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Shiv POV

Anika is really angry with me..... She is not picking my calls, not answering any texts.....I have to do something ....



And soon I took a shower and changed my clothes and left for her house.....

I arranged the things which I was needing to prepare a surprise for her.....

Its 8:15 great.....

I called gauri for little help.....

Shiv: hey.... Gauri I need your help
Gau: say
Shiv: actually rohan are planing something for anika so can you distract her by calling her.....
Gau: shivaay anika is not at home.....
Shiv: really great that means she is with you okay make sure she come back home soon ......

And I cut the call as I don't want her to ask lots of questions from me.....

I climbed the wooden ladder and reaches her balcony

Soon I enter in her room and started doing my job

Shiv: all done now waiting for her......

Its 11pm and she is still not here.....

Shiv: where the hell is she.....

I again called gauri

Shiv: gauri....
Gau: wait shivaay you didn't let me complete my thing last time so this time listen to me fully.... Anika is not with me she is with varun
Shiv: varun.....
Gau: yeah and they went to a party and I don't have any idea when will she gonna return
Shiv: okay
And I hang the call

I clenched my fist and took deep breathe to control my anger.....

How can she and how dare he......

I waved my hand in my hairs to calm myself down

I again called again but she again declined my call.....

I sighed loudly and sat on the couch waiting for her ......


Its 12:30pm

Oh god its so late
I haven't realized the time as varun and his cousins and there friends were so good and humble that I enjoyed a lot .....

And now we are heading towards my house
Varun: srry its so late and.....
Ani: varun plz I enjoyed a lot and they were so good if raj(his cousin) again throw any party I would love to accompany you .....
He chuckled and I smiled at him
Varun: and rohan will beat shit of me
Ani: don't worry I will save you
Varun: well then you are my Angel......

Soon we reached to my house.....
Varun: thanks Anika for coming as my fake girlfriend
Ani: no problem dude and I enjoyed a lot so thank you for saving me from boring weekend......
Var: okay.... Good night see you in college
Ani: good night

I hugged him and he left
Soon I comes inside my house as usual dad is on a business trip and I'm hone alone I closed the door and went towards my room

As soon as I reached my room and closed the door somebody grabbed me and pinned me to the wall harshly......
My is not dark buy not so dark moon light from balcony and some candles present in my room are making everything visible.....

My eyes widened my when I saw who was the one who grabbed me....

Ani: you.....

Shiv POV

Its 12:30pm and she is not here

Soon I head a car's voice.....
And I saw from window they both came out from the car smilingly and hugged each other ......

My blood boiled seeing her hugging that jerk and what the hell she is wearing......

It was a short black dress reaching her upper thighs and it was a strapless dress giving little view of her cleavage ....... What the hell is wrong with this girl can't she wear decent clothes too.........

And he left and she headed towards the door.....

As soon as she comes inside her room and locks the door I pinned her to the wall next to the door....

Ani: you ......
Before she can say anything I smashed my lips with her and pulled her into a possessive kiss.....
The kiss was little rough showing emotions such as anger, jealousy, possessiveness and she also started responding the kiss soon well she was also showing the same emotions.....

Soon we pulled away and started panting we both glared at each other

Ani: what the hell!!!!  Is this.....
Shiv: exactly what the hell you were doing with him
Ani: what the hell you are doing here
Shiv: answer my question anika
Ani: you will answer my question first.... 
Shiv: what the hell.... You are wearing
Ani: excuse me.... Don't go on my clothes
Shiv: answer my question what were you doing with him.....

She didn't replied only glared at me and I grabbed her hand and twist it at her back.....

"Ouch" she flinched

Ani: it's hurting you idiot
Shiv: answer my question

She huffed

Ani: his cousin threw a party and he asked me to accompany him as his fake girlfriend that's it now get lost from here

She said and pulled her hand from my hold with a jerk and pushes me and goes towards her closet ......

I followed her and turned her to face me and hold her waist tightly

Shiv: that jerk asked and you agreed how could you
Ani: why are you here.... Where is your so called date
Shiv: anika
Ani: what.... Didn't you enjoyed with her .... Oh of course you had a great time as she started kissing you in college's parking only
Shiv: have you lost it.... Do you really thing that bitch can do anything....
Ani: stop it I don't wanna listen anything just go to her only and do whatever you want to do
Shiv: anika.... You know that just becoz you challenged me that's why I did that ....
Ani: no excuses.....
Shiv: yeah I think we should end the topic

And I started nuzzling in her neck and soon I started giving her open mouth kisses

Ani: shivaay stop it.... And I'm really tired I want to sleep
Shiv: really.... I don't think so
Ani: I'm really tired in today's party I enjoyed a lot and varun is a good guy ..... We danced also and his cousins.....

Before she can complete I pulled back and tighten my grip on her waist and she gasp

Shiv: did he touched you
Ani: why do you care
Shiv: answer my question did he touched you
Ani: it doesn't matter
Shiv: it does... I will kill that bastard
Ani: why don't you do something with your so called date

I smirked

Shiv: don't worry babe she already got her makeup done but you tell me did he did anything
Ani: nope we danced like friends he was really afraid of rohan and our gang
Shiv: good for him

And soon I pushed her on the bed and hover her and again started kissing her neck

Ani: what are you doing ..... Leave me I have you change
Shiv: no need babe soon you will be stripped.....
Ani: enough shivaay I already said I'm tired and I'm still mad at you

And she pushed me and goes toward her closet and took her clothes out

Shiv: comeon anika you know that how much you matters to me and I can't even think of anyone else......
Ani: that doesn't means you will go on dates with bitches and I will not say a word
Shiv: that means you get affected I won finally
Ani: look whose talking the guy who were about to kill the innocent guy
Shiv: yeah he is innocent and I'm jerk
Ani: yeah that what you are jerk now go away
Shiv: not tonight babes......

She rolled her eyes and went into her bathroom while I'm still laying on her bed......

Thanks for reading  😊😊😊😊

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