Chapter 3

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Rin Pov

We got in a car provided for us. Everyone was a nervous wreck especially Nico. I guess she feels like she is responsible cause she already knew before hand about Maki being sick.

I'm just so shock I knew Maki since middle school and not once I've seen her or even heard about her being sick nit even a flu. I guess that because her mother is a doctor.

Maki has always been a tough one. Her fainting like that.....

"It's okay." Hanayo grabbed my hand, I could see she was worried too but she put on a smile.

I smiled and nodded.

Soon, we were at the hospital that Maki is admitted in.

And we all slowly got out. I guess even though we want to see her we are dreading what we will face.

Still, we all went in anyway.

Umi Pov

The place was quiet and very white. We approached the reception.

"We are looking for "Nishikino Maki, please." I said, hoping the nervousness doesn't show in my voice.

The nurse flipped some paper and typed something "ah yes. She is in room 601. It's on level 3 last o e down the hall."

"Thank you." I replied and we all moved to the elevator in unison.

We followed the directions given and end up standing in front the door with a wooden plate with the gold numberings 601 on it.

"Well, this is it." Honoka said.

Kotori muttered "Yeah."

"Shall we go in?" Eli tried to say with full confidence.

We all gulped and took a breath.

I held one hand on the handle and the other knocked the door before I turned the knob and pushed the door opened.

We walked in. Nico walked up in front.

"How is she?" Hanayo stammered.

Nico shook her head "She is still asleep."

For some reason we all sighed maybe it's cause we weren't sure what to say if she was awake.

We all walked over to the side of her bed slowly.

Nico was right. Maik was still alseep.

She was very pale even her lips had no color. And she seemed to be sweating.

We jumped back when she winced.

She stated at her in shock.

But she didn't move after that but the pained expression never left her face.

We were all silent. Unsure of ehat we should be doing. Unsure of what to say.

"It's my fault." Nico suddenly said softly. "I knew yet I didn't do anything."

We all stared at her. She was looking, head down, at the floor.

"It's not anyone's fault." Nozomi tired to clam donw the small third year.

"Yea." Honoka and Kotori agreed.

Eli Pov

"Hello girls, you must be friends of Maki." Her mother stepped into the room.

"Maki's okasan." Hanayo muttered.

I stepped forward "Nice to meet you Miss Nishikino." I bowed to her and the rest did the same expect Nico who was still in the same position.

"Nice to meet you too. So, how is my daughter?" We moved aside so that she could walk to her.

"She is out if danger but she is still unconscious." Said the nurse we didn't realise was there. Her mother nodded.

"I told her not to push herself too hard but she never listens." She pushed Maki's hair out of her face and took a cloth to wipe her face.

She paused. "I tired to make her stay in bed and even wanted to call the school so that she could rest." She stopped.

"But....?" Nico prompted.

Her mither sighed "Being that hard head she is she said no. That she was alright. That she will get better the next day."

"That does sound like her." Nozomi.

"Stubborn as always." I added.

"If only we notice." Hanayo.

"Maybe she wouldn't be in such a state right now nyan" Rin.

"Certainly could have been better." Kotori.

"What are we going to do now?" Umi.

"Do we know when she might wake up?" Honoka.

"....." Nico.

We all said one after another.

Her mother chuckled. "Calm down kids. One at a time."

"First of all, even if you did find out earlier outcome woild still be the same she would have still insisted on going on."

We all nodded.

"Alos my colleges told me that she would be awake in a day or two."

"The nurse said that she was out of danger just now." Nico stated.

"Well, yes her fever was so high they were afraid it might affect the brain luckily they mange to bring it down in time. Although she is still running a high temperature."

We were all silent.

"Oh. I love to stay and chat but I have rounds to make. You girls take care. Especially you Nico." Maki's mother smiled at Nico before she left the room.

"Nico?!?!" We all shouted when she left.

"Since when you the two of you so close?" I asked.

"Tell us before I give your breast a good massage." Nozomi said with her rape face.

Nico shivered "Okay okay don't!"

Nzomi put her hands down.

A/N yayy cliffhanger!! hahas hope you are enjoying this so far ^v^

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