20| My wife

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My wife

"You look pretty with blood all over your face"

| Valencia |

A head lie on the end of the table, a body sat slumped through a window
Glass littered the floor and my orange was long forgotten, dripping off a man as he lay hunched over the table whilst I ate my cereals

It was really rude to disrupt someone so early in the morning
In the middle of my breakfast

How they even found me was a mystery
They had to have followed me
No matter.

I'll move on.
"Hello?" I said sweetly, answering the phone
Waiting for his voice
"Morning" Adonis said
"We're doing good morning calls now are we? You really are obsessed with me Mr Demaria" I said

"I only called to check we were still good for tonight" he said, ignoring my comments
"Of course. I meant to ask, what are we doing?" I asked curiously
"Just... wear something nice" he said

Something nice? Were we having dinner?
"Something nice?" I repeated
"How nice?" I asked
"I'm taking you to dinner, so just... nice" he said, seemingly confused
"Alright" I said

"Where shall I pick you up?" He asked
"I'll text you" I mused, feeling... somewhat excited
He was taking me out

"And don't bring any guns. We're going to a high end place" he said
"Oh lucky me" I said
"Yeah yeah" he hung up.

| Enzo |

"I'm sorry yesterday was... overshadowed somewhat" I apologised to Alora
"It's fine Enzo, I had a drink, a cry, I'm good" she smiled sadly
"Good" I nodded
"Leon was a good man" I said

"I know" she said immediately
"I don't need telling Enzo, trust me, I know" she affirmed, I offered her a sad smile back
Before Kian finally walked in
After I'd been waiting for him for an hour

This lie suddenly made everyone fucking hate me
And abandon their jobs
Alora saw him, and quickly gathered her things
She knew I was pissed off with him

"Where's the fire?" He asked, as she rushed herself out
"Care to explain to me why I put this house on lockdown to protect my wife, my children. To protect all of us and you took the one person who is in the most danger out of this fucking house!" I shouted by the end of it

How dare he fucking take Athena out?
She came back all smiles, telling me all about their late night drive and how great it was.
How free she felt finally getting out.

"She needed a break" he said
"My wife's needs are not your concern Kian" I said
"Noted" he said sharply
"I need you to go through these" I said, handing the papers over

He took them, not saying another word before he sat down.

| Adonis |

I waited and waited
She was taking forever to come out
I looked out of the window again at the hotel.
Where was she?

My phone then buzzed, pulling me into a load of shit I didn't want

Job tonight. Crystal Cube. 9pm. George Kingsley

I rang Enzo quickly
"What?" He asked confused
"I can't do a job tonight. I'm busy" I said
"You're not busy Adonis. I haven't given you any other job have I?" He asked

"No" I gritted out
"Then there is a job to do. 9pm, make sure you're there, he owes me thirty grand" he said
"Enzo" I tried, losing all thoughts when I saw Valencia stroll out of the grand hotel

My thoughts ceased

| Valencia's Outfit |

"Get it done" he said, hanging up
"You're supposed to greet me you know? Open the door for me" Valencia said as she got in
"I'm sorry, I... we need to go somewhere quickly before we go out" I said

"Where?" She asked
"I just need to see someone, get some money for Enzo" I explained, starting the car
"Alright? From who?" She asked
"Just... some guy he deals with. I'll be in and out" I said

"I'll come with you" she said
"No" I said immediately
I didn't take anyone on my jobs
I wasn't going to take her of all people in there

She'd rile George
And he'd spread word around about how I was rolling around with a woman
People would get curious
"No Valencia" I said determined

I walked into the restaurant. I wanted this over and done with
I'm surprised Valencia actually listened to me and stayed in the car
"Name sir?" The man asked
"Kingsley. Or Demaria" I said

"Mr and Mrs Demaria" Valencia spoke up out of no where, her hands suddenly curling around my arm as she smiled up at me
"Mr Kingsley has not arrived yet, right this way Mr and Mrs Demaria" he said cautiously

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked lowly in her ear
"Getting things from people is my specialty" she said, thanking the waiter as he sat us in a booth

"And your need for the Mr and Mrs is?" I asked, sitting down, undoing my jacket.
I felt out of place, dressed so... professional
"Needs to be believable doesn't it? Why you would be here with me? A random woman" she said

"Which is why I told you to wait in the car" I reiterated
"Oh come on, be fun" she whined, sitting back with a pout
"I'm working" I said, looking around

"You're always working" she drawled out, leaning across the table
"Come on, play with me" she begged
I ignored her, right now, I needed to focus on Enzo's fucking errand

Then I could give her my attention
"Marriage has its perks" she said, I looked towards the door, seeing no one
"Which are?" I asked
"I'm your wife... so you can touch me" she said, making me attention spike

"You can call me sweet names..." she mused, grabbing hold of my tie
"You can bend me over the table an-"
I grabbed her chin
"He's here" I said, looking at her
"So sit back and behave yourself" I warned

I couldn't afford for her to mess this up.
I just hoped she would stay... civil.
Who am I kidding? She hates everyone.

She stared into my eyes, unmoving
What I hadn't realised, was how I hadn't moved either
"Adonis?" She said, but I was too lost in her eyes
"I can't move if you're still holding me like this" she said smugly

I let go, trying to distance myself
And I was still so unsure why
Why I couldn't just... have fun like she said
And yet also why I couldn't stay away from her

It was a losing battle
And she... she never lost a fight
That's what scared me
I knew I'd lose
I knew she'd fucking ruin me.

"You know, it would be really convincing if we kissed" she whispered as George approached the table
"I said behave" I said again, looking to greet George.

He walked over confidently, smiling
Confidence that stopped momentarily as his eyes found Valencia
"Adonis. Nice to see you again" he said unsurely
"And this is..."

"Rosa" Valencia smiled sweetly, holding her hand out
I eyed her
"Rosa" he said, surprised by her presence as she shifted over for him to sit with her

"And what brings..." he trailed off, seemingly taken off guard
I didn't blame him
I always came alone

"Well I'm his better half, I wanted to see the kind of business he was doing" Valencia said
She was definitely charming

"His better half? I didn't realise he had one" George smiled at her
He was clearly attracted to her, even as she sat there talking about being my date
My bloody 'better half'

"He likes to keep me hidden away" she joked
"I wouldn't keep a girl like you hidden away" he smiled at her
She glanced at me, she knew as well as I did, this guy was a prick.

"You flatter me too much" she laughed
"Are you going to flatter Enzo the same way?" She asked, his face fell into recognition and he slyly pulled a wadded envelope from his pocket, handing it over to Valencia

"Thank you George" she said politely
He had barely looked at me since he sat down, he was fixated on her
I couldn't blame him for that either
She is very beautiful

"It's all there?" She said, looking inside as she mentally worked it out
"Of course, I don't underpay" he said, finally looking at me
"Maybe you should bring your girlfriend again Adonis, she creates a less suspicious atmosphere" George advised

"Not if you're going to drool over her every time" I said
I don't know where it came from
I don't know why I said it and... defended her
She wasn't really my girlfriend

"I'm a friendly guy Adonis" he shrugged
"As long as you're not too friendly with her" I advised him
"Of course not" he smiled tightly, focusing his attention back on her

"I do hope we will cross paths again though" he said
"Maybe next time, if Adonis lets me out of bed" she said, looking at me
His confidence wavered slightly, but his cheery demeanour remained as he got up, bidding us goodbye

"You know you don't have to mentally torture everyone you meet?" I asked her as I watched George leave the restaurant
"Are you jealous?" She asked

"No" I said coldly
"Don't worry Adonis. You're the only one I get any pleasure out of torturing" she said, I looked back at her
At her teasing little fucking grin

She was definitely going to ruin me.

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