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Jasper ran thru the forest, his mind filled with anger as well as his blood. People taking Raja to that stupid box Jasper scrunched up his fist.

“Jasper.” A soft voice called out, making him stop in his tracks.

“Blueberry” Jasper turned around to see said ‘blueberry’ “what are you doing here?” “I don't want you to get hurt” Evie rested her hand on his shoulder “that’s why I’m coming with you”

“Gods, you’re the best Evie.” Jasper smiled, kissing Evie softly. “Come on, she’s my daughter too.” Evie winked.

“Daughter?” Jasper tilted his head. “Well yeah, don't you remember what you said back there?” Evie raised her eyebrow, Jasper then remember what he said and chuckled.

“You care about Raja just as much as I do.” Evie smiled, the two running thru the forest.

Raja was thrown back into her jail cell to see Olive smoking once again. “You might wanna get up kid.” Olive suggested.

“I-I can’t.” Raja stumbled to her feet, only to fall again. Olive sighed and got up from her corner, walking over to Raja.

Olive hands started to glow as she pressed them on Raja’s stomach lightly. “You’re lucky I like you kid.” Olive scoffed, healing Raja’s wounds.

“Look kid, I’ve been in this box for a year now.” Olive started. “But the box only got here 2 weeks ago. How have you been here for a year?” Raja asked.

“The box moves from place to place, a year ago they attacked my island.” Olive continued “from what I learned, it’s best just to keep your head down and stay quiet.” Olive warned her.

“But, this isn't right.” Raja coughed. “I know it isn't right, but it’s what we have to do. There’s no escaping.” a puff of smoke escaped Olive’s lips.

Once she finished healing Raja she got up and sat in her dark corner once again. Suddenly, the guard came back and picked up Raja.

“Put me down!!” Raja yelled. “My gods, will you shut up!” The guard groaned as he dragged Raja down the hall till they reached pair of white doors.

“Where are you taking me?!” Raja yelled as the doors opened revealing room filled with men all sitting at a round table with suits on.

“Let’s start the bidding shall we?” Raymond smirked, bringing fear to Raja’s eyes.

After miles of running, Evie and Jasper reached the dreaded “Box”. It was a very large brown stone cube with ivy growing all over it. “Ready?” Evie asked thru the ear piece.

“Yeah, I’m ready.” He answered, he was currently climbing up the side to the box.

“There’s two guards in the front.” Evie observed. Evie the hopped up onto one of the trees near the guard and stared at them intensively.

“Crystal arrow.” a crystalized arrow formed in Evie’s hands. She then grabbed an apple from her bag that was coated in a green poison.

She aimed the arrows for the two guards mouths and let go. “What the?” the guards looked down at the arrow but it was too late, the poison already entered their bodies causing them to drop to the floor.

“Do you just have poison apples lying around in your bag?” Jasper chuckled.

“Yeah, you never know when you need a poison apple.” Evie chuckled as well, putting on the guards armor.

Evie entered the building to see it was like a max prison complex. “Evie? You okay?” Jasper asked, thru the ear piece.

“It’s terrible Jasper, they have them locked up like zoo animals.” Evie gasped at the horror before her.

“Do you see Raja?” Jasper asked. “No sign of her yet. You?” Evie asked.

Currently, Jasper was on the roof of the box. “No, this entire place is sealed shut from the outside.” Jasper groaned, knocking on the roof of the box.

“See if you can get any intel on the inside.” Jasper said. “What about you?” Evie questioned. “I’ll find my way in somehow.” Jasper assured her.

“Fine just stay-” Evie voice started cutting out. “Evie? Evie? Do you copy?”

“Carlson!” a man yelled, Evie kept walking. “Don't you hear me Carlson? It’s me Wyatt” Wyatt called again.

Evie tensed up once she felt the Wyatt’s hand on her shoulder.

“Carlson! Damn, you deaf or something?” Wyatt groaned.

“Who the hell is that?” Jasper raised his eyebrows. “Um...hello?” Evie  voice sounded a lot more manlier.

“You okay Carlson?” he asked as Evie nodded. “Alright, the boss wants you in the office. Something about the auction.” Wyatt said as they walked up a pair of steel stairs and along a row of more jails cells.

It made Evie sick to her stomach just to watch all of these girls in the jail cells. Locked behind steel bars as though they were animals in a zoo.

Evie looked from the corner of her eye to see a little girl, about the age of Raja, shivering in the cold.

She had fair skin with smudges of dirt, black hair, and she wore a almost paper thin dress.

Evie looked in front of her to see Wyatt was rambling. Taking this as an opportunity, she walked up to the little girl.

She lifted her head and stared at Evie with fear. “Pl-Please leave me alone!” She stammered, backing away from Evie.

“Hey, it’s okay.” Evie then brought out a small blanket from her bag along with a potion and some regular apples.

“Th-Thank you.” She stammered. “You’re welcome. Don't worry” Evie raised up her helmet to reveal her face “me and my friends are busting this place open. You’ll be free soon.”

The girl smiled and nodded. “Thank you.”

Evie then caught up with Wyatt. “So, what is the auction you’re talking about?” Evie asked, in her deep voice.

“You really don't remember the meeting Carlson? Geeze! You’re such an airhead.” Wyatt groaned, looking at “Carlson” in a annoying look

“The new girl Raja got some amazing Crystal Release powers. There a good 30 buyers that want Raja for armies, work, ect, ect.”

“So the boss is have 3 different auction to decide who will get Raja. Highest bidder from the 3 auctions go onto a final auction, which is on friday I think, and that person will get Raja.”

Evie scrunched up her fist. Their gonna sell Raja like she’s an animal. Despicable.

Evie couldn't believe they were doing this to poor Raja. They were worse than any villain out there, they were the real villains, not her and the VK’s.

She needed to save Raja, she needed to save all the girls in this place.

“Carlson? You listening?” Wyatt raised his eyebrow. “Ye-Yes!” Evie voice continued to be deeper. “You have to stop spacing out so much.” Wyatt shook his head and shame.

The two then reached the boss’s office doors. Wyatt knocked on the door as they slowly opened reveal a black chair with their back turned to them.

“Scar, I found Carlson.” Wyatt said as the chair turned around revealing Raymond. Raymond?! Evie eyes widened.

“You know I hate the name Scar.” Raymond complained. “But everyone calls you Scar.” Wyatt tilted his head in confusion.

“That’s because Lucifer said I look so much like my dad I might as well be called Scar.” Raymond rolled his eyes.

“Well, you do look like him. I mean mostly in the face area.” Wyatt observed, lifting up his chin, examining his facial features.

“Stop that” Raymond swatted Wyatt’s hand away “the reason I called Carlson and you to my office was because the Raja girl is going crazy!

“She attacked one of the buyers with her crystals at the auction.” Evie tried to hide her anger as much as she could.

“Carlson, I need you to work the floor.” Raymond ordered. “The floor?” Evie questioned.

“The floor, ugh, newbies I swear they don't know anything. Just walk to your left till you reach a red door that says The Floor on it and you’re there.” Raymond instructed.

“Be careful, people on the floor are crazy as hell.” he warned as Wyatt and Evie left the office.

Evie walked down the row of jail cells, it made her sick to her stomach to see all of this.

She just wanted to free all of them, but she needed more info before she could free anyone.

Evie reached the red door with the words The Floor on it. She reached for the handle and slowly opened the door to reveal the most shocking thing Evie’s ever seen.

The entire floor was filled with girls ranging from Raja’s age to about 24 in large cylinder shaped tanks and tubes connected to them, filling their bodies with some sort of bluish green substance.

“Oh my gods…” Evie covered her mouth in shock. Walked around the floor, her eyes completely in fear.

These poor girls don't deserve this… Evie then pressed her watch, causing a small hologram of Jasper to appear.

“Evie! Thank the gods, I thought something bad might have happened.” Jasper sighed in relief.

“I’m fine but these girls aren't.” Evie then showed Jasper the horrific scene.

“Oh...my...gods…” Jasper’s jaw dropped in horror. “And the boss is Raymond Scar!” Evie added as Jasper’s eyes widened.

“Raymond, as in your ex? He's fucking back?!” Jasper yelled, clenching his fist.

“Yes, but you can't go crazy! I was a little shocked when I saw Raymond, it was like all of the pain came back form being with him like a boomerang.”

“You and me both know you're strong enough to take him.”

“Any luck on finding Raja?” Jasper asked. “None, I know she’s here but I just don't know where she is.”

“We don't have much time either, Raymond is planning on auctioning off Raja.”

“Why Raja?” Jasper inquired.

“He says that Raja has amazing Crystal Release powers that a lot of people want for armies, to work for them, ect, ect.”

“He’s having 3 auctions, the first one happened this morning, the next one is happening some time this week along with the third one.”

“The highest bidder from the 3 auctions go on to the final auction on Friday.”

“This is horrible, they’re auctioning off Raja like she’s an animal or something. I’m not gonna let some stranger get our daughter.” Jasper vowed, her eyes filled with determination.

“You’re gonna make a great dad you know.” Evie chuckled. “I know.” Jasper smiled.

“There’s no way we can get all of these people out with just the two of us.” Jasper stated.

“I think I have an idea, but you need to go back to the village.” Evie began to explain the plan to Jasper.

“You really think it’ll work?” Jasper raised his eyebrow. “It’s worth a shot.” Evie replied.

“Alright, stay safe okay.” Jasper said as Evie nodded. “You too.” Evie smiled as the hologram disappeared.

Evie continued walked down the rows of tanks till she reached a black door with the words DO NOT ENTER painted in red.

Evie, being the VK she is, know that just because something says DO NOT ENTER. She’s gonna enter anyways.

Evie opened the door to see a single tank, she could see the blurry outline of something inside of it.

She walked closer and wiped off the fog from the glass causing her eyes to widen as she saw that the person inside the tank was none other than…


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