The lunch bunch

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*Lucy's P.O.V*

I walked down the hall from the nurse's office to a huge cafeteria. I have to admit , I was nervous to go in there. I suddenly felt a tug on my arm. When I focused back into reality I saw that it was Lisanna showing me to her table. When I sat down I only noticed one familiar face, Natsu. He didn't notice me yet, so I kept from looking in his direction. Lisanna had me sit between her and some girl with short blue hair and her nose in a book. As always, I was the odd one out. They were all talking about different topics, and no one ever did notice me at the table. And if they did they didn't think too much about it, because the topic was never brought up. I heard different topics through out the table, prom, books, fish, food, metal, swords and armor, and last but not least animals. When the bell rang dismissing us I quickly got up and sprinted to my locker. It's too awkward in there, I think from now on I will eat on top of the roof. I grabbed my math binder and head down the hall to Ms. Evergreen's room. I walked in and sat in the back row getting lost in thought. Through out five minutes, students kept claiming desks all around me. But both desks to the right and left of me were still open. 'Great, they are avoiding me like the plague' I thought. But boy was I wrong, the seats were told to be reserved. And both people belonging to the reserved seats walked into the class room at the same time. Lisanna and Natsu. They both took their seats, Natsu to my left and Lisanna on my right. I didn't really pay much attention to them, but enough to realize they both slipped me a note. I read Lisanna's first. "I would really like to be friends with you Lucy. I think we would be very close to each other. I'm having a sleepover this Friday right after school, you are invited. I hope you can make it, BTW here is my phone number so you can tell me if you can go
Lisanna (715-333-333334)" I smiled at the note, but wondered in my head how I could get away from my dad. I decided to think about that later I picked up Natsu's note "hey Luce, I'm going to Lisanna's sleepover. I also heard you were invited. I would love to see you there. Remember earlier this morning when you told me you didn't want friends. I think you lied. But if you change your mind here is my phone number
Natsu (715-777-77721)"
Wow they really want me to go to this party. I guess I can sneak an extra bag to school and not tell my dad anything about it. And when I get back just deal with the beating. I secretly took out my smart phone and programmed the two numbers. I quickly texted Lisanna (even though we were still in class) to say that I will be attending. I saw Lisanna peak at her phone put on a huge smile she started texting someone. And clearly when she hit sent a ringtone went off, right next to me. I saw an embarrassed Natsu try to shut up his phone but it was too late. 

"Mr. Dragneel, you have your phone in class again? Stand up and read it out loud." Natsu hesitated 

"Now!" The teacher snapped at him. He stood up fast and looked at his phone. 

"Hey Natsu, she said that she will be attending the party. Is the surprise still on?" He finished reading and put his phone on vibrate, then quickly put it in his pocket. 

"Well at least the texts aren't inappropriate. You may sit back down Natsu, and if you are going to keep texting keep it on vibrate." The teacher finished as Natsu sat back down. I couldn't stop thinking about what the surprise was that Lisanna was talking to Natsu about.

School went by really fast after that. When the dismissal bell rang I walked to my locker and grabbed my backpack and started walking home. 

"Hey Luce, wait up." Natsu yelled I stopped and waited for him. 

"What is it?" I asked 

"I want to walk you home." My eyes went wide 

"no you can't." I said he looked sad 

"why not?" He asked 

"I can't tell you." We stated to walk again. 

"Why can't you tell me?" He kept trying to pry. 

"Because I can't tell you." I said getting a little annoyed. 

"Fine you don't have to tell me but I'm still walking with you." I gave up and he smiled at my defeat. 

"So I heard you are going to Lisanna's party?" He said breaking the silence. 

"Um Yea I guess." I said shrugging. We kept walking and talking about  random things, until we reached my house. 

"Wow you have a huge house." He exclaimed. 

"Yea it is." I said. We both walked through the door, and I did the worst thing imaginable ... I forgot about my abusive dad saying to never have friends.. And even if I do don't bring them to the house... Now he will kill me for sure. 

"Luce, Luce, Lucy" Natsu said snapping me out of my thought. 

"What's wrong?" He asked 

"Nothing, but shouldn't-" but I was cut off by my drunk dad yelling at me, in front of Natsu! He walked fast over to me and punched me in the face. 

"What took you so long you worthless piece of trash?" He asked 

"I'm sorry dad, I lost track of time-" I was cut off again 

"Who is this!!!!" He yelled finally noticing Natsu 

"Dad he is a friend-" he got mad now, my dad punched me so hard in the stomach I fell to the ground in pain. 

"What did I say about having friends? Didn't I say there would be big punishments? Not to mention that I would take you out of fairy tail academy? Answer me!" He said kicking me in the stomach so hard I was coughing up blood.

*Natsu's P.O.V*
What her dad just said, that's why she gave an excuse to me this morning. Gosh its all my fault. I was lost in thought until I heard screams coming from Lucy while she coughs up blood. I freaked out and push her dad away causing him to fall to the ground hitting his head hard. From the blow I knocked out Lucy's dad. Then I quickly walk back to Lucy and pick her up 'bridal style'. I carry her back to fairy tail. I carry her to the nurse's office and clean her and bandaged her up my self. I watch her sleep peacefully. While I put the puzzle together, the cuts on her arms, not wanting friends, being distant, not being open, always frowning, being alone,the distant and sad look in her eyes. She had an abusive father, just like me. Finally someone who can fully understand me, and I her. I watch her intently until she fluttered her eyes open. 

"You know now. Are you going to tell the whole school now?" I slowly shook my head. 

"Why not?" She asked with a curious face. 

"Because I too have an abusive father. I know what your going through. And personally I wouldn't want to tell. It will be our little secret." She nods with tears flowing freely 

"Finally someone who knows my pain, who understands what I'm going through." And for the first time ever I see her have a face with pure joy, and a huge smile only for me. I hug her tightly earning gasp of shock from her. Then she finally hugged back.

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