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Don't let Furno cook

Furno: Uh Surge?
Surge: What?
Furno: I burnt the water?
Surge: (slowly turns to him) Furno how the fuck did you burn the water?!


Siren: (playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild on her switch) I need to get off my games but if I get off them my thoughts are gonna get me!


(The team went out drinking and as soon as Siren got drunk they had to leave bc she needs a lot of alcohol to get drunk and only her, Stormer, Surge, Zib and Furno know to drive, Stormer was the only sober one)
Siren: I tell you what tonight was a good night.
(Siren took the drink she took with her from the bar out her bag and placed it on the car)
Breez: Damn girl!
Rocka: (confused despite being drunk) Wait hold on hold on, how'd you leave with the drink?!
Siren: (shushes him)


Siren: (sighs as she brushes her bangs back)
(Siren's forehead at the center has a long bruise that went to her eyebrows level and into her hair past her hairline that was both red and purple)
Furno: Siren what the hell happened?!
Siren: (confused, remembers) I had a panic attack of PTSD yesterday while I was with the Toa and apparently in Gali's words "tried to bust my skull open" so it's gonna be here for a while.
Furno: (panicked mom and contemplating taking her to Hero Factory to get it checked out and get Stormer)


Serena: (making herself some Hot Chocolate)
Purge: (staring at her)
Serena: (notices) What?
Purge: You and Corroder are loud.
Serena: (rolls eyes) Thanks Captian obvious.
Purge: Where is he?
Serena: Still in my bed he can't even walk like he normally does.
Purge: ... Jesus Christ woman.
Serena: (shrugges)


Past AU

Serena: (making ramen) Egg for the ramen. (Gives the shell to Ruth who ate it with ease) Shell sacrifice for the bastard, because if I don't give it to him he screams.


When a newbie tries to make fun of Serena's attire

Newbie: You don't even fit in that dress!
Serena: (rolls eyes and walks up to them making it clear she's taller than them even without her heels) Listen sister, if I wanted your opinion I'd beat it out of you.
Corroder: (mentally) Yup that's my girlfriend.


Future AU

Serena: (literally in labor and feeling pains that would make her Infernal Demons pity her)
Corroder: I wish I could transfer that pain that you're feeling into me so you don't have to go through it.
Serena: Trust me Pretty Boy you would want to give it right back as soon as you feel it for a second.


Guy: A man who simps for his woman is pathetic.
Corroder: It's called respect and my woman would crush you're head in her thighs like nothing if she heard you say that.

Corroder really be the biggest simp for his girlfriend


XPlode: I am hot.
Serena: Stop calling yourself hot, the only thing you can turn on is a microwave.
Rotor & Corroder: (wheezing)


(Serena went with the villain boss to an outing in her robotic shift)
Person: Who on earth is that?
V.Boss: That's my daughter.
Serena: (currently trying to refrain herself from killing a person who won't stop flirting with her despite being told no several times)

Serena's outfit

Short ik but my head hurts like hell, yeah that once panic attack incorrect quote was something that happened yesterday

Later hoes!

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