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I'm just coming out of my science period, I grab my phone and text Hunter asking him why he didn't come in this morning. I come out with Meghan talking about the weekend.

"I met Nick last night." she says as she opens the door of the classroom to walk into the corridors.

"Nick? Your ex boyfriend from Virginia? That's great! How did it go?" I say carrying my books in my arms like I'm carrying a baby. Her face lights up as she nods in response to my question,

"It was great, I really missed him but I don't know if I want to get back together with him." Walking down the corridors I see a lot of people stopped in front of some lockers,

"Don't worry Meg, with time you'll see what you really want." We continue to walk up when I realized that they are standing in front of my locker. I push past the people with Meghan and come across this piece of paper stuck on my locker which says, Open locker at 11:30. I look around to see what's going on. But people just continue to stare, I look over at Meghan as she smirks, she knows what this is about but I don't ask to not ruin the surprise. I look at my phone to see the time and it's exact 11:29. I wait and keep my eyes on the phone to see as the time changes and now I can open my locker. Opening my locker has a lot of people's attention as the phone starts to record me making me feel very observed. As I unlock the locker I come across with some roses and an envelope. I put my books in my locker and grab the tiny envelope. I open it and read the letter that's inside.

-Treat your girl like you'd want your dad to treat your mom, your future brother in law to treat your sister, your future son in law to treat your daughter.

Reading that makes my heart beat faster remembering what he had told me about his grandfather. Now I definitely know that Hunter is behind all of this.

"Read it out loud"An unfamiliar voice yells. I do what he says, I turn the paper around and then see, Come to the boys changing room. And that's what I do, I look the locker again and walk past the people as Meghan holds me by my hand. The people keep following me as we make our way to the boy's locker room.

"Em, breath in breath out." She says to try to calm me down as my hand shakes, I can feel the butterflies raising in my stomach as I reach the place I've been told to go.

I see Dean waiting in front of the boy's locker room.

"Only Emma Skys gets to past beyond this point. All the others can go to the gym." I walk over to him as the other students head to the gym, sports hall. He opens the door on the locker, he is wearing a white shirt.

"Dean, what's going on?" I say as he closes the door behind us. We walk over to the benches and sit down. I am a bit confused with everything that is happening, here I sat in the boy's locker room holding a bouquet of roses and talking to Dean O'Connor.

"I need to blindfold you." He says as he gets a black cloth and begins to wrap it around my eyes. Now I can't see anything, he helps me up and I'm still holding on to the roses as the guides me. I hear the doors open as I take tiny steps making sure to not trip over as I know for a fact that people are watching my every move at this minute. It's all silent as I only hear Dean guiding me as he pulls my arm softly making taking me towards a specific place. And then he pushes me down and I land on a chair. I am guessing we are in the gym because that's where Dean told everyone to go and that's the door out of the boy's locker room. Two minutes after waiting for something to happen, someone kindly takes my blindfold off and then I see all the football standing in front of me in rows and then the music suddenly begins. The song - Come get it bae- by Pharrell starts to blast from the school's speakers. The only person I can't see is Hunter. I turn around to look behind me and all the freaking school is there sitting down recording the whole thing. The boys start to dance and move the bodies with the rhythm. Everyone starts to cheer and clap. I still don't know why they are doing this. I know that Hunter loves everyone looking at him but so far he isn't here and everyone is looking at me and I hate being the centre of attention.

The boys continue to dance to the song as they all try to be at the same paste but some are slower than others. The song finishes and some of them leave, just leaving Dean, Brad, Gary and John. The lights go off for a few seconds leaving everyone mumbling under their breath. The next song comes on - Crazy in love- by Beyonce. This is our song I think to myself. And then lights come on revealing five boys giving us their back, I start to laugh as I see the five boys begin to move the waist side to side. They turn around and then I see Hunter there in the middle, the only one wearing sunglasses. Of course, he had to be different from the other ones I think to myself as I laugh just looking how ridiculous and sexy he looks.



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