Second time's a charm

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Stan observed the three. Everyone was soon beaming and spreading positive energy in the room. Mabel couldn't help but spot Star's beautiful purple wand on the table, next to the plate.

"Woah!" She gasped. "Is that your's?!" She wanted to reach out and take the wand.

"It sure is! Check this out!" Star picked up her wand, proud to excite the younger girl.

Star's wand flared up and began to give off a bright, shining light. Then right before Mabel's eyes was a puppy. Her amazed eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh! " She exclaimed as she went to go pick up the puppy. Stan flinched as soon as he saw the puppy appear out of nowhere. "How did you do that!?"

"You might want to be careful." Marco warned her. " Star's puppies have have a tendency to-"

At that second, the puppy in Mabel's arms shot lasers out of its eyes and right in Stan's direction.

"Hot Belgian waffles!" He shouted, dropping the handle of the pan in his hand. The pan caused a commotion as it hit the ground.

"...shoot lasers." Marco finished.

Mabel fell over, laughing. When she did, she found that she couldn't stop.

Dipper woke up when his ears picked up the sound of a pan falling, his Grunkle yelling, and Mabel's laughter. To see what the big deal was, he headed down the stairs and found that the commotion was in the kitchen.

It brought awkwardness and anger for Dipper to find the girl and boy still here. He bit his tongue and locked up the anger inside him. Dipper sat next to Mabel. That's when he noticed the puppy on her lap. Dipper stayed quiet. In fact, so quiet that Stan didn't know. But he was about to when his sister said his name with joy.

"Dipper, look! Star has a magical wand! She made Waddles a friend!"

"Star?" Dipper repeated, confused.

"The one and only!" The blonde said, using her thumb to point to herself.

"And I'm Marco!" The boy said, butting - in, so he didn't feel left out. "Uhh, I believe your name was...Dipper?"

Dipper nodded, not caring. He was busy, deep in his mind. He didn't know it was going to be such a struggle to act like he was okay. Everyone else, on the other hand, were great at it. Even the things that slightly bothered him were difficult to ignore. Mabel was back to being happy and smiley after everything that went down. Star and Marco sure weren't more fun to have around either. Especially when they agreed to stay because of his Grunkle.

Dipper found his eyes looking down at the puppy on Mabel's lap. It's tongue was out and was panting. His big, bold, glimmering eyes were glued on Dipper. Its tail was wagging too. When breakfast was served, Stan left the room with his own plate. He figured it would be best to let the kids settle down and get to know each other. Star, Mabel, and Marco all dug into the scrumptious food that was prepared. Dipper didn't lay a finger on anything. He just sat there, watching everyone around him reach out to the table and take what looked good. Mabel was about to put another scoop of scrambled eggs onto her plate when she noticed her brother. She took the scoop in her hand and dumped it onto Dipper's empty, clean plate. Dipper's eyes looked up to Mabel.

"No thanks." He said, trying not to sound rude and annoyed. "I'm not hungry."

Star and Marco ate and watched from across the table. Surely, Dipper was lying. His stomach felt like it was eating itself, but he didn't care. He had other things to worry about. Mabel's eyes fell to the ground, then back up again.

"Cheer up, bro bro! Because Mabel's got the solution!" She grinned as she reached for the syrup near the pan of pancakes. "What about a syrup race!?" She declared, waving the bottle full of syrup in his face.

Dipper didn't even flinch. He didn't even respond. Mabel gave up. She didn't think it would be this hard to cheer up her brother after last night. She was always able to so in the past. Why was today different?

"I guess my brother really is gone..." The girl said to herself, in her head.

For the whole breakfast, Star, Mabel, and Marco talked. Turns out, Star isn't just magical, she's a princess from another dimension, called Mewni. Marco's family decided to take her into their house so she could train with her wand spells on Earth.

When Marco mentioned that they usually fought monsters all the time, Dipper picked up his head from resting it with his left arm on the table. His attention was finally caught.

"Are you kidding? I fight monsters all the time!" He said, eagerly.

For once since he woke up, Dipper was interested and enlightened. He pulled the journal 3 out of the inner pockets of his blue vest. It's golden cover reflected off the sun's light as Dipper passed it across the table to Marco.

"Woah! Star, check it out! It looks just like your book of spells!"

Marco put Dipper's book between him and Star. Star gazed at the book in front of her with curiosity and amazement. Marco flipped through pages of the journal. Some of the pages he found were a bit questionable, like the stomach-faced duck and the barf fairy.

At that moment, Stan walked in. His face showed awkwardness and worry.

"Uhh..." He began, not knowing where to start. " I was thinking..." He said, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, I was wondering - and this is if you guys are okay with it - if we could possibly...get the portal working again and - "

Right away, Dipper's voice broke in.
"What!? You can't be serious? You mean you're actually trying again?" Stan didn't know what to say. He was dumbstruck. When he finally found his words again, he used them.

"I'm sorry, Dipper. Ya' see? If I don't do this, I could really miss this chance that I have been waiting for for years now!"

Dipper closed the journal that was still lying between Star and Marco and took it, leaving the kitchen and going upstairs.

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