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Shivaay POV

Ro: so you are going on a date with her ......

I don't know why the hell I did this...
Why? Shivaay why? Just to prove a point just to fight with anika you are doing all this rubbish things..... I just hope anika do something so that I can save myself from spending time with that clingy girl whom the hate the most .......
I'm still regretting and hoping that anika will surely do something as how can she see me with someone else right........
I just rolled my eyes when rohan asked this question again from me

Sh: yeah.....
Ro: and you say their is nothing between you two
Sh: stop it rohan otherwise I'll kill you
Ro: what man I didn't did anything I'm just asking
Sh: stop asking

I'm getting mad and frustrated here as I didn't want to go but I cant back off

Currently me and rohan are in canteen and soon everyone else joined us......
Om: so guys me and gauri are going for a movie after college
Ro: great man.... And shivaay is going on a date with dia....
Gau: what???? So its confirmed she is your girlfriend ....

I saw anika glaring at me and I gulped

Sh: no gauri she is not, she is just a friend
Gau: friends don't go on a date

I again look towards anika and now she was just doing something in her phone but I know she is fuming in anger as she is clutching her phone tightly

Before I can reply or say anything dia interrupted
Dia: that's true ...... And I'm so happy that shivaay himself asked me for a date ......
I rolled my eyes and she sits beside me shifted her chair really close to mine......

God help me....

Ro: so guys its time for our last lecture let's go

And he goes and holds anika's hand and left with others following them.....


I just can't believe this he did that.....
I thought he was just wanting a reaction from me but no he wanted to go on a date with that bitch and I gave them that opportunity ......

That jerk ..... I just want to  kill him right now.....

I'm heading towards my car in parking when prachi one of our gossip girl bumps into me....

Prachi: hiii anika
Ani: hey
Pra: you must be knowing about shivaay dating dia right .....

Now I don't know how I will control my anger I just clenched my fists and and take a deep breathe and place a fake smile on my face

Ani: no I don't know
PRA: but you are rohan's girlfriend
Ani: yeah but I don't know about them
PRA: well I'm sure they are I just watched them going somewhere in shivaay's car and they even kissed

That bastard ..... He is dead.....

Ani: good for them.....
I said and started heading towards my car suddenly my phone ringed
Ani: hey
Rohan: where are you
Ani: going home
Ro: do you want me to drop you
Ani: no I have my car
Ro: are you sure
Ani: yess rohan chill and can you do me a favor
Ro: just say it
Ani: drop aditi home plz she is not having her car today
Ro: anika
Ani: plz
Ro: fine
Ani: thanks......
Ro: see you tomorrow
Ani: yeah....
And I hang the call......

"Hey anika" somebody yelled when I hanged the call
As I turned around I found varun standing there

Well varun is my classmate we are sort off friends but we didn't talk too much becoz our gangs i meant his friends and rohan,om and shivaay are enemies I don't know the reason but yess they don't like each other .......

Ani: yeah
Varun: I need a favor
Ani: okay say
Varun: actually I'm going in a party today and I want you accompany me as my girlfriend
Ani: you mean fake girlfriend
Var: see anika I know you are dating rohan while college knows that but this party is of my cousin and I don't have a girlfriend and I don't know much girls also so.....
Ani: relax I know I can understand .... Don't worry I will come with you so pick me at 8pm from my home okay.....
Var: thank you so much anika you are a live saviour
Ani: don't be so dramatic its okay.....
Var: okay see you in evening
Ani: yeah.....
And he left......

Soon I get inside my car and again my phone started ringing I saw the caller Id and mutters some curses and cut the call.... Well I think its pretty easy to guess it was shivaay's call.....

Shivaay POV

I just can't believe this I'm here siting in a cafe with the most disgusting girl I know and she is seducing me continuously......

I was busy in my thoughts when I felt hands on my thighs going higher and higher I gasped.....

Shiv: what the hell!!!!!
I yelled on her

Dia: comeon baby don't behave like kids....
Shiv: listen I had enough I'm leaving
Dia: so where are we going now
Shiv: are you serious I'm leaving alone
Dia: what???? you can't leave me like this here....
Shiv: well guess what I'm leaving you here

And I stood up from the chair and threw my coffee on her face

Dia: what the hell!!!!
Shiv: this is for touching me last night

And then I pick the chocolate pastry from the table beside mine and smashed it on her face

Shiv: and this is for ruining my time today

I smiled towards the couple whose pastry I used....

Shiv: waiter two chocolate pastry for the couple and there is the money.....

I paid the bill and left
As soon as I sat inside my car I called anika ....

She cut my calls......

I took a deep breathe and left for my home.......


Its almost 7:45pm and I'm getting ready for the party
Varun is a nice guy and I know him that's why I agreed to help him and I hope I don't mess up anything there as I'm his fake girlfriend......

I sighed loudly and started applying eye liner....
Shivaay called me a lot of times but I didn't answer his calls.....

And as soon as I finished my makeup mg phone ringed when I saw the caller ID I picked it up....

Ani: yeah....
Gau: where are you
Ani: at home
Gau: great I'm coming there we will watch some horror movies....
Ani: srry gauri but I'm going somewhere
Gau: hold on are you going on a date with rohan
Ani: nope I'm going with varun in a party
Gau: varun..... Okay take care and I'm not asking anything right now that doesn't mean you are safe you have to make me explain every damn thing tomorrow
Ani: yeah I know.... Now go and do your favorite thing and that is talking with your boyfriend
Gau: yeah as now you are busy I have only that option left....
Ani: okay good night
Gau: good night.....
And I hang the call.....

Soon I got a message from varun he is here
I quickly glance at mirror and take my phone, purse and Keys of home.....

Varun: you are looking really beautiful
He complimented me as soon as he saw me....
Soon I went and hugged him and he open the door of his car.....
Ani: well I thought you will say hot.....
Varun: oh god anika ..... Rohan will kill me when he will get to know......
I laughed
Ani: well you have bear consequences of taking someone else's girlfriend into a party as your fake girlfriend

Srry for extremely late update.  🙏🙏

Thanks for reading.  😊😊😊😊

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