Ch.18 Master Sword

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Midna teleported us outside of the castle. I looked back and saw the castle wasn't in twilight anymore, but I wonder if anyone would have noticed anything different in the castle now that... Zelda was gone. A shiver went down my spine as I turned back.

Midna was silence on the ride as I cleared my throat, making her jump slightly. "Are you any better, Midna?"

She looked out ahead of the road. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? If you need anyone-"

"I said I'm fine. Drop it before I kick you off of Link."


Suddenly a sharp sound echoed in the air as Link stopped as I looked behind to see the castle was back in twilight. Strange patterns were all over the twilight barrier as no one in the plaza was screaming about it, maybe no one could see the twilight around their beautiful castle.

"Why him..." Midna growled under her breath, "Zant will pay for this!"

I nodded and touched her fisted hand. "We promise to help you take him down, together."

Her red eye softened. "But I can take him down myself."

I shook my head and twined are hands together. "If we do it together Zant will be surprised and outnumbered. Please Midna, let us help you defeat Zant. I want to destroy him as badly as you do. He's the reason Link is cursed and I won't let that slide by me."

After a moments pass Midna smiled came back onto her face. I missed it so much I smiled just as big as she did. "Thanks (y/n). Let's hurry, we need to get the Master Sword. I want to give Zelda sacrifice a meaning now that her people are missing her. I swore to myself that I will help her kingdom along with mine."

A strong pride burned inside me. "I understand you, Midna. Go Link!"

Link barked and took off as Midna held onto me. I could feel her passion burning inside her along with mine to return peace to not only Hyrule, but to the twilight kingdom, and to Shade.


The smell, the air, the feeling of woods felt at home with me as we entered back into are home. A small tug hit me as I wanted to see how everyone was doing back at the village, but we had a quest to finish.

A monkey scream could be heart as Link reacted first and ran towards it. I held onto Link tightly as he took the sharp turns and edges in the woods. I noticed after each dungeon Link was either stronger or faster, maybe both. Maybe I was getting the same treatment... but it was so hard to tell...

Link growled suddenly and attacked the strange puppet hanging from a string that were being held nothing in the air. I would have taken out my bow, but Link took care of them so quickly I blinked. "It's over?"

The monkey girl stopped shaking and looked up at me. "Did... did you save me?"

I jumped, I could hear the monkey's voice! To not cause her another scare I tried my best to not freak out. "Y-Yes! Are you alright?"

"Yes! Th-thank you! Listen, since you're so nice, let me tell you something about these woods. On the other side of that cliff is a really dense forest area that will mess with your head! I went to go check it out, but then those guys attacked me! I wonder if their protecting something inside there."

"We'll check it out Miss Monkey. Come on Link."

Link barked as I sat down on his back. When he got to the edge of the ledge the wind picked up, I sensed there was nasty weather back there. Midna came out and motioned for Link. "Come on! I'll help guide you too the area. Hold on (y/n)!"

I sensed Link's wolf eyes on me as I nodded and ducked my head between his ears. The moment Link jumped I screamed a bit but soon relaxed when I felt the wind helping us. My hand glowed a soft green as I stared down at them, feeling the wind drift us safely to a spot. Was this one of the spirits powers...?

Without questioning I just let the wind help guide us as Link finally stopped. I shivered from the winds cold air and gust. Looking around the area Link barked happily when he saw the wolf stone. He didn't even stop and started howling into it.

Bright light took over Link as he was gone. I stood there, questioning why I wasn't taken there as Midna disappeared too. A cold but warm breeze came over me as I looked over to find Shade there, but only he was shadowed out a bit.

"If you wonder the reason for not entering into the holy place is the hero must only hear the sound. After the first one you passed out inside, if you died in there you would have become a spirit like me."

"But I've gotten stronger. I'll make sure to watch Link's back this time when he fights so he won't have to worry about me."

Shade laughed, fatherly like as he started to disappear. "That is the right response a true hero says. Who knows, maybe you'll enter into the holy place again another time... with pride."

I smiled and nodded to the dead hero. After the wind took him away Link came back in a bright ball of light. Midna came up to me with a worried face. "There you are. When you weren't their Link and me started to worry."

A giggle came through my throat as I patted her shoulder. "I'm fine. I've proven to myself next time I can come with you guys again."

Midna nodded and sat down on Link again. "Alright. Let's get going already."


The woods did not only become denser, but really dark from all the shading the trees leaves had on them. The trees looked to be old, but really hard with some kind of energy flowing through them as I could feel it pulsing through the forest.

Link's ears suddenly when up as he walked towards another stone, but with the tri force on it. He started howling as it echoed in the forest, it was putting me to sleep as it sounded like a lullaby.

After Link was done a small creature hopped down from the tree. Its face was green with an orange straw hat, along with orange clothes and a trumpet made of woods as when it blew into it leaves came out. The puppets from before came out from nowhere.

I summoned an arrowed and fired at two of them as Link destroyed the other two. The creature laughed and started running away as its lantern lit the way through the wall.

"Hey!" I called after it and ran towards it.

I kept running and running towards it, but when it looked behind myself Link was gone, along with Midna. Shock ran through me as I looked everywhere while now walking quietly. Leafs came down from a tall tree as I looked up to find the creature.

It laughed and sounded its trumpet. Four puppet came towards me as I smirked, this was my chance to prove myself I could battle alongside with Link. One of them attacked me, but I dodged out of the way and fired so fast at the other three the creature stopped laughing.

"Come down here and fight!"

It seemed to like that idea as it laughed and ran towards another way. I followed it as the area lit up lightly more. Broken stone pillars littered the area as Link and I met eye contact on the opposite side of the area.

The creature sounded its horn as more puppets came down. Link growled and took care of them as I smirked and targeted the small troublemaker. He tried dodging, but I wouldn't even miss as after the big blow he finally gave up.

"Hee eee eee! Bye!" He jumped into the air and disappeared.

The wall behind him revealed an area with white stones, much similar to the ones back at the castle.

It was a huge area as it looked to be like a temple. Two statues stood there with spear, but covered with moss from the forest. In the center was the tri force again as Link sat and howled his song. I did my best and didn't fall asleep because everything turned dark as the tri force glowed under Link, having stone squares come around us.

The statues glowed with light bluish purple. They both jumped up as one stood in front of Link while one was behind us. I screamed and held onto Link, but he didn't seemed fazed.

"We are the guardians of this land..." The one in front spoke with a long forgotten voice, "Guide us to where we once stood. Only then can you enter the true Scared Grove..."

Midna growled as I smirked. "Leave it to me guys! I'll help figure this out!"


Never in my life do I want to do something like that ever again. It felt like forever once we finally had the statues stood in their original place. They slammed down their spears as the door in front of us opened.

"Now go to the scared place, beat and goddess. We yield the passage to the scared grove." They both finished together and their light faded away.

Link and I ran up the stairs as my breath quickened. What if the sword didn't return Link to his form? Would we be doomed? We both came up at the same time as the grove was misty. Link paced himself slowly to the sword as I stood back.

The blade suddenly gave off a bright light. Link jumped back as Midna was throw backwards. I caught her in time as her and I watched as Link howled at the blade. His body was getting darker but the light was brighter as the darkness broke away.

A shard suddenly formed in Midna's hand. I glared at it and wanted to destroy it, but if I did I would be cursed with the twilight's power. I looked up and saw Link pull the sword from its pedestal. The mist cleared as Link held it up with pride. The power inside me was leaking out from me as blue energy went inside the sword.

It glowed a light blue as the sword returned me with its bright light. I stumbled back and breathed once it was over. Link called my name and helped me up, but I felt powerful at the same time.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah... It didn't hurt me at all."

He breathed a sigh of relief and pressed are foreheads together. "Thank god. I was scared the sword hurt you in anyway."

His soft lips pressed up on my forehead as a massive blush when through my cheeks. He giggled but Midna tapped on his back.

She held out the shard to his face. "It's a good thing this was taken out. You can become a wolf anytime you want! But Link, (y/n), I have a favor to ask. Can you help me find the mirror of twilight? It's another way to help are goal with Hyrule."

I nodded. "Of course."

"Thank you. I lead the way once you get... caught up." She giggled before disappearing into Link's shadow.

A blush came over his cheeks as he held out his hand. "I just wanted to see if you wanted to stay the night in here."

"In here?" I look over the grove, "Are you sure?"

He nodded. "I know so. It just feels safer in here."

"Alright why not."

Link smiled as he helped me unpack.


The food made me sleepy as I leaned against Link when I did. I was barley awake as the grove was dark, but the moon shined through the darkness of the trees. I felt Link pick me up and tuck me into are somewhat warm ground bed.

He wrapped his arms around me protectively, it made my heart skip a beat as he's never done something like this before. With his thumb he stroke my back with it and kissed the top of my head. With Link's warmth and love I was soon falling asleep, he said something but I soon passed out before I could make out the words...

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