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Graham opened his eyes but closed it immediately when the bright lights blinded him.

He reopened his eyes and gauged his surroundings. He was on what seemed to be a bed on the farthest corner of what appeared to be a spacious room. One fan and tube light were switched on and running.

On the other farthest corner of the room appeared to be partitioned from the rest of the room with opaque pink plastic sheets, but Graham guessed it to be the bathroom stall and shower because of the smell emanating from that part of the room.

There was a single door to the room with one transparent glass window kept like a peephole, and there was a small door at the bottom of the door that resembled a pet door. He tried opening both the doors, but they were locked from the outside.

The most weird feature of the room? The walls and floor were made of rubber. Pink Rubber.

Graham stumbled back to the bed. His back ached, his limbs felt like spaghetti, and his eyes kept closing.

The head-splitting headache made a stunning appearance once again and Graham clutched his head in despair.

He suddenly remembered Amy, how her hollow blue eyes had been staring at the ceiling as he entered the bathroom.

Graham let out a guttural scream, and passed out from exhaustion.

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