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Thanks but i will pick a cab, she said angrily while taking her handbag and then heading for the door.


"Why should you always make her so upset?" Mum scolded.

"I was just trying to be nice", i said back and rushed to Chanelle who was already heading towards the street.

"Please Chanelle, let me at least take you home. I promise that this wont happen again. Im sorry," i said crossing her path when she tried to move away from me.

She stopped in her tracks and taking advantage of this calm mood that she had activated, i pulled her towards my car, opening the door for her to get in.

There was silence throughout the ride. She ignored all the questions i awked her and that put me off.

I stopped talking.

Ermm.... do you mind telling me what is wrong with my sissy? I asked only to turn towards her and find out that she was asleep.

She was so cute and i knew after a long trip, she might be tired.

I drove silently, bored, since i had no one to talk to.

Strange isn't it? No one would believe i could treat a girl this nice and i was even surprised myself.

Whilst thinking about a future together with her so soon after not seeing each other for a long time, her head dropped onto my shoulder and that startled me.

Some seconds later, i felt warm due to the special effect she had on me. I arrived safely at her home and then i did the unspeakable.

Searching through a lady's bag. Mum had warned me not to search through a lady's bag. She always claimed a real gentleman never does that and i had adopted this training of hers.

But now, there was no option. It was either i looked in the bag or lay her at her doorstep so she could sleep for the night.

Well, i waa no so heartless to do such a thing talk less of doing it to Chanelle.

I wasnt amazed to see all that i saw in her bag. Obviously she was a lady. From make-up to a cute little mirror to hairbrush and a lot more.

Finally, i found the keys. I carried her to one of the rooms and lay hed comfortably on the bed.

I had been tempted to kiss her lips as i looked at her but for the fear that she miight wake up and get bored at me, i thought against it.

I however scribbled a note down for her,

Dearest Chanelle,
Thanks for giving me the chance to drop you off. Its a pity we didnt talk much because of your ego. I have to leave and check on Drey. I think something is bothering her which i believe you know about. I will be back at 8:00pm to pick you up for dinner. Dont disappoint me by not showing up. Much love.


Mum and i had talked a lot in the hall. Now, i got the chance to tell her in details what hadd happened between Elton and i.

"Follow your heart,"was all mum said.

My heart? My heart sincerely yearned for him but after the hole he had created within, my conscience will never allow me to get even an inch close to him.

I was in my room when Derrick badged in without knocking.

"Who has hurt you baby sis?" He asked even before i could rebuke him for not knocking.

I knew my brother and though whatever happens in life never mattered to him, i knew that he loved me so much.

Nothing much. What of you? I said trying to act all fine.

Cut me that crap and tell me before i get angry and find out for myself!

I was not able to contain the pain any longer.

I had been feeling so much hurt after Chanelle broke the tragic news to me. Not being able to control myself any longer, i started weeping bitterly.

I hugged Derrick as though my life depended on him. The bond between us could never be broken even as we are two opposite characters.

Me being more like reserved and calm and he being all over. More like an introvert and extrovert though i wont classify myself too much of an introvert.

"Elton hurt me... He has broken my heart," i mumured.

"It's all right," he said calmly soothing my back in the process. The feel of his hands were so soft for a man and i had always told him that.

I had always joked that he came with the wrong sex.

"Dont worry. Cheer up!" He said interrupting my thoughts.

Pulling away from his embrace, i wiped my tears.

My phone rang again. Ah yh it was him.

Eddie had also been calling me for sometime so i decided to check and see if it was him but no it was Elt again.

But why couldnt he just admit that he was in love with Drusilla. That would have been better at least.

Why did he always have to lie to me and pretend as if i was the only thing that ever mattered to him.

"I understand you might not want to have anything to do with him but at lwast try to hear him out," Derrick said trying to take his side.

No! I dont want to speak to him. At least not now.

He said nothing and we sat in silence for a long while with my head on his shoulders.

It was about 30 minutes later when Derrick said he got some things to attend to and hence he had to leave.

Things like... stalking Chanelle? I teased.

"Yeah! I have a feeling im in love sis, he said touching his chest dramatically."

I laughed so hard forgetting all the pain i had felt.

Its unto you. I teased him whilst lying back on my bed.

He pecked my cheek and promised to see me later. With that, he rushed out of the room.

I giggled at his actions and shifted my thoughts back to the situation i was in.
How well do you like Derrick so far. Describe him in a word.

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