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The children of the rich, often, don't believe in punctuality. Such is the case for Poppy Prevost, who is walking home late from the library. The letter expressed an exact time to meet, but Poppy paid it little mind. If they were interested in her, they would wait.

She makes it back to her dormitory, where she changes out of her clothes and into a new set. She is more than familiar with The Divide. Her mother was a member during her time at Hawkwood, and once Poppy got her letter, she couldn't help but share the news. Now, she prepares herself for the first meeting.


Tom paces his room back and forth. He doesn't know what to expect. First, the scholarship skyrocketed him across the world (from regular England to New England), and now he had been noticed by some group. He had been seen. It is quite a frightening thing, not to be observed but to be thought of and heard by others.

It is almost time to head out. He wears his second-best clothes, simple slacks and a button-up (his best are reserved for funerals and weddings). He followed the letter's instructions completely. It only now occurs to him that this might be a prank by some of his wealthy peers. If it is, he thinks he can hold himself together. Tom is an expert in keeping a straight face. Still, he leaves a note in his dorm, tucked under his pillow so his roommate will not find it unless he is gone absurdly long.


Jetta is trying her best not to panic. She is sure that everything is fine. Her letter, which hides in her underwear drawer, addresses her by Jetta, her name. Not the legal one which wraps its syllables around her throat to suffocate her. To them, she is Jetta James. It should be safe to go, right? There shouldn't be trouble hanging over her head for the rest of her life.

Tonight, she decides not to wear her leather jacket. It is as much a part of her as her own skin, which is to say it clings to her yet feels so distant. There aren't many dress clothes that she owns, and she realizes she doesn't belong for another reason altogether. It is easy to dwell in misery. Jetta knows this better than most people. She also knows how to soar better than anyone else she has ever met.


Vieira is used to putting up appearances. She gets herself ready, without the aid of her father's stylus and the direction of his publicist. Over the years, she has committed their tips to memory in such a way that it is almost like they are there beside her. Hair is tricky for her; she's never been particularly good at pottery or other things that require using your hands to shape things. Her fingers are delicate and fine, and using a curler risks burning them. However, today of all days, she must look her best.

Once she is ready, she sits on the ground in front of her mirror. It is a ritual she has always done before events, mostly because a mirror is always available before going into a crowd. She looks at her fingers in the mirror, carefully cleaned of all paint, and she looks at her eyes, with their dark circles covered. Vieira doesn't recognize herself.


Felix massages his feet while he waits. They ache from days spent in the studio. He is used to the intensity, but he had hoped that Hawkwood would be lighter than the load placed on his shoulders by his father. Unfortunately, a few weeks into the semester and he was already learning his first ballet. If he were an upper-year, he is sure he would be the lead.

After massaging his feet, he moves to stretch. It is difficult, in his stiff clothing. Nothing could stop him from going, but he doubts that he will make any meaningful connections with the others. None of them could be even as remotely spectacular as him. It would be impossible. His stomach rumbles with hunger, and so he goes to the minifridge and drinks some water. It will help his aching muscles after all. If he does not look his best, he doubts he will make friends tonight.


Kai is back from rugby practice, covered in sweat. He doesn't have time to shower before tonight's events, so he is hoping that cologne and a wet rag will help mask the stench of unwashed men wrestling with each other. Though he showers frequently, he plays sports even more often. He ignores the pile of homework that has accumulated on his desk in favour of dressing.

He is mostly going to humour them. While secret societies seem intriguing to say the least of them, he is vying for the captain position of both the polo and the rugby team, as he had done at private school. Besides, his only free time is the few hours a week he dedicates to studying. He misunderstood the university's film department, as he had assumed it had fallen beneath the arts faculty. Rather, it is beneath the liberal arts faculty. Between watching boring Alfred Hitchcock films, playing on fields, and playing the field, Kai won't have time for The Divide.


Roman memorizes as many quotes as they can before the meeting. They know the club is not exclusively for philosophy majors, but one can never know when a quote might come in handy. Especially considering they suppose everyone will be as dedicated to their major as Roman. Currently, they are reading Plato, whose ideas were interesting though impractical. Even more impractical, Roman thinks, is the notion that Roman could be the next Plato. At least, one of the greats in the eyes of The Divide.

A small part of them is worried about attending the event. In class, it is easy enough to hide. Teachers don't refer to students very often in lectures, and most have understood Roman's pronouns. Students, on the other hand, have been less kind. One of the benefits of this is that Roman gets a private dorm at a cheaper cost. However, organizations that communicate exclusively by letter are not known for being accepting. Roman doesn't care though; they want to prove they are the best.


Ellie might doubt that she belongs, but she isn't going to turn down any opportunity presented to her. Her bite is stronger than her bark. She wants to go for a run to help clear her head, but clearly, there is no time. The clock is ticking and with each passing second, Ellie gets closer to the answer she so desperately craves. Why was she chosen? Out of everyone at Hawkwood they could have picked, why select her at all?

While normally at these moments she feels more alone than ever, Ellie feels seen. How glorious, how wonderful it is to be thought of and heard by others. In the quiet moments in her tiny dorm room, Ellie knows she won't be a doctor. However, she has the opportunity to be someone else, and it seems several people see that opportunity in her.


Briar is in a lounge, chatting with other students. In the few short weeks that they've come to know each other, it is clear that they like her. It does not occur to her that they might just like her for her last name. It must be the stories she tells, of vacations in far-off countries, of galas and dinners, of the secrets of the aristocracy. Her last name is so intertwined in her identity it is hard to separate the two.

She excuses herself just in time to head away. They do not suspect anything. Her expensive clothes give away nothing since she always wears clothing of that calibre. The Divide should be pleased with having her as a member. She cannot tell if they will be more pleased to have her, Briar, or a Haslan.


Luis knows the importance of presentation. He wraps himself in the clothes he suspects a keeper of a secret would wear. All black, all thick, and all expensive. He opens the window and peers outside. It is windy, and the clouds coat the sky like oil paints. Luis suspects that he will be warm enough, even if the event goes as late as he anticipates.

He decides to show up late. On purpose. It's a small rebellion, hopefully not one large enough to get him kicked out. He's sure he can talk his way back in. He can blame it on his thoughts, which are as scattered as his room. Besides, Luis has enough charm that he can do as he pleases. And he pleases to stick it to a bunch of rich kids.


Ez really dreads going. He really does. While yes, he knows it'll be good to establish himself as one of the most talented at Hawkwood, it means he will have to interact with people. Academics no less, which can hardly be considered people in his opinion.

Before he goes, he reads. It's a more modern book, one he has never read before. It's okay, the plot is enthralling much to his dismay and the smilies are as obscene as a naked wedding crasher. His plan here was to read as many books as possible, then get a master's and a Ph.D., and continue to read as many books as possible. Secret societies aren't part of the plan, but they come with the territory. Unfortunately, so does socializing.


Evelyn tries on no less than thirteen outfits. It's an unlucky number, but she pays it no mind as she continues to get dressed. She's been getting ready all afternoon; she even skipped a class on fashion history to prepare. Being a designer, she thinks, is less about what you know and more about who you know. She intends to know people.

She twirls around her room, dancing with the letter as if it is a waltzing partner rather than a sheet of paper. It has been hard to make friends for her. She finds herself unable to stand up and speak in class, her mouth clamped shut. People have approached her, but she hasn't spoken to them yet. Here is an opportunity where she will be forced to speak. Maybe, she hopes, she might even meet a real dancing partner.


Well, I know not much happens, but I wanted to give people a better opportunity to get to know the characters. Their names, a few their hopes and personalities and backstories. All sprinkled in there. It's nothing remarkable, and it's rather short but necessary.

Especially since I don't have all the personalities! I've sat down to write the next chapter, and I can't progress without relations. I know y'all are busy (believe me, I've been there) but the sooner they get done the sooner I can do the next chapter. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

See you soon!

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