Seventeen: Black Out Days

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"Where the hell is he? That idiotic Timelord is always awake before us." I muttered sourly in between my last mouthful of cereal.

Amy nodded in agreement, herself already finished with her bowl as she rinsed it out in the sink. "Yeah, what's that alien-man got himself into this time?" She took my empty, me thanking her as she rinsed it out.

It was true, the Doctor was always up before us. Sure, sometimes he slept in, but it was never for long. Once Amy was finished rinsing our bowls, she spun around hitting her hands against her thighs.

Standing from my chair, I nodded to her, the both of us having the same idea in mind. We were going to see what the Doctor was up to, or rather if he was just sleeping in.

"Doctor?" Amy called out, once we were close to where the Doctor's room was located.

The both of us jumped upon hearing a slightly muffled cry coming from his room. Glancing at each other, we broke into a sprint barreling through the Doctor's door. Amy who had never been in his room stuttered upon seeing the random knickknacks, bowties lying on the floor, and multiple clocks ticking against the wall.

The TARDIS hummed with our arrival into the Doctor's room, the galaxy covered walls seeming to shine just a bit brighter. My eyes moved themselves to the Doctor's large bed, my heart racing seeing the state he was in.

The Doctor was on his back shivering, the covers pulled all the way up to his chin. Small trinkets of sweat beaded against his forehead as his teeth chattered loudly, pain filled groans erupting from his mouth.

Amy and I stood opposite of him, both of us debating on what to do next. I felt bad as I didn't want to wake him, but with how horrible he was it seemed like it was the best option in this scenario.

"Doctor?" Amy asked as I walked forward gently shaking him.

"Hmm!" The Doctor ground out loudly but was obviously still very much half-asleep.

"Are you okay, Doctor?" I purred, resting my hand against his forehead frowning when I felt how warm he was.

He was my body temperature right now, and that was definitely not good for him. The Doctor flinched away from my hand, making me sigh sadly, but quickly removing it knowing he was most likely feeling very tender and not to mention the heat I was radiating probably did him no good.

"Mm." He grunted.

"Oi," Amy muttered, joining me in shaking him. "Get up."

With that statement, he cracked his eyes open, letting out a huge yawn turning on his side with a groan. "I don't feel well..." He whimpered his complaint with a slight sniffle, me rolling my eyes in response.

"No shit, your voice makes you sound like an old dude." The Doctor groaned at that, Amy slapping my shoulder with a laugh.

"I am an old dude." The Doctor sniffled. "Oh, I need to get up, things to do." The Doctor said, me frowning moving away as he shakily tried standing up.

The second he was standing, his legs shook before giving way, me darting forward to catch him before he hit the ground. "This is so embarrassing." He muttered to himself as I placed him back on his bed safely.

"Doctor, you're sick, you need to rest." I told him, moving the covers so they were back over his body, Amy agreeing with me.

The Doctor shook his head with a groan, sitting upright in a determined fashion. "I'm a Timelord, I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous, I am nine-hundred nine and I am..." His inspiring speech was cut short as he let out a violent cough, falling back down on his bed. "And I am sick." He finished off poorly, sniffling as another round of shivers spiked him.

Amy pouted, holding up her fingers. "I'll go make you a cuppa, I'll add extra honey." She suggested before leaving the room, only me left to tend to the Doctor.

I exhaled, nerves eating me away for the Doctor. I didn't even know Timelords could get sick, I thought the race had moved past the age of illness! Obviously, I was mistaken seeing the state the Doctor was currently in.

"Oh..." I trailed off, frolicking around the Doctor's bed as he watched me through tired eyes. "You poor thing, I'll get you anything you need. A good book, some noodles, maybe hot chocolate?" I threw out some suggestions, making sure to keep my distance as I didn't want my own hot temperature to add to his. "That's it! I'll get you a good book and some hot chocolate!" I said, spinning on my heel to face the door.

"No." The Doctor croaked out with a cough, opening his blanket wider motioning to me. "I want human contact, snuggle with me." He sniffed, me giving him a sad look while shaking my head.

"I can't, I'm too hot, I don't want your temperature rising cause of me." I reasoned making the Doctor scoffed.

"Oh, please." He waved it off. "This is just a Gallifreyan virus strain, nothing more than the flu to you humans. In fact, haven't had one of these for over five-hundred years..." He paused to cough, body quivering as he did so. "I may be a bit warmer with you in my arms, but my comfort will be pleased to know I have you with me." His words sounded slurred and I knew he wasn't completely aware of what he was saying, making me smile, but agree nonetheless.

"Okay, fine." I gave in, motioning to his door. "But, I want to change into pajamas, I cannot even think to sleep with this on." The Doctor nodded, me quickly running to throw on a tank top and comfy shorts.

Before I left my room, I placed my hand against the wall of the TARDIS looking around unsurely.

"Can you make his room colder, for his sake?" I asked, smiling when the TARDIS hummed, the temperature immediately dropping. "Thank you." I told her, leaping back to the Doctor's room.

When I returned, I noticed Amy sitting in a comfy chair across from his bed reading silently to herself. The Doctor's tea was on his nightstand next to his bed, the Doctor himself fast asleep.

Amy looked up from her book, raising her brows when she was my pajama-clad figure. Blushing crimson, I scratched the back of my head trying to come up with some form of excuse. However, before I could utter anything the Doctor suddenly woke up, once again moving to open his covers.

"Come along, love." He said in a bossy tone, Amy smirking while motioning me to him.

"Well, don't keep him waiting, love." She snickered, me rolling my eyes waving her away as I jumped next to the Doctor in bed, surprised when he pulled me close to him, snores falling from his lips as he fell back to sleep in a matter of seconds.

Amy giggled, rolling her eyes at us while going back to reading her book. I rose my brows, seeing the title.

'Fifty Shades of Grey' is what it read.

"What's that book?" I questioned, taking notice that Amy was only on the first few pages.

Amy shrugged, glancing up at me. "I have no clue, found it on the Doctor's bookshelf. Thought it looked good and the Doctor's obviously doesn't read it a lot by the state it's in, thought I'd give it a try, you know?" She said, me raising a brow at the grey tie plastered on the cover.

"Yeah, tell me how it is." I sighed, closing my eyes enjoying the comfort level I was currently provided, hearing Amy hum in agreement.


It must have been a few hours later when I cracked my eyes open, hearing the Doctor's snores coming from behind me. Looking to Amy, I noticed her eyes wide as she bit her nails somewhere near the middle of the large book.

With a loud yawn, I edged my way out of the Doctor's arms, Amy jumping in surprise slamming her book shut slightly flustered. I tilted my head at her, with narrowed eyes of suspicion.

"HI!" Amy quickly waved, attempting to casually slide the book behind her back which ended up looking unnatural.

I gave her an odd look, nodding her direction. "Yeah, hi." I waved, watching Amy look back and forth between the Doctor and me nervously. "How's that book?" I questioned, pointing toward the book with raised brows.

Amy blushed brightly, glancing at the Doctor nervously before she looked at me. "Effie, this an erotic romance! The Doctor has freaking erotic romance in his personal stack of books! Like what the hell, do you think he's like secretly into this type of stuff, or maybe it's an alien thing?" Amy began rambling, me choking scrambling to take the book from her, reading just a few of the pages.

My mouth dropped open, as I hurriedly looked between the book and the Doctor with disbelief.

"Holy shit!" I muttered, cackling like a mad woman while closing what was indeed a kinky book. "The Doctor must have some strange urges," I told Amy who burst out laughing, me following in her lead the both of us laughing at the Doctor.

"Gosh," I wiped tears of laughter from my eyes, a few giggle still coming out of Amy. "We can interrogate him later, I'll go make him some soup." I rolled out of his bed, the both of us watching as the Doctor let out a small whine before grabbing one of his pillows cuddling with that in my place.

"Wow," Amy snorted, shaking her head. "Talk about needy teddybear," I smirked at her words, making my way out of his room and to the kitchens.

I frowned looking through the pantry seeing the only soup-like food was something called 'Ramen Noodles'. Shrugging, I pulled out the package flipping it over to read the instructions on how to make it.

Boiling the water, I crushed the noodle package before pouring it into the water. Finding a foil paper labeled 'chicken flavoring' I poured it into the pot full of boiling noodles, smiling at the smell.

Earth truly did have the best things. Music, food, books, I mean where else in the universe could you get stuff like this?

When I realized the Ramen was done, which was relatively quick might I add, I drained the broth putting only the noodles in the Doctor's bowl. Balancing the warm bowl in my hands, I grabbed a napkin and fork quickly making my way back down the hall closer to his room where Amelia was hanging out.

"EFFIE!" Was the noise I was greeted with as I got nearer to his room, hearing Amy shushing him.

"Doctor! She is just making your soup, she'll be right back. Honestly, what's gotten into you?" I heard Amy scold the coughing Doctor. "Now, lie back down Raggedy man."

Right after Amy spoke those words, I skipped into the room seeing Amy sitting on her book so the Doctor couldn't see the title and the Doctor himself sitting up against the headboard of his bed shivering and coughing.

"I'm back..." I sang, the Doctor and Amy snapping their heads to me, the Doctor dramatically cheering waving his hands about. "And I brought Ramen!" The Doctor let out another cry at that, happily taking the soup from me eating it quickly.

Amy and I looked at each other knowing the Doctor was still very much out of it by his attitude. He was acting like he was high or something. Looking back to him, I snickered seeing him shovel the soup down as if his life depended on it finishing it in record time.

Taking the bowl from him as he reached for his tea that Amy made, guzzling that down as well, I put the empty bowl on his dresser. Carefully, I took the now empty mug from his hands setting it next to his bowl.

"Okay, Raggedy man, interrogation time." Amy crossed her hands, stepping in front of the Doctor's bed holding up Fifty Shades of Grey, causing the Doctor to start a violent coughing fit while blushing.

I laughed a bit, reaching over to feel his head causing the Doctor to look up at me with a twinkle in his eyes through his blush. "Still warm, do you have any medication we could give you?"

The Doctor shook his head as I took my hand off of him. "No, anything that could even remotely work was destroyed along with Gallifrey, I just need to ride it out." He said, Amy, waving the book around wildly.

"Hello, back to the point!" She laughed as the Doctor blushed harder. "I didn't know you were into such..." She paused opening the book to a random page. "Erotic past times, Doctor." She smiled suggestively making him shake his head quickly.

"No, no, no! Simple misunderstanding! I was taking a stroll through a bookstore in the year 2015, and the movie of this book just happened to be coming out, so of course, they suggested I read it." The Doctor stopped to cough in between, Amy only raising a brow in disbelief. "It was only for research purposes, I'm the Doctor, I need to know everything." He awkwardly ended, bring his covers up further to hide. "I mean quite a good read when looking past all the inappropriate content."

Amy finally having enough, burst out laughing making the Doctor blush all the more. "Oi, quit it, Pond. I said it was for research." He tried reasoning, Amy only scoffing.

"What type of research? Honestly, Doctor didn't think you had it in you." She snickered making the Doctor groan, using his hands to cover his face.

"I am done with this conversation, Pond. Besides, what are you even doing reading it!" He said in a slightly scolding tone, making Amy huff crossing her arms while leaning back in the comfy chair.

"I am a grown adult, I can read what I want." She stuck her nose in the air making the Doctor gape while scowling.

"Well, I'm the boss of you." He told her, turning to me as I smirked. "Both of you." He added seeing my smug expression that faded with his comment.

Amy scoffed, me rolling my eyes. "Yeah, sure whatever you want to say," I told the Doctor who smiled fondly as I joined him back in cuddling, feeling tired.

Maybe his drowsiness was rubbing off? Amy shook her head, opening back up the book eagerly reading the pages. The Doctor rubbed my hair, before nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck with a smile as he fell back into sleep.

I felt bad, hearing him sniffle and occasionally cough in his sleep. With pity for the Doctor's illness on my mind, I once again fell asleep in what would be my second nap of the day.


I cringed as the Doctor vomited in the toilet while I affectionately rubbed his back. Amy absolutely refused to come anywhere near the bathroom while the Doctor was being sick; however, the Doctor begged for at least one of us to console him.

I felt bad seeing the Doctor look like a kicked puppy as he begged us, I also knew if it was me in his position he wouldn't hesitate in holding my hair back. So, here I was comforting the Doctor as he was sick.

"Good lord." The Doctor groaned, finally ceasing in his puking.

Shaking my head when he tried to rest against the toilet, I quickly forced him to stand up, using my 'Godly' strength to my advantage.

The Doctor didn't even have the energy to look surprised, as he stumbled to the sink rinsing out his mouth per my command. Closing the lid to the toilet, I flushed it helping the Doctor back to his bed when he was finished with rinsing out his mouth.

When we came out, I was slightly shocked to find Amy passed out asleep on the chair. Looking to one of the many clocks on the Doctor's walls, my eyes widened at the time.

How was it already this late? Shrugging it off, I joined the Doctor back in his bed unable to comprehend how much I could sleep around him.

After two long naps and doing nothing today, I was still tired enough to fall asleep.

"I want a purple space dog, Effie." The Doctor mumbled as he cuddled up to me alike to a child.

With a deep sigh, I rubbed his floppy hair shaking my head. "For the last time, Doctor, no. You can think about it more when you're actually aware of what you're saying." I told him, my only reply being loud snores.

Carefully, I placed my hand on his forehead, smiling when I felt his temperature lowered back down.

Thank Valhalla.

Hopefully, by tomorrow, the Doctor would be fine again, or at least on the right track to fine. Closing my eyes, falling asleep to the Doctor's sniffles and Amy's slight snoring, I hoped for him to get better.


"No, Amy, you cannot get the sequel, I didn't even want you reading the first book! Give me that!" I watched, eating ice cream as the Doctor chased Amy around the console room trying to take Fifty Shades of Grey from her.

Apparently, he wasn't in the right set of mind when Amy and I interrogated him on it. Now that Amy had finished the first book and was begging for the second one he was trying to take the first book away.

"I want Fifty Shades Darker!" Was Amy's reply as she darted around the corner sharply, successfully avoiding the Doctor.

"Get back here, you were a little girl just over two months ago!" I licked my spoon watching the Doctor try to be alike to some sort of nagging aunt toward Amy.

Yep, he was definitely better.

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