42. Happiness and Misery

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Author's pov

Aratrika went stiff as she felt someone's presence behind her.

"What happened ?" Hearing the familiar voice, Aratrika started to shiver in fear.

"No...no..this can't happen!!!" She thought to herself.

She closed her eyes in fear and disgust as she felt the person pressing his front on her back.

"Ple..please leave....leave me." She meekly requested him . Tears of helplessness had started to run down her cheeks .

"Why ? What happened? When you were hugging that Saptarshi like no tomorrow, you were enjoying it very well.
Now why are you objecting ? Do I disgust you, my girl?" The man asked Aratrika, gritting his teeth. Anger and jealousy were evident in his tone.

Aratrika felt nauseous as the man pressed his penis on her bottom and started to grind it. She let out a loud cry but immediately her voice was muffled because the man pressed her mouth with his hand.

"I know you missed this...so Don't need to act like you hate it. So keep your voice lower , we don't want others to know what a whore you are!! Do we?" He asked her and let out a chuckle.

Aratrika started to breathe heavily as she began to panic. She mentally prayed to God to stop the torture. Her hands were paining as the man had kept them in his grasp in a painful grip.

All of a sudden ,they heard a sound which made the man stop.

"Now I am leaving...but I will return to you for sure because you are mine. " Saying this, the man went towards the window and jumped down with the help of the pipe.

Aratrika was rooted on her spot.

She closed her eyes to escape the situation. She didn't want to go back to those days which was a nightmare to her.

"No..no..don't go there. See, it's over. He isn't here.... He left...Don't let him destroy your peace. Don't go back there." Her mind commanded her as she kept her eyes closed tightly to block the images of her terrible past.

But unfortunately he once again came back destroying her peace and sanity.

"I have to go away from here..otherwise he will catch me...he will catch me again." She mumbled to herself in fear.

After taking some deep breaths for some time, she gained some strength to stand up. She stood up and ran out of the room.

Her mind was so messed up that the chattering sounds coming from downstairs which indicated that the groom and his family, relatives were there didn't reach her ears.

"Oh Bhai, chokh khule ebar berie asbe toh. (Oh Brother, eyes will fall out from the sockets.)" Priyansh whispered to Saptarshi.

As soon as Saptarshi entered Mukherjee house, his eyes were roaming around in search of Aratrika. Priyansh noticed so he teased him.

Saptarshi glared at him, making Priyansh chuckle.

" Didn't you find her?" Priyansh asked him as he saw how Saptarshi once started his searching mission.

"No..I don't know where she went. Didn't she come downstairs till now?" Saptarshi murmured.

"Is she not excited to meet me? Or because of the morning ,she is shying away!!!" He asked himself.

He was so busy in his thoughts that he didn't notice everyone went inside except his mother.

He jumped on his place when he heard his mother's voice.

"Yes yes..." he asked his mother.

"Are you looking for something?" She asked him as she had noticed from the time Saptarshi came here, he was searching for something.

Saptarshi became uncomfortable hearing the question. He cleared his throat and said, "No no ..I was just looking around for the arrangements. It's nice, isn't it?"

"Yes....nice Indeed." Piyali agreed.

"Let's...Let's go inside." Saptarshi said and took his mother with him inside.
Whereas Saptarshi was feeling restless in the hall as he couldn't find Aratrika , Aratrika was sitting in her room, crying her heart out.

She thought that she was able to come out from her dark past...but no...she is still there. Now she was sure that she won't be able to come out from there ever. It had been imprinted in her mind forever.
She knew that she won't be able to escape it in reality and physically as well . It was her fate and her future.

She entered the washroom and turned on the shower, not caring about her dress, the little bit of makeup she put on for the wedding. She stood there for sometime and then started crying loudly sitting under the shower.

"Now call the bride. " The priest announced .

Saptarshi now started to get worried for Aratrika.

It's been an hour since he is here, in fact the marriage is about to start but still there is no sign of Aratrika.

He is also getting angry at her family members as nobody really cares if she is here or not.

"That's it. Now I have to do something. " He mumbled to himself.
He looked around and spotted Suporno and Smita .

He went towards them.

"Suporno," He called.

Suporno looked at him and smiled .
"Hey Saptarshi ,how are you?" He greeted him .

"I am fine. Actually...umm..don't mind me asking, but where is Aratrika? I couldn't see her around." Saptarshi asked him. He didn't mind if Suporno or Smita was finding him desperate, what mattered to him was only Aratrika.

" When I went to her, she was getting ready. It was almost three hours ago. She should be here by now. "Suporno said as the lines of tension appeared on his forehead.

"I didn't see her downstairs as well." Smita commented. Saptarshi found sign of worry in her tone which was surprising .

" What happened , Suporno?" Biplob was passing by them when he saw them worried. He couldn't help but ask them.

"Baba, Aratrika didn't come down." Smita Said to her father.

"What? Where is she? It's her sister's marriage, she should be here. I know that she can't do any rituals but that doesn't mean that she can't stay here and enjoy it.
Suporno, go and bring her downstairs immediately. " Biplob said.

Saptarshi was shocked. Biplob was talking about Aratrika with so much tenderness - it was something beyond his imagination. He found it a bit suspicious. But the very next moment he scolded himself for using his 'police' like logic and brain here.
He was happy for Aratrika who always craved for her family's affection. And now finally she was getting it no matter whatever reason was behind it.

Suporno nodded and went upstairs.

The wedding rituals were going in full swing. Akash was glancing at Kanika from time to time which made Kanika blush. This didn't go unnoticed by Priyansh and Smita who were teasing them. The priest was chanting the mantras and two hearts were bubbling in happiness as finally they were going to be together .
The families and guests were all smiling as they were witnessing the union of them.

"Aratrika, "

Hearing the voice of her brother and the knocks at the door, Aratrika stood up and turned off the shower.

"Aratrika, "

Once again Suporno called her out when she answered, "Dada"

"What are you doing here? Everyone is waiting for you downstairs...including Baba. Kanika's marriage has also started. Why didn't you come down yet? Are you okay?" He asked her in worry.

Aratrika suddenly realised that in her own agony she forgot about her sister's marriage.

She didn't want to go downstairs as she didn't want to face anyone, especially Saptarshi.

But When she heard that her family was also calling her , she changed her decision and decided to join them.
She immediately wiped her face and tears in haste and said, " I am coming ,Dada. It's just ...I slept unknowingly. I am coming after getting ready."

"Okay....come down soon." Suporno said and left from there.

He went down and saw that Saptarshi was standing near the stairs.

As soon as Saptarshi spotted him, he asked him ,"Where is she? What happened? Is she okay?"

"She is coming. She just slept and yes, she is okay. But what happened to you? Why are you getting so worked up?" Suporno asked him ,keeping a straight face.

Saptarshi took a deep breath and said confidently, "I care for her...obviously I will be tense when I don't see her whereas everyone is present here. "
Whatever he said was the truth which was shining in his eyes.

Suporno nodded and went towards the stage where the marriage rituals were going on.

Saptarshi took a breath in relief as he heard that she was alright.

Now he can't wait to see her and talk to her for which he was waiting for so long.

Hello guys, meeting you all after ages. How are you all?

My phone was broken. That's why I couldn't update anything or do any work.

Finally the issue has been fixed...So here I am.

So I am really sorry for keeping you waiting Like this. Thank you all for keeping patience with me as always.

How's the chapter? Let me know.

Next update on Tomorrow (at night or midnight).

Thank you for reading.

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