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*Natsu's P.O.V*

I finally made it up the stairs to see the mysterious blonde... But this time she was crying.... What crating?! 

 "Are you OK" I asked as I slowly made my way towards her. She tried to step back, but she bumped into the ledge, marking that she was pinned. 

"Seriously, are you OK?" I said with a curious face. 

"Why is it you ask?" She said in such a harsh tone that I stumbled back a bit. When I regained my composure I walked forward towards her again and answered her question. 

"Because you're crying. Can I help you in some way?" As soon as I said that she instantly wiped her eyes with her long sleeved sweatshirt and answered with 

"No, I don't need your help." She put her head down and tried walking away, but I caught her in the mist of the action. I held onto her by her shoulders. 

"Clearly you do" she looked up with a quizzed look I sighed and forcefully rolling up her sleeves while she tried to hold them down. She finally gave up when I had both sleeves up to her elbows. 

"So what does this have to prove that I need your help?" She asked with a scowl on her face. 

"Because I think I know what your feeling right now." She quickly rolled down her sleeves with an ouch and glared at me 

"How could you possible know what I'm going through? You don't even know me, you don't know what I've been through." She said 

"But I want to know you, I want to help you through your problems. I want to be friends. Even though I still don't know your name-" I was interrupted when she murmured something quietly

"Lucy" she looked shyly down for dome reason 

"what did you say?" I responded immediately  

"My name is Lucy." She said looking back up at me. I smiled brightly 

"Hello Lucy, my name is Natsu. It's nice to meet you." She smiled a little bit before frowning again. 

"You too. But why did you come up her, Natsu?" She asked 

" Um Principal Marcorov asked me to cheer you up, make you feel welcome here at Fairy Tail Academy." 

"Oh" was all she responded with. 

" Did I say something wrong?" 

 "No it's not you, so u cheered me up you can go now." She started to push me away. 

"Hey, don't push me away, literally. I was serious when I said I wanted to be your friend." I said walking back up to her. 

"What's the point of having friends?"

"Did you really just ask me that?" She nodded her head signalling yes. 

"Well they are there when you need a shoulder to cry on, they are there to celebrate the good times. They're there to do something with, to save you from a family reunion. they are there to comfort you and support you on the decisions you make. They can make you smile, laugh, cry, frown. But most important they hug you to make you feel wanted and warm." I ended with a smile. 

"That seems pretty cool, but I don't think I want to have friends." She seemed more distant than she already was, after saying that. 

"And why is that?" I asked feeling hurt and sad. 

"Because, they can be nosy, they can make problems worse, and worst of all, they can share you secrets to others." She looked anywhere but my eyes. 

"Lucy please" I said she just shook her head no. Signaling she was done talking, she walked right passed me and down the stairs back into to the school.

*Lucy's P.O.V*

Finally I got that Natsu kid off of my back. I walked down the hall to my locker, grabbing my science things and heading to science class. When I entered the room everyone was doing a lab. I walked up to the teacher and explained why I was late and set out to get started. When I was walking passed this girl with short white hair she put her foot out causing me to trip and drop all of my glass beakers. When I fell to the floor I felt all the little glass shards pierce into my skin, causing stinging sensations all over my body. Laughter went all through the class room. 

"What happened here?" Asked the teacher Mr. Bixlow. I slowly looked up at the teacher 

"I tripped over my own feet and fell sir." I said not caring that that girl tripped me. If anything I was glade, because it got me out of class and I didn't really have to cut. 

"OK, then let's get you to the nurse's office. Lisanna would you please take her?" The white haired girl browned but nodded her head yes. I stood up slowly and started walking out of the classroom with her. I looked over her when we were a little ways down the hall. 

"Um thanks for the trip, really. It got me out of class." I thanked her with a tiny smile. She looked over at me with shock in her eyes. 

"You are really thanking me for hurting you?" She asked 

"In a way yes. If you want to keep doing it , I wouldn't be mad. That would make me feel better than being in class.". I answered her honestly 

"As long as your OK with it. Hey would you like to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" She asked kindly 

 "No its OK, I don't want to bother you." I said shacking my head. 

"Oh trust me you wouldn't be a bother, really." She said with a huge smile 

"OK thanks " we continued until we stopped in front of a door. 

"Here it is, see you at lunch." 

 "OK thanks, see you later." I walked into the nurse's office. After two hours of the nurse picking glass out of me and bandaging me up, it was finally time to go to lunch.

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