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When Graham opened his eyes for the second time, he found three other people in the room.

The first one sitting on the chair close to the bed was a blonde woman wearing a doctor's coat.

The second one stood a little farther away from the doctor woman, wearing a nurse's uniform.

The third one was a buff man standing near the door, with suspicious eyes directed right at him.

Graham sat up straight on his bed, waiting for them to start talking first, since he couldn't recall how he came to this room at all.

"Good Evening, Graham. My name is Dr. Martha Grayson, Chief Psychiatrist of St. Peter's Psychiatric Institution." The woman with the doctor coat, and many scratches on her face spoke, her beady little eyes blinking periodically.

One of the many faces that his mom's face changed into!

"Where is Amy? Is she alright?", Graham asked, fearing the answer to his own questions.

"Please Graham. We shouldn't talk about your sister. Let's worry about her later shall we?"

"No. I need to know what happened to my sister. Where's my mother? Why am I in a mental hospital now?" Graham's voice shook and his eyes widened in terror.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but your sister and mother are gone." the doctor lady adjusted her glasses from slipping on her nose.

"Gone? What do you mean gone? Where have they gone?" Graham's voice shook.

"To god." the doctor clasped Graham's right hand as if consoling him.

"No. I won't believe you. You must be lying! Just because I don't know where I am or who you are, doesn't mean you can randomly lie to me about my family. Now tell me where Amy and mom are." Graham commanded.

"I am not lying, Graham. Believe me."

"Why should I?"

"Because I have most of the answers to your questions. So it's absolutely up to you, whether you want to make this easy for both of us or harder for both of us." she sighed. Graham suddenly noticed the dark circles under her eyes.

"Look, you have been through a long day. Let's do this tomorrow, alright?", she smiled, her canines on display.

The trio left the room hearing Graham mumble about how he will never be able to sleep. They returned after an hour to find him sleeping soundly on the bed.

"Please give him a higher dose than usual. And do it through injection. We can't afford to lose him now.", Dr. Grayson instructed the nurse and turned to the buff man next to the door. "Call me when he wakes up, please. The next few hours is crucial. Offer him some water and the headache tablets when he does wake up."

#23 in Mystery/Thriller is my dream-come-true! Thank you so much for all your support!

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