EP.94|One May Be Out, But Another Is Still In

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EP.94|One May Be Out, But Another Is Still In

Jasper hoped from tree to tree, going as he could to the village.

He hoped that Evie plan would work cause if it didn’t. Well, let’s just say, things won't end well.

Once Jasper reached the village, he barged into Kianna’s hut. “Jasper? Where’s Evie? How did you get out of the box?” Ben eagerly asked.

“I’ll explain later, for now, I need your help.” Jasper began explained the plan to the VK’s.

“I can’t believe Raymond’s alive.” Jasper clenched his fist. “Yes, but for this plan to work, you can’t rage out. Got it, .” Carlos said as Jasper nodded.

“I hope this works.” CJ muttered.

Evie was still in a state of shock as she stared at Raja in the tank. Evie then slapped herself back to reality and walked over to the tank.

“Don't worry. I’ll get you out.” Evie promised as she climbed to the top of the tank and reached down, putting her arm in the water, causing her arm to burn.

She closed her eyes and winced, the pain she was experiencing was nothing to what Raja must have gone thru.

She then got hold of Raja’s arm and pulled her out, taking out the tube in the process. Raja coughed severely as she spat up water.

“Ev-Evie?” Raja asked groggily. “Yes, I’m here honey.” Evie assured her, holding Raja in her arms.

“Wh-Where’s Jasper?” Raja questioned.

“He’s on his way, we’re gonna get you out of here. Along with all the other girls.” Evie stroked Raja’s hair.

Evie then brought out a potion from her bag and poured it into Raja’s mouth, causing her wounds to heal.

“So here’s the plan Raja.” Evie began explained the plan to Raja. Once she finished, Raja nodded.

“You think it’ll work?” Raja questioned.

“Perfectly.” Evie winked, the two walked out of the room Raja was in only to be met by a swarm of the girls that were in the tanks.

“Well, well, well, did you really think I didn’t notice you Carlson?” Raymond spoke “or should I say, Evie?”

Raymond took off Evie’s helmet and glared at her.

“You bitch!” Raymond grabbed Evie by the hair. “Let go of me!” Evie hands began shooting crystals, causing Raymond to let her go.

“You will not hurt me like you did before!” Evie quickly grabbed hold of Raja, saving her from the swarm of zombie like girls that were getting closer to her.

“I’ve changed Raymond. So should you.” Evie grimaced, Raymond walked slowly towards her

“oh please, you’re still the same girl as last time.” Raymond scoffed.

“You’re still a bitchy little blueberry.” the son of Scar added rudely. “Bitchy?!” Evie roared.

“You’re the one who’s kidnapping all these girls and using them as lab rats, and for what?! A hunk of gold?!”

“It’s a fricken cup for gods sakes! You people make it seem like it’s the fountain of youth or something!”

“A hunk of gold?! That hunk of gold is the holy grail! That “cup” brings wealth, money, power, to anyone who has it!” Raymond shot back.

“But is it all worth it if all these people die because of it?! You invaded a town how didn’t have your stupid cup, they told you time and time again to stop but you didn’t! All you cared about was the stupid cup!”

Raymond grabbed hold of her neck “you really are a little tramp aren’t you.” he squeezed harder.

“So, what did you think you would accomplish by sneaking into my lab?”

“Take Raja back? Save all the girls in the lab? Put an end to our little rivalry?” Raymond questioned as he squeezed even harder.

“You belong to me Evie! Not the Queen family! Not the Vk’s! And definitely not Jasper.”

Raymond threw Evie into the glass of the tank, Evie knew something broke in her body.

Evie tried to get up but her body couldn't move, she looked down at her arms to see a her veins turning black, showing on her skin

“W-What did you do?” Evie muttered. “It’s a curse called The Scourge of Pain.”

“It seems venom into your veins little till you die. But the pain from the venom feels like your dying.”

“AGH!!” Evie yelled, rolling around in pain.

“This is what a whore like you deserve! You don't deserve love!”

“A girl like you never will have love! You’re just, ugly, worthless, piece of shit!” Raymond kicked her in the side of her body multiple times.

The words coming out of the son of Scar’s mouth pierced Evie’s heart like daggers.

Raymond picked up Evie and dragged her across the floor.

“You’re mine now Evie, I’ll make sure you’ll never leave again!”

Evie, with the little vision she had left, looked at the trail of small crystals on the floor and a small Raja size hole in the door.

Run...please be safe Raja

Raja ran as fast as she could, she hasn’t seen the sun in days.

Things were so bright and colorful it hurts her eyes a bit.

Raja could see the entrance to the village just up ahead, she pushed her body a little further to the village, barely making it to Kianna’s hut.

“Raja!” Jasper ran towards Raja and held her in his arms.

“I don't wanna go back. Please don't make me! I wanna be with you and Evie. Please, let me stay with you two.” Raja cried, her body shaking.

“You’re not going back, it’s okay, shh...shh...it’s okay. When this is all done, when we find the grial, we’ll come back and you’ll live with me and Blueberry.” Jasper stroked her hair.

He tried to place her on the soft sofa chair but Raja’s shook her head, latching onto Jasper.

“N-No, I don't wanna get shocked. Pl-Please!” Jasper felt Raja’s tears on his shirt.

“Shh, it’s okay.” Jasper placed her down on bed, Raja was still shaking, muttering the words “please stop” and “don't send me back”

Jasper couldn't believe a girl at her age was going thru trauma. He wanted to trade places with her, take all the trauma away.

“Poor baby, she shouldn’t be going thru that.” Ben shook his head, trying to move Raja’s head closer to the pillow but Raja started yelling the words

“Stay away from me! Please! I don't have the grail!”

“Raja, Raja, Raja! You’re okay, just breathe, no one is pestering you for the grail. Stop yelling, please.” Jasper held Raja in his arms.

“Please don't make me go back! I wanna go home! Please!” Raja cried, hugging her knees, rocking back and forth.

“I don't wanna go! I wanna stay, please let me stay.” She muttered, she continued rocking herself.

“My poor child…” Kianna courched down beside her. “K-Kianna?” Raja stuttered, looking at Kianna.

“What happened to you?” Kianna cupped Raja’s small hands in her’s.

“I-It’s horrible in there Kianna! There all these tanks filled with poison! They lock us up in cages! It’s horrible!” Raja sobbed, the memories of the box were too much for a girl her age to handle.

“Wait, where’s Evie? Wasn’t she supposed to escape with you?” Jasper questioned, Raja shook her head.

“Raymond has her captive! I tried to help her but she kept telling me to run.” Raja’s eyes swelled up with tears.

“We’re going back to the box.” Jasper declared. “Going back is suicide, Jasper!” Freddie stated.

“I don't care. I’ve seen what they do to girls like Evie in there. It’s brutal” Jasper walked towards the window, looking at the setting sun

Jasper body was filled to the rim with anger. This wasn’t how the plan was supposed to go.

Evie was everything to him. His sun, his moon, his universe. He couldn't let all of that go.

“I’m not letting Evie go that easily. I’ll save Evie even if it means I die in the process.”

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