Chapter 7

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Maki Pov

"Well, the thing is...." Nico started.

She looked at me. I nodded at her.

"Maki is..." Nico sighed, took a deep breath and delivered the news to the rest. (a/n pls dont kill me xp)

"HUH?!?!?!?" They all exclaimed.

They all look at the two of us speechless.

"Why?" Honoka pressed her hands onto the bed and leaned in towards me.

"What's going to happen after..." Hanayo questioned, worried written over her face.

"This is quite problematic." Eli commented.

"Maki-chan." Was all Kotori managed.

"nyaaa~?" Rin was speechless.

"When?" Umi asked.

"Not sure. But soon." Nico answered.

"What are we going to do?" Nozomi said, not sounding as worried as the rest.

Everyone went silent.

"Minna, gomen." I said barely audible.
No one said as word.

"Well, there isn't much we can do." Eli finally said. "What's important now is for you to have a speedy recovery." She smiled.

All the rest nodded.

"When can you be discharged?" Nozomi.

"She is free to leave anytime she wants now." Nico.

They look at me, waiting for an answer.

"I like to leave now please." I croaked.

They smiled and nodded.

I didn't have any belongings because it's only overnight.

Nico helped my get of bed.

"So, what would you like to do now?" Nozomi asked with a smirk on her face.

"I want to....." I thought about it, a smile spread across my face "I want to go to the beach!"

"YATAAAAA!!!" Honoka shouted. We all laughed.

We all heading back to prepare our stuff.

Nico came over to my house. She partially leaves with me, her stuff, clothes etc all could be found in my house.

We threw on our swimsuits and packed some extra clothes, sunblock,  sunglasses, towels, etc.

As I was zipping up my bag, Nico hugged me from behind.

"What's this for?"

She shrugged. She let go and we face each other.

"What's going to happen to us once you leave?"

We gazed into each other's eyes "I don't know, Nico." I said "I don't know." I repeated softer.

"Do you really have to go?"

"I don't know." I replied. I slapped a smile on my face "Now is not the time to worry about this, let's hurry meet up with the rest!"

She nodded.

Then looked up with her normal nico smile "Let's go!"

We grabbed our bags and headed out.

We found all of them waiting at the front gate.

They all looked beautiful in their swimsuits.

(a/n here a visual for u! :))

"Let's go!!" Honoka shouted. We laughed and headed out as a noisy crowd to the beach.

"Yahoooo!!" Honoka was the first to run up to the sea.

"Umida! Umida!" She exclaimed.

"Stop calling me like that!"

"Not you Umi that Umi!"

(a/n okay im sry I just found that so funny in the anime like its so stupid hahahah)

We all gather our stuff under a tree.

We played a bit of volleyball then jumped into the sea from a swim. After which we eat lunch that Rin and Hanayo packed.

Before we knew it night fell. The sky was deep blue and many stars twinkled. 

We laid back on our towels and stared up into the sky.

"Kirei~" Kotori breathed. (a/n if u dont understand cause I tot it sounded better if it was jap sry!)

"Well, it's late we should be getting home." Eli said.

Honoka sighed "Such a pity though."

We packed up and walked back together.

Nico walked me to my place. Everyone else walked their way home.

"Good night, Maki." She kissed my on the lips. "By the way you still owe me one when you recover." She winked, turned and walked away.

"Nights." We called out without turning back.

I stood there slightly stunned,  yet a smile stuck on my face.

I walked into my house.

a/n weeee updated!!! Wooo!!!

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