... Oh god... Nikhil... Look here... Jiju's legs are swollen again...

Nikhil: God... Why are doing like this Bhai... When are you going to listen to us, Bhai... Come let's go to the doctor...

Abhi: Uff... You two be na... I'm absolutely fine, guys... Don't get panic and shout like this... If not, Aaliya will come here and will start her water works.. I can't handle her, as of now...

Tanu... Ask the cook to prepare some soup for me... I will freshen up and come... Nikhil... What about the meeting with the clients and that important deals... Is it going good???

The duo understands that Abhi is diverting the topic... They are bothered about Abhi's health and prays hardly that Pragya has to come up in Abhi's life soon...

As if God has heard their prayers, Pragya got ready, quite early in the morning and picks up her scooty keys... Her inner instincts tells her that her confusions will be cleared only by Honey... She ignites the bike and moved towards the Mehra Mansion....


Aaliya along with Tanu is sipping their morning coffees... Nikhil is busy in some business talks in his mobile... While the physiotherapist is doing some kind of theraphy to strengthen the bones in Abhi's legs, in the nearby room...

The doctor pours some oil and uses some specialised machines and presses it in Abhi's legs... Abhi can't bear that at all and his face shows that he is undergoing heavy pain...

Meanwhile, Aaliya and Tanu are having some random talks and they didn't heard the ringing sound of the door bell ... They failed to notice that the servant has opened the door... They freaks out and spits the coffee in shock, as they spots Pragya at the entrance of their house...

The duo are gasping for breath and are staring at Pragya, as if they have seen a ghost... Nikhil, who has finished the call, stares at his wife and sister, who are giving wierd reactions...

When Nikhil turns his gaze towards the door, he too freezes in shock... No one expected that Pragya will turn up like this suddenly... Before anyone can react, the sound of Abhi shouting Fuggy to the top of his lungs, echoes the whole house...



What's going to happen next???

Why Abhi is shouting and how will Pragya
gonna react after hearing Fuggy from Abhi's mouth???

How will Aaliya give answers to Pragya and what will she say about Abhi???

What has happened in the past which makes Pragya to forget her memories???

Will Abhi be able to get back his Fuggy's

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

Do cast your votes and pen down your views...

Bidding adieu,



Will be


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