Chapter Five

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Eliot's POV

I woke up feeling a bit more exhausted then I did before. My body was still a bit sore from the other day. I guess I hadn't been sleeping long, as I could see a bit of the outside through the window. It was still dark, but I figured it would be the perfect time to look for food. "Please be asleep." I peeked out from behind the fridge and screamed when I saw Alex sitting at the table, staring directly at me. He chuckled, "The human that lives here left earlier, but you should really work on not screaming, if you don't want to be killed." He turned and looked out the window, so I took this opportunity to dash to the cabinets. I looked up at the structures that towered over me. I sighed frustrated, and turned on my heels towards Alex. He shifted and turned to me, he was smirking and got up out of his seat. 'NOPE,' As soon as he did that I ran to the door of a cabinet, used all my strength to open it and climbed inside. 'What is he planning now..' I thought to myself. 

I heard some shuffling outside of the door, after pushing myself as close to the back of the cabinet as I could manage, all I could do was wait. The door opened a smidgen before it slammed closed, I then heard footsteps from another part of the house. I used my hand to cover my mouth so I didn't scream, during this though I forgot to breathe. So, I ended up passing out. I woke up slightly gasping for air, I felt lightheaded, again. I groaned, "When will I ever get a good night's sleep?!"  I said a bit too loudly. Shortly after I heard someone, "Hello, is somebody there?" I sucked in my lips to try and not make any sounds. "Dang, I could've sworn I heard somebody whisper something." I wanted so badly to respond, my stomach churned and I was immediately hit will stomach pain. 'I gotta find something to eat.' I whispered quietly. 

I held my ear to the cabinet door to try and hear where the person might be. It sounded like they weren't in the kitchen, so I slowly opened the cabinet door and glanced around to make certain. No one was around so I ran to the gap in between the fridge and a cabinet. I used an old climbing technique to maneuver myself to the counter top. I steadied myself and looked around for anything out in the open. I focused my gaze on an open loaf of bread, 'Today must be my lucky day.' I smiled and quietly headed to the bag, I got in and pulled off a few pieces of a slice. On my way out I saw a shadow move out of the corner of my eye. I figured it was probably Alex, but my curiosity was peeked. I decided to follow it, I saw it move by a large container of sugar. I neared that area and a low growl emitted from the shadows. Two glowing eyes peered at me and as the creature got closer I realized that it was a large rat. I couldn't hold back a large scream as I ran as fast as my tired legs could carry me. Unluckily, I tripped and fell off the counter. The last thing I remember was falling on a strange leathery but soft surface. 

??? POV

I was busy cleaning the house my father used to own. It was passed down to me when he died last month. A lot of my friend's told me it was probably haunted, but I didn't believe them. The only thing I had encountered until this morning was a lot of rats and spiders. nothing I couldn't get rid of eventually. This morning however, when I came back from my quick trip to the store I couldn't help but thought I saw someone in the kitchen. However, when I started to make my way to look I heard a cabinet slam and there was no one. It left me with chills for the rest of the day. 

Later in the day I was just leaving the kitchen when I thought I heard somebody whispering. I called out to them but of course I got no response. I shook my head, 'Blake, there is nobody here. Ghosts aren't real.' I went into my living room to organize some books, it wasn't long after I heard a scream from my kitchen. It wasn't like a regular scream though it was quieter it still peeked my attention. I ran into my kitchen just in time to rat chasing something, I watched as the creature fell off the counter top. I didn't know what it was but my instincts and reflexes acted and I caught it before it fell. The rat ran off somewhere and I opened my hand to see a small.. person? "WTF!" I stared in awe, it looked like the person had still hit pretty hard but they were breathing. 

"Holy shit.." I couldn't help but pinch myself after I placed the tiny human-like creature on a soft rag. I moved away from them and washed my face with warm water. "Well, one thing is for sure, I am defiantly awake." I watched as they stirred and looked at me with fear. They backed themselves to the way and I felt really terrible. So, I did what I thought would be best. "Hi, uhm, my name is Blake. What's yours?" 

Eliot's POV

"Hi, uhm, my name is Blake. What's yours?" I stared at them for a moment. "Uh, my name is Eliot.." I said it loud enough so they could hear. He smiled, "Nice to meet you. May I ask you a question?" I nodded, and in the corner of my sight I saw Alex leaning outside the window looking at me. His face showed a bit of concern but not much. Blake looked towards the window, and then back at me. "Why are you so small?" 

I watched as Alex gave me a murderous look, so I decided it would probably be best to lie. "Uh, I am a borrower! Er, you know borrow from human beings and stuff.." I looked and saw Alex give me a face that could say a thousand 'Really's. Blake raised an eyebrow. "I kinda figured, but at the same time I am confused as to why you have no gear." How do you tell someone a size shifting giant is holding your backpack hostage. "Someone took it. Uhm. Yeah." Alex facepalms.  I watch as Blake pretty much studied me with his eyes. "So, I had no idea that a borrower lived in my dad's house." I mentally sighed, "I haven't been here that long." He laughed, "Well if by not long you mean yesterday, I hate to say it but you're a pretty sucky borrower." I didn't have to see it to know Alex was laughing his ass off outside. I nodded, "I know."

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