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Hey loves!!! Sorry for the late update.

I could see deep hurt in Elton eyes after I turned to look at him. "He was emotionally traumatized and needed a shoulder to cry on," I tried to explain without being asked any question.

Its okay, he said.

I was totally surprised by his answer but I dared not to ask any more questions. "Come in," Edwin said with teary eyes and I felt so sad. I couldn't tell why he was crying.

Would you mind any lapsang souchong? He asked.

Sure, why not? I answered but Elton declined his offer.

Edwin then went ahead to get me some. When he later brought it, I accepted it. This smells so good, Elton remarked before I could even take a sip. By the time I had realized, he snatched it from my hands and drunk it all.

He looked at me and smirked knowing what he had done. Actually,  I wasn't surprised because it was his favorite and I was amazed when he rejected the offer to have some.

"I'll go get another one," Edwin said.

"No its alright," I answered.

"So why are you crying and all worked up?" I asked him.

"You could come with me upstairs couldn't you?" He asked.

I looked up at Elton and he gave me an 'I -don't-have-any-problem' attitude. There and then, I pecked Elton's lips and followed Edwin who was already on his way upstairs. We got into a room when I saw a little girl who lay feverish on the bed. Immediately, I rushed to her and checked her temperature.  She was so hot. Why is she still here?
She is sick Edwin, can't you see? We had better take her to the hospital before it becomes really severe.

No Audrey! She would get worse if she's sent there and that is why I called you here.

My dad's friend has been putting a napkin on her forehead and neck and gives her some medication but look I'm doing it and its not working.

I laughed really hard in spite of the serious situation in which we were in at the moment.  Edwin really was so pampered and he still had a lot to learn.

He had put a dry napkin on her forehead and expected her temperature to go down. I couldn't believe my ears and today I've learnt something about him and that is ignorance on treating a fever.

"Get me some water," I requested.

When he brought it,  I soaked the napkin in it, squeezed a little of the water and placed the wet towel on some parts of her body. When it had gone down a little bit, I raised her head and made her take some painkillers.

It had been about half an hour and Edwin and Audrey were still in the room. "What on earth could be going on there," I asked myself.  When I got impatient,  I headed upstairs.

Room after room, I opened each door and I finally saw them in the last .

They were three and I was surprised. Suddenly,  I noticed that the little cute girl had a fever.

The hell! What are you guys doing. Cant you see that she isn't well and has to be taken to the hospital?

I rushed and tried to carry the girl but Audrey held my hand.

She has the phobia, she said.

"But Drey she's in pain," I said.

At the mention of hospital,  the little girl, Lara, who was now awake started weeping.  It looked so sad so I carried her bridal style, place her on my laps, and cuddled her till she stopped weeping. She still clung unto me when I tried putting her back onto her bed and I was astonished.

Of course.  I've always known Elton as a children's lover.  He was so much in love with kids and never wanted them to suffer. As soon as he saw Lara, I could feel for once the pain he was feeling.

I couldn't stop my laughter when Lara clung to him and I could feel Edwin's eyes following my every move.

While Elton carried Lara and was so much into making her laugh, Edwin put his hands over mine which was on the the bed.

"Thanks so much," he said.

I smiled back and said," I'm glad to help."

Not knowing,  Elton had been looking at us all this while.

He put Lara down on her bed and said, "Shall we leave now?"

"Yeah!" I replied.

His cell rang and when he took it out from his pocket, he realized that it was his mom calling. She seemed to have not forgotten about the fight at all from the way Elton's expression changed.

Mum had called me and still worrying about this argument I had. It has already been settled mum, I lied. With this, she hung up promising to be home the next day since she was really busy today.

Audrey came to me apologizing and tagging on my hand. It wasn't until I looked at her that I realized she didn't have her necklace on.

Where could the necklace be?
Do you think Drey would find it wherever it is? What will you think Elton will do after finding out that the necklace isn't where it is supposed to be? Will he be angry or sympathize with his love?

😂😂😂too many questions huh ikr. Let me know what you think in the comment section.
Don't forget to vote, comment and share.
Guess what? I almost typed "Don't forget to subscribe." I guess I've been watching too many You tube videos lately 😂
Stay safe♥️

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