No One knows what Destiny Plans

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Suddenly Shivaay remembers all the happiness Anika had on her face while they were shopping for their honeymoon. Her twinkling eyes , her non stop talks about what all they will do .

Shivay moves from their comfortable position and Shivaay made Anika get up from the floor . He took her to other room beside Omi room which was a private waiting room with a couch big enough to accommodate two people ,a central table with some chairs,a fridge , a ac and attached washroom .

He made her sit on the couch up there.
Shivaay turns Anika towards him and held her both sides of shoulders, looked in her eyes and said
--Anika are you ok? I am sorry , we couldn't go for our honeymoon. All this happened and you know I just , I just didn't think of anything. You know how important my family is . I am sorry we couldn't go . But Om is...

Anika looked at him in utter shock.

Anika- Have you gone crazy? Omiii is much more important to me then our honeymoon. And your family is now my family and they will always be my ,yours,ours first priority,Shivaay. We can go to honeymoon anytime ,it's not that important to me.

Shivaay with a sad look- I am sorry but you , you ,you were just so happy till this morning. I never saw you this happy and excited for anything ever. Idk why this all had to happen. I am jus..

Anika put her finger on his lips while not leaving her eyes from his eyes.

Anika- Hussshh! You don't need to be sorry. It's not your fault , it's no one fault . Maybe destiny has it's own plans. I am happy till the time you are there beside me . That's all that matter. Right now ,our focus should be on Omii.

Both gave each other a bittersweet weak smile.

Shivay never expressed himself. Anika is his life biggest and most dangerous challenge he thought . He fell for her when he saw her for the first time. He knew this girl is going to break all his stereotypes and would give him -takkar- as dadi says!. He still had a little fear what if she turns out to be like other girls,running behind name ,money ,fame although his heart scream -No,that's not possible but still you know how it is. Today all his lil doubts regarding her were gone , whoom vanished! Shivaay found a new respect for Anika today . He felt blessed to have her beside him. And he promised himself to never leave her side, to give all happiness she deserves and to make her believe in Forever❤️.

Anika was sad for Omiiii. She literally forgot about her honeymoon during this incident. But she somewhere was happy that Shivaay thought about them , their honeymoon. She didn't needed honeymoon but this little concern of him was enough for her to knew she is with the right man . His concern for her in such a critical situation made her trust him a little more . She was slowly learning to leave her past fear behind and starting a new life with this man who was her husband. She had a new place for him in her heart from where noone could bring him down.❤️

Both were accepting their new found emotions. 
Both were relishing their new found trust .
Both were absorbing their new found strength.
Both were intriguing their new found respect.
Both were gripping their new found tenderness.
Both were learning their hidden emotions are no longer need to be suppressed!

After a tragic day , both were drained mentally as well as physically.

They didn't raced their mind as to - Where they were ? Where they will sleep ? How will they sleep?

They just lied down on the couch and noone protested .
Anika and her habits ! Well , she couldn't find her pillows so she rolled in Shivaay arms and made it her head pillow while her other hand went around his waist and tightly hugged him. Shivaay wrapped his hand around her as if leaving her will make her let her go .And his other hand that was beneath her head soothed her head and entangled her hair .
They were in their own little bubble for a moment after such a disastrous day and this was exactly they both needed to calm down the inner tempest within their soul.

They dozzed off to sleep in each others warm embrace.

Their faces had a , " come may what storm , we will face it till we are together " look .

No One knows what Destiny has planned for you . You just gotta believe that it is not as cruel as you thinks. You will blame it for all the sad moments it throws at you but at some point of time you will realise if life snatches something away from you ,it's to make space for something much better coming towards your way .❤️
Good Night :) .


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