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Audrey tried to get out of my grip as I took her with me but I wasn't willing to let loose.

I was so angry that the filthy bastard laid his hands on her. As soon as we got  out, I pushed her to the wall and placed my hands at both sides on the wall trapping her between me so that she  could not escape.

I looked into her eyes and knew for a moment that I had really missed her.  I lowered my head to her, brushed my lips on her and kissed her so intensely that she had no choice than to kiss me back.

Stanley cleared his throat from behind making us break apart. "Can I have a word with you Elton?" He said.

I looked at Audrey wondering whether to go or not when she murmured the words, "Go, I'll be fine here."

I went with Stanley and he told me that Edwin had been rushed to the hospital after he hit his head on the wall when he tried to get up and walk on his own. He also said I was wanted by the school authorities.

"What mess have I got myself into?"

While thanking Stanley for the information he had given me, I turned to look over where I had left Audrey when I realized that she was not there. What the hell?
I had lost her again. I just hope she hadn't yet found out about Edwin because knowing her, she wasn't going to forgive me easily.

My phone began to ring and when I looked on the screen, I found out that it was my mom.
I sighed inwardly and picked up the call. I knew by now the information had already gotten to her but I acted like nothing had happened anyways.

Me: Hi mum!
Mum: What have you done son?
Me: mum I'm sorry. Ill make it right soon.
Mum: You had better! Get to the house as soo as you are done.
Me: Mum! I'm busy as at now. I got something important to attend to. I promise ill explain everything to you as  soon as I get home. Bye

And with that, I hanged up.

I had being informed through the class page that Edwin had been rushed to the hospital.

Oh my God! This is all my fault. I cried.

I quickly rushed to the hospital hoping that everything was fine. I arrived there and as usual, the place was very busy. The hospital was a  very large one. It was located by a first class road not so far from my school.

I went straight to a nurse I saw and asked her if she had noticed any student who was rushed in.

Luckily for me, she the one attending to him so she directed me to the ward in which he was, giving me his room number as well with strict orders nit to get him stressed.

I thanked her and headed to Edwin.

As I opened the door, I saw him laying asleep on the bed. He looked so miserable.

Elton had indeed taken this very far. He had really hurt the poor guy and for a moment, I felt for Edwin. He had occupied a place in my heart too over this few days in which we got to know each other.

As I went closer, he opened his eyes and I saw that he wasn't really happy to see me.

He tried to sit up but I held him down preventing him from doing so.

"You have to leave Audrey," he said.

I don't want any more problems with your so called boyfriend.

"Don't say that Edwin," I replied.

I'm so sorry about what happened. I guess he was just jealous.

Oh yeah! you know....your just jealous boyfriend is the person who has landed me in this forsaken bed.

Please leave Audrey! I beg you. I don't want to see you now please.

Now listen to me Edwin, I'm not leaving this place until you are okay and i mean it. I folded my arms across my chest and sat in the chair near his bed.

"You are so stubborn," he said as he turned his side to look at me and I smiled.

"You know what, I had been very scared when i was coming over," I said.

He laughed when I said that. He held my hand in his and murmured a thank you.

Though I felt a bit uncomfortable, I smiled back at him.

I had spent virtually the whole day in the hospital. I had wanted to leave but Edwin felt sad all of  sudden when I informed him so I decided to stay till late in the night.

I had called mum and told her that I was with Elton. I had lied but it was for the best. I didn't want any interrogations as at now.

I had gone to see the principal in his office and he had told me to come over with my mum the next day which I did.

My mum pleaded so much and even offered to pay for Edwin's bills but all the principal said was that he'll leave the decision to Edwin for him to take.

My mum was so angry with me but I didn't really care.

I had been to Audrey's class several times only to be told that she hadn't been to school.

I called her cell but it was switched off. Now, I was starting to get worried.

Fortunately, I still had her mum's number so I put a call through. She told me Audrey had told her she was spending the night over at my place.

She lied to her mum. Audrey lied because of that jerk.

I went to the principal's office and formulated a lie of my mum being rushed to the hospital.

He signed and gave me permission to leave the school's premises. I went yo the hospital and headed straight to the room number Stanley had given me earlier on.

I opened the door and was stunned by what I saw. I stood there in shock, my eyes wide open, not knowing what to do.

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