Chapter Three

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??? POV

I couldn't help becoming restless, I could sense the newcomer getting closer. I almost got myself in trouble with the last guy and I really didn't want to deal with another. I couldn't sleep which was normal but something felt off. I decided to take a stroll, since it was dark I knew no one would be able to see me. I walked around for a bit before I spotted a saddening sight. I sighed and walked over to the human. They weren't moving and I blew some warm air onto them. They are probably freezing out here, I watched as they began to stir. They saw me and screamed but I wasn't concerned with that. After getting no response when I asked if they were cold I decided to pick them up. I held them to my chest and placed their bag in my pocket before heading home. 

I lived in a cave, it wasn't the best place to live but when your default size was that around 55 feet tall it was difficult to find living quarters. I had lived here most of my life and I had a good amount of homemade furniture. Most of my stuff I made myself, using my hands or magic. Magic was something I did my best to not use as much however. 

I looked at the small human in my hand and realized that I had made a huge mistake. Since this human now knows of my existence I will have to do what I did last time, again. I will have to cut them a deal once I know they are alive and well. I placed them on a warm towel and glanced over them, upon further inspection I figured that they were male although I do not like to assume the gender of beings. 

I decided to let them get some rest so I laid down on my makeshift bed listening to the sounds of the mountain. I watched over the town, some people consider me a demon of sorts, yet I always had this soft side for humans. They were interesting, so curious for danger, yet they didn't understand the struggles of life. They always take power of beings smaller than them, sometimes even beings larger then themselves. The ones who looked for danger reminded me of myself.

Eliot's POV

I woke up on a wood surface, I was curled in a cloth and I could hear the weak snores of the giant from before. I stood up, keeping the cloth around me although I could feel the warmth slowly leaving. I was very high up from the looks of it, I glanced carefully over the edge looking for ways down. I quickly realized that it would be an instant death if I even tried. I looked at the sleeping giant, he was an average build, slightly muscular. He had mid length ash brown hair, some light facial hair, and from the looks of it he has seen better days. 


Eliot watched the giant sleep, but little did he know the being he was watching sleep. In fact wasn't sleeping at all, the giant was having an inner battle of what to do with the human. Typically giants in most stories end up hurting the smaller being, or on some occasions end up taking care of them. But this being was meant to be the darkness of the town. The evil, the secret, the unknown, there was no way in hell this being could keep the other. 

He watched as the giant got up, bright yellow eyes peered into his inner being. He felt defiled, a stone cold emotion emitted from the giant while his eyes scanned his entire body. Eliot couldn't help but feel the need to run, but within seconds the world went dark. Shadows surrounded the giant as he came closer to Eliot.

He began to speak in a cold, raspy voice, "I am glad to see you have finally awaken human. My name is Alex, although several towns people call me a monster due to my nature." Alex snapped his fingers and several shadow hands surrounded Eliot. The hands morphed to one as they brought him closer to Alex's face. "Now I know you are probably utterly confused, I will do my best to answer any questions you deem necessary for me to answer." 


My mind searched for anything to ask, such as why did Alex save me. I know my journey was set on finding him but I wasn't expecting someone with Umbrakinesis. "How long have you had your powers?" I watched his eyebrow raise and a deep sigh emit from his chest. "A long time ago I was like you, I was an adventurer, I traveled many places looking for danger. This world however can get you into a lot of trouble. I came into this town and while traversing the woods I met a spirit. This spirit cursed me into darkness, I was locked away for many years but soon realized that during this time I had also grew. Eventually I learned how to manipulate both, however, I tend not to manipulate darkness as much. Living life as a giant is scary enough" 

I analyzed everything I just heard, thinking of what to ask next. But while I was thinking I didn't realized I was being asked something. He cleared his throat, "I guess you weren't listening, I would like to know why you came into the woods and almost got yourself killed by the cold. Seriously enlighten me why you would put yourself in danger." I blushed, I was embarrassed but I knew I shouldn't make this guy mad by not answering. "I was actually looking to bust a myth, but it seemed that myth is true so my job here is done." He tilted his head, raised and eyebrow before speaking. "I am guessing what you're trying to say is you came to the mountain to look for... me? If that is correct I am sorry to tell you but you have made a grave mistake coming here." I frowned but nodded, I knew that my fate may not end the greatest. "I can sense you came here not under your own will however.. So I will cut you a deal.." My breath hoicked, I listened attentively even though I feared the worse. "Typically when humans trespass these woods I satisfy one of my needs. However, with the recent events of a human before you, no one has had the guts to even dare. So, I shall give you a few choices, option one is for me to just end you." He grinned showing me his pearly whites and I knew exactly what he meant. "Option two is I keep you as a pet and you do as I say. Finally, option three is.. I send you on a small journey.. and if you survive for a year I will let you go." 

I gulped, all the options seemed horrible, all except for one. What could he mean by small journey.. and surviving for one year? I don't see how that could be difficult. "Could you tell me more about option three?" I asked shyly, and he smirked. "Very well. Option three pertains to your survival. I will be watching you along the way, mainly for my entertainment as life is boring in these parts. There is a way to shorten your sentence, however, that information will remain a secret until the time permits it be disclosed." I thought for a few seconds, "I guess my only chance is through option three. So, that is what I choose." I watched as a large grin became plastered on his face. His hand began surrounding me, getting tighter and tighter. Dark menacing laughter filled my head as it became harder to breathe. A loud ringing noise is all I remember as the world filled with darkness. 

I thought I picked option three..


A/N Hey, I know this is probably very confusing right now. Everything will make since in future chapters. There will be backstory, lot's of flashbacks and Eliot will be fine I promise.. maybe. I am currently trying to make the chapters longer, as well as more in depth. This will cause them to take a bit longer to come out but I promise it will be worth it. Thanks for reading. 

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