#54 [Mainly Villians]

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Song in Media: HUMANS by KLOUD

POV: Before Siren got her Ear Piece

Quaddle: [I'm trying to tell you, Zib fell asleep at his desk!]
Siren: (doesn't understand him at all like the heroes and Zib) I DON'T SPEAK BEEP!


POV: Pet Names are a Super Power

Serena: Alright then Pretty Boy, try again on something that'll actually make me act like a bottom.
Corroder: (grins a bit) Okay then, Darling.
(Serena nearly fell over as her legs got weak at that making Corroder catch her before she fell which he laughed a bit at)


POV: Serena's Morning Voice

Purge: Morning Serena.
Serena: (rubbing her eyes, deeper voice from sleep) Morning..
(Corroder choked on his drink a bit)
Rotor: Jesus...
Serena: What?


POV: Height Differences

(Siren was on Bara Magna as she was fixing one of the broken down Dune Chariots)
Siren: (leans over more to reach a part before she slides down that her feet aren't touching the ground by several inches no more making her yelp)
Ackar: Kid?!
Siren: I'm okay! It's actually easier to reach this stuff like this!


Rotor: (throwing his head into XPlode's lap) Tell me I'm pretty!
XPlode: (lovingly stroking his head) You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are.



XPlode: Are you tall enough to play basketball though?
Purge: Are you calling me short?
XPlode: I'm calling you vertically challenged.


(Serena and Corroder on one of her kills)
Serena: We both look very handsome tonight.
Corroder: You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you."
Serena: I couldn't take that chance.


Purge: Oh, fiddlesticks! That really ruffles my feathers!
Serena: Please, just say fuck.


Corroder: The first time I saw you, you stole my heart.
Serena: But I'm a kleptomaniac, so that doesn't mean anything.


Corroder: What does "take out" mean?
Thunder: Food.
Meltdown: Dating.
Purge: Murder.
Serena: It can be all three if you're brave enough.


Villian Boss: My expectations are low, but they can always go lower.


Bulk: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?
Siren: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.


Jackle: I'm usually that person who has no idea what's going on.


Meltdown: Are oranges named orange because oranges are orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange?
Meltdown: Which came first, the orange or the orange?
Thunder: Orange was first used to refer the fruit 1280 years ago but was not used as a color until 1000 years ago.
Meltdown: What was the color called before then?
Thunder: There was no color, duh! Everything was black and white!


(While Alpha team is in a battle)
Surge: (trying to warn about the location of an enemy) To the left!
Bulk: (being a dumbass) Take it back now y'all!
Siren: Bruh.


(Siren and Makuta playing Minecraft)
Makuta: Oh no, oh no, oh no-
Siren: What's wrong?
Makuta: I did a thing.
Siren: You regret the thing you dID-
Makuta: (Screams)
Siren: What the fuck did you do- (sees mass of aggravated Piglin) Damn it-
Makuta: (screams again)


Bulk: Stringer, I don't think I can handle any more of your tomfuckery.
Stringer: Oh yeah? Well I can keep going until you're all tomfuckered out!


Purge: Okay, can you do the dishes?
Nebula: No!


Siren: (looking at her watch) It has been 2 hours and sixteen minutes since I've been insulted.
Siren: It's been about 5 seconds since I've been assaulted, but let's not talk about that.


Witch Doctor: I apologize for saying 'fuck' in front of Kayra.
Purge: You just said it again.
Witch Doctor: I am not a role model.


Serena: I can't believe you've done this.....
Corroder: I'm sorry I didn't know-!


Newbie Villian: Not gonna lie, I'm kind of afraid of Serena...
XPlode: As you should be.
Newbie Villian: No, for real, they're kind of-
XPlode: As. You. Should. Be.


Serena: Hey, I'm getting in the shower. Wanna help me out?
Corroder: ...Have you never taken a shower before?


Siren: You can take away my rights, but can you take away my lefts?

I have zero life and with not having enough coming in my head I resulted to the randomizer online I use for some

Rip me ayyyyyyye

Eh I'ma work on some fanfics, later hoes!

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