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Song in Media: yes, and? By Ariana Grande

Past AU
Siren and Roodaka

Siren: (ten) Mother said I'm not allowed to cry.
Roodaka: (crouches down to Siren's level) That is because your mother is incapable of human emotions and you are ten, so cry.
(Siren immediately began to cry and Roodaka immediately hugged her)


Irl me: (looking at Serena and Corroder) I am very tempted to hit these two fuckers with the Whump Stick I swear on the Great Spirit himself.

Whump Stick = Angst


Something from Discord

Me/Siren: (sends an image of a transition pic for a fic in the GC for my fic Hopeful Light in Flames bc emojis and under dashes aren't cutting it anymore)
Wolfie: Why is Mata Nui in a zesty ass pose?
Bio: Because yes
Me: (laughing because Mata Nui actually does look like it) I didn't want to use another image I over use! At least I cut it enough to where Mata isn't holding that DAMN GUN!-

The image for ref


Irl me looking at the Massive Monster COTL Dating Sim stuff: So Kallamar is confirmed to be Poly like those fics he has multiple wives like Heket of her Harem?


Monster AU

Siren: (laying on her bed drawing while playing Avril Lavigne songs quietly off her speaker)
Stormer: (pokes his head in) It has been a long while since I heard you listen to THAT music.
Siren: It never dies like the love of Carrie Underwood even if I have iffy opinions on Country music.


Irl me: (scrolling through Tumblr on Valentine's Day while struggling to get some motivation to work on two Valentine's Day oneshots for AO3(spoiler they aren't even halfway done still))
Irl me: (sees two Vakama themed Valentine's Day ones, wheezes) Sending one of these to my older siblings!

The images, you can guess which one I ended up sending because the other wouldn't make sense

Two of my siblings aka my two older sisters openly said it was funny meanwhile my older brother didn't openly say it was, he could've been busy so idk (he is a truckdriver so yee)


Mata Kids AU

Random Agori: (being rude AF to Lewa)
Lewa: (literally had to deal with the stuff on the island such as the Krana of the Borhak, losing his elemental powers, reuniting with his and his siblings father first only for him to be in another slumber from reforming Sperhus Magna, at his Mata Nui DAMNED LIMITS OF HIS KINDNESS) Alright, so we're gonna play this? Cool
Lewa: (gives same energy back but a bit tenfold)
The Nuva & Takanuva: (shooketh bc they didn't think Lewa could ever snap at someone let alone get angry)
Matau: (oh Mata Nui WindSprite)
The random Agori: (upset because Lewa snapped back at their aggressive nature at him)
Lewa: (smiles and passively) Your fine, (Uxar lands on his head, glares at them as his tone stays the same) walk it off.

We gotta hit Lewa with that Whump Stick, remember: Greg Farstley started it first we just gotta contribute to it


Actor AU

Serena: (over dramatic sigh like Bayonetta) Dreadful.
Serena: (turns to sashay away but stumbles a bit on her heels and the prop guns in them and holds her arms out to balance herself)
The crew: (laughing)
Serena: (laughs) Damnit!


(The crew was doing a lighting check)
Serena: (pulls the bottom of her sweater dress down) It is impossible to keep this thing down, why must it be a short ass dress even for fighting I don't wanna flash people during a fight.
(Some of the crew laughs)
Director: (laughing a bit) Don't worry you'll be swapped to a jumpsuit in your character's makeover at one point.
Serena: (her actress absolutely loves jumpsuits) Fuck yes!


(Siren and Stormer were trying to do a serious scene but Stormer's actor didn't want to remove a clown nose he had on making Siren's actress laugh every time she looked at him)
Teridax: (comes over) I can fix this.
(Teridax's actor pulled the clown nose off of Stormer's actors face and YEETED that bitch to the other side of the room causing an uproar of laughter)
Vakama: (got hit with it) OW!
Teridax: Oh shit I'm so sorry.
(The laughter worsened at that)


Siren: And here have two bitches who get visions of their characters.
(Nero aka Villain Boss and Vakama's actors were talking to each other before Nero's actor flipped Siren's actress off playfully)
Siren: (wheezes)


Hopeful Light in Flames Fic AU

Mata Nui: (sighs) I need to feel something, Ackar can you tell me something that will make me happy?
Ackar: You're cute and have a nice butt.
Mata Nui:
Mata Nui: Yup that'll do it.
Mata Nui: You've been looking at my butt?
Ackar: I'm not the only one who has, trust me.


Irl me: (hits Nariander/The One Who Waits and The Lamb from Cult of the Lamb on their backs) These bitches can fit so much trauma-

I wish that was a joke 🤣


Mata Kids AU

(Meeting with the Toa and Turaga)
Kopaka: (annoying Tahu)
Tahu: (fuck it and you, proceeds to bite Kopaka's arm)
The Toa: (this feels oddly familiar)
The Turaga: (Oh Mata Nui this is our saving team?)
Kopaka: Did you just fucking bite me?
Tahu: (bites down harder)
Kopaka: (trying to shake him off) Tahu stop!
Tahu: (growled with a look that said "make me bitch")

Just the random idea of Tahu being a biter in Mata Kids AU was the most hilarious and random thing that came to my head while working on Offering AU Valentine's special just fucking sent me 😂

Just imagine as a kid Mata Nui would have to give Tahu a dull edge sheet of metal to chew on and ofc the times he had to pull Tahu AND his teeth off of Kopaka 🤣


Siren: (still in her pajamas at lunchtime from sleeping in)
Siren: (notices her pants feel a bit wet at the crotch part)
Siren: (realizes as she goes to her bedroom) Fuck, fuck fuck, fuck fuck
Siren: (comes back out of her bedroom with her period underwear and jeggings(jeans mixed with leggings) and heads to the bathroom) fuck fuck fuck, fuck FUCK!
Stringer: What with the multitude of fucks earlier?
Siren: My period underwear overflowed and it seeped thru my Ninja Turtle sweats.
Siren: (clings to Stringer's arm, overdramatic from hormones of cycle) My favorite Ninja Turtle sweats Jimi! They're my favorite. Augh
Stringer: (Immediately knows this is one of her mood swings) Which pair tho, you have two pairs of ninja turtle themed sweats.
Siren: The ones with pockets.
Stringer: Gotcha. (Texts Stormer and Furno with one hand) Hey your daughter is having a mood swing and idk what to do but she's clinging to me help

This actually happened earlier when I finally got out of bed while waiting for my painkillers to kick in and I actually said that as I went to the bathroom with new pants


Of Serena sense

Serena: (leaning against the counter while talking to Nebula, Purge and Riley while K sat on a stool by the island drinking juice)
Riley: (notices) Serena why is there blue luminous liquid trailing down your inner thigh?
Serena: (looks down, realizes) FUCK! (Runs off past Corroder and the Boss to head to the bathroom) Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!
Riley: What, was that?
Boss: (a trans man, immediately knows) Oh that was the overflow on period run.
K: (Born a girl but is non-binary, heaves a bit) Augh, I hate that.
Corroder: Should I go check up on her?
Nebula: That's your wife.
Corroder: (deadpans) I know thank you very much.


Monster AU

Siren: (watching the FNaF movie with the others minus Zib)
That bite scene comes on
Furno: (cringes)
Breez: And there goes half of her body
Rocka: Agreed
Siren: (an internet nerd) Was the bite of eighty seven?!
(The group wheezes at that)

The scene in question



Ackar and Mata Nui first meeting

Mata Nui: Remind me why you usually didn't partner up with Siren or Roodaka for this assignment.
Makuta: (getting the table ready for the project group up) Because Siren wanted to partner up with Preston which is reasonable with her father figure and Roodaka isn't in this class.
Mata Nui: (sighs) Alright, but I'm checking in on you just in case something happens.
Makuta: (snorts) Please Ackar only acts like an asshole to someone who messes with classmates that are like his own kids, and their Kiina, Gresh and Berix.
(Doorbell rings)
Makuta: (runs to get it) I got it!
(Mata Nui rolls his eyes in amusement as he goes back to his room to grab Click)
Makuta: (let's Ackar in) Glad you showed up dude.
Ackar: (taking his coat off and puts it on the rack and the shoes by the door) Yeah, will admit the sidewalks are icy and all hell.
Makuta: (cackles) Roodaka hates it when it's like that.
Ackar: (follows Makuta to the kitchen) Because she's wearing heels all the time like Serena, I never seen your girlfriend with anything but heels.
Mata Nui: (leans against an archway frame with Click on his opposing shoulder) It's how she rolls...
(Mata Nui trailed off as he focused on Ackar)
Makuta: Oh yeah, Ackar this is my eldest brother Mata. He's the definition of a Sweet Summer Child and is homeschooled so he can take care of the house while I'm at school and watch me while our brother Ekimu is at boarding school.
Mata Nui: (semi breathless) Hi
Ackar: (snorts a bit) Nice to meet ya.
Makuta: Hey if you're wondering where the bathroom is it's down the hall and first door on the right.
Ackar: (rolls eyes) I only go to the bathroom so much because I actually drink water like I'm supposed to. Compared to Siren who I've seen drink nothing but Dr Pepper and Surge with Coffee. (Goes down the hall to the bathroom)
Mata Nui: (fiddling his bracelet as he watched him)
Makuta: Gonna check in on us for a different reason now bro?
Mata Nui: (doesn't look at him as he punches his side)
Makuta: (laughs)


Villains Movie Night at Serena and Corroder's apartment (post having baby)

The crew: (watching The Blair Witch Project)
XPlode: (holding onto Rotor)
Serena: (sitting in Corroder's lap while hyper focused on the movie)
Corroder: (flinching a bit at the horror because despite the amount of horror Serena watches he ain't used to it)
Rotor: (used to horror movies and just patting XPlode's head)
Speeda: (wrapped in a blanket between Thunder and Voltix)
Thunder: (eating popcorn while throwing some at Meltdown)
Meltdown: (unphased)
K: (catching the popcorn in their mouth that goes past Meltdown)
Voltix: (this bitch about to fall asleep)
Purge: (unphased and equally hyperfixated on the movie while between Nebula and CH)
Nebula: (jumping every now and then at every little thing in the movie)
CH: (bitch fell asleep)


HS AU (again)


Mata Nui: (has music playing in his earbuds)
Ackar: What are you listening to?
Mata Nui: (shows him the song playing on his phone)
The song: Bring Me To Life by Evanescence the 2023 Remaster
Ackar: Ah.
Makuta: Mata has such horrible medical problems there's times he'll sleep for days on end.
Ackar: How-
Mata Nui: We don't know, all we know it was what our parents kept getting into their science stuff to cure.
Makuta: So the song is very fitting to him and also relatable for different reasons than its actual meaning.
Ackar: (did not know he'd learn this stuff just from asking what song Mata Nui was listening to) Okay-

The amount of times I've associated that song with Mata Nui is ridiculous


Mata Kids AU

One half of the siblings

Takanuva: (dealing with the grief of Jaller's death while newly becoming a Toa again)
Tahu: (first to hug him)
The rest of the Nuva: (join in the hug)

The other half of the siblings

Tahu & Kopaka: (arguing)
The rest of the Toa: (unphased because how much of a regular occurrence this is)

It's always comforting your siblings through trauma and grief and dealing with it together then the bickering like siblings do
It's just how it is


Irl Me: (watching Mask of Light)
Irl me: (sees Turaga Nuju in the background of the final scene) It's the horrid little owl man!


My favorite thing from The Rehabilitation of Death (a Cult of the Lamb Narilamb fic on AO3)

Nariander/The One Who Waits: I do not talk to idiots who are upside down
Lamb: (doing a handstand and walking on their hands) Well I do, Hi Nariander!


Spirit Form

(The Villain Boss was standing outside a closet door)
V.Boss: Serena you have to come out you can't stay in there forever.
Serena: (inside the closest) No!
V.Boss: They've seen you lower than this trust me, we've all seen each other at our own lowest. This is nothing
Serena: (phases through the door like a spirit) I find that hard to believe
(V.Boss noticed Serena was in a different form and looked like Siren but more spirit like, her eyes were pure white sclara without even a pupil and she had her death wound visible through her chest and through the hoodie she had on)
Serena: You were saying?


This image should speak for itself

Claris (the pink hair girl) just looks so fucking done 😂 it's great

Holy fuck it's been a hot while since I've updated this

Shit has been rough and my little brother's cat is sick so I've been taking care of him (like usual)

Plus when I have spare time I'm either playing Sims for fun or trying to work on some fic drafts
So far only got chapter two for Hopeful Light in Flames rewrite and the second chapter of Mata Kids AU first book Children of the Great Spirit finished and published while also working on a rewrite of the 2009/Bara Magna arc for Bionicle since the OG was cut short due to the cancellation and ofc make things more fitting with the Sperhus Magna/Bara Magna inhabitants being more organic than the GSR Inhabitants and whatnot

Also finally got around to watching the new live action Avatar the Last Airbender
Idc what anyone else has shit to talk of it, I fucking love it

I'ma go now and work on either Mata Kids AU chapter 3, some oneshot I have in drafts or something else

Later hoes!

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