Ch.17 Midna's Light

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The endless swimming into darkness was taking forever. I saw and began to swim towards it, but I didn't feel Link's hand as I froze in my tracks. The water seemed to be pulling me towards the light as I called out Link's name, but got soon blinded by bright light.

Everything around me felt at peace, but not any longer as the glint of sliver came into my view. I barley dodged from my head getting cut off as I backed flipped as the clouds around me spread outwards.

Shade was there in hand with the same silver sword in hand, only his eye glowed a deadly glint of red. He pulled back his sword and pointed the tip at me. "If you must know not only will I help you, but I will train you also goddess. Take sword in hand and fight me!"

With a determined face I took out my bow and willed it too transform into a sword. It glowed light gold along with the blue. A new power flowed through me, it felt like it belong there as I took my stanch and let him charge me.

Shade's eye glowed for a second as he jumped up and clashed swords with me. Sparks flew everywhere as I growled and tried pushing him back. For a dead guy he was strong, very strong as it felt he could destroy a monster with his bare hand.

Look deep inside I saw he was holding back the power so he wouldn't hurt me. I smirked as I kicked him back and slashed downward at his chest. The bones broke off as he fell to the ground. It was a quiet minute until a strong wind came by and picked up the bones, rebuilding the dead hero.

He laughed once his head was back in place. "Is that all you got?"

I growled and lunged at him, but he quickly dodged, rolled behind me, and slashed my back. Pain roared inside my back as I felt blood seep from the wound as hot tears splashed down on the ground. With effort, I stood back up and faced the skeleton.

"T-Too... can play that game."

My sword quickly switched into a bow as I started firing arrows at him. He gasped lightly under his breath and started dodging the arrows. One finally hit him in the rib cage as he growled as the energy made him stopped in mid place.

I smirked and transformed into a sword and stabbed into were the arrow was. It reacted and exploded on him. I wasn't affected at all as the clouds settled down around us. Stepping forward I grabbed his sliver sword, my features reflecting inside it as I stabbed the sword into the head of the dead hero.

A gently breeze came up around the bones, going inside the skull and passing through as the breeze lifted up my hair, speaking into my ear in a soft whisper.

"You have done well... many challenges await you still... take sword in hand and use the strength to guide you along..."

"Thank you, Shade."

"I sense Link has defeated the monster of the water temple... go to him and continue your destiny..."

"Will do, and Shade, thanks for showing me that cool sword trick."

Shade laughed quietly as I closed my eyes when everything was turning pure white...


Upon opening my eyes I came face to face with Link's soft blue Hylian eyes. Even the purest of blue skies couldn't out match Link's eyes, they were special and one of a kind to see, loyalty and strength.

"Good to see you made it." I gave him a smile.

"I'm glad you're alright. When I couldn't find you in the river Midna told me to finish the temple and you would be alright. She was right, you are and that's what makes me happy to see you."

"Aww Link-" A shadow towering over Link had me freeze on the spot. Link turned around and was surprised himself.

The figure was dressed in a long ancient drab of clothing and for a mask was as huge mask made of steel with different carvings all over it. The aura around him was deadly and evil, enough to make my spine shiver in fear.

The light spirit came out soon afterwards, but dark energy came out from him like a gust of wind and knocking down both Link and I, but the mysterious guy trapped the light spirit in twilight again. Blue light waved around me as Link transformed right next to me. I felt trap with the twilight holding me down.

Midna was throw backwards and held into place in air. "Zant!"

The shadow fuses came out from Midna as she growled and kicked in the air while trying to get them back. The man, Zant, chuckled inside his mask. "Did you honestly mean to use an ancient and withered power like this and turn it against me?" He put the Shadow Fuses away, "You are a foolish traitor... Midna. Why do you defy your king?"

"My KING?!" Midna howled outraged, "You, who do nothing but abuse the magic of your tribe? You must be joking!"

"How dare you! Are you implying that my power is... our old magic? Now THAT is a joke!"

Midna was thrown forward and slammed to the ground. I growled and tried to fight against this guy's magic. It was really powerful enough to keep my powers down and Link knocked out for this long...

Zant laughed lightly while holding out a red ball of dark energy, "This power is granted to me by my god! It is the power of the King of Twilight, and you WILL respect it!"

Link somehow rid himself of his spell and shook himself awake. He growled at Zant and jumped at him. Zant easily pushed him back with his dark orb, but the object inside Link's head is what made my heart stop.

I screamed in anger as the darkness broke around me. Zant was surprised as I transformed my bow into a sword and slashed at the dark orb. My sword and the orb were growing brighter and brighter with power as he hummed.

"This power is far back to the god's powers... I sense you are the goddess my god as warned me about. He said if you attacked me I could hurt anyone you loved, well here is my masters gift, goddess."

He turned to Midna, threw her up over the lake as she was tied in his magic. "MIDNA NO!

"If you want the light so bad, Midna! Take it all in!"

The twilight disappeared as the light spirit quickly came out of its spell. Midna screamed in pain as I grabbed onto Link's wolf form as the light was getting brighter and brighter, along with Midna's screaming of pain...


"Go to the princess inside the castle... she holds the key to unlock the hero from his beastly form..."

The light spirits voice faded away as I looked around and saw it was late at night back in the fields. The heavy breathing made me turn around and I forced myself to not scream out loud. Minda was a heavy gray as the lower section was blue along with the ends of her hair.

"Midna!" I beaned down to her level as Link held still, "Are you alright?!"

She tried to speak but only cough heavily in pain. Her eyes were deep red as she was whimpering softly. It broke my heart to see her like this, dying in pain as we didn't know what to do... maybe Princess Zelda has a way...

"Link, run towards the castle, don't stop as I'll try to make enough energy to teleport are self to the Princess."

Link growled in an agreement as I gently picked up Midna. She was super weak as I felt her energy draining slowly and painfully from her body. With my energy I hoped to slow the process down as Link took off.

I shot the monsters with one arm best I could. Link was speeding up faster enough as I concentrated with all my mind and zap up to the castle. I managed to teleport us to the dungeon as I helped Link attack the monsters inside.

Midna was growing weak with every passing second as Link made a dash to her room. Midna fell from my arm as I gasped, but she was okay but pale and whiter than before. Zelda came up from behind and gently bend down to touch Midna's arm.

"Zelda!" I cried out, "How do we save her?!"

"F-Forget me... how do... we save him... from the curse...?"

Link sat down as he watched Midna with guilty eyes. I knew he didn't like it when people care about his wellbeing when Midna was dying slowly...

Zelda took her hand as Midna weakly squeezed her hand. "Y-You need him to save your world! He's the chosen one! That is why... princess... please... you must help Link..."

Zelda looked up towards Link. She raised her hand as the same shape in my dreams appeared on her hand. I felt it's power surging through it as I looked down to see my hand doing the same, only the bottom upside down triangle was glowing blue instead of gold. I looked at it while Zelda explained.

"What blinds him is not the same magic when he first entered the curtain of twilight. It is an evil and ancient power. The world is in a balance of light and darkness, but there is a benevolence to banish evil. Head for the sacred grove that lies deep within land guarded by the spirit of Faron."

"And there you will find the blade of evil's bane..." I finished the sentence for her. She didn't at me in surprise to find me saying it.

"Like you, I have been granted the special powers of the goddesses." She held up her hand to show her symbol.

Her triforce and mine were reacting slightly my glowing. Midna broke the tension as she looked up at Zelda. "Princess... for my last request... can you please tell... him... where... to fine the.... Mirror of Twilight?"

Zelda stood quiet for a minute until she broke the silence she started. "Midna... I believe I'm starting to find what and truly who you are. Despite in your mortal injuries, you act in our stead. Accept my power Midna, for the Goddess of Time has let me pass the power of the goddess to keep you alive."

Zelda tightened her grip on Midna's hand as she began to transfer the tirforce into her. Midna glowed with a soft golden light as Zelda began to disappear. I reached out towards her but my hand passed through her like a shadow...

"No! Link! STOP HER!"

Zelda gave Midna a light smile as I felt it through the cloak she wore. Midna was back to her normal self of color as Zelda faded away. A sob was about to burst through me when I held it back, I had to be strong for Zelda.

Midna set her face in a strong determination. "Link we go to Faron woods!"

I nodded as Link barked. "Right."

Midna jumped onto Link's back as I set my bow into place. From the corner of my eye I saw her looking down at her hand and the sadness in her eyes. "Zelda... I've taken all you have to have to give... though I did not want it."

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