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Song in Media: Heaven Was Full (I'm Heading Straight to Hell) by TX2

Future AU

(Siren was throwing up blood in a trashcan in the kitchen)
Stormer: (patting her back, panicking but trying to stay calm) What the hell did you eat or drink that caused that?
Siren: (manages to stop throwing up as she looked at the blood on her hands, actually terrified) I-I just drank Dr Pepper like n-normal. I-It's never done that before...


Stringer: I regret introducing Siren a song that matches her bio family in a bit of the Christians.
Stringer: Because that's the only thing blasting from her music at this point.

Legit only recently found this song bc of TikTok but holy hell I love it


Monster AU

Siren: (in the bathroom, trying to dye two streaks in her hair, gets frustrated and groans)
Siren: Breeeeeeeeze I need another set of hands pleeeeeeease.
Breez: (forms her humanoid form behind Siren) Give me the baby blue hair dye.
(Siren did so as she grabbed the red bottle)


Nebula: If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.
(The other villians present, Purge, Serena, Corroder, XPlode, Rotor, Meltdown and Thunder didn't move an inch)
Nebula: Damn y'all depressed as fuck.
Serena: (sitting on Corroder's lap) You didn't clap either.
Nebula: Shut up!


These two being frenemies

Witch Doctor: (one of his inventions failed to work when he was showing it off to the rest of the villains) What happened?!
Serena: You know for someone who's supposedly a 'mad genius', I'm not seeing much of the genius.
Witch Doctor: Keep it up woman and you'll see plenty of the MAD.
Serena: (not even bothered) OooOoo, scary man.
V.Boss: Please stop you two.


Witch Doctor: (ranting to heroes who showed up on a task from boss) Where was I?
Serena: (who had to join him) Twisted it.
Witch Doctor: I've twisted it to a grand per portion, a more insidious plan, a more-
Serena: (cuts him off) He's building an army of giant robots.
Witch Doctor: Why do you always do that? The evil rant is one of the best perks of the job!
Serena: Well it's boring so you know.
(Serena stuck her tongue out at Witch Doctor who growled in annoyance while the heroes watched)


Corroder: I fell into a trap.
(Serena we spooning him behind on her bed)
Corroder: I went in for a kiss and now, it's for me. And it won't let me go.
Serena: Mine.
Corroder: yes I know but, (tries to get up) Eh-
Serena: Mine.
Corroder: (tries to get up again) Eh-
Serena: Mine.
Corroder: (tries again) Eh-
Serena: (holds him in place still) Mine.
Corroder: God damnit!


(Serena walked into the kitchen with a blanket around her grumbling)
Purge: wrong side of the bed?
Serena: No, but apparently I can somehow STILL GET FUCKING PERIODS, and yet I can't get pregnant. This is bullshit!


Siren: Hey Breez I've been curious.
Breez: What?
Siren: Do female heroes have to go through periods or?
(Breez chocked on her water at that)
Breez: Why the hell would you ask that?
Siren: I never seen you on your period so I was curious if I'm the only one here who has the suffer through it.


Siren being Irish

Random: Go fuck yourself!
Siren: Not right now, I'm tired, I don't want to. It's a lot of exercise and movement and shaking around.


Siren drunk in the park

Stormer: (recording)
Furno: (wheezing)
Siren: (sitting on those giant chess pieces of the knight piece, drunk) Not me! Not Hermione! You!
(Siren tried to move her knight to 83 while on it causing her and the piece to fall before Siren laughed)


Something of Dream SMP I found-

Tommy: You said you were going on some spiritual retreat!
Dream: Namaste.
Tommy: And you're supposed to be dead!
Techno: I got better?


Serena: (sees a video with a baby being cute in it)
Two minutes later
Serena: (screaming in her pillows) I want one!


Future AU

K: (on the back of Gomorrah with Serena) Look at me! I'm on a mother fucking dinosaur!
(Serena giggles a bit at that)


Serena: (sitting with one leg pulled up to her, reading a book)
Rotor: ...
Serena: What?
Rotor: How submissive is Corroder for you to be top? You give big bottom energy.
Serena: (inhales sharply) BoI-

Aye another one!

So Monster AU monster forms, I was gonna explain but I'm half outta it rn after just waking up

Am planning to make a Recon Team Member OC that's based off of Tali from Mass Effect, here's a photo for reference

Anyways I need a shower and to get working on some videos for YT

Later hoes!

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