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"I see you have recalled something?", Dr. Grayson's expectant eyes searched his.

"I-I uh... nothing concrete. Just random flashes.", the moment the word flashes escaped him, he remembered. Remembered, because flashes reminded him of sirens and that was exactly what he could see and hear that night.


"Claire! You f***ing b****! You hid my stash again?" Graham heard his father's voice thunder. He quickly hid under the kitchen counter with the plate of yummy brownies from the fridge, not wanting to be part of the fight that was definitely going to take place. He sat there, quickly devouring the delicious brownies, his lunch for the day, since the big bullies at school had taken away his lunch of pasta that his mom had made so painstakingly.

But eating the brownies made Graham very happy. So happy that it helped him forget. Forget all the bad things in life, it seemed to say. Just be happy.

He ducked his head as a reflex when he heard glass shatter. Graham shrugged as he scraped the plate for the remains of the brownies.

When another glass article shattering broke Graham out of his reverie. He began to giggle like there was no tomorrow. The screams in the background sounded funny to him. But it hurt his ears too.

So Graham kept his index fingers inside his ears and started shaking them, making the sounds even more funnier.

Graham laughed till spit was literally spewing out of his mouth, his left hand holding his stomach, and the right holding him upright.

Suddenly, Graham felt extremely tired. Tired of the noise and sound, tired of life, tired of all the bullies and problems and studies. Tired of his parents screaming. He closed his eyes, hoping to catch in a short nap before mom called him for dinner, as usual. The rhythmic sounds of sirens lulled Graham to sleep.

When Graham woke up, his whole body felt heavy. He seemed to be in some white room, with white sheets, the steady beeps of the monitors behind him made Graham in easier than ever.

Suddenly, a man came in. He seemed to be wearing all blacks, the most distinguishing feature of his, was the gun holster at his hip, and the shiny gun tucked in.

"If anything scary happens, call me in this number, all right? Anything. It can be anything stupid to anything huge and scary. But if you see your father and anyof his friends again, call in this number." the man told Graham, giving him a card. Then two others came in and took this man by the shoulder, leading him out of the room, talking in low whispers.

Graham fought to keep his eyelids open, trying to figure out who he was. The last thing he remembered before everything went out of focus was his hand clutching the card tightly.


"I know who Hector Morris is.", Graham spoke, his voice surprisingly steady.


"He's the detective who came to investigate at the scene of crime." Graham told, sweat trickling down his neck, even though the fan was on full blast.

"Detective? Hmm... that does make a lot of sense..."

"He also gave me his number...."

"Number? For what?"

"For emergencies. If anything goes wrong.", Graham answered, trying to remember more.

Where his mother and sister really gone? Dead? Graham flinched when the word crossed his thoughts.

Thank you very much for #21 in Mystery/Thriller guys! I'm very grateful, and hope you stick with me till the end of this story. Graham's story.

After this chapter, you all must be wondering what twisted monsters that mind hosts. XD 

I can assure you that I'm  not depressed, but yeah, I did write this story when I was going through a tough period, and writing it helped take my mind of some of my irrational fears.... it was therapeutic. What can I say? *shrugs*

Loads of M&Ms!

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