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"Start of a long and beautiful journey"

Kullu Manali, Train Station

Naina stood in the train station, staring at the train infront of her with a small smile on her face, she was finally doing it, she was finally going to Bangalore to attend her dream her college, Naina closed her eyes and placed her hands together.

"God, please be with me in this new journey, I don't know what you've written for me, but whatever it is, I promise to accept it with open arms, I just pray that I can make my own name in Tift, that I can somehow make Papa proud of me".

"Isn't me being proud of you enough?" Swathi asked, walking over to her sister.

Naina opened her eyes and turned to her sister with a huge smile on her face, "You being proud of me means everything to me Di" she said.

"Even more then Papa?" Swathi asked.

"Even more the God himself" Naina replied.

Swathi lightly hit Naina on the back of her head, "Stupid, don't make me emotional already, I promised myself I will only cry when your train starts to leave, not before that".

"Is crying necessary?" Naina asked.

"Naina, this is the first time since you were born that you are going away from me" Swathi replied, "Ever since you were a baby I've kept you close to me, how can you expect me not to cry seeing you leave?".

Naina smiled at her sister, "Di, don't worry, I promise to call you everyday and text you non stop, you won't even realise I'm not here with you" she said.

"You better" Swathi said.

Naina nodded, she then started looking around for her parents, "Di, where are Papa and Ma?" she asked, "Did you give them the right time?".

Swathi sighed, "I gave them the right time".

Naina looked at Swathi and the upset expression on her face was enough to let her know what happened, "But they're not coming are they?" she whispered.

Swathi shook her head, "No, they aren't".

"Why?" Naina asked, trying not to burst into tears after realising her own parents didn't come to say goodbye to her.

"Papa" Swathi simply replied, making Naina realise that her father didn't want to come say goodbye to her and he also prevented her mother for meeting her one last time.

"Oh" Naina whispered, looking down at the floor.

"None of this oh" Swathi said, cupping Naina's face, "Naina, you are about to start a new chapter of your life, start it with a smile not tears, you are going to Tift, your dream college, promise me that once you get there, you won't think about anything but your studies, promise me that one day when you leave that college, you will leave behind your mark, a mark that will never let that college forget Naina Goradia".

"I promise Di" an emotional Naina said.

"Good" Swathi said, kissing Naina's forehead, "Be happy Naina, don't let negative people effect you, and go have at least one epic love story".

"Di, please" Naina said, her mood suddenly sour, "You know I don't believe in all this love crap".

"Yet" Swathi retorted, "You don't believe in love yet, but who knows, maybe your mind will change in Tift".

"That will never happen Di" Naina said.

"Never say never, Naina" Swathi teased.

"Di" Naina complained, making Swathi chuckled.

"Passengers please pay attention, the train to Bangalore will be leaving the station in one minute".

The announcement made the two sisters look at each other, both of them suddenly very emotional when they realised it was time to say goodbye to each other.

"Take care of yourself Naina, eat food on time and don't stress yourself out on every small things" Swathi said, wiping Naina's tears.

"You take care of yourself as well, now I'm not going to be here to stop yours and Papa's fights so try to control your anger and yeah, don't overwork yourself at the NGO" Naina said, wiping her sister's tears.

Swathi pulled her little sister into a tight hug.

"Passengers, this is the last call for everyone travelling to Bangalore, the train is about to leave the platform".

Swathi broke the hug and pushed Naina towards the train, "Go Naina, your dream is calling you" she said.

Naina looked at her sister, then at the train behind her, she turned to Swathi and after giving her one last hug, she grabbed her bag and started running towards the train that had started to slowly move, but luckily Naina was able to get in before it left, she quickly peeked out the train and saw her sister still standing at the station, seeing Naina, Swathi immediately started waving goodbye to her, a teary eyed Naina sent a flying kiss to Swathi and with that, while one sister was left in Kullu, the other was on her way to Bangalore, not knowing that this city was going to change her entire life.


Naina dragged her suitcase down the train corridor, her ticket in her hand, after arriving at her seat, Naina proceeded to sit but to her annoyance, someone else was already sitting on her seat, she couldn't see the person's face as it was covered by a hat, but she could tell it was a guy.

"Excuse me" Naina called out, but the person didn't move, "Hello, I'm talking to you!", but once again the guy on her seat ignored her, getting annoyed, Naina placed her suitcase on the edge of the seat, she then walked over to the guy and tapped his shoulder, "Excuse me!".

Finally, the guy removed his hat from his face and looked at the person who dared interrupt his precious sleep.

"You!" Naina yelled, seeing the person she had slapped in the market infront of her.

Seenu looked at Naina and immediately a huge smile formed on her face, "Sweetheart" he whispered.

Naina glared at Seenu, "Don't call me that" she snapped.

"Is this a dream?" Seenu wondered out loud.

"Are you mad?" Naina retorted.

"For you?" Seenu asked, "Most definitely".

"Listen, I don't want to waste my time talking to you, now get up, you're sitting in my seat" Naina said.

"First ask nicely" Seenu said, giving Naina a teasing smile.

"Should I slap you instead?" Naina retorted.

"If that means you'll touch me, then sure" Seenu teased.

"Is harassing girls your hobby?" an annoyed Naina asked.

Suddenly Seenu stood up, immediately causing Naina to step back but she stumbled on her feet and just as she was about to fall, Seenu put his hands on her waist and pulled her to him, on impulse Naina closed her eyes and held the collar of Seenu's jacket.

"How can someone be so beautiful?" Seenu whispered, staring at Naina.

Naina opened her eyes, and for a small moment she was taken by the intensity in Seenu's eyes, but after realising their proximity, she pushed Seenu away from her.

"Don't you dare touch me" Naina warned.

Seenu once again stood up, but this time Naina made sure there was space between them, "If I hadn't touch you, then you would have gotten hurt" he said.

"So?" Naina asked, "Let me get hurt, but you don't ever touch me".

"How can I let you get hurt?" Seenu asked, "If you would have gotten hurt, then it would have hurt me right here", Seenu pointed to his heart, "And I didn't want to experience heartbreak so soon in our story".

"Our story?" a shocked Naina asked, "What story? I don't even know you, how can we have a story?".

"Then get to know me" Seenu said, holding his hand out, "Hi, I'm Seenu Pandey, the person your fate is tied to".

Naina looked at Seenu as if he has lost his mind, "You need help" she said.

"Then help me" Seenu said.

"Sorry, I don't help strangers, now move I want my seat" Naina said, shoving Seenu to the side and sat in her seat.

Seenu smiled at Naina, he then sat infront of Naina and started admiring her.

Naina looked at Seenu, only to see him already staring at her, "You're being creepy" she said.

"No, I'm being romantic" Seenu retorted.

"You aren't going to stop are you?" Naina asked.

Seenu shook his head, "When it comes to you, I don't know how to stop" he admitted.

"You just met me" Naina reminded, "Stop talking like we know each other for ages".

"I don't know about you sweetheart, but I believe that their is something here between us, a connection that goes way back" Seenu said.

"I was right" Naina said, shaking her head, "You are mental, you should definitely get your head checked".

"I know you're insulting me, but for some reason whatever comes out of your mouth seems like a compliment" Seenu said.

Naina sighed, "This is going to be a long journey" she mumbled, looking out the train window.

"This is going to be a beautiful journey" Seenu whispered, still looking at Naina.


Presenting chapter five of Hero!

How was the chapter?

Thoughts on Naina and Swathi's goodbye?

Thoughts on Seenu and Naina going to Bangalore together?

Next Chapter: Seenu saves Naina.

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! ❣️

Signing off Kavya ❤️

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