EP.95|Looks Like You CAN Fight Fire With Fire

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EP.95|Looks Like You CAN Fight Fire With Fire

Evie woke up hours later, she was in what seemed to be an Indian Princess style room. She was strangely impressed, to say the least.

She looked down to see her clothes changed.

She now wore a revealing blue garb with a golden chain collar around the neck area, along with diamond earrings and matching colored hair accessories.

On her legs are two large diamond patches while around her arms are cape-like garments to complete her armor's design. She also had no footwear.

"What the hell?" Evie groaned, sitting up. "Hello princess," Raymond smirked, sitting beside Evie.

Evie quickly got out of the bed "where's Raja?! What did you do with me!" Evie yelled. "Calm down, I just changed your clothing, and bathed you. Chill." Raymond said as though it was nothing.

"Yo-You bath-bathed me?!" Evie shrieked, her face turning red. "How dare you invade my privacy! Take advantage of me!" Evie scolded.

"Look honey" Raymond tugged on the chain on Evie's neck "don't you forget who you belong to" he got closer to Evie's face, "say it."

"I belong to nobody! I'm my own woman!" Evie yelled in his face, this resulted in her being pushed to the ground. "Say it, Evie. Say who you're loyal to." Raymond stomped on her back.

"I'm loyal to my friends. The VK's. Poison Apple. The Queen family name. Raja. And my boyfriend Jasper!"

"Wrong answer hun!" Evie felt her back break. "You're mine! Got that you bitch?!" Raymond yelled, flinging her into the wall.

"Don't call me a bitch!" Evie growled. "I can call you whatever the fuck I want!" Raymond shouted.

Evie tried to summon her crystals but it was no use, whenever she did they would turn to dust.

"Sorry honey, that another part of the Scourge of Pain, it blocks off your magic." Raymond got close to Evie's face again.

"What do you want from me anyway?" Evie grimaced. "I want your crystals," Raymond said. "You mean my magi? Why exactly?" Evie asked.

Raymond then dragged Evie towards the window, showing her The Floor.

"The girls from the island only have so much Crystal Release magi, and for Lucifer's plan to continue, we need a certain type of Crystal Release magi."

"What plan?" Evie questioned. "There's a lot of 'phases' to the plan. But, for us to complete phase two, we need one specific type Crystal Release magi. And that's where you come in."

"See, the Queen Family has developed a certain type of Crystal Release form. A certain type that is supposed to be the higher level of Crystal Release."

Evie glared at Raymond.

"Queen's Rage."

"What does the Queen's Rage have to do with Lucifer's plan?"

Raymond the pulled her towards the other window to see a giant crystallized lotus flower cannon.

"This is what I like to calls Death's Flower. If power up correctly, it has the power to wipe out an entire continent." Raymond smirked evilly.

Evie stared at the cannon, her eyes filling with fear. If Raymond's plan went correctly, it would spell doom for everyone.

"So does everyone know what they're doing?" Jasper said into the earpiece, the VK's were currently hiding in trees.

"Yeah." they all answered. "Alright, let's go," Jasper said, he then noticed one of the guards from The Box fly by on top of a large eagle.

"That's your cue, Freddie," Jasper said as Freddie jumped out of the tree and onto the eagle. "Hey!" The guard yelled.

"I'm gonna have to borrow you for a sec." Freddie's eyes glowed a lavender color, turning the guard into a lifeless puppet.

Freddie looked behind her to see the other Vk's were following her on the large Crystalized birds Kianna made for them.

Once reaching the entrance of the box, the guards began shooting at them. "Particle needles!" CJ chanted as multiple pointed needles shot from her hand and at the guards.

Once the then entered the box, they were surprised to see an all-out fight was already in motion.

"I'll go find Evie, you guys get all the girls out," Jasper said as he ran thru the massive battle, punching the guards in the process.

Jasper kicked down the gold pair of doors to reveal Evie inside the Death's Flower. "Evie!" Jasper ran up the flower, his body filling with anger.

"Isn't it beautiful, such as dazzling beauty." A voice chuckled, the doors suddenly slamming, locking Jasper in the room.

"Raymond," Jasper growled, he couldn't stand him.

"It took me forever to get he in there, she kept screaming and fighting back" Raymond shook his head "how troublesome women are these days."

"I had to use the Scourge of Pain just to get her to calm down."

"You bitch!" Jasper yelled, he lunged for Raymond but Raymond kicked him in the gut. "You're little blueberry deserved it," Raymond growled, picking up Jasper.

"Don't you ever call her blueberry!" Jasper leaped forward with a flaming fist which Raymond blocked.

Raymond then countered with his own flaming punches.

Jasper tried to kick Raymond, but the Son of Scar leaped high in the air to avoid it.

"You really think a little fire punches would hurt me?! Crossfire!" Raymond launched a flame in the shape of a cross at his opponent.

"You bet your ass I can! Sword Horn!" Jasper avoided Raymond's attack and charged at Raymond, taking down the building behind him instead of taking out Raymond himself.

After the phases through Raymond's flaming body. He emerges from the rubble of the house.

"You gotta be kidding me! You're MADE of fire?!" Jasper's eyes widened as Raymond smirks and launches his next attack.

"Solar Flare!" Jasper dodged the fire beam as he jumped onto another rooftop.

"Time to turn up the heat! Fire Lord Mode!" Jasper smirked as red fire symbols appeared on his arms and one over his eyes, drastically increasing his power.

"King's Roar!" Jasper launched a massive flame attack at Raymond, who was surprised and unable to avoid it.

Jasper leaped down as the flames surrounded the two combatants, showing them as silhouettes.

Raymond countered Jasper's punches before the Son of Jafar pushed Raymond back.

Jasper tried shooting multiple fireballs at Raymond, but he blocked them and fired back with his Fire Gun. Jasper leaped high in the air to avoid it.

"This is what you get for hurting my Blueberry! Fire Lord: Destruction!" Raymond prepared his own flaming punch and leaped up to clash with Jasper.

"This is what you get for taking her away from me in the first place! Fire Fist!" The two cause an explosion that sends them back to the ground exhausted.

"Not bad, hotshot. But you can't even touch me! Firefly!" Raymond surrounded Jasper with multiple light green orbs, overwhelming Jasper.

"Oh no..."

"Fire Doll!"

The orbs started exploding over Jasper, but the snake morpher managed to stop the attack by inhaling in the fire, causing Raymond to lose his hat.

Raymond exits his intangible form to avoid getting sucked in.

"Are you seriously eating fire?!" Raymond yelled as Jasper continues inhaling the attack.

I gotta thank Mei for that one. Jasper chuckled.

Raymond prepared his ultimate attack, the Flame Emperor.

"Try eating this!" After Raymond launched the giant, flaming ball, Jasper stopped inhaling and charged through the Flame Emperor without a scratch on him.

He punched Raymond, who negates the attack with his intangibility. Raymond smirked in response.

"Like I said Jasper, you can't touch me!" Raymond cackled. "I'm not trying to! Electric Fire Mode: Fire Stream!" Jasper's electronic attack activities, impaling Raymond's chest.

Once the attacked died down, Jasper rolled up his sleeves and began pummeling on Raymond.

"Never! Mess! With! My! Family!" Jasper yelled.

Jasper looked down to see Raymond smirking smug face, even in death, he still made an effort to piss of Jasper.

"Why?" "Why are you laughing?"

"Is this..."

"Somehow funny to you?!"

"Tell me.." Jasper looked at him again


"do you have any idea what it's like to be tortured?!"

"DO YOU?!"


Jasper was about to punch Raymond's lifeless body once more but he felt a pair of warm arms wrap around him.

Almost like a blanket, shielding him from the hate of the cold cruel place we call earth.

"Evie, I..."


"The fight is over, Jasper. That's enough." Evie's fingers intertwined with his.

"Everything's okay," Evie assured him, her voice acting as a safe haven for him.

"Is it?"


HEY YALLL!!!!! So, only one more week till Christmas break! You know what that means! UPDATES DURING WINTER BREAK!!!! I'm getting better at my fight scenes and wording so that's good! Special shout out to jedidog Afro_Bean and LunarGelfling45

Thank you all there for being there and supporting me! Love you guys!

See you guys next time!

Sugar_And_Spice125 💕

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