19| Next time

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Next time

"We try to hide our feelings with silence but we forget that our eyes speak"

| Adonis |

"You finished?" She asked
No. I liked having her pinned, underneath me
I liked that she was helpless underneath me when she always had the upper hand
But as usual, she did.

As she easily flipped us, sitting on top of me
She didn't pin me, she didn't win
She just sat there, looking down at me with a dangerous smile
Nothing but her tights stopping her from sitting directly on top of me
Her skirt riding up her thighs.

"You let me pin you" I sighed
"I did" she grinned

"I'm an agent Adonis. An assassin, I think it would be pretty worrying if you could pin me, don't you think?" She mused
"Then why did you let me?" I asked curiously
Another game.

She leant down, whispering into my ear
"Because I like it when you're dominant" she said, pulling back slightly to look in my eyes.
We stared at each other
Her lips inching ever closer to mine
Before I pulled her in

Fuck it
I don't care if she throws this back at me
I want to kiss her
I have no fucking clue what it was she did to me
But I wanted her

And she made it apparent she wanted me as she held onto me, kissing me back
I sat up, feeling her right against me as I kissed down her neck
She moaned against me. And I nearly lost my fucking mind

I saw how no one ever beat her
How no one could kill her
How no one would ever be able to get the upper hand against someone like her
Because she was smart, she was beautiful. She was dangerous

And she was sliding her hands so fucking dangerously low down my chest
But I didn't care
About any of it
About Enzo or the fucking organisation
I didn't care that she was the enemy

For the first time in my life, work was completely and utterly distant in my mind as I felt her, kissed her
Listened to her moans as I kissed her throat.

My hands found her hips and I dared to push her top up
Dared to slide it up over her waist and pull it off her
Met with her tits practically spilling out of her bra
"Fuck" she moaned as I kissed her chest

Her hand stopped at my waistband, before she slowly began to slide und-

We both pulled back, as Seth burst into the gym shouting my name again
"Adonis- oh, shit, sorry" he said, turning around

Valencia sighed, standing up, over me as she put her top back on
"You can look now, they're gone" Valencia said condescendingly
But I was glad he turned around
Glad he wasn't looking at her like that

I got up too, feeling somewhat embarrassed
Because I knew Seth was going to ridicule me for this later
They'd never seen me with a woman. Or bring one home

But that's because I didn't
My job was demanding. And my life was dangerous
I never saw the need or the want to bring someone else into that lifestyle
Nor did I ever meet someone who warranted the time or effort

And yet here she stood
Having gotten me to damn near fuck her in my boss's house
And I would have.

"Uh, Enzo just wondered how long you'd be. He says he needs Adonis" he said, turning around awkwardly

"Don't worry, he's all yours" Valencia said, jumping down from the boxing ring
"What?" I asked
"I should get going anyway" she said airily
"Now?" I asked, getting down too

God she was right
I do sound like a fucking neglected boyfriend
"Yes now" she laughed
"I'm a very busy woman Adonis. You shouldn't be so... distracting" she commented

"I feel uncomfortable" Seth spoke up
"Awe don't be, you caught us early hm? It's not like we were already fucking" she said, giving me a look
"Next time" she said, walking backwards towards the door
"Seth, give us a minute" I said

"Seth" I said again.

"Keen aren't you?" She smiled as Seth left
I sighed, she was still so difficult
"Do you..."
"What?" She asked, stepping closer
"Do you want to... go out with me? For dinner?" I asked

"You're asking me out on a date?" She asked, almost in disbelief
"I'm asking to fix the one I ruined" I said instead
She smiled wider, her eyes shining at me
"When?" She asked
"Whenever you're free" I said

"I'm always free" she reminded me
"Fine. Tomorrow" I decided
"Tomorrow it is then" she said quietly.

"What do you want?" I asked bluntly, crossing my arms
"She can't come here and hang around with you Adonis" Enzo said
"You're advising me or telling me?" I asked

"Look it's bad enough you're coming and going as you please when I've told everyone to stay put. She's damaging to us" he said
"She's damaging to you. You're the one that's wanted. And you're the one that's going to be in shit when Athena finds out you've lied to her, you're going to be in worse shit if Valencia finds out you lied to her" I said truthfully

She'd kill him
If Athena doesn't.
"This is ridiculous Enzo, we can't keep lying" Kian agreed
"Can't we? You want to tell Alora? Put the kids in danger? You want to do it today? Huh? Today of all fucking days?" He snapped

"Obviously not. But she does need to know" Kian insisted
"Concern yourself with your job Kian, not my wife" he grumbled
"If Leon hadn't died for you, I wouldn't even have this job" Kian said

"Meaning?" Enzo snapped
"Meaning, you keep putting us in danger, we're in this because you consistently piss suppliers and allies off. And now we're in deeper shit because you want us to lie to Athena, you want us to lie to a fucking trained killer. You think none of that is going to come back on us?" He said angrily

"Kian" I said
"No, he's playing with all our fucking lives, not to even mention that they've probably already dispatched more agents to come and kill you. If you tell them then at least they know what we're dealing with" Kian shouted, before he left

It was silent for a moment
"Even if we tell them. Valencia won't stick around will she?" He said
"She would" I said. If she found out her own mother was in this very house

"She'll have got what she wanted. She won't help us anymore, we won't find out who ordered that hit" he said
"She would help. She keeps her word" I said
"You're bias Adonis, you have feelings for her, you're going to belie-"

"My... feelings have nothing to do with anything, this is about you. You and how badly you're fucking this all up" I said angrily
"Well last I checked, I run this fucking house and I run this family so just do as I say" he shouted, slamming his hand on the table

"You're a joke" I said, shaking my head, opening the door
"I am just trying to protect everyone" he said
"Everyone but Valencia" I said

| Kian |

"Where on earth are you going at this time?" Athena stopped me
"I just need to get something" I lied
I needed space from this fucking house

"Enzo let's you and Adonis leave. And the rest of us have to stew" she accused
"Why don't you come with me?" I asked
She looked liked she needed space too.

"I can't Kian, the kid-"
"Are in bed. Come, we'll go for a drive" I said
"I thought you needed to get something" she said as I grabbed her coat off a hook
"I'll go tomorrow, come on" I urged her.

| Alora |

"I miss you" I said, raising my glass to the sky as I watched the stars above me
"I know you're out there somewhere" I mumbled
This was all such a mess

My phone started ringing
Unknown number
"Hello?" I said
"Mrs Dozier" the man said
"Ciro, I've been waiting for you to call me" I said shortly

"I know, we've been experiencing... difficulties, our agent has gone rogue. We shall send a replacement" he said
"Oh I know your agent has gone fucking rogue. Because she's wandering around this house!" I snapped lowly, looking at the windows.

No one was around.
"We are dealing with her. I assure you. Like I said, someone else will be dispatched" he said bluntly
He was clearly irate
"You better. I paid you with a very specific time frame. I want 20 percent for the delays" I said

"Our policy is ten percent Mrs Dozier, you knew that. Mr Vitali will be dead by the end of the week" he assured
"He better be" I seethed, hanging up, taking a breath

I'll kill him. For you Leon.
It's all his fucking fault you were taken from me
From Seth
We lost you all because of Enzo.

He'll pay. And me, Seth, Athena, the children, we'll all be better off without him.

| Kian |

"This was really nice" Athena smiled, as I pulled up outside the house
"It's nice to get away for a while" I said, she nodded in agreement, moving to open the door before she hesitated
"Is everything alright Kian?" She asked
"Of course" I said

"You seem... angrier lately. Enzo barely leaves his office, is something going on that I need to know about?" She asked
Just tell her.
Tell her the truth and damn Enzo

"It's just work" I brushed off
"Are you sure?" She asked, the worry was clear in her face
She always read right through Enzo

"I'm sure" I affirmed, smiling at her as she got out
And I watched her walk back to the house, lighter, happier

We're all fucking awful.

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