Chapter Four

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Eliot's POV

A light breeze blew over my body, it was chilly but not super cold. I was lightheaded and my body hurt all over. My eyes shot open as the ground shook beneath me, I stood up but quickly fell back down as dizziness surged through me. I blinked several times but the once blurry world because clear once more. I was shocked at the sight around me, I now realized what he meant by small journey. The only thing small about it was me. I glanced at my surroundings, large blades of grass littered the ground. I backed up into a hard surface, upon looking back I saw the foot I had bumped into. I simply ran away from it as fast as I could, I knew I was maybe at most four inches tall. 

I ran for what felt like forever, the world's large scale compared to me made distance a difficult thing. However, time on the other hand is easy to tell, especially once the world becomes darker. I wasn't quite sure where I was entirely, perhaps I wasn't that far from Alex's cave. But what I did know is that it became colder at night, and night wasn't that far away. 

I looked around for shelter, anything really at this point. I was unsure how cold it was going to get exactly but I would rather not have a run in with another even like last night. I shuddered slightly as a cool breeze blew past me. If it was a little bit stronger it would have probably knocked me on my feet. I continued my journey, eventually finding a hole in a tree and settling in it. I used a large leaf to cover myself from the cold, I did my best given my situation. 

I had just begun to fall asleep when I heard a small chuckle beside me, I turned to see Alex leaned up against the trees inner walls. He was.. my size? "Hello sweet cheeks." I rubbed my eyes, 'wha..t' He laughed, "I am quite impressed to see that you managed to find shelter, as you see a storms coming." He frowned at me, "I will be in touch, try not to die." I watched as he disappeared into the darkness. I guess my life now consists of being small, and having some weird demon creature watch my life like a television show. I sighed and adjusted myself in a comfortable position. I should get as much sleep as physically possible, as I started to drift back into sleep I could hear light rain beginning to pour. 


I slept for a couple hours, I kept getting awoke by several cracks of thunder. I was lucky the hole I took shelter in was slightly elevated off the ground. Mainly because I could see that there was some flooding on the ground outside. I couldn't go back to sleep so I just sat and watched the rain. I had to be this size for a year, I thought long and hard about how I would even manage to survive. My mind then drifted to an old childhood story.. The Borrowers.. I then realized that is my best bet for survival. If I played my cards correctly then a house shouldn't be too far out. I remembered the foot from earlier so I knew someone was nearby. 

I stood up, frowning I thought about how my journey would be easier if I had my bag. As if he had been there all along reading my thoughts. Alex showed up in a puff of smoke, he winked at me as he held my bag. I got excited and reached for it, it disappeared "If you can survive for 48 hours I will give you your bag. Minus a few things of course, such as your computer, phone, and a few other things." I squinted at him and sighed. He smiled at me and vanished. "Fucker." 

My main concern that I hoped he wouldn't get rid of was my climbing rope. I also had a few snacks in my bag, I was getting a little bit hungry, but I knew I wouldn't have it till many hours later. Agitated I peered out of the hole, I was pleased to see that it had stopped raining. Maybe things are looking up for me, I exited and found myself faced with another obstacle. Mud. I trekked through the mud, not staying in one place too long as I really wasn't in the mood to get stuck. Eventually I stumbled upon a road, Alex was laying on his stomach watching me, this time he was the size of a typical person. With his head resting on his crossed arms I could feel his eyes burning holes in my back. I continued on the road doing my best to pay him no mind. 

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" I stopped and turned around to now see him standing over me. "You're just going to waltz into someones house and live there?" I rubbed my arm, gaining a small bit of anxiety every time I glanced at him looming over me. "You don't talk much do you?" I tried to speak but instead hiccuped, "Hmm. No matter, we will work on your communication skills." He smiled, I cowered down to the ground, a sudden realization of fear hit me like a train. I opened my eyes to see nothingness. Just the road and me, as well as a few puddles but you get the point. 


I am cold, wet, hungry, and tired. More so of exhaustion. I was trying to get somewhere.. somewhere safer than I currently was. The road had ended several minutes ago, and now I was in some sort of field. And even worse it had just started sprinkling again. 'Great. Simply fantastic, just what I wanted.' I was about to give up for the night, find somewhere small and dank to sleep in. But could it be, that in the distance, was a large house. My hopes that were running low began to bound with excitement once more. I thought of how I could dry myself off, find some food, and sleep peacefully. 

That is what one could expect from a home. However, the odds aren't entirely in my favor, especially when being this small. I had finally managed to get to the house, climbing the steps was a struggle but them being slightly overgrown was helpful. I was just the perfect size to be able to slide under the door. Once inside I glanced at the large living room, it was nice, but also a bit dusty. My heart sunk a little in my chest as I realized this may be someone's summer home. I hoped that wasn't the case, or if it was that they would have some food still here. 

I used the wall as a guided path into the kitchen, even if no one was here I couldn't take any chances. I passed underneath a table and was almost to the cabinets when I heard light footsteps. I stopped but quickly ran back under the table as I saw someone enter the kitchen. They held a handheld broom and were using it to clean off dust. I made sure to stay hidden and after several times of me having to hold my breath so I didn't sneeze, they finally left. I looked to see where they went and they were now plugging in a vacuum in the living room. I took this opportunity to dash behind the fridge, it was dusty but my best guess was this person had just moved here. I decided to sleep behind the fridge as it provided a bit of heat and there wasn't many other places I could go. Plus, I needed my rest, I used a lot of energy getting here. Tomorrow I am going to look for food, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and plopped on the floor. It is going to be a long night, I thought to myself. 

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