55. Professor Sir... Just tell me... Who is Fuggy???

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True love doesn't have a happy ending.. It's because , true love have no endings...

I have no answers to her questions... It's a bitter truth that I'm explaining who is my wife and how she means to me, to my wife itself...

I'm so jealous and I'm heart broken that my man is so much in love with his wife, who has forgotten him completely... I'm being so selfish and I want to win over him, ahead of his wife...


Nikhil and Tanu, who wakes up so early in the morning, as Nikhil has to do an important video conferencing with a foreign client, came in search of Abhi to discuss about some family stuffs... But to their utter shock, Abhi's room is isolated without his presence...

They searched in every nook and corner of the whole house with much worry and fear, as they knew very well that already two times Abhi has almost lost his life... They keep on praying hardly that Abhi should be fine...

Much to their relief, Abhi is sleeping in the swing in the backside lawn, which holds so much memory of his lovely moments with his Fuggy... Wondering how come Abhi is there, they shook him hardly and make him to wake up from his sleep...

Abhi is helplessly looking at the duo, who are bombarding him with many questions and keeps on arguing with him that he is not at all taking care of his health properly and is not allowing them to take care of him too... Abhi is overwhelmed with their love and care and he consoled them by saying that he is absolutely fine....

Nikhil: Bhai.... Look at your legs... It's swollen too much... Oh My god!!! It's bleeding too... Tanu... Let's not waste any more time... We will take Bhai to the hospital...

Abhi: Uff... Calm down, Nikhil... You are exaggerating too much... Don't run behind me always... Remember that you have to look after your wife too... Poor Tanu... Needs your attention very badly...

Tanu: Jiju... You are very smart enough to divert the topic... After all you are the great, Professor Abhishek or The Terror Hitler na... But you shouldn't use this tactics to us...

By the way, my husband takes care of me very well and you have to bother only about your health... So, shall we start to the hospital, Jiju or shall I call Aaliya.... You will obey her orders only na...

Abhi: Noooo... Nooo... Don't call, Aaliya... She will open up her dam for sure... She will keep on feeling guilty, as if she is the one to be blamed for all the happenings... I'm not in a mood to tolerate all those stuffs...

Nikhil... Do one thing... Ask the doctor to come to our home itself and do a mini check up for me, as I'm not in a mood to visit the hospital... But, please don't ask the physiotherapist alone to come over here...

Damn those machines... They are freaking me out... I can't bear that pain, as it's like piercing a big sword in my legs... Don't know, when will all these physio therapy sessions will end...

Nikhil: So sorry, Bhai... I can understand very well that you are facing so much pain... But we need to do all these, as we want you to walk normally, like before...

Please Bhai... Don't stop us... We are answerable to Bhabhi and she will surely rip us into pieces, if she gains back her memory... We can't easily escape from her and she will surely punish us, if she finds out that you are not feeling well for a long time... Sooner or later, we want to see you, like before...

Abhi let's out a lifeless smile and gets up with the help of Nikhil and walks towards his room to freshen up... He badly want everything to rewind back to the time, where he spent his happy days with his wife Pragya...


With much panic and tension, Bulbul runs out hurriedly from Pragya's room, as she finds her missing so early in the morning and her scooty is also not in the parking area.. Without wasting any time, Bulbul dials Abhi's number...

Bulbul: Hello Jiju... Pragya di...

Abhi: What happened, Bulbul??? Is Fuggy is alright??? No problem in her health na... Stop your cryings, Bulbul and tell me what has happened...

Bulbul: Ji... Jiju... Pragya di is not in home... I don't know where she has gone this much early in the morning...

Abhi: Uff... For this you are freaking out, Bulbul... Fuggy would have gone out somewhere... Don't panic, she will come soon...

Bulbul: No Jiju... I can't stay calm, as this is not the usual behaviour of Pragya Di... On weekends, she won't get up from her bed so early and she never moves out of the house, all alone, in these one and half years...

Yesterday night, I have noticed that Pragya di is upset for something and she is thinking of something deeply... For many hours, she is pacing to and forth in the living room, without sleeping too...

I'm hell scared, Jiju... Please Jiju... Do something... 😭😭😭😭😭... I don't want any harm to touch Pragya di again...

Abhi: Arrey yaar... Relax, Bulbul... Let me call Arjun and Purab to look after my Fuggy... But make sure that you didn't talk about this to Aaliya, any a time... Is that clear...

Bulbul made a humm sound agreeing to her Jiju's words and cut the call... Her mind is haunted with the worst images of her sister Pragya and her Jiju Abhi, fully covered in a pool of blood and struggling hard for life... Bulbul's body trembled in fear and she prays hardly that no such harms reaches them again....

After cutting the call, Abhi calls off Nikhil and informed the matter to him... With Nikhil and Abhi's guidance, Arjun and Purab along with the trusted bodyguards of the Mehras, moves to search for the whereabouts of Pragya, in every nook and corner of the city....


Aaliya along with Tanu is sipping their morning coffees and are chit chatting some random stuffs... Nikhil is busily working on his laptop and is having an important call with one of the business delegates too...

As the trio are so busy, they didn't heard the ringing sound of the door bell and the servant has opened the door, letting the guest to step inside the house... None of the trio expected that Pragya will come to their house, just like that, without giving any proper intimation...

The poor Mehras have forgot to let out their breath and are looking at Pragya, as if she is some alien creature... Pragya blinks her eyes and checks herself properly from head to toe, to confirm whether she has dressed up properly or not...

Pragya is hell confused and thinks deeply, what has happened to Nikhil, Aaliya and Tanu and why they are gawking at her like this... Without welcoming and greeting Pragya properly, they are freezed up like Ice bergs and are sitting like statues...

Finding no reactions from them, Pragya gave a questioning look and walks towards them... But... Pragya's steps comes to a  sudden and abrupt halt, when she hears the painful and sorrowful voice of a man, screaming in high decibels....

The word " Fuggy" is repeatedly hitting her ear drums and Pragya's heart beats are getting out of control... A wave of blood rushed up her spine and she feels as if her soul is getting closer to her soulmate, she is craving and longing for...

Like an iron pulled by a magnet, Pragya's legs moves ahead, without her control... She takes fast and steady steps, following the painful voice, which is ripping her soul into pieces... Uncontrollably her eyes blurred up and tears starts to flow down, drenching her cheeks...

Not wasting any more time and not even minding the heavy gasping sound from the Nurse and the physiotherapist, Pragya rushes inside the room like a heavy lightning... In a fraction of second, she has neared Abhi and held him close in her embrace...

Like a mother protecting her crying baby and soothing his pain with her consoling words, unknowingly Pragya does the same to Abhi and is trying to ease his worries and fears... Abhi, who is deeply engrossed in an uncontrollable pain, is not in a state to realize the sudden entry of Pragya in his house...

All Abhi want at that time is to forget his pain, in the embrace of his soulmate, who only can be a soothing medicine to his broken heart and wounded body... His tears and painful shouts are letting him to crush her uncontrollably, but she didn't bother about the pain at all..

Pragya willingly accepted all the pain, as if she want to trasfer all his pain to her... She caress Abhi's back gently and kisses his cheeks... She wipes his tears and hugged him even more tightly... Both are in an imaginary land and they didn't want to come out from there, any a time...


On the other side, Nikhil, Tanu and Aaliya come out from their trance and they gasped in shock understanding very lately that their Bhabhi Pragya is in their midst... With a horrified look, they looked at each other, as the situation has gone over board without their control...

Praying all their stars, the trio rushes inside the guest room, where Abhi is taking physio therapy... It's a biggest shock to them as they didn't expected that Pragya will be consoling Abhi and taking care of him like a mother... Aaliya closes her mouth and runs away from there, as she wanna cry her heart out...

Aaliya runs inside her room and burst out into heavy tears, drenching her pillow... She shouts aggressively and curses the fate for playing cruelly in the lives of her brother Abhi and her bhabhi Pragya... She can't digest that situation which is bringing up Pragya like a stranger in Abhi's life...

But Aaliya understood very well that any a time Pragya will come out of her trance and will bombard them with many questions... Wiping her tears and taking a deep breathe, Aaliya gets up to face Pragya, who is going to blast on her for hiding a big truth from her....

Meanwhile, Tanu is wiping her tears, while Nikhil is not even in a state to control his sobs... But Nikhil quickly masked his emotions, as Pragya came out of her spell and slowly moves away from Abhi... However, she is holding Abhi's hands and is consoling him, till the machine is pulled away from his body...


The living room is completely silent and no one is able to bear the burning gaze of Pragya, who is accusing and ripping them into ashes... The poor trio looks at Abhi for some help, but he acted so mean and has buried his head completely in the soup bowl...

The Abhishek Prem Mehra, who always shows tantrums and boils the nerves of Aaliya, Tanu and Nikhil for having medicines and feeding him with the tasteless soup, is sipping the soup like an obedient kid and enjoying it, as if it's the most tastiest food in the world... Aaliya murmurs in anger, as she saw the teasing smirk in Abhi's lips...

Nikhil looks at the duo in shock and fakes as if he has got a call from a client... Cleverly he called his wife Tanu and dragged her from there, as if he is in need of a file, making her to escape from the clutches of Pragya... But the master mind Aaliya has no other choice than to face the tigress Pragya, all alone...

Aaliya screams aloud when she had a big thud in her back and she keeps on shouting as Pragya is twisting her ears and is blasting on her angrily for hiding the fact that their Professor Abhishek is none other than Aaliya's elder brother...

Aaliya: Dolly baby... Please forgive me... I'm not the one at fault... This bhai only told me not to reveal his identity to anyone... You are hell adamant punish only me na... Poor me...

Aaliya makes a fake cry and shows her tongue to Abhi, who is glaring at her angrily...

Pragya: You are so mean, Professor Sir... I didn't expect this from you... So, all my friends and sister knew who you are and that's why they behaved so normal and comfortable with you, right...

Well... I only thought you as my friend and you always hold a special place in my heart... But you didn't even considered me as a friend of Honey and you played as if you don't know Honey na...

Great going, Sir... So, I'm the biggest fool here... How can you do this to me... You have not only cheated me, but you made my friend to betray me and hide this big truth from me, right...

It's so hurting... I have never expected that you will do like this...

Pragya's eyes welled up in tears while Abhi is looking at her with worried face, as he couldn't find apt words to console her... Abhi with moist eyes looks at Pragya, who is badly in need of his warm hug and forehead kiss, whenever she feels vulnerable and broken beyond repair...

Eventhough some chemistry has binded Abhi and Pragya again, still they are in a border line and never behaved more than as a Professor and a student... The good old memories of Abhi and Pragya's friendship days comes before his eyes, where even a liplock is not a big deal between them...

Sighing deeply, Abhi gestures something to Aaliya, while she nods her head and touches Pragya's shoulder... Pragya pushes her hands away, but Aaliya hugs her tightly in her embrace and caress her back gently...

Aaliya: Dolly... Shhh.... What's this... Stop crying... No one wants to hide anything from you... You are under medication and no one wants to stress you for anything....

Moreover, Abhi Bhai never mixes up his professional life and personal life... Even he behaved so strictly with me and he never looked at me more than a student in college... He is only our professor in college and he doesn't encourage anyone using him by any means...

Aaliya consoled and make Pragya to understand that Abhi is a professional man... But Pragya is not aware that the same professional man has given up all his principles, only for her and had happily obliged and fulfilled all her orders, just to make her happy...

Aaliya: Hoye... This much I'm saying na... Now you are going to smile... ( Pragya twists her lips and says no) You won't haan... Abhi bhai, I'm gonna use your trick...

Before Pragya gets alert, Aaliya tickles Pragya and makes her to laugh hard.... Abhi is watching the girl's silly antics and his heart feels contented on seeing the smile of Pragya, which is like a soothing melody to his heart....


After sometime,

Pragya: Honey... I have a doubt... Just clear me... I remember very well that you used to always say to me na that I only have to come as your bhabhi... You have kept on stressing me that I have to marry your elder brother only na...

I vaguely have some ideas as Mom and Dad told me that they are happy to get me married to your elder brother and has fixed the marriage too... But... I couldn't understand, why you haven't talked anything to me in this past one year...

Aaliya rubs her heart quickly, as she doesn't know what to answer Pragya... Understanding the toughness of the situation, Abhi took the charge in his own hands...

Abhi: Aaliya... How long will you keep on talking like this... Go and get something for Pragya... Ask Robin to make Chicken Pakoras and Coffee for Pragya... Arrey, stop looking like this... I will company to her...

Aaliya mutters a thankyou to her brother and runs to the kitchen... But Pragya is left in deep thoughts as how come Abhi knows her favourite food items... Not letting Pragya to burden her mind, Abhi coughs and brings her back to the world..

Abhi: What's cooking in that claypot???

Pragya: Claypot???

Abhi: Haan... That sand filled useless brain of yours...

Pragya: Youuuuu.... Don't annoy me, sir... I'm not in a mood today... If not, I will...

Abhi: What will you do haan...

Abhi smirks and raises his brow up and down, making Pragya's breath to hitch without her control... Those dancing lips are igniting a fire inside her but her mind alerted her about the scenario, which has ripped her soul...

Pragya: I would have killed you, sir... But I'm so kind enough not to hurt my cry baby, professor... Oops... I swear... I won't say to anyone about this... But promise me that you will do me a favour for this in return...

With much hesitation, Abhi nods his head, giving an affirmation that he will fulfill her wishes...

Pragya: No worries... I won't bring any trouble to you... Just I want to know some answers from you... This curiosity is killing me...

Have we met earlier, Sir??? Did I know you before??? Why my heart is keep on repeating that you are so important in my life??? Do we have any relationship before???

All of my closed one are aware of you and only I don't know who you are... How is that possible??? The way you look at me and your behaviours are explaining me that something is there between us...

Are you all hiding anything from me??? God... My head is bursting in pain... However I try too, I'm not getting any answers for these questions... No one is saying anything to me and are trying to hide something from me...

This is killing me... Please tell me... Who am I to you??? Why I felt a panic attack on seeing your tears and why did I consoled you like this??? Why my heart beated so fast when you shouted Fuggy???

Who is this Fuggy??? Answer me, Professor sir... Who is this Fuggy, whose name itself brings a sparkle in your eyes??? Aren't you supposed to marry me??? Then, you have to say only my name na... Why are you keep on crying calling that Fuggy's name???

Who is she??? What relationship you have with your Fuggy??? Is she so important to you other than me??? Have you cheated on me and is it the reason why Aaliya, who wants me as her Bhabhi is keeping mum...

Is that Fuggy came as a Villain between us... Is she the third wheel in our life??? Is she the one, who separted me from you??? Is she the reason for your accident and my memory loss???

Abhi: Stop it... Enough of your questions... I don't want to hear anything more from your mouth... You are talking too much... No one has any right to talk about my Fuggy...

Pragya: Your Fuggy... Where is that so called Fuggy??? Ask her to come before my eyes... Where she has hidden when you are suffering alone??? For a betrayer, you are scolding me na...

Abhi: Pragya...  (roared angrily) Don't cross your limits... You want to know where is my Fuggy na.. In every single beat of my heart, she is there... Who said to you that she has betrayed me... Till this Abhi is alive, no one can separate her from me...

My Fuggy is my love of life, my angel, my soulmate, my baby girl, my bestie, my queen who rules my heart, body and soul... Only she can heal me and you can't understand what place my Fuggy has in my life...

It's better for you, if you stay away from all these... You are just my student and I'm your Professor... Is that clear... No one will stop you from entering this house, but you have to maintain distance from me... You are Aaliya's bestie only and you have no right on me...

Never and ever, talk badly about my Fuggy... If you do so, you will see my worst side... Better shut your mouth and stay away from me and My Fuggy...

Abhi blasted on Pragya angrily and gets up from his seat and walks towards the window... He can't tolerate that his Fuggy herself will talk so mean about her...

Though he has regret for all his words, he has no other choice as he doesn't want Pragya to stress more on thinking about Fuggy... Aaliya, who watched everything as a silent spectator, touches Pragya's shoulder and wipes her tears...

Aaliya: Dolly... Please don't talk anything ill about Fuggy, which will make Abhi bhai to lose his temper... Hope you understand...

Pragya: I'm sorry, Aaliya... I didn't mean to do like that... But I don't know why am I getting so jealous when your brother said My Fuggy, as I'm super possessive on him... Atleast, you tell me, who is Fuggy????

Aaliya: Abhi Bhai's love of life, his wife...

Pragya screams No and falls unconscious all of a sudden... Aaliya panics and shouts Dolly, making Abhi to rush up and hold Pragya in his embrace, not minding his leg injury and pain too....

Abhi pats Pragya's cheeks, while she is not in a state to bear the shock that the man she has loved is married to someone else... Abhi curses his stupidity for behaving so harsly with his Fuggy and he asks Aaliya to call the doctor immediately...



What's going to happen next???

Will Pragya be able to bear the shock???

Will Pragya regains her lost memory???

What has happened in the past which spearated Abhi and Pragya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

Until then,

It's me...


Signing off...


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