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Serena: I don't need to be a celebrity or have some successful career to be happy.
Corroder: Well what do you need?
Serena: (leans down to his face as she's blushing a bit) YOU, YA STUPID POPTART!


Siren: Can't you see things from my perspective for once?
Onua: (literally taller than even Rotor, squats down to Siren's height)
Siren: .... (Flips him off as her bangs hide her face) I fucking hate you Toa Onua Nuva Mata.
(Onua chuckles at that as Tahu howls in laughter)


Every friend group has:

The short one everyone makes fun of but in reality is really scared of

Nebula & Thunder
247 Bisexual Panic who's always clumsy

The person who's vocabulary consists of memes

The one who acts like their five years older than everyone else

The one who acts like their five years younger than everyone else

✨G A Y✨


POV: These Four


Monika & Mata Nui: (singing the song above perfectly)
Makuta: ... How come you don't sing?
Roodaka: Blame Sidorak.
Makuta: .... Oh.


POV: Evo with his Abilities

Evo: (in a water tank breathing underwater with his element) Bloop.


Furno: Hey Surge.
Surge: (trying to be flirty for once) Hey sexy~
Furno: (dumbfound as his face is redder than his armor) H-How H-How are-
Siren: (uncomfortable a bit) I, don't wanna be here anymore.


POV: These Two PT3

Serena: (pinned between the wall and Corroder)
Corroder: You drive me fucking crazy at times you know that?
Serena: (grins) Hopefully it's a good crazy.
(Corroder chuckles a bit before he kissed her which Serena kissed back)


POV: Monster AU PT4
Future Thing

Siren: (picks up her shopping list)
Siren: (sees a handwriting definitely not her's that wrote Death Wish Coffee on it, sighs) Surge I'm not getting you Death Wish Coffee!
Surge: (peers over the fridge) Come on!
Siren: You'll be bouncing off the walls for weeks with one cup alone! I'm pretty positive no one here wants that.


POV: Future Events

Siren: (looks up at Von Ness)
Ness: What?
Siren: ... It's hard to picture you as an uncle given the fact you dated my dad once before going villian arc.
Ruth: (stifles his laughter)


POV: Mother-Daughter Bonding

Siren: (watching Snapcube's Sonic Adventures 2 Dark Story and True Ending Fandub)
Video: (Alfred/Eggman) I've come to make an announcement, Shadow the Hedgehog is a bitch ass mother fucker!
(Furno howls in laughter as Siren starts laughing too)


POV: Father-Daughter Bonding

Siren & Stormer: (went on a shopping trip in the city since Siren needed stuff for her projects)
Siren: (notices Stormer in his thoughts) You good dad?
Stormer: (sighs) Virus is bothering me.
Siren: (snorts) Rip, me with my sides.
(Stormer chuckles a bit as he pats her head)


POV: Siren had an emotionless Moodswing

Siren: (blankly staring at Zib)
Zib: (sighs as he puts his tablet down) Kid why are you staring at me-
(Zib freezes as he looks at Siren noticing her eyes are more dull and almost lifeless as she stares at him)
Zib: .... Quaddle get Stormer and Furno here, now.


POV: Shared Pain
[Note: This shows of both Siren and Serena having similar bond like Purge and Surge of their shared pain, meaning injuries Siren gets Serena has as well equally]

(Serena was coughing heavily as she leaned against the wall)
(The Villians and their Boss we're terrifiedly worried for her state)
(Serena coughed up blood making her look at her hand as blood trickled down her mouth before she started to stumble a bit)
Serena: (looks up at the other villians and their Boss) H-Help...

Oh hey ANOTHER update bc I'm bored as fuck and have no life

We're going through a heat warning in the state rn it's a 101 degrees but with the humidity feels like a 111

Sooo there's that especially since my house has no proper AC system, we just blast the air conditioners in our windows and the ceiling fans to cool the house

So there's that

Anyway, later hoes!

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